[spectre] DARK HAVENS, Confronting Hidden Money & Power - April 5-7 Berlin

2019-04-02 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

I am writing to invite you to our next conference, DARK HAVENS:
Confronting Hidden Money & Power, on April 5-6 at Studio 1,
Kunstquartier Bethanien.

This time we are focusing on the discourse of anti-corruption, tax
havens, offshore companies and whistleblowing. The programme is in
partnership with Transparency International and we will have with us
many investigative journalists, truth-tellers and a French
whistleblower. We will also show the German Premiere of the film "The
Panama Papers" by Alex Winter, produced by Laura Poitras. On Sunday
April 7, we will have the psycho-geography offshore tour by RYBN.org in
collaboration with Supermarkt.

We are also planning a new Activation community event following the
conference: "Diving Deeper into Data", which will take place on April 17
at STATE Studio. You find the programme of the community events here:

Below you can read the programme of the conference in detail.
We hope to see you there, this is our 15th conference! :)

All the best and thank you for supporting,

Tatiana & the Disruption Network Lab Team


"DARK HAVENS: Confronting Hidden Money & Power"

#DNL15 DARK HAVENS brings together people from around the world who have
been part of global investigations and leaks, have blown the whistle on
corporations, been put on trial, and who have taken severe personal
risks to confront hidden money and power.

Location: Kunstquartier Bethanien, Studio 1, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin.
Schedule: April 5 (16:00-21:15) incl. German Premiere of the documentary
'The Panama Papers'.
April 6 (15:30-20:30).
April 7 (12:30-18:30) Offshore Tour Operator – workshop & walk by RYBN.ORG.
Language:   English.
Tickets: https://pretix.eu/disruptionlab/darkhavens/
Details: https://www.disruptionlab.org/dark-havens


# Friday April 5 · 2019

16:00 - 17:30 – PANEL
HIDDEN TREASURES: How the Global Shadow Economy Drives Inequality.

Nicholas Shaxson (Journalist, author of Treasure Islands, and Finance
Curse, UK/DE), Maira Martini (Senior Policy Advisor, Transparency
International, BR/DE). Moderated by Simon Shuster (Reporter for TIME,

17:45 - 19:15 – PANEL - LEAKING MASSIVE DATASETS: Security, Openness,
and Collective Mobilisation.

Ryan Gallagher (Investigative Reporter & Editor, The Intercept, UK).
Friedrich Lindenberg (Data Team Lead, OCCRP, Organized Crime and
Corruption Reporting Project, DE). Moderated by Tatiana Bazzichelli
(Director, Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE).

Directed by Alex Winter, (USA, 2018, 94 min)

# Saturday April 6  ·  2019


RYBN.ORG (Extra-disciplinary Artistic Research Platform, FR).
Moderated by Ela Kagel (Digital Strategist and Founder of SUPERMARKT
Berlin, DE).

16:30 - 18:00 – KEYNOTE - PANAMA PAPERS: How the Rich and the Powerful
Hide Their Money
Frederik Obermaier (Investigative Journalist, Süddeutsche Zeitung, DE).
Moderated by Max Heywood (Transparency International Global Outreach and
Advocacy Coordinator, UK/DE).

18:30 - 20:30 – PANEL - SILENCED BY POWER: Anti-corruption Journalists
and Whistleblowers Facing Violence and Persecution

Pelin Ünker (Freelance Journalist, Member of ICIJ.org, TR), Stéphanie
Gibaud (UBS Whistleblower, FR), Khadija Ismayilova (Investigative
journalist and Radio Host, AZ - on video),
Moderated by Michael Hornsby (Communications Officer, Transparency
International, UK/DE).

# Sunday April 7 · 2019

12:30 - 18:30 – WORKSHOP @ Supermarkt

RYBN.ORG (Extra-disciplinary Artistic Research Platform, FR)
Maximum 20 Participants - SOLD OUT

15th conference of the Disruption Network Lab. Curated by Tatiana
Bazzichelli. In cooperation with Transparency International.

Funded by: Hauptstadtkulturfonds (Capital Cultural Fund of Berlin), Reva
and David Logan Foundation (grant provided by NEO Philanthropy),
Checkpoint Charlie Foundation. Supported [in part] by a grant from the
Open Society Initiative for Europe within the Open Society Foundations.
In partnership with: Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

Partner Venues: Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien, Supermarkt Berlin, and
STATE Studio. In collaboration with: Alexander von Humboldt Institute
for Internet and Society (HIIG) and Whistleblower Netzwerk.
Communication Partners: Sinnwerkstatt and Furtherfield.
Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: disruptionlab.org/pgp
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] [event] XPUB Special Issue 8 - The Network We (de)Served

2019-04-02 Diskussionsfäden Aymeric Mansoux
Sorry for >< please >>


Dear guest,

We traveled from home to home by bicycle, setting up homeservers. As 
friends and companions on this Infrastructour, we studied our routers 
over drinks served by our hosts. Where possible we installed our servers 
in our homes, in other cases we had to depend on another member of the 
group. While self-hosting together we questioned our understandings of 
networks, autonomy, online publishing and social infrastructures, where 
each of us departed from a different question. We would like to share 
our personal (yet interconnected) routes with you, tell you a story, 
present our web- and printed zines, and invite you to explore our 
homebrewed network.

Date: Thursday, 04 April 2019
Location: Gouwstraat 3, Rotterdam
Entrance: Free
Start: 19:00


Contributors: Simon Browne, Tancredi Di Giovanni, Paloma García, Rita 
Graça, Artemis Gryllaki, Pedro Sá Couto, Biyi Wen, Bohye Woo, Roel 
Roscam Abbing, Manetta Berends, Lídia Pereira, André Castro, Aymeric 
Mansoux, Michael Murtaugh, Steve Rushton, Leslie Robbins.

Brought to you by the Master of Arts in Fine Art and Design: 
Experimental Publishing (XPUB) of the Piet Zwart Institute, and Varia, 
Centre for Everyday Technology, Rotterdam, April 2019.


Master of Arts in Fine Art and Design: Experimental Publishing
Final EU Application deadline: 01.05.2019


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Call for projects / Appel à projets : Digital writing residency / Résidence d'écriture numérique

2019-04-02 Diskussionsfäden coletron
7° APPEL A PROJETS / 7th call for projects
Pour une résidence d’écriture numérique / For a digital writing residency
La Marelle et Alphabetville lancent chaque année un appel à projets pour une 
résidence d’écriture numérique à la Friche la Belle de Mai à Marseille, ce avec 
le soutien de la Drac Paca, de la Région Sud, et en partenariat avec l’agence 
régionale du livre Occitanie Livre et Lecture.
L’objet de l’appel est de concevoir une œuvre littéraire d’un format numérique 
que les candidat•e•s devront élaborer durant une résidence de création d’une 
durée de six semaines. Les projets seront validés par un jury composé 
d’écrivains, de conseillers littéraires, de membres des structures 
organisatrices et des institutions partenaires.
La date limite de réception des dossiers est fixée au 24 mai 2019 à minuit. Le 
jury se réunira début juin et rendra son avis vers le 15 juin 2019. La 
résidence se tiendra au cours du premier trimestre 2020 (6 semaines, dates 
précises à venir), période durant laquelle le·la ou les candidat·e·s devront se 
rendre disponible·s pour effectuer leur séjour à La Marelle, villa des auteurs, 
la Friche la Belle de Mai, Marseille, France.
Les dossiers doivent impérativement être envoyés par mail, avec coordonnées 
téléphoniques, pièces jointes et liens éventuels, à l’adresse suivante : 
Conditions et informations complètes sur le site de La Marelle : 
Each year, La Marelle and Alphabetville, based in Friche Belle de Mai, 
Marseille, France, launch a call for projects for a digital writing residency. 
Sustained by DRAC PACA, Région Sud, and in partnership with the agency 
Occitanie Livre et Lecture, this residency is the first one in France.
The object of the call is to conceive a litteray work in an original digital 
form, realized during a residency of six weeks in february and march 2020.
The deadline is fixed at the 24th of May 2019, midnight. The decision of the 
jury will be given around the 15th of June 2019.
Projects to send to numerique2...@la-marelle.org
Conditions and informations on this website page : 
Thanks for your attention.
Friche la Belle de Mai
41 rue jobin
13003 Marseille
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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