Dear friends,

Sally-Jane, thank you for forwarding the manuscript of your beautiful presentation, to the Spectre list.

In the meantime, the RIXC team have put the video documentation of the Deep Europe Symposium online in the programme section of the festival website:

(What is not recorded here are the meetings that we had before and after the symposium sessions, reinstating the Syndicate in a new disguise whose form we will yet have to await as it takes shape...)

Best regards,

Deep Europe Symposium
Thursday, October 6, 2022

14:00  Rasa SMITE. Introduction "Deep Europe"
14:15 Luchezar BOYADJIEV. Overlapping Identities Revisited or “The Greatest Love of My Life was a non-human'" 14:40 Miklos PETERNAK. "omnipresence or omnivoyance? the dialectics of vision(s) in the real and rear world." 15:05 Sally Jane NORMAN. Syndicate goals and contexts then and now: spatial and temporal links and gaps"
15:30  Nina CZEGLEDY. Beyond the walled borders

16:30  Kathy Rae HUFFMAN. About networking in, before and after the 90s
16:55 Ryszard W. KLUSZCZYNSKI. Syndicate and the so called “East European art” concept 17:20 Violeta Vojvodic BALAZ. The Seminar 'Moral and Mythology in Contemporary Art' (Novi Sad, 1995) in the conjuncture of New Europe (1989-2022) 17:45 Raivo KELOMEES. Collisions on the Eastern-Western Art Axis: The Domestication of Eastern Europe as „Close Other“ in the 1990s

18:30 Diana KNĚŽÍNKOVÁ: "In-between peripheral: Latvian artists of the Millennial generation versus the phenomenon of Post-Soviet nostalgia" 18:55 Geert LOVINK: "From SCCA to Ukraine Support Campaigns: Unfinished Histories"
19:20  Stephen KOVATS: "Deeper than Fake"

Am 06.11.22 um 02:34 schrieb sally jane norman:
Kia ora friends, colleagues

For the Deep Europe Symposium Andreas and Rasa Smite organised in the context of the "Splintered Realities" conference held in Riga last June, I contributed a text which seemed, for me, to be the only way to contribute to this reflection on a community that means/ meant much for so many of us. In multiple ways.  Following the conference online - scattershot, given time zone differences - for me was heartening, memorable, and eminently humanising. It was great to re-encounter thoughts and friends from long ago, long missed, but still clearly driven by the values we shared 25 years ago. Andreas asked if I would share my text, which is below. There's an irony here - I seem to have unsubscribed from Spectre a few months ago, because I was finding it hard to relate to a list essentially publishing announcements of faraway events.  Yet the "Deep Europe Symposium" re-awakened the sense of closeness founding and longstanding Spectre members always represented for me. So hopefully this will make it to the list, without being too out of kilter as an Antipodean's reflections on Deep Europe.  I'm prefacing the text with comments I sent when forwarding this to Andreas after the conference/ symposium.

warm wishes to all, stay strong, kia kaha

Sally Jane
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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