Dear Spectrites,

From Roscoff to Space via Mars, this is our ride for the next LASER Paris on September 26th at the Centquatre.

Here below, full details, come and join us !

"Extra terrestrial Atmospheres"
LASER Paris at the 104factory
5 rue Curial, 75019 Paris
salon de l'incubateur 104factory
19h00 à 21h00 (doors open at 18h30)

with Marie-Julie Bourgeois, Barthélemy Antoine-Lœff, Cédric Pilorget, Ewen Chardronnet & Xavier Bailly.

Free admission in the limit of available seats, registration required. NOTE : the room has a limited capacity. Entrance will be on first arrived, first served basis. However, for security reasons we need pre-registration.

and we start on time!
LASER Paris takes place in French


> Marie-Julie Bourgeois, Barthélemy Antoine-Lœff (artists) & Cédric Pilorget (astrophysicist and teacher at Université Paris-Sud, Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS), CNRS/Université Paris-Sud) //

"And if the sky was falling upon us?" about the project Nos météores
        (project supported by La Diagonale Paris-Saclay)
Those beautiful shooting stars that we love trying to spot during August night sky are meteorites, burning when entering our atmosphere. But, they might also be some parts of a satellite falling back on Earth .... This August, it has also been night during the day in São Paulo ... Human pollution has reached the Earth orbit, climate change is underway, and studies for other celestial bodies geo-engineering has started. Under the title Nos météores the artists Marie-Julie Bourgeois and Barthélemy Antoine-Lœff are proposing several projects in collaboration with scientists among which what they call "atmospheric fictions" based on the real climat of other planets, including Mars with the astrophysicist Cédric Pilorget, in an attempt to poetically repair our climat.

> Ewen Chardronnet (artist, writer, journalist and curator) and Xavier Bailly (CNRS research engineer at the Roscoff Biological Station, directs the M3 Multicellular Marine Models laboratory) //
        "Life at the edge" about the project Roscosmoe
It is almost a whole zoo that has been launched into outer space. The Roscosmoe project, at the intersection of marine biology, design anthropology of science and art, intends to take on board Symsagittifera roscoffensis. This marine worm from the Breton coastline, a "plant-animal" 3 to 4 mm long, actually lives in symbiosis with a micro algae which it shelters under its epidermis and which supplies the essential of its nutritive needs via its photosynthethis. The biology of S. roscoffensis makes this marine species a potential model for the development of bio-regenerative life-support systems applied to space research: oxygen production, recycling of CO2 and waste nitrogen metabolism from the animal by hosted micro-algae, regenerative capacities of tissues energy autonomy ("embedded photosynthesis"). Should we be dreaming of an algae-worm as a companion to watch the sunset at the Earth-Space edge?

> Moderation : Annick Bureaud

> During the break : Audience announcements

> Drinks and snacks after the presentations

LASER Paris is co-organized by Leonardo/Olats ( and La Diagonale Paris-Saclay ( in collaboration with the hosting venue, 104factory (

LASER Paris is supported by the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation. (

Next LASER Paris
> Monday November 4th 2019, at the Centre Georges Pompidou
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