[spectre] Reminder: INFILTRATION: Challenging Supremacism - September 7-8-9, Berlin

2018-08-29 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

Disruption Network Lab would like to inform you about our 14th
conference "INFILTRATION: Challenging Supremacism" which will take place
at Kunstquartier Bethanien (September 7-8, 2018, Berlin), a journey
inside right-wing extremism and supremacist ideology to provoke direct
change: https://www.disruptionlab.org/infiltration/

This two-day conference presents keynotes and panels that will focus on
the practice of political, investigative and activist infiltration as a
form of better understanding aims, lifestyles and methods of right-wing
extremist groups.

Below is the detailed programme.

All the best,

Tatiana and the Disruption Network Lab Team

Berlin · September 7-8 · 2018:
INFILTRATION: Challenging Supremacism
Misinformation Ecosystems Series - Part II - 2018

Location: Studio 1, Kunstquartier Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin.
Partner Event at SPEKTRUM, Bürknerstr. 12, 12047, Berlin.
Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli.
In English language.

Friday September 7 · 2018

17:00-18:30 – KEYNOTE
KLAN-DESTINE RELATIONSHIPS: How & Why A Black Man Befriended White

Daryl Davis (R and Blues Musician, Author, Actor, USA)
Moderated by Anna Müller (Mobile Counselling Team against Right-wing
Extremism /MBR – Mobile Beratung gegen Rechtsextremismus in Berlin, DE)

19:00 - 21:00 – PANEL
ACROSS & WITHIN RIGHT-WING EXTREMISM: Investigations and Interference

Mattias Gardell (Nathan Söderblom Chair of Comparative Religion at
Uppsala University, SE)
Richard Gebhardt (Political Scientist and Journalist, DE)
Janez Janša, Janez Janša & Janez Janša (Artists, Ljubljana, SI)
Moderated by Christina Lee (Head of Ambassador Program, Hostwriter, USA/DE)

Saturday September 8 · 2018


TRANSGRESSIONS THEN AND NOW: Does The ‘Alt-Right’ Reenact Counter-Culture?
Florian Cramer (Reader in 21st Century Visual Culture at Willem de
Kooning Academy, Rotterdam, NL)
Stewart Home (Artist, Filmmaker, Writer, and Activist, UK)
Q with Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director, Disruption Network Lab,

18:30 - 20:30 – PANEL
INFILTRATION: Mapping The International Far Right

Julia Ebner (Terrorism and Extremism Researcher and Author, AT/UK)
Patrik Hermansson (Anti-racist Activist, “Hope Not Hate" Researcher, SE/UK)
Christopher Schiano (Journalist at Unicorn Riot, Decentralized,
Non-profit Media Organization of Artists and Journalists, USA) &
Heartsucker (SecureDrop Maintainer, DiscordLeaks Developer, USA/DE)
Moderated by Rebecca Pates (Political Anthropologist, University of
Leipzig, DE)

Sunday September 9 · 2018 · at SPEKTRUM
19:30 - 22:00 – FILM SCREENING & open bar until late

ACCIDENTAL COURTESY: Daryl Davis, Race & America
USA, 2016, Biography/Historical Documentary, 1h 36m.
with Daryl Davis (R and Blues Musician, Author, Actor, USA).
Director: Matthew Ornstein. Cast: Daryl Davis. Producers: Matthew
Ornstein, Noah Ornstein.

Intro piano performance and following Q with Daryl Davis (R and
Blues Musician, Author, Actor, USA)
Location: Spektrum, Bürknerstr. 12, 12047, Berlin

Funded by: Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa (Senate Department for
Culture and Europa, Berlin), Reva & David Logan Foundation, Checkpoint
Charlie Foundation. In partnership with: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

In cooperation with: Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, SPEKTRUM. In
collaboration with: Mobile Counselling Team against Right-wing Extremism
– Mobile Beratung gegen Rechtsextremismus in Berlin/MBR, Alexander von
Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG), Hostwriter.
Media Partners: taz.die tageszeitung, ExBerliner, Furtherfield.

Before and after each event you can follow us online at:
Website: www.disruptionlab.org
Twitter: twitter.com/disruptberlin (#dnl14)
Facebook: facebook.com/disruptionlab
More info at: https://www.disruptionlab.org/infiltration

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
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[spectre] Join Free Webinar on Branding - Saturday, September 1

2018-08-29 Diskussionsfäden Dr Samita Nandy
*The following free webinar might be of interest to a wide range of writers
and researcher exploring branding and ethics in their careers. Please share

We are pleased to announce the second part of Centre for Media and
Celebrity Studies (CMCS) free webinar on persona branding and
sustainability on *Saturday, September 1!*

We have limited space, so please register now.

*Webinar Registration*:

Receive the webinar link in your e-mail confirmation and save the following
dates and speakers' information:

*Saturday, September 1 (**9 am PDT** / **12 pm EST** / **5 pm GMT**) - 30

*- *Featuring CMCS Lisbon 2018 best video award winner *Victoria Kannen* and
2017 LA media panelist *Kevin del Principe*

*Watch & learn more about our key speakers in advance:*

*Victoria Kannen**:* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQLl_t1qeTI

*Kevin del Principe*: https://vimeo.com/279522845

*Learning Outcomes*:

   - Learn how to develop your persona brand (social media, mainstream
   media, and public speaking)
   - Integrate ethical issues in sustainability regardless of your field of
   research and practice
   - Strengthen research outcomes, community relations, and media outreach
   with the help of ethics
   - Receive practical examples and connect with professionals in the
   higher education and media industries

*Further references for the webinar preparation and Q & A:*

"Bridging Gaps: Where is Ethical Glamour in Celebrity Culture?"

Becoming Brands: Celebrity, Activism, and Politics

For more information, visit http://cmc-centre.com/2018webinar/
See you on September 1!
Samita Nandy @famecritic 

Subscribe:Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS)

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[spectre] Mycelial Radio Activation open call: Mycelium Network Society workshop Linz

2018-08-29 Diskussionsfäden m
Mycelial Radio Activation 

Open Call Mycelium Network Society Workshop

Martin Howse 

Saturday September 8th, 2018, 11:00 - 17:00
at Stadtwerkstatt,  Linz, Austria

_"...all my mycelial networks in the galaxy are in hyperlight
communication across space and time." - Terence McKenna, The Mushroom
During a one-day workshop at stwst48x4, we will collectively develop
play and performance rituals for the audible, electromagnetic,
networked, touch, vocal, electronic activition of the local
human/Mycelial network installation of the Mycelium Network Society [1].

Within this open workshop we will build DIY radio receivers and
sculptural antennae, testing the reception of signals and interfacing
with open examples of the Lingzhi growing mushrooms. Participants will
learn about inter-species communication between humans and mycelium -
through sound, radio, touch, smell and ingestion. Participants will work
with growing Lingzhi mushrooms and local/radio enabled sensors for
various physical properties such as moisture and temperature. Mushrooms
will also be tasted (in tea) and heated (to release smoke). 

The workshop is a collaboration between electronic sensibilities and the
extra human realms of radio frequency and Lingzhi. 

Some experience of working with DIY technologies and/or other lifeforms,
radio or electronics is welcome, but not essential. 

Please register with an email expressing some interests to Martin Howse:
m...@1010.co.uk by September 4, 2018. 

The MNS RADIO WORKSHOP is part of Mycelium Network Society [1]

[1] http://stwst48x4.stwst.at/en/mycelium_network_society__
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[spectre] New podcast: PROBES #24, curated by Chris Cutler

2018-08-29 Diskussionsfäden Radio Web MACBA
New podcast:
composers as they raid the toy-box – and the bierkeller – in search of new
non-electronic sonorities to drive both the driest contemporary
compositions and the wettest pop singles.

*Curated by Chris Cutler*
Link: https://rwm.macba.cat/en/curatorial/probes-24-1-chris-cutler/capsula

In the late nineteenth century two facts conspired to change the face of
music: the collapse of common practice tonality (which overturned the
certainties underpinning the world of art music), and the invention of a
revolutionary new form of memory, sound recording (which redefined and
greatly empowered the world of popular music). A tidal wave of probes and
experiments into new musical resources and new organisational practices
ploughed through both disciplines, bringing parts of each onto shared
terrain before rolling on to underpin a new aesthetics able to follow sound
and its manipulations beyond the narrow confines of ‘music’. This series
tries analytically to trace and explain these developments, and to show
how, and why, both musical and post-musical genres take the forms they do. In
music boxes and balloons find new roles in contemporary compositions, pop
performances, film scores and jazz improvisation, as composers explore
alternative acoustic sources for extended, non-electronic, sounds.


>>And here you can find the complete series of PROBES

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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