[spectre] Golden Nica for Jeffrey SHAW - His Oeuvre in the Archive of Digital Art (ADA)

2015-08-28 Diskussionsfäden Image Science

Golden Nica for Jeffrey SHAW - His Oeuvre in the Archive of Digital Art
Since more than 15 years Jeffrey SHAW is documented by ADA with more
than 100 Artworks! In a few days he receives the Golden Nica from Ars
Electronica. We Congratulate!
Check out Jeffrey Shaw in the Archive of Digital Art 

Jeffrey SHAW has been a pioneer and leading figure in new media art
since its emergence. In the context of the 1960’s paradigm of
installation he started with expanded cinema, performance and
participatory environments, aiming to change the traditional relation
between object and spectator from a passive examination and
contemplation to an interactive involvement and immersion. New
technologies such as the computer as well as new user interfaces allowed
Shaw a new approach to this aim and had been integrated and developed in
his art works very early. He is internationally renowned for pioneering
virtual and augmented reality, immersive visualization, navigable
cinematic systems and interactive narrative. SHAW’s works The Legible
City (1989), The Virtual Museum (1991), The Golden Calf (1994), Place-A
Users Manual (1995), conFiguring the CAVE (1997) or the Web of Life
(2002) coined the field in the 90’s and are still landmark works in New
Media Art. 
SHAW was founding director of the ZKM Institute for Visual Media
Karlsruhe (1991-2002), where he conceived and ran a seminal artistic
research program that included the ArtIntAct series of digital
publications, the MultiMediale series of international media art
exhibitions, and invented new creative platforms such as the EVE
Extended Virtual Environment (1993), PLACE (1995) and the Panoramic
Navigator (1997). In 1995 he was appointed Professor of Media Art at the
State University of Design, Media and Arts (HfG), Karlsruhe, Germany. As
founding Co-Director of the Center for Interactive Cinema Research
(iCinema) at the University of New South Wales in Sydney (2003-2009) he
led a theoretical, aesthetic and technological research program in
immersive interactive post-narrative systems, which produced pioneering
artistic and research works such as Place-Hampi and T_Visionarium, the
latter shown at the Biennale of Seville in 2008. In September 2009 he
joined City University in Hong Kong as Chair Professor of Media Art and
Dean of the School of Creative Media (SCM). Professor SHAW received
numerous awards and fellowships including the prestigious Australian
Research Council Federation Fellowship, Prix Ars Electronica, L’Immagine
Elettronica, the Oribe Prize, Gifu, Japan and an IDEA Gold Medal in
2009. In 2015 SHAW is honored with the Prix Ars Electronica for
Visionary Pioneers of Media Art.
Edward SHANKEN: In SHAW's diverse work since the sixties, the audience
animates the art object, which, […], offers the viewer a transformative
experience of uncommon phenomena and alternate realities. 
Oliver GRAU: Experimentation with immersive image spaces is a hallmark
of SHAW’s oeuvre, from his early work in the Expanded Cinema movement to
his Extended Virtual Environment and his installations like ‘Place Ruhr’
2000, which are utilizable in multicultural contexts. (2001)
Jury comment PRIX ARS ELECTRONICA, 2015: Jeffrey SHAW is recognized as
one of the most important pioneers of interactive art. He has powerfully
influenced the creation of virtual environments and new innovative user
interfaces. SHAW’s work spans a period of half a century and still
continues to do so. 
Since its foundation in 1999, the ARCHIVE OF DIGITAL ART (former
Database of Virtual Art) has grown to be the most important online
archive for digital art. In cooperation with established media artists,
researchers and institutions it has been documenting the rapidly
evolving world of digital art and its related fields for more than a
decade and contains today a selection of thousands of artworks at the
intersection of art, science and technology. 
ARTISTS and SCHOLARS are invited to join the community and set up their
own archive pages. 
Please register here:
The large assortment of information on Jeffrey SHAW and hundreds of
other leading artists and their artworks were carried out by the artists
themselves in assistance with members of the ADA community. The new ADA
web tool allows members to archive artist statements, works
descriptions, literature, information on exhibitions, high resolution
images, blueprints, videos etc. Artists and scholars are invited to
contribute actively to the archive and to work collaboratively on the
documentation and analysis of digital art. 
Due to the processual, ephemeral, interactive, technology-based and
fundamentally context-dependent character of digital art, it is at risk
for becoming extinct without an adequate 

[spectre] Julian Oliver on Twitter:

2015-08-28 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
In Belarus? Our hi-altitude radio payload left Magdeburg y'day  landed near 
Minsk. Urgently need a pick-up. Pls RT pic.twitter.com/i1llCJsBAq

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[spectre] September 11-12: SAMIZDATA: Tactics and Strategies for Resistance

2015-08-28 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
SAMIZDATA: Tactics and Strategies for Resistance
Conference by Disruption Network Lab

Locations:  Kunstquartier Bethanien, Studio 1, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997
Schedule: Conference: 11th September (17.30-19.30), 12th September 2015
Details: http://www.disruptionlab.org/samizdata/
Admission: 5 Euro. In English language.

Fourth event of the Disruption Network Lab, directed by Tatiana
Bazzichelli in cooperation with Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien. In
collaboration with: SAMIZDATA: Evidence of Conspiracy, Jacob Appelbaum's
first solo show in Germany, at NOME curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli

Speakers: Jacob Appelbaum (journalist, artist, and researcher, USA/DE);
Laura Poitras (journalist and filmmaker, USA); Jørgen Johansen
(researcher and activist, Resistance Study Network, NO); Theresa Züger
(researcher, DE); Jaromil (hacktivist, Dyne.org, IT/NL); Sophie Toupin
(researcher and feminist techno/activist, CA); Valie Djordjevic (net
activist, iRights.info, DE).

By analysing tactics and strategies of resistance connected with the
Snowden Affair in physical and digital life, this conference event
brings together hackers, artists and critical thinkers, who apply and
work on the concept of social justice from different angles. The goal is
not to bring clear instructions, but to imagine possible alternatives
into the development of shared forms of post-digital resistance.

The conference programme involves journalists, artists, researchers and
activists who analyse whistleblowing from a critical perspective
bringing an insider critique of contemporary politics and state
surveillance networks. Furthermore, it reflects on the long-term
sustainability of whistleblowing practices, and the importance of
establishing networks of trust, to protect possible sources and
guarantee the rights of speaking out beyond fears, paranoia and the
politics of war.

This two-day event is in collaboration with SAMIZDATA: Evidence of
Conspiracy, Jacob Appelbaum's first solo show in Germany at NOME
(http://nomeproject.com). A series of colored infrared photos are shown
as Cibachrome prints: a critique of the progressive loss of liberty,
using analogue surveillance film to portrait people who are uncovering
surveillance itself. Opening: 10th September, 18:00.

Additional programme: Cryptoparty at SPEKTRUM: 12th September (18:00 +
open end bar, http://spektrumberlin.de/events/detail/cryptoparty.html).

More Information: Disruption Network Lab (www.disruptionlab.org)
Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director and Curator) tbazz (at)
Daniela Silvestrin (Curator and Project Manager) daniela (at)
Kim Voss (Production  Social Media) kim (at) disruptionlab.org

A project funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin.
Supported by the Office of Québec in Berlin (Vertretung der Regierung
von Québec).
In cooperation with Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien.
In collaboration with NOME Gallery, and SPEKTRUM art |science |community.
Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
http://networkingart.eu // http://disruptiv.biz
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0

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