[speedtouch] Re: Problems with speedtouch and redhat

2002-07-04 Thread Tom Stockton

On Wed, 2002-07-03 at 23:11, Matthew Pocock wrote:

> On the occasions that this stage works, I see log messages about 
> timeouts, then modem_run says that the ADSL has synchronized and gives a 
> download and upload speed. When running pppd (by the way, my ppp 
> binaries got put in /usr/sbin, not /usr/local/sbin), things go through, 
> IPs for DNS and local/remote are obtained. However, it says "not 
> replaced existing default route to eth0 []" and this has 
> caused me all sorts of problems. When I tracked this down (with help 
> from the #linuxhelp chat), I was able to work around this by using route 
> to change the default gateway to the remote IP. I then modify the 
> /etc/resolv.conf file to include the new DNS entries, either by hand or 
> using neat. At this point, I can ping things by IP, but can't resolve 
> names.
> I'm running kernel 2.4.18-5smp, and the latest drivers downloaded from 
> your sourceforge site. I got the latest mgmt.o file from alcatel. I 
> accepted the default secure firewall options from the redhat install.

2 Things

1.  Does your /etc/nsswitch.conf have a dns option in the hosts line ?


hosts:  files dns

I imagine it will do, but worth checking.

2.  Is your firewall allowing dns traffic in from BT's name servers?? 
You could try rerunning the firewall script and it may create entries in
line with your /etc/resolv.conf.  Alternatively put them in by hand

-A input -s 53 -d -i ppp0 -p 17 -j ACCEPT
-A input -s 53 -d -i ppp0 -p 17 -j ACCEPT

Hope this helps


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[speedtouch] bootable cd dsl distro

2002-07-04 Thread Tom Stockton

For those that are interested a colleague of mine has developed a
bootable cd distribution with all the speedtouch usb stuff built in. 
Just insert cd boot comp, load modules / microcode , call pppd and
bosh!  You've got a working router.  Its currently under beta testing,
but I've tried it and it works a treat.  If enough ppl are interested
then he may let you trial the beta.  Currently only works with pppoa2 as
pppoa3 gives 

Jul  2 19:16:51 gateway pppd[74]: Couldn't attach to channel 2: No such
device or address
Jul  2 19:16:51 gateway pppd[74]: Couldn't get channel number:
Input/output error



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[speedtouch] Re: bootable cd dsl distro

2002-07-04 Thread Tom Stockton

On Thu, 2002-07-04 at 12:12, Tim Woodall wrote:

> Do you have to download the microcode from the Alcatel site or does
> he include it? If he includes it has he got permission from Alcatel?
> If he has got permission then I think there are some people on this
> list who are also trying to get permission to include the microcode in
> the RPM and would like some pointers/help.

Of course it doesn't include the microcode ;)  I forgot that step, 

"scp your microcode into /etc/ppp from your BT driver cd"


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[speedtouch] Re: Problems with speedtouch and redhat

2002-07-04 Thread Tom Stockton

On Thu, 2002-07-04 at 16:17, Matthew Pocock wrote:

> 1) modem_run is still taking random amounts of time to run (sometimes 15 
> minutes)

No idea sorry, I use the alcaudsl.sys file though that came with the bt
cd, you might want to try that.  If you want it then mail me.  I'll give
it a go with the .o file as well.
> 2) the ppp scripts aren't automaticaly updating my gateway

Do you still get the 'cant override default route' message ?

Remove the gateway line in your
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, mine looks like this


> 3) how do I load up the adsl connectin on boot automaticaly?

Within the source directory there are 2 files in doc-linux

[root@trevor doc-linux]# pwd
[root@trevor doc-linux]# ls -l speedtouch.*
-rw-r--r--1 1000 1000  741 Jun  1 00:34 speedtouch.conf
-rwxr-xr-x1 1000 1000 9129 Jun  1 00:34 speedtouch.sh

copy the first one into /etc and make the appropriate modifications,
copy the second into /etc/init.d and then 

# chkconfig --add speedtouch.sh

You can then use this script to stop / start the connection.


Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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[speedtouch] Re: suse 8.0 & BT

2002-07-09 Thread Tom Stockton

At 12:33 09/07/2002, you wrote:

>what more information can I supply?
>ps the only thread in the archives, resulted in the originator trying a
>different distribution*, not an ideal outcome...

Are your vpi / vci parameters set correctly to connect to BT's ATM network ?


Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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[speedtouch] Re: UK - BT (i thought this was a suse problem, butmaybe just me??)

2002-07-10 Thread Tom Stockton

On Tue, 2002-07-09 at 20:48, jonathan chetwynd wrote:
> anyone out there care to tell me what type of thing goes in /etc/ppp/peers/adsl as 
>user "your login here"
> ie: [EMAIL PROTECTED], or just j.bloggs or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> similarly for /etc/chap-secrets "your login here"

Its the latter one for both, - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> does it also need a pap-secrets?

No, BT use chap.


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[speedtouch] Re: /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -m 1 -c -vpi 0 -vci 38 multiple versions running at the same time

2002-07-10 Thread Tom Stockton

On Tue, 2002-07-09 at 21:37, jonathan chetwynd wrote:
> apologies for all these postings, just seem slightly to very lost.
> read thru /var/log/messages and noticed multiple versions of 
> /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -m 1 -c -vpi 0 -vci 38
> currently ps ax shows up to 40 versions running, cant see why, or figure how to stop 

pppoa3 runs multi threaded so you will have more than one instance
running, do a ps -fuax and you should see multiple processes spawned
from the pppd call adsl bit.  40 seems excessive though !!

If you are getting bored then try pppoa2, replace 

/usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -m 1 -c -vpi 0 -vci 38


/usr/local/sbin/pppoa2 -vpi 0 -vci 38


Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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[speedtouch] Re: Problems Connecting to BT Openworld

2002-07-17 Thread Tom Stockton

On Wed, 2002-07-17 at 10:34, alex wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-07-17 at 08:01, Mike Scott wrote:
> > Thanks -- but I've found the problem, and that wasn't it. I was using the 
> > wrong values for vpi and vci. This isn't very well documented in the HOWTO, 
> > so I didn't find them until I read the pppoa3 man page (which I should have 
> > done sooner, admittedly).
> The list of VPI/VCI values are in the FAQ. If anyone can think of some
> good phrasing for the howto we can try and make it clearer.

I had the same hiccup initially until I checked the faq, just a
reference in the howto that said 'check the faq for these values'  (or
something) would do the job.


Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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[speedtouch] Re: Connected but can't surf rh7.3

2002-07-23 Thread Tom Stockton

On Tue, 2002-07-23 at 16:57, Richard Wilkinson wrote:
> I can connect fine to btopenworld, and doing a ifconfig ppp0 gives me
> all the info including IP addresses.
> When I check /etc/ppp/resolv.conf it has put them in there and I also
> believe there is a symlink to /etc/resolv.conf
> I can ping, and view FTP sites in the shell using #ping and #ftp but
> when I load x windows I cannot surf, or use gFTP.  Netscape gives me
> 'host cannot be resolved' after a long period.
> I have an rh7.3 system with kernel 2.4.18-3.  the only thing I have done
> since clean installation of it is install my soundcard drivers.
> In a previous post which appeared similar, someone mentioned checking
> the defaultroot or something. As a (nearly) complete newbie to linux you
> may need to state the obvious.

Your connection sounds fine, this sounds like your firewall is blocking
dns traffic back to your box.  Try pinging hostnames and then pinging ip
addresses, this will tell you for sure.  Check your default route by

# /sbin/route

You should see a default route listed there.  Let me know if you have
any problems configuring the firewall.


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[speedtouch] Re: Connected but can't surf rh7.3

2002-07-23 Thread Tom Stockton

On Tue, 2002-07-23 at 17:13, Richard Wilkinson wrote:
> Ill just reboot now and try that, I recall leaving the firewall on the
> default option during install
> I did notice though that none of the boxes were checked (ie. checkbox to
> allow icmp etc...)
> I have no idea how to configure the firewall, maybe you could help me or
> point me in the direction of a howto. 
> I assume its in a config file in /etc/somewhere??  Most things seem to
> be.

Depends whether you are running iptables or ipchains.  Iptables is the
more intelligent of the two, however I think redhat 7.3 uses ipchains by
default ( 7.2 does anyway ).  The relevant files are either




I've got a feeling (but I might be wrong) that redhat will read your
/etc/resolv.conf and put in appropriate rules, run

# /etc/init.d/ip(chains|tables) restart

to affect this.


Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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[speedtouch] Re: Load ADSL connection on bootup.

2002-08-20 Thread Tom Stockton

On Tue, 2002-08-20 at 02:01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am sorry if this has asked before. I have already search alot of places
> for a solution but all doesn't seem to work for me.
> I am trying to load my ADSL connection on boot-up. I am using RedHat 7.3,
> so I add in 2 lines of code in ./rc.d/rc-init.local (sp?). I couldn't
> remember the exact code I added but basically the 1st line is the load the
> mgmt.o to the modem and the second line is to call pppd to connect. But
> this doesn't seem to work.
> Would really appreciate it if someone could point to me some directions.


There is an init script that comes with the source, chuck that in to
/etc/init.d/ , I think you need to edit the speedtouch.conf file and put
it in /etc as well, but you'll work it out I'm sure.


Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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[speedtouch] Re: CHAP authentication problems

2002-10-01 Thread Tom Stockton

On Mon, 2002-09-30 at 17:50, Richard Thompson wrote:
> > Have you made sure that the "user" entry in your ppp
> > options file
> > matches the username in the chap file?
> > 
> > If that is not it, then I am out of suggestions.
> yes, the entries match..
> i am pretty sure the authentication is the problem...
> Sep 30 16:17:12 dragon pppd[1395]: Remote message:
> Authentication failure
> Sep 30 16:17:12 dragon pppd[1395]: CHAP authentication
> failed
> Sep 30 16:17:12 dragon pppd[1395]: Connection
> terminated.
> but I cannot see what the problem is as bt state they
> do not do any authentication!!

When BT provision your dsl line they enable 'service selection' so that
your line can only authenticate with 'whatever isp'  The only other
criteria they then require when you connect, is that your domain
(@btbroadband.com) matches the service you are provisioned for.  They
then pass this onto the home gateway and let radius authenticate you.

In your case it looks like as long as you have the @btbroadband.com bit
in your chap file, then everything should be rocking and rolling.  Call
tech support and ask them nicely if they can check the radius logs to
see where your authentication is going wrong.



Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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[speedtouch] Re: CHAP authentication problems

2002-10-01 Thread Tom Stockton

On Tue, 2002-10-01 at 14:57, Richard Thompson wrote:

> They gave me some server addresses too, which I assume
> to be dns servers, which I do not believe I am far
> enough into setting this up to worry about those yet..
> am I right on this score?

Correct, this is not relevant at this point.


Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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