[spectre] pass on pas-un.eu ??

2014-06-19 Thread ahanon
Hiyas + good morning!

Hope this finds you all well!!

http://pas-un.eu is another beginning some Might fancy joining?

(currently involves yours truly & Hilan Bensusan - hilanbensusan.net )

Bellow there's a bit of a french/english blurb to boot..

However you do - no-safety is actually safe.. ;)

Much fun and bests!


--- text by Hilan ---

The human, the unhuman, and the urban

Modernity conceived humanity as a reference for all its universal
projects. Humans are different from anything else – they are whos, not
whats; they obey to norms, not only to laws; they have spirit, not only
bodies. Hence, human rights, human science. All encompassed by what
contrasts to nature – culture. It promoted the enclosure of dignity – as
much as of politics, subjectivity and delicate interactions. The inhuman,
on the other hand, is the proscribed, the contemptible. There is a line, a
line that separates the human from the less-than-human.

But attachment to the human became controversial. Modernity, with its
habit of splitting the human from all the rest, became suspicious.
Politics and diplomacy became explicitly having to reach beyond: political
ecology, animal rights, info-hacking, cyborgs, bio-hacking,
But what would happen to the label “human”? Would it become old-fashioned?
Would it be no more than an excuse? An insult? A demonstrative (like for
the jaguars, jaguars are human)?

And the urban. The human niche. What sort of niche is it?

<< Ceci n’est pas un humain >>
L’humain, l’inhumain et l’urbain

La modernité a conçu l’humanité comme la référence pour tous les projets
universaux. Elle a bien séparé l’humain des autres animaux – il y a des
droits humains, des sciences humaines, des institutions politiques
exclusifs pour les humains, des attitudes humanitaires etc. – et des
objets – les humain sont des sujets, une chose dite complètement
différent. C’était le clôture de la dignité (et aussi de la subjectivité,
de la politique, des sens et des interactions délicats) : aucun appel de
l’inhumain peut être assez fort pour changer la force des besoins humains.
Aussitôt, être humain agençait des valeurs sanctionnés – l’inhumain, par
contre, était le condamné, le proscrit, Être sous-humain était déjà se
mettre au delà du respect.

Mais l’attachement à l’humain est devenu controversé. La politique, il
semble, va au delà de l’humain et ainsi la diplomatie, les relations
vertueux, les collectifs et les associations. Les projets qui engagent les
gens (l’écologie politique, de droits des animaux, les info-hackings
techniques, les cyborgs, le bio-hacking, le technoshamanisme etc.) ont
commencé a reconnaître des communautés au delà de l’humain. On commence à
mouvoir les yeux vers des sphères plus amples. Le travails des
anthropologues comme Bruno Latour et Philippe Descola ont bien remarqué
sur les hybrides entre le monde humain et le monde naturel, qui sont une
partie chaque jour plus présent dans nos vies. Qu’est-ce qu’il va devenir
de l’étiquette <> ? Ce sera un mot dépassé ? Une excuse (« c’est
humain, pardonnez ») ? Une offense ? Une communauté entre d’autres ?
Simplement un démonstratif (pour Viveiros de Castro et le perspectivisme
amérindien, pour les jaguars les humains sont eux) ?

Au même temps, l’urbain est la niche de l’humain comme nous le concevons
en modernité. Les villes ne sont pourtant pas seulement les habitats des
gens, elle abritent toute une urbi-biota dont il y a ceux qui sont
parasites des humain et ceux qui leur sont indifférent. Les villes sont
aussi peut-être le berceau des espèces au delà de l’humain, des espèces
pour qui nous sommes possiblement en train de préparer l’environnement :
les cyborgs surhumains, les bactéries ultra résistants ou même les
nouveaux avatars du capital (voire Nick Land, Desiring Machines et aussi
Le Capital de Costa-Gravas). Donc, c’est quoi l’humain dans la ville ?






SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] Art and Political Conflict - A public debate at Framer Framed, Tolhuistuin, Amsterdam, Sunday July 6, 14.00 - 17.00hrs

2014-06-19 Thread Eric Kluitenberg
Art and Political Conflict

A public debate at Framer Framed, Tolhuistuin, Amsterdam, Sunday July 6, 14.00 
- 17.00hrs

The relationship between art and political conflict has been significantly 
reshaped by the proliferation of digital media and the internet as a means of 
instant dissemination of images, texts, and audiovisual expressions. Artistic 
/activist actions intervene via these digital means into an expanded symbolical 
space that is no longer the sole sanctuary of artists and art audiences, but 
instead has become the ‘neural fibre’ of everyday life.

At first sight this seems to have simplified the task enormously of art that 
wants to intervene in daily life, not least in urgent political affairs. 
However, the intervention of art in political conflict has turned out anything 
but uncomplicated in recent years. The idea that art can address pressing 
social, ecological and material issues in a wider public domain to some extent 
presupposes a democratic context that is willing to absorb and respond to this 
criticism. When this context is absent, in the face of authoritarian rule, 
amidst tightening ideological domination, the efficacy of artistic/activist 
intervention is called into question, while unpredictable detrimental results 
of actions further complicate the situation.

Recent outpourings of artistic/activist protest for instance in Turkey and 
Russia seem to have amplified the tightening of authoritarian rule. The hopeful 
beginnings of the uprising in Syria (once dubbed the “Syrian Cyber-Revolution”, 
suggesting the image of a bloodless revolution) have descended into a 
nightmare. The rise of violent sectarian religious fundamentalist movements in 
the wake of the various crises in the Middle East have rendered the arts all 
but speechless. How can artists respond to such extreme deployments of brutal 
political force, and what are responsibilities do they face in staging 
political dissent? How can art, as a predominantly secular ideology, produce a 
counter-weight to the ideological closures of fundamentalist religious 

This public debate is organised at the occasion of the Tactical Media 
Connections research meeting at the Tolhuistuin, which marks the start of a 
public research trajectory tracing the legacies of Tactical Media and its 
connections to current forms of artistic / activist media practices. Tactical 
Media had been identified in the 1990s as an emerging practice at the 
intersection of art, media, political activism and technological 
experimentation. Tactical Media are media of crisis and opposition. Tactical 
Media crack open the media, cultural, and political landscape. Completely 
without innocence their operations are never uncontroversial or straightforward.

The debate will be staged inside the exhibition Crisis of History ( 
www.crisisofhistory.nl ), which presents the works of young artists from the 
Middle East that investigate the Modernist dream and what is left of it. The 
exhibition includes, inter alia, the provocative Jihadi Gangster series by Aman 
Mojadidi (Afghanistan), the video Children of the Left by Urok Shirhan (Iraq), 
and the demolition of Mecca in the installation Ground Zero by Ahmed Mater 

Brian Holmes (writer, art critic, translator, activist), Robert Kluijver 
(Curator of Crisis of History), Paolo Gerbaudo (Researcher, writer, lecturer 
King's College London),  Simona Lodi (director Share Festival Torino), Ozge 
Celikaslan (Video Vortex Istanbul)

Moderators: David Garcia (artist, researcher, co-founder Next 5 Minutes) & Eric 
Kluitenberg (writer, theorist, editor in chief Tactical Media Files). 


Framer Framed at the Tolhuistuin
Buiksloterweg 5c, Amsterdam.

Sunday, July 6, 2014 - 14.00 - 17.00 hrs.

Admission: free


For updates on the Tactical Media Connections public research please refer to 
our blogs:

Documentation of the evolving practices of Tactical Media is collected at:

Further materials are collected in the website of Brian Holmes' 'Tactical Media 
Generation' project:


This debate is organised in collaboration with Framer Framed ( 
http://framerframed.nl/en/ ) and the Tolhuistuin (www.tolhuistuin.nl/english).

Tactical Media Connections is supported by the e-culture program of the 
Creative Industries Fund NL.__
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] non pass on pas-un.eu ??

2014-06-19 Thread ahanon
Hiyas and good evening!

Hope this finds you all well!

A bit of an updated this is not human on:

and more when a scroller does the operation on:

Cheers and have a fably memorable evening!


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help: