Dear Spectrites,

I had the honour of contributing an overview of the 'archaeology of imaginary 
media' to the new anthology "Media Archaeology: that was put together by Erkki 
Huhtamo and Jussi Parikka, and which has recently come out with University of 
California Press after being in the making for some four years(!).

Think this hasn't been posted on Spectre yet, so I include the original 
announcement below - great book and an important contribution to the field.



Media Archaeology
Approaches, Applications, and Implications, edited by Erkki Huhtamo and Jussi 
University of California Press, June 2011

This book introduces an archaeological approach to the study of media - one 
that sifts through the evidence to learn how media were written about, used, 
designed, preserved, and sometimes discarded. Edited by Erkki Huhtamo and Jussi 
Parikka, with contributions from internationally prominent scholars from 
Europe, North America, and Japan, the essays help us understand how the media 
that predate today’s interactive, digital forms were in their time contested, 
adopted and embedded in the everyday. Providing a broad overview of the many 
historical and theoretical facets of Media Archaeology as an emerging field, 
the book encourages discussion by presenting a full range of different voices. 
By revisiting ‘old’ or even ‘dead’ media, it provides a richer horizon for 
understanding ‘new’ media in their complex and often contradictory roles in 
contemporary society and culture.

"Taken together, this excellent collection of essays by a wide range of 
scholars and practitioners demonstrates how the emerging field of media 
archaeology not only excavates the ways in which newer media work to remediate 
earlier forms and practices but also sketches out how older media help to 
premediate new ones."

—Richard Grusin, author of Premediation: Affect and Mediality after 9/11 

“Where McLuhan’s Understanding Media ends, Media Archaeology actually begins. 
Refusing the often futile search for the eternal laws of media, Media 
Archaeology does something more difficult and rare. It literally brings the 
history of media alive by drawing into presence the enigmatic, heterogeneous, 
unruly past of the media—its artifacts, machines, imaginaries, tactics, and 
games. What results is a fabulous cabinet of (media) memories: the imaginary 
moving with kinetic frenzy, histories of what happens when media collide in the 
electronic space of the virtual, and stories about those strange interstitial 
spaces between analogue and digital.”

—Arthur Kroker, author of The Will to Technology and the Culture of Nihilism

“This brilliant collection of essays provides much needed material and 
historical grounding for our understanding of new media. At the same time, it 
animates that ground by recognizing the integral roles that imagination, 
embodiment, and even productive disturbance play in media historiography. Yet 
these essays constitute more than a collection of historical case studies; 
together, they transform the book’s subject into its overall method. Media 
Archaeology performs media archaeology. Huhtamo and Parikka excavate the 
intellectual traditions and map the epistemological terrain of media 
archaeology itself, demonstrating that the field is ripe with possibilities not 
only for further historical examination, but also for imagining exciting new 
scholarly and creative futures.”

—Shannon Mattern, The New School

"Media archaeology is a wonderful new shadow field. If you are willing to step 
outside the glow of new media, this book's approaches can shift how you 
experience the objects and experiences that fill the new everyday of 
contemporary life. No one captures the beauty of studying new media in the 
shadow of older media implements and practices better than Erkki Huhtamo, the 
Finnish writer, curator, and scholar of media technology and design famous for 
his creative work as a preservationist and an interpreter of pre-cinematic 
technologies of visual display. He has teamed up here with Jussi Parikka, the 
Finnish scholar who has brought us an insect theory of media, to give us this 
long-awaited collection of essays in media archaeology. The surprise of the 
book is that the essays collectively bring forward a range of approaches to 
considering archaeological practice, giving us new ways to think about our 
embodied and subjective orientations to technologies and objects through the 
lens of the material remnants of practice, rather than offering a narrow 
definition of the field. The collection moves between computational machines 
and influencing machines, preservation and imagination, offering a range of 
ways to live the new everyday of media experience through the imaginary of 

—Lisa Cartwright, co-author of Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual 

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