[spectre] JOB: EMPAC Curator for Time-Based Visual Arts

2012-05-18 Diskussionsfäden Andreas Broeckmann

EMPAC seeking Full-Time Curator for Time-Based Visual Arts


curtis r. priem experimental media
and performing arts center
rensselaer polytechnic institute
troy, ny 12180

The Curtis R. Priem Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center 
(EMPAC) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute has an opening in the 
curatorial team for a curator with expertise in the area of time-based 
visual arts.

EMPAC goes beyond a traditional university performing arts center in 
that its events, performances and projects are only a part of its 
program, with residencies, commissions, and productions taking up most 
of the resources. Furthermore, the artistic program set forth by the 
curatorial team is focused on contemporary art, performance, and their 

The curatorial team at EMPAC comprises four positions with curators for 
music, dance and theater, an assistant curator, and the open position 
for time-based visual arts. Curators have an in-depth expertise in their 
“native area”, at the same time the collaboration within the team makes 
the traditional boundaries permeable and allows for development of 
interdisciplinary projects as is the nature of “time-based arts,” 
especially when technology comes into play.
We are looking for a curator with experience at the intersection of 
contemporary art and contemporary technology; who can reflect on the 
relationship of tools, aesthetics, and artistic goals; who enjoys 
exploration and collaboration; who sees an audience as essential to the 
arts; who seeks the challenge to contribute to a contemporary art 
program at the oldest engineering school in the US; and who is driven by 
what the arts can offer beyond streamlined entertainment.
EMPAC has been established as a bridge between the world of digital 
technology and the world of human experience. The building, 
infrastructure and program create a unique position at the intersection 
of art, science and technology. EMPAC brings together a strong 
foundation in the time-based arts with science and engineering under one 
roof, forming the overall mission. EMPAC is built on the belief that 
arts, science and engineering have different goals, motives and 
methodologies, but that bringing them together can create new directions 
and perspectives, changing and benefitting everyone involved.
EMPAC is not an academic facility with classrooms and faculty but is a 
research and production center offering and supporting bridges between 
the arts and scientific research. All work is project based, including 
residencies in the arts, science and engineering, commissions, 
performances, symposia, workshops, conferences, and festivals, among others.

The curator develops, implements and manages specific programs for 
events, performances, installations, and conferences as well as their 
related and/or independent commissions and residencies as a member of 
the curatorial team and in collaboration with the director, production 
teams (stage, audio, video, IT) and the future director for research.
The curator will curate, produce, supervise, and manage projects from 
inception to completion, guiding projects from idea to collaborative 
realization with a staff of forty.
The curatorial process at EMPAC covers all areas of event production: 
analyzing context and coupling it to artistic work, negotiating 
contracts, budgeting, ensuring top level technical realization, 
developing PR strategies, etc.
The curator will monitor regional, national, and international 
developments under artistic and intellectual perspectives and establish 
and maintain contacts with artists, festivals, and institutions on 
regional, national, and international levels. The

POSITION OPENING: Full-Time Curator for Time-Based Visual Arts
curator is also tasked with the development of programming strategies 
that engage the campus community of Rensselaer, and the region.

Applicants must possess curatorial and production experience on the 
national level, with international experience preferred. Qualified 
candidates will have a solid background in the time-based visual arts 
and ability to contextualize a project within art history. Candidate 
must have experience in project management of commissions and new 
productions, effective communication skills, and the capacity to manage 
multiple simultaneous projects. A bachelor’s degree is necessary, with a 
master’s degree preferred.
Active artists seeking to continue their artistic work while being 
curator are requested to rethink their possible application.

Full-time relocation to Troy, NY is required.

Open May 28, 2012 until filled. Informal inquiries are welcome by email 
to Johannes Goebel (goe...@rpi.edu), director of EMPAC with cc: 

To be considered an applicant, interested parties who meet 
qualifications must visit rpijobs.rpi.edu, job number 20120195, and 
follow the 

[spectre] Internationaler Museumtag am 20. Mai 2012

2012-05-18 Diskussionsfäden Edith-Russ-Haus
Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde des EDITH-RUSS-HAUSES für Medienkunst,

wir laden euch/Sie herzlich ein zum
Internationalen Museumstag 2012
Sonntag, 20. Mai 2012, 10- 18 Uhr


Präsentation der Installation Electrostatic Bell Choir der kanadischen
Künstlerin Darsha Hewitt am Sonntag zwischen 10- 18 Uhr im
Veranstaltungsraum des EDITH-RUSS-HAUSES für Medienkunst.
Die Performance wird durch ein einführendes Grußwort des
Interims-Leiters Ingmar Lähnemann um 12 Uhr eröffnet.

Wie klingt ein Fernseher und weshalb kann man mit LCD-Bildschirmen
keine Musik machen?   
Für das EDITH-RUSS-HAUS realisiert die kanadische Künstlerin Darsha
Hewitt die Installation Electrostatic Bell Choir, die voll ironischer
Poesie die elektrostatische Aufladung von alten
Kathodenstrahl-Fernsehern nutzt.
Das Ein- und Ausschalten der Fernseher wird zum Auslöser eines
Glockenspiels, welches durch die elektrostatische Aufladung der
Bildschirme betrieben wird. Es entsteht ein quasi-melodischer Chor, in
welchem sich mechanisches und elektronisches Zeitalter trifft und sich
alte und neue Ästhetik aneinander ausprobieren. 

Darsha Hewitt entwickelt den Electrostatic Bell Choir im Rahmen des
Stipendiums für Medienkunst der Stiftung Niedersachsen und des
Das Projekt Electrostatic Bell Choir wird weiterhin vom 22. bis zum 28.
Mai im Pulverturm Schlosswall zu sehen sein. Immer Di-Fr von 14 * 18
Uhr und Sa, So und Pfingstmontag  11 - 18 Uhr


Letzter Ausstelungstag!

Der Internationale Museumstag bietet außerdem freien Eintritt in unsere
aktuelle Ausstellung *Das Digitale Unheimliche*  sowie vier freie
Führungen um 11:00, 13:00, 15:00 und 17:00 Uhr.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch und stehen Ihnen gerne für Rückfragen
zur Verfügung,

darüber hinaus:


Es sind noch Plätze frei im Elektronik Klang Workshop
Wechselstromorchester / Alternating Current Orchestra mit Darsha Hewitt
am Samstag, 2. 6. 2012, 11 16 Uhr

Klang  und Elektronik interessierte Künstler_innen, Studierende und  
Lehrer_innen mit und ohne Vorkenntnisse können sich bis 23.5. unter:
vermittlung-...@web.de anmelden. 

Mehr Informationen unter:
programm und konzept.html 

*sorry, no English version

Infos zu Ausstellung und Rahmenprogramm / Info about our exhibitions
and educational programme:

EDITH-RUSS-HAUS für Medienkunst
Katharinenstraße 23
26121 Oldenburg
+49/(0)441-235 3208
www.edith-russ-haus.de ( http://www.edith-russ-haus.de/ )

23. Februar 2012 bis 20. Mai 2012:

Das Digitale Unheimliche
The Digital Uncanny 

Sollten Sie keinen Newsletter mehr von uns erhalten wollen,
benachrichtigen Sie uns bitte unter unserer email-Adresse:


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[spectre] UPDATE: SoundBoxes Workshop Berlin

2012-05-18 Diskussionsfäden Derek Holzer

Hi folks,

I wanted to inform you that there are still places in the Soundboxes 
workshop available, and that the public presentation will be held at 
O'Tannenbaum, near Hermannplatz in Berlin-Neukoelln on Sunday 27 May at 
20:00. I will also play a short live set for DIY electronics, found 
objects and speakerbox. Hope to see you there!




Workshop: May 26  27, 2012, Time 11-19
Workshop Venue: NK Projekt, Elsenstr. 52 2HH 2Etage, Berlin Neukoelln

Presentation + live Macumbista set: Sunday May 27 2012, Time 20.00
Presentation Venue: O’Tannenbaum, Sonnenallee 27, Berlin Neukoelln

Discover the hidden sonic qualities of objects from our everyday world 
in this workshop, combining the arts of electronics, noise, sculpture 
and collage. The basic elements we will employ are a wooden box, a 
speaker, a small audio amplifier, and a contact microphone. To this, 
brave box-builders will add their own found objects, graphics, images, 
memories and ideas to create a unique electroacoustic cabinet of 

No previous electronics experience is necessary for this workshop. Each 
participant is required to bring several items to the workshop, please 
see below.


Day One: Introduction to simple noise/electroacoustic electronics, 
circuit soldering.

Day Two: Box-building, decoration and collage, experimentation with 
found objects as sound sources.

Final Presentation: All participants will present their finished 
soundboxes to the public at the end of the second day!


I will provide most of the tools and materials necessary for 
constructing the box, however there are a few things you should bring 

1) A BOX: This should be made of thin wood or very strong cardboard. 
Plastic can be also used, but it doesn’t sound very good. And please, no 
metal! It is too difficult to cut and drill with the tools we will have. 
This box should be a minimum of 10x10x4cm, or bigger if you want to use 
a larger speaker or have more room to decorate and add objects. Cigar 
boxes, small suitcases, instrument cases or jewelry/silverware boxes are 
all good things to look for. At least one side of the box should be no 
more than 5mm thick, to allow the hardware to be mounted.

2) A SPEAKER (OPTIONAL): I will have a selection of speakers for 
participants to use. However, if you have something special please bring 
it along, but please make sure it fits in the box you have chosen!

3) FOUND OBJECTS: Please bring as many found objects as you can to 
decorate your soundbox or use as a sound source via the contact 
microphone. Bones, shells, small sticks, bells, strings, wires, springs 
(especially!) or anything else made out of solid yet resonant material 
make great sound sources. Photographs, cloth, leather, paper or any 
other kind of material can be useful for covering the box and making 
collages. Paint, markers and pens may also be useful.

4) EFFECTS PEDALS (OPTIONAL): Any kind of battery-powered effects 
pedals, such as distortions, filters or delays, can be very useful in 
creating more nonlinearities in the feedback loop.


The NK Projekt’s page for this workshop:


You can see videos and photos from previous SoundBoxes workshops here:


Or use the “soundboxes” tag to see all posts related to SoundBoxes:



Derek Holzer (1972) is an American sound artist based in Berlin, whose 
current interests include DIY analog electronics, sound art, field 
recording and the meeting points of electroacoustic, noise, improv and 
extreme music. He has played live experimental sound, as well as taught 
workshops in noise art technology, across Europe, North America, Brazil 
and New Zealand.



Fee: EUR 35 (participation) + EUR 10 (materials) Registration is 
required and can be done by sending an email to i...@nkprojekt.de with 
the subject line “SoundBoxes”

Number of Participants: Minimum 6/Maximum 14

Location: NK Projekt
Elsenstr. 52 2HH 2Etage
12059 Berlin
derek holzer

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] 30 Years V2_ Party at DEAF2012

2012-05-18 Diskussionsfäden V2_


Location: WORM  V2_ | 23:00 - 05:00 | Sat. May 20 | Admission: Festival 
pass / single tickets 15 EUR


*Jimmy Edgar Live LED Show | Conforce | The Sight Below | D44N | Marcel 
Haug | Pierre Bastien | Edwin van der Heide | Noorderlicht010 (Visuals)*

The DEAF2012's closing club night at WORM on Saturday, May 19, will pay 
special homage to V2_'s 30th birthday. The artist and researcher Edwin 
van der Heide has created a performance for the occasion in which he 
will play with visitors' experience of sound, space and the body.

/Shape-V2/_ will take place at 11pm on the ground floor of V2_, which 
will be accessible via the WORM building. As the club night next door 
gets under way, a select company will take their places in a darkened 
room at V2_. An eight-speaker installation will be set up around them, 
and Van der Heide will use it to play with space and sound in a live 
performance. By varying time delays between the speakers, he will create 
patterns of rhythms and tones that sound far away one moment and nearby 
the next. Listeners will become aware of the physical and spatial 
experience of listening.

It's almost impossible to express the experience of/Shape-V2_/in words, 
but Van der Heide has a reputation to live up to. A number of his 
installations and performances have appeared at V2_ and past DEAF 
festivals. For instance, he opened the 1994 edition of DEAF with his 
performance/Captured/. He has also exhibited in renowned venues such as 
SMAK in Ghent, Belgium; the Ars Electronica Festival, in Linz, Austria; 
the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam; ICC in Tokyo; NAMOC in Beijing; 
Transmediale in Berlin; SONAR in Barcelona; FILE in Rio de Janero; and 
SFMOMA in San Francisco.

*In order to prevent disruption of the effect of the performance, we 
will not permit visitors to enter the room while it is going on. So be 
sure to be on time for this unique sensory experience.


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] CFP: Electromagnetic Field 2012, Milton Keynes UK

2012-05-18 Diskussionsfäden alex

About the Event

Electromagnetic Field 2012 is a three-day camping festival in the UK
for people with an inquisitive mind and an interest in science,
engineering, DIY, technology, arts, or crafts. It will be a cross
between a tech conference and a music festival, with talks and
workshops on a wide range of subjects. A great opportunity to meet
like-minded people, to learn, to teach, to play, and have a drink with
a stranger. A festival for anyone interested in 3D printing, DIYBio,
textiles, electronics, Internet culture, music hacking, space,
lockpicking, homebrewing, computer security, robots, UAVs, mind
hacking, radio, and pretty much anything else you can think of... in a



A 1h presentation about a topic in science, engineering, DIY,
technology, arts, or crafts. The allocated time includes QA, setup,
and teardown.


A 1h, 2h, or 3h workshop involving practices in science, engineering,
DIY, technology, arts, or crafts. The allocated time includes setup
and teardown.

We hope to have enough desk space and chairs for everyone, but details
are yet to be determined. If you prefer to hold open-ended workshops
then we encourage you to start or join a village: see below for


Musical performances, DJ sets, artistic performances, general evening
entertainment, ...

We will provide a stage area in a tent and a basic PA.


Villages are dedicated camping areas for particular groups, with
shared access to power and Internet. You can form a village for your
local hackerspace, art form, project, or any other community. This
makes it easier for people to get to know each other and encourages
collaboration while at the festival, be it for cooking sessions or to
build ambitious installations.

Villages are not planned through our submissions system. Instead you
can register your village here:

You may also be interested in our mailing list and IRC channel:

Venue Details

EMF 2012 is a camping festival in a field. The venue is Pineham Park,
near Milton Keynes in the UK.

We plan to have two event tents with an audience capacity of about 100
each, both with access to power and Internet, each with a projector,
and at least one of the tents will have a PA for larger presentations.
We also aim to have camp-wide wifi, and ethernet ports in key

We will attempt to stream the talks and performances and publish the
recordings after the event.

Budget and Travel expenses

The EMF camp is a non-profit event produced entirely by volunteers,
and speakers are not paid. Unfortunately we can not subsidise your
entry ticket, and we do not have a travel budget for contributors
either; due to the nature of the event we expect that everyone pays.
We may be able to make a few very rare exceptions, but don't count on

Dates and Deadlines

The deadline for submission is Friday 29 June 2012, 23:59 UTC.
Notification of acceptance will be sent by e-mail as early as
possible, but on Friday 13 July 2012 the latest.

Electromagnetic Field 2012 is held between Friday 31 August and Sunday
2 September 2012.


All proposals for talks, workshops and performances must be submitted
online using our submission system at
http://pentabarf.emfcamp.org/submission/EMF2012. Please follow the
instructions, and state if you have special requirements besides the
basics mentioned there. If you have any questions regarding your
submission you can contact us at eve...@emfcamp.org

For more details about the event in general see our wiki at

Please note that much of this may be subject to changes, in which case
we will make corresponding announcements. To stay up do date follow
@emfcamp, or have a look at our mailing list and IRC channel:


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] kickstart me

2012-05-18 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }


Global Islands Project -- ongoing series of multi-media
pdf-ebooks/field-recordings -- a pastoral, pictorial and phonic
elicitation of island parameters. An intensive examination of small
islands and their paradigmatic solutions to globalism... Ethnographically
a shared world of historical experience -- not the romanticized and
divided universe of them and us.

Your feudal-world is based on mutual relief at your common corruption.
Maybe some cultures are based on even worse. But that wouldn't change the
bad faith of it and as years go by, you wake at night in terror of your
whole life being an act of bad faith, where everything is self-interest
and nothing more, where every human interaction is driven by a silent,
even subconscious calculation of some ulterior motive, to the point that a
sea of bad faith has taken over your whole life, there's no small island
left from which you can even try to build a bridge of good faith, because
even that effort becomes suspect, even good faith is nothing but
self-interested, even altruism is nothing but solipsistic, even your
professed agonizing right here right now is nothing but a gesture, made to
the conscience in order to assure it that it exists.


Island 1.0 is Ambergris Caye, Belize
Island 2.0 is Koh Si Chang, Thailand
Island 3.0 is Lamu, Kenya
Island 4.0 is Narikel Jingira, Bangladesh
Island 5.0 is Isla Mais, Nicaragua
Island 6.0 are The Grenadines, West Indies
Island 7.0 is Hateruma (Yaeyama), Japan
Island 8.0 is Waya (Yasawa), Fiji


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

Re: [spectre] kickstart me

2012-05-18 Diskussionsfäden Tamas St.Auby

And then what?  

Tamas St.Turba  
(Trust.ee in bankruptcy of IPUT  
/International Parallel Union of Telecommunications/),   
Agent of NETRAF  
/Neo-Socialist. Realist. IPUT's Global Counter Arthist.ory-Falsifiers Front/)  

On May 18, 2012, at 7:07 PM, { brad brace } wrote:

 Global Islands Project -- ongoing series of multi-media
 pdf-ebooks/field-recordings -- a pastoral, pictorial and phonic
 elicitation of island parameters. An intensive examination of small
 islands and their paradigmatic solutions to globalism... Ethnographically
 a shared world of historical experience -- not the romanticized and
 divided universe of them and us.
 Your feudal-world is based on mutual relief at your common corruption.
 Maybe some cultures are based on even worse. But that wouldn't change the
 bad faith of it and as years go by, you wake at night in terror of your
 whole life being an act of bad faith, where everything is self-interest
 and nothing more, where every human interaction is driven by a silent,
 even subconscious calculation of some ulterior motive, to the point that a
 sea of bad faith has taken over your whole life, there's no small island
 left from which you can even try to build a bridge of good faith, because
 even that effort becomes suspect, even good faith is nothing but
 self-interested, even altruism is nothing but solipsistic, even your
 professed agonizing right here right now is nothing but a gesture, made to
 the conscience in order to assure it that it exists.
 Island 1.0 is Ambergris Caye, Belize
 Island 2.0 is Koh Si Chang, Thailand
 Island 3.0 is Lamu, Kenya
 Island 4.0 is Narikel Jingira, Bangladesh
 Island 5.0 is Isla Mais, Nicaragua
 Island 6.0 are The Grenadines, West Indies
 Island 7.0 is Hateruma (Yaeyama), Japan
 Island 8.0 is Waya (Yasawa), Fiji
 SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
 Info, archive and help:

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help: