[spectre] Sajeta Art & Music Festival | 11.- 17. 7. 2016 | The Fall (UK), Phon.o (Ger), ...

2016-06-15 Thread Sanja Popov
Dear all,

17th edition of Art & Music festival SAJETA will take place at Sotočje, the
confluence of two beautiful alpine rivers in Tolmin, Slovenia from 11th
till 17th July 2016.

SAJETA is a hidden, boutique festival for not more than thousand people
that offers its’ visitors diverse, cross-genre, and most of all creative
program in a picturesque surrounding. The main features of SAJETA’s
identity are workshops, films, concerts, performances and program for
children. All of this is also reflected in the scenery and scenography of
the festival. We are proud to announce this year’s music program:

leading name: *THE FALL *(UK) lead by* Mark E. Smith *and for the closing
performance, Berlin based producer  *PHON.O *(GER), well known name of
European and world electro music.

More about the program on website www.sajeta.org.

First two days of the festival, Monday, 11th and Tuesday, 12th there will
be warm-up program, including films and selected music. The core of musical
program, mentioned above will start on Wednesday, 13th July and end on
Saturday. On Sunday, 17th July the multimedia concert “Javorca –
Reseurection”, part of international project “Echos from invisible
landscapes” (art director: Bratko Bibič), will take place in local, a
century old Javorca church from 1st World War. The concert will be live
streamed on world wide web and screened at the festival venue.

Festival tickets can be bought in pre-sale for 50 EUR and include free
camping for whole week.

50 € = Entire festival (13th of July to 16th of July 2016)
35 € = Weekend tickets (15th of July & 16th of July 2016)

*Free entrance *- Monday 11th of July 2016
*Free entrance *- Tuesday 12th of July 2016
8€ = Wednesday 13th of July 2o16
12 € = Thursday 14th of July 2o16
22 € = Friday 15th of July 2o16
18 € = Saturday 16th of July 2o16

*Free entrance *- Sunday 17th of July 2016


Facebook: www.facebook.com/Sajeta

Web site: www.sajeta.org

Sajeta Intro 2016 on YouTube 

Sanja Popov Leban
Office: +386 59 087 014
Mob SLO: +386 41 514 381
E-mail: popovsan...@gmail.com
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[spectre] New podcast: sound artist Jacob Kirkegaard on listening and phenomenology of perception

2016-06-15 Thread Radio Web MACBA
*New podcast: sound artist Jacob Kirkegaard on listening*

In 2014, we interviewed Norwegian artist *Jacob Kirkegaard* as part of a
research project entitled ON LISTENING. This podcast takes us back to that

Link: http://rwm.macba.cat/en/extra/jacob-kierkegaard/capsula

With projects on the deserts of Oman, the Chernobyl 'zone of alienation',
Arctic calving glaciers and the tones generated by the human inner ear
itself, mapping out Jacob Kirkegaard's artistic practice is no easy task.
He allows himself to be led by wonder, focusing on hidden or unheard layers
of sound and sonic phenomena in highly charged contexts.

Kirkegaard uses accelerometers – special contact microphones that record
the imperceptible vibrations of materials – to capture hidden resonances.
He later works these sounds into compositions or mixed media installations
that channel an access to an inner world, addressing complex and often
conflicting realities from a neutral standpoint: it is just sound.

A cluster of keywords may suggest an insight into his artistic practice:
resonant frequencies; accelerometer; Fukushima; calving glacier;
metalistening; space; Palestine; neutrality; radiation; John Cage,
hydrophones, cochlear; layering; otoacoustic emissions; Arctic; rooms;
disharmonic; sleep; nuclear; recording.

Kirkegaard is a graduate of the Academy for Media Arts in Cologne and a
member of the sound art collective freq_out. He regularly collaborated with
the late electronics pioneer Else Marie Pade. His first retrospective solo
exhibition was held at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Roskilde, and he
has presented his work at galleries, museums, and concert spaces throughout
the world. His sound works have been released on labels such as TOUCH,
Important Records, VON Archives and Posh Isolation.

*In this podcast, Kierkegaard reflects on the importance of listening and
argues that sound art can create purely sensory spaces that go beyond our
immediate perception, helping us to grasp the unfathomable.*
02:04 The medium is not often the message
06:48 Framing ressonant frequencies
10:26 Maybe I never went to Chernobyl
17:52 Sound as side effect
20:02 Isfald, 2013
25:33 On neutrality
27:05 How to record a place
31:51 Doubt, knowledge, wonder
37:45 Ottoacoustic Emissions
47:30 Earprint: Spontaneous Ottoacoustic Emissions
53:43 If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it
make a sound?
56:09 "House of Mare", 2010

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[spectre] reSense: Call For Proposals @ Spektrum Berlin

2016-06-15 Thread wallace
reSense [movement, performance, technology, art] Festival - 25-31 July

including the METABODY Forum Berlin with the artists Jonathan Reus +
Sissel Marie Tonn

reSense.MOV is a festival that will debate current questions of the
intersections of motion, sensing, performance and technologies in art
and sciences curated by Byrke Lou and Marcello Lussana in collaboration

Deadline is soon, we are looking forward for your applications!

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] CONF: Art History and Socialism(s) after World War II (Tallinn, 27-29 Oct 2016)

2016-06-15 Thread Andreas Broeckmann

From: Kristina Jõekalda 
Date: Jun 15, 2016
Subject: CONF: Art History and Socialism(s) after World War II (Tallinn, 
27-29 Oct 2016)

Estonian Academy of Sciences main hall (Kohtu 6, Tallinn), October 
27 - 29, 2016

Registration deadline: Oct 20, 2016

Art History and Socialism(s) after World War II: The 1940s until the 1960s
27th–29th October 2016, Tallinn

Venue: Estonian Academy of Sciences main hall (Kohtu 6, Tallinn)

Hosting institution: Institute of Art History and Visual Culture, 
Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn


Thursday, 27th October

18.00 KEYNOTE PAPER Branko Mitrovic, Prof. Dr. (Norwegian University of 
Science and Technology, Trondheim), Collectivist Historiography and its 

20.00 Opening reception

Friday, 28th October

09.00 Registration

INTRODUCTION Krista Kodres, Prof. Dr. (Estonian Academy of Arts; Tallinn 

09.45 PANEL 1
Ekaterina Boltunova, Dr. (Higher School of Economics, Moscow),
Reinterpreting Imperial Art in the Post-War USSR: Soviet Views of 
National Heritage

Milena Bartlová, Prof. Dr. (Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, 
Prague), New Political Orientation of Czech Art History around 1950

Ivan Gerát, Dr. (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava; University of 

Marxist Iconology in Czechoslovakia before 1968

12.00 Lunch

13.30 PANEL 2
Nikolas Drosos, Dr. (Harriman Institute, Columbia University), ‘People’s 
Realism: Interpreting Renaissance Art in 1950s Poland

Tereza Johanidesová, MA (Charles University; Václav Havel Library, 
Prague), Did Marxist Iconology Exist in Czech Art History?

Carmen Popescu, Dr., Writing in the Void: Architectural History in 
Socialist Romania

Juliana Maxim, Dr. (University of San Diego, California),
Socialist Historiography between Nation and Revolution: Writing the 
History of Romanian Architecture in the 1960s

16.30 Coffee/tea

17.15 PANEL 3
Almira Ousmanova, Prof. Dr. (European Humanities University, Vilnius), 
Not-Ready-Made: Flashback to the Soviet Version of Marxist Art History

Elena Khlopina, Dr. (Higher School of Economics, Moscow),
Research Method of A. A. Fedorov-Davydov and the Teaching of Art History 
in Lomonosov Moscow State University in the 1950s–1960s

Nataliya Zlydneva, Prof. Dr. (Russian Academy of Science; Lomonosov 
Moscow State University; State Institute for Art History; Moscow State 
Conservatorium), Rereading the 1920s: Alternative Paths of Soviet Art 

Saturday, 29th October

10.00 PANEL 4
Bart Pushaw, MA (University of Maryland, College Park),
Heroic Modernists of Peasant Blood: The Revolutionary Turn in Baltic Art 

Raino Isto, MA (University of Maryland, College Park), ‘Modelling 
Reality’: Writing the History of (Socialist) Albanian Sculpture – the 
Case of Odhise Paskali

Karolina Labowicz-Dymanus, Dr. (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw),
Modernism on the Secret Service of Superstructure, Marxism-Leninism as a 
Base of Modern Polish Art History: The Polish School of Art History in 
the Late 1940s and 1950s

12.15 Lunch

14.00 PANEL 5
Piotr Juszkiewicz, Prof. Dr. (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan), 
Socialist Modernism, Socialist Structuralism: Mieczysław Porębski’s 
Socialist Art History

Katja Bernhardt, Dr. (Humboldt-University, Berlin),
Socialist Kunstwissenschaft in the GDR

Marina Dmitrieva, Dr. (Centre for History and Culture of East Central 
Europe, Leipzig), Riddles of Modernism in the Late Soviet Discourse: 
Mikhail Lifshits’ Battle against ‘New Barbarism?


ORGANISATION The post-World War II socialism and related art historical 
discourse had many faces: too many for a single conference. Therefore we 
have launched a series of conferences, the first of which will be held 
in Tallinn in October 2016, focusing on the decades immediately 
following the war. In 2017 and 2018 follow-up conferences will be held 
in Leipzig and Berlin.

Hosting institution: Institute of Art History and Visual Culture, 
Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn

Programme managers: Krista Kodres, Prof. Dr.; Michaela Marek, Prof. Dr.; 
Kristina Jõekalda, MA; Kädi Talvoja, MA

Supporters: Estonian Research Council grant PUT788 (Historicizing Art: 
Knowledge Production in Estonian Art History amidst Changing Ideologies 
and Disciplinary Developments, principal investigator Krista Kodres); 
Estonian Academy of Arts; Estonian Academy of Sciences

Partners: Chair of Art History of Eastern and East Central Europe at 
Humboldt-University of Berlin; Centre for History and Culture of East 
Central Europe (GWZO) in Leipzig

Visit http://www.artun.ee/en/x/conference-art-history-and-socialisms for 
more details and registration.

Reference / Quellennachweis:
CONF: Art History and Socialism(s) after World War II (Tallinn, 27–29 
Oct 2016). In: H-ArtHist, Jun 15, 2016. .

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[spectre] 100 Years Aida Carballo - Utrecht - Cervantes Institute - Talk Dan Arenzon

2016-06-15 Thread dan arenzon
Dear Spectres

For those around Utrecht I am pleased to announce:

100 years Aida Carballo: Self-Portrait with Biography

A cult artist, a teacher of hundreds and a mentor to many, 
she was born in Buenos Aires on the outskirts of an art market that decides who 
we know and who we must ignore, 
but in this case, her magic prevails. 
On the 100th anniversary of her birth, this exhibition shares the intimate and 
private writings behind her masterpiece Autorretrato con autobiografía 
(Self-portrait with Autobiography).

Talk and Opening Friday july 1st 7 PM 
Cervantes Institute 
Domplein 3 3512 JC Utrecht

Press page http://aida.danarenzon.com

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[spectre] Reminder: CALL for Open Fields Conference and Exhibition Proposals

2016-06-15 Thread Rasa Smite

Dear Spectre list!

Just a reminder - the deadline for Open Fields conference is June 20, 2016!

Looking forward seeing you in Riga in September 29-October 2!


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Call for Open Fields Conference abstracts and Exhibition proposals

DEADLINE: June 20, 2016


More info: http://rixc.org/en/festival/

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*OPEN FIELDS Conference and Exhibition*
in the framework of *RIXC Art Science Festival 2016*
Riga, September 29 – October 1, 2016
Venue: National Library of Latvia

Open Fields is the title of this year's international conference taking 
place in the framework of the annual RIXC Art Science festival in Riga. 
It brings together international scholars and artists, working at the 
intersection of arts, humanities and science. Open Fields will focus on 
artistic research, the changing role of arts, its transformative 
potential, and relation to the sciences. This call for participation 
invites contributions and conference paper proposals by scholars, 
artists, artists-researchers, art and media theorists, data designers 
and critical engineers, as well as doctoral students, and scientists 
from different Fields – biology, ecology, environment, digital 
technologies, renewable energy, etc., who are engaged in experiencing 
the transformative potential of arts.

For the exhibition and conference, we are looking for research that is 
located in the contested territory between academic knowledge production 
and independent creative practices. Open Fields will be investigating 
the use of data visualizations and other mappings of the contemporary. 
It will look into areas such as open commons, the future of social 
interaction, data representation and visualisation, critical design, 
sustainable infrastructures, eco-aesthetics, techno-ecologies, 
bio-hacking and other techniques of a transformative potential. No Field 
is excluded, yet there should always be a connection with art; it is 
highly likely that art works and conference papers will touch on several 
Fields, not one. It is such an enhanced understanding of 
transdisciplinarity that drives this undertaking.

Research Questions: How art and other creative practices can 
meaningfully contribute to the environmental, technological and 
scientific challenges of our time? What kind of new knowledge can be 
created through artistic practice that collaborates with science, 
technology and other disciplines? And how to deal with contemporary 
aesthetics, which has undergone dramatic changes during the past decades 
and keeps changing again as influenced by current post-media situation, 
data visualization and other contemporary conditions?

The Conference also will feature “Playing Fields” session on 
contemporary taxonomy, maintaining a connection between the exhibition 
and the conference. It also will include “Open Fields – Book Review” 
(PechaKucha) session, providing an opportunity for the speakers to 
present their new books for other participants and the audience.

* Conference keynote speakers:

Christiane PAUL / New School / Whitney Museum / New York
Jussi PARIKKA / Winchester School of Art / University of Southampton / UK
Monica BELLO / art@CERN
and others - tbc.

* Exhibition: The Open Fields conference will be complemented by the 
exhibition taking place in the new Exhibition Hall of National Library 
of Latvia. Partly curated, partly peer-reviewed, the Exhibition will 
represent works by artists, artists-researchers and data designers, who 
are challenging the notion of art and contemporary aesthetics by moving 
across, bringing together and converging different knowledge, various 
media and diverse Fields, as well as using scientific, cultural and 
social data as new artistic medium, and interpreting them in a new and 
meaningful ways.

The Exhibition will be open from September 29 - November 6, 2016.

* Proceeding: The papers will be published in conference proceeding, 
which will come out in the Acoustic Space, peer-reviewed journal & book 
series. The call for full paper submissions will be announced during the 


Conference Chair: Rasa SMITE / RIXC / Art Research Lab, Liepaja 
University, Latvia

Festival and Exhibition curators: Raitis SMITS, Ainars KAMOLINS, Rasa SMITE
Playing Fields session will be organized and moderated by Armin MEDOSCH 
/ Austria

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June 20, 2016

We welcome proposals by scholars, artists, artists-scholars, designers, 
PhD researchers, curators, media theorists, art historians, science 
philosophers, cultural innovators, bio-hackers, critical engineers and 
data designers, as well as scientists from different Fields