[speedtouch] ppp patch? or recent patched version of ppp: ppp-2.4.1b2-patched.tar.gz

2002-02-20 Thread Jonathan Chetwynd

excuse my lack of french.

I use speedtouch and a usb/adsl connection, without problem.

My problem is that ppp2.4.0 is rather old.
is there a patch?
or even a file: ppp-2.4.1b2-patched.tar.gz

does not seem very active (11 months old) is it being maintained?

i need pppd to connect to ipaq pda(serial) as well as internet(usb).
ipaq requires 'nocrtscts'


jonathan chetwynd

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[speedtouch] Re: ppp patch? or recent patched version of ppp: ppp-2.4.1b2-patched.tar.gz

2002-02-20 Thread Jonathan Chetwynd

I haven't yet tried out your suggestions,

Could I suggest that someone benoit possibly post a message here:
that points to the maintained pages, as
appears somewhat abandoned.

looking forward to giving it all a whirl,

thanks again

jonathan chetwynd

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on the web"
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[speedtouch] ifconfig ppp0

2002-02-24 Thread Jonathan Chetwynd

the install went well, all the lights blinked properly, thanks.

however the following does not look great, any clues, what should it look

[root@localhost jay]# /sbin/modprobe usb-uhci
[root@localhost jay]# /usr/local/bin/modem_run -m -f adsl/mgmt/mgmt.o
[root@localhost jay]# /usr/sbin/pppd call adsl
[root@localhost jay]# /sbin/ifconfig ppp0
ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:3
  RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)

[root@localhost jay]# ping >
nameserver <
connect: Network is unreachable
[root@localhost jay]#

I'm trying to connect an ipaq using ip masquerading so possibly I've set
something else up that is interfering, or else missed a step?


jonathan chetwynd

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on the web"
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learning difficulty get the most from the web"

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[speedtouch] Re: ifconfig ppp0

2002-02-26 Thread Jonathan Chetwynd

perhaps you can expand?

Rakotomandimby wrote:
this is not a correct path

jonathan chetwynd

http://www.peepo.com "The first and still the best picture directory
on the web"
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[speedtouch] Re: ifconfig ppp0

2002-02-27 Thread Jonathan Chetwynd

thanks norbert
this is all a bit experimental for me, I'll try to be more precise in
future, especially when mailing to lists.

jonathan chetwynd

http://www.peepo.com "The first and still the best picture directory
on the web"
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learning difficulty get the most from the web"

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[speedtouch] Re: ifconfig ppp0

2002-03-02 Thread Jonathan Chetwynd

thanks, got the point.

jonathan chetwynd

http://www.peepo.com "The first and still the best picture directory
on the web"
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learning difficulty get the most from the web"

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[speedtouch] network, ipmasquerading and pppd

2002-03-03 Thread Jonathan Chetwynd

I am running a small network (one ipaq to one laptop) and wondering if this
could be making it impossible for me to connect to the web?

the lights all blink correctly in the right order, but pppd seems to fail.

what should I try next?

I have attached the result of cat /var/log/messages


jonathan chetwynd

http://www.peepo.com "The first and still the best picture directory
on the web"
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learning difficulty get the most from the web"

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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[speedtouch] Re: network, ipmasquerading and pppd *with* attachment

2002-03-03 Thread Jonathan Chetwynd

I am running a small network (one ipaq to one laptop) and wondering if this
could be making it impossible for me to connect to the web?

the lights all blink correctly in the right order, but pppd seems to fail.

what should I try next?

I have attached the result of cat /var/log/messages

jonathan chetwynd

http://www.peepo.com "The first and still the best picture directory
on the web"
http://www.learningdifficulty.org.uk "Our guide to helping people with a
learning difficulty get the most from the web"

-- Binary/unsupported file stripped by Listar --
-- Type: application/octet-stream
-- File: pppd-var

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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[speedtouch] Re: network, ipmasquerading and pppd *with* attachment

2002-03-03 Thread Jonathan Chetwynd
odprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-5
Mar  3 08:58:54 localhost modprobe: Note: /etc/modules.conf is more recent
than /lib/modules/2.4.9-020214/modules.dep
Mar  3 08:58:54 localhost modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-16
Mar  3 08:59:25 localhost pppd[9410]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Mar  3 08:59:25 localhost pppd[9410]: Connection terminated.
Mar  3 08:59:26 localhost pppd[9410]: Using interface ppp0
Mar  3 08:59:26 localhost pppd[9410]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/25
Mar  3 08:59:26 localhost pppoa3[10043]: PPPoA3 version 1_0 started by root
(uid 0)
Mar  3 08:59:26 localhost pppoa3[10043]: A previous instance seems to be
Mar  3 08:59:26 localhost pppoa3[10043]: Sending the kill signal to 9411 and
Mar  3 08:59:26 localhost modprobe: Note: /etc/modules.conf is more recent
than /lib/modules/2.4.9-020214/modules.dep
Mar  3 08:59:26 localhost modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-4
Mar  3 08:59:26 localhost modprobe: Note: /etc/modules.conf is more recent
than /lib/modules/2.4.9-020214/modules.dep
Mar  3 08:59:26 localhost modprobe: Note: /etc/modules.conf is more recent
than /lib/modules/2.4.9-020214/modules.dep
Mar  3 08:59:26 localhost modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-5
Mar  3 08:59:26 localhost modprobe: Note: /etc/modules.conf is more recent
than /lib/modules/2.4.9-020214/modules.dep
Mar  3 08:59:26 localhost modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-16
Mar  3 08:59:57 localhost pppd[9410]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Mar  3 08:59:57 localhost pppd[9410]: Connection terminated.
Mar  3 08:59:57 localhost pppoa3[10071]: PPPoA3 version 1_0 started by root
(uid 0)
Mar  3 08:59:57 localhost pppoa3[10071]: A previous instance seems to be
Mar  3 08:59:57 localhost pppoa3[10071]: Sending the kill signal to 9411 and
Mar  3 08:59:57 localhost pppd[9410]: Using interface ppp0
Mar  3 08:59:57 localhost pppd[9410]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/26
Mar  3 08:59:57 localhost modprobe: Note: /etc/modules.conf is more recent
than /lib/modules/2.4.9-020214/modules.dep
Mar  3 08:59:57 localhost modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-4
Mar  3 08:59:57 localhost modprobe: Note: /etc/modules.conf is more recent
than /lib/modules/2.4.9-020214/modules.dep
Mar  3 08:59:57 localhost modprobe: Note: /etc/modules.conf is more recent
than /lib/modules/2.4.9-020214/modules.dep
Mar  3 08:59:57 localhost modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-5
Mar  3 08:59:57 localhost modprobe: Note: /etc/modules.conf is more recent
than /lib/modules/2.4.9-020214/modules.dep
Mar  3 08:59:57 localhost modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-16
Mar  3 09:00:28 localhost pppd[9410]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Mar  3 09:00:28 localhost pppd[9410]: Connection terminated.
Mar  3 09:04:33 localhost modprobe: Note: /etc/modules.conf is more recent
than /lib/modules/2.4.9-020214/modules.dep
[root@localhost jay]#
jonathan chetwynd

http://www.peepo.com "The first and still the best picture directory
on the web"
http://www.learningdifficulty.org.uk "Our guide to helping people with a
learning difficulty get the most from the web"

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[speedtouch] Re: network, ipmasquerading and pppd *with* attachment

2002-03-04 Thread Jonathan Chetwynd

thanks for that Alex, depmod -a could easily be part of the problem...
I've just set up my first network, and what with discovering that the old
speedtouch howto was no longer supported, I've got in a real muddle.
not sure which howto or faq you are referring to?
modules.conf was adapted to include all the lines suggested, i'll check for

jonathan chetwynd

http://www.peepo.com "The first and still the best picture directory
on the web"
http://www.learningdifficulty.org.uk "Our guide to helping people with a
learning difficulty get the most from the web"

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[speedtouch] continued problems with getting it up

2002-03-08 Thread Jonathan Chetwynd

now have a new kernel and have typod modules.conf

following howto by sylvian trias...

Kernel 2.4.18 so don't need n_hdlc patch? did not find module though, where
is it?
plugged in usb immediately before running modem_run -v -m -f

lights no longer look right

tail -f /var/log/messages

[root@localhost jay]# tail -f /var/log/messages
Mar  8 17:34:04 localhost su(pam_unix)[1139]: session opened for user root
by jay(uid=500)
Mar  8 17:34:55 localhost su(pam_unix)[1202]: session opened for user root
by jay(uid=500)
Mar  8 17:35:27 localhost kernel: CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of the
University of California
Mar  8 17:35:27 localhost kernel: PPP generic driver version 2.4.1
Mar  8 17:37:35 localhost kernel: hub.c: USB new device connect on bus1/1,
assigned device number 2
Mar  8 17:37:35 localhost kernel: usb-uhci.c: interrupt, status 2, frame#
Mar  8 17:37:35 localhost kernel: usb.c: USB device not accepting new
Mar  8 17:37:35 localhost kernel: hub.c: USB new device connect on bus1/1,
assigned device number 3
Mar  8 17:37:35 localhost kernel: usb.c: USB device 3 (vend/prod
0x6b9/0x4061) is not claimed by any active driver.
Mar  8 17:37:35 localhost /etc/hotplug/usb.agent: ... no drivers for USB
product 6b9/4061/0
Mar  8 17:38:46 localhost kernel: usb_control/bulk_msg: timeout
Mar  8 17:38:46 localhost kernel: usbdevfs: USBDEVFS_BULK failed dev 3 ep
0x85 len 512 ret -110
Mar  8 17:38:49 localhost kernel: usb_control/bulk_msg: timeout

[root@localhost jay]# uname -a
Linux localhost.localdomain 2.4.18020306a #1 Wed Mar 6 19:30:45 GMT 2002
i686 unknown
[root@localhost jay]# /sbin/modprobe ppp_generic
[root@localhost jay]# /sbin/modprobe ppp_synctty
[root@localhost jay]# /sbin/modprobe n_hdlc
modprobe: Can't locate module n_hdlc
[root@localhost jay]# /sbin/modprobe usbcore
[root@localhost jay]# mount none /proc/bus/usb -t usbdevfs
mount: none already mounted or /proc/bus/usb busy
mount: according to mtab, usbdevfs is already mounted on /proc/bus/usb
[root@localhost jay]# /sbin/lsmod
Module  Size  Used byNot tainted
ppp_synctty 4640   0  (unused)
ppp_generic14504   0  [ppp_synctty]
slhc4624   0  [ppp_generic]
usb-uhci   21348   0  (unused)
usbcore50080   1  [usb-uhci]
[root@localhost jay]# modem_run -v -m -f /home/jay/adsl/mgmt/mgmt.o
[root@localhost jay]#

jonathan chetwynd

http://www.peepo.com "The first and still the best picture directory
on the web"
http://www.learningdifficulty.org.uk "Our guide to helping people with a
learning difficulty get the most from the web"

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[speedtouch] driver problem?

2002-03-09 Thread Jonathan Chetwynd

I'm using speedtouch-1_0.tar.gz   from

yet when I plug the usb in I get a problem:

Mar  9 17:48:58 localhost su(pam_unix)[1195]: session opened for user root
by jay(uid=500)
Mar  9 17:53:49 localhost kernel: CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of the
University of California
Mar  9 17:53:49 localhost kernel: PPP generic driver version 2.4.1
Mar  9 17:54:05 localhost kernel: HDLC line discipline: version $Revision:
3.3 $, maxframe=4096
Mar  9 17:54:05 localhost kernel: N_HDLC line discipline registered.
Mar  9 17:54:58 localhost kernel: hub.c: USB new device connect on bus1/1,
assigned device number 2
Mar  9 17:54:58 localhost kernel: usb-uhci.c: interrupt, status 2, frame#
Mar  9 17:54:58 localhost kernel: usb.c: USB device not accepting new
Mar  9 17:54:58 localhost kernel: hub.c: USB new device connect on bus1/1,
assigned device number 3
Mar  9 17:54:58 localhost kernel: usb.c: USB device 3 (vend/prod
0x6b9/0x4061) is not claimed by any active driver.
Mar  9 17:54:58 localhost /etc/hotplug/usb.agent: ... no drivers for USB
product 6b9/4061/0
Mar  9 17:55:17 localhost kernel: usb_control/bulk_msg: timeout
Mar  9 17:55:17 localhost kernel: usbdevfs: USBDEVFS_BULK failed dev 3 ep
0x85 len 512 ret -110
Mar  9 17:55:20 localhost kernel: usb_control/bulk_msg: timeout

all modules seem to load ok...

any ideas please


jonathan chetwynd

http://www.peepo.com "The first and still the best picture directory
on the web"
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learning difficulty get the most from the web"

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[speedtouch] Re: driver problem?

2002-03-09 Thread Jonathan Chetwynd

my problem is:

> Mar  9 17:54:58 localhost /etc/hotplug/usb.agent: ... no drivers for
> product 6b9/4061/0

any ideas please

jonathan chetwynd

http://www.peepo.com "The first and still the best picture directory
on the web"
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learning difficulty get the most from the web"

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[speedtouch] Re: driver problem?

2002-03-09 Thread Jonathan Chetwynd

thanks tim,
I have been using the other and deprecated version of the speedtouch driver.
finding the conversion rather slow. Your suggestion seems so obvious, but as
I never quite understood how i got it working before, even after I had.

jonathan chetwynd

http://www.peepo.com "The first and still the best picture directory
on the web"
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learning difficulty get the most from the web"

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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[speedtouch] Re: driver problem?

2002-03-09 Thread Jonathan Chetwynd


your email is a little compact for my abilities.

First I'll try: modem_run with -s

What did you want me to check on the bios? it worked fine with the
deprecated speedtouch driver.

you wrote:
I see a net.agent from the hotplug package... It seems it kills the
connection... or does it just report the ppp0 down'ing ?

I think the problem comes from this net.agent.

could you give me some guidance as to what action I could take?
(I've removed the pci-hotplug module from the kernel, with no effect.)

thanks again

jonathan chetwynd

http://www.peepo.com "The first and still the best picture directory
on the web"
http://www.learningdifficulty.org.uk "Our guide to helping people with a
learning difficulty get the most from the web"

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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[speedtouch] Re: driver problem?

2002-03-10 Thread Jonathan Chetwynd

I uninstalled hotplug & kernel-pcmcia-cs, and no longer have my pcmcia

unfortunately still no usb

Mar 10 10:27:08 localhost kernel: HDLC line discipline: version $Revision:
3.3 $, maxframe=4096
Mar 10 10:27:08 localhost kernel: N_HDLC line discipline registered.
Mar 10 10:27:31 localhost kernel: hub.c: USB new device connect on bus1/1,
assigned device number 2
Mar 10 10:27:31 localhost kernel: usb-uhci.c: interrupt, status 2, frame#
Mar 10 10:27:31 localhost kernel: usb.c: USB device not accepting new
Mar 10 10:27:32 localhost kernel: hub.c: USB new device connect on bus1/1,
assigned device number 3
Mar 10 10:27:32 localhost kernel: usb.c: USB device 3 (vend/prod
0x6b9/0x4061) is not claimed by any active driver.
Mar 10 10:27:50 localhost kernel: usb_control/bulk_msg: timeout
Mar 10 10:27:50 localhost kernel: usbdevfs: USBDEVFS_BULK failed dev 3 ep
0x85 len 512 ret -110
Mar 10 10:27:54 localhost kernel: usb_control/bulk_msg: timeout

[root@localhost jay]# cat /proc/bus/usb/devices
T:  Bus=01 Lev=00 Prnt=00 Port=00 Cnt=00 Dev#=  1 Spd=12  MxCh= 2
B:  Alloc=  0/900 us ( 0%), #Int=  0, #Iso=  0
D:  Ver= 1.00 Cls=09(hub  ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS= 8 #Cfgs=  1
P:  Vendor= ProdID= Rev= 0.00
S:  Product=USB UHCI Root Hub
S:  SerialNumber=3800
C:* #Ifs= 1 Cfg#= 1 Atr=40 MxPwr=  0mA
I:  If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 1 Cls=09(hub  ) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=hub
E:  Ad=81(I) Atr=03(Int.) MxPS=   8 Ivl=255ms
T:  Bus=01 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=00 Cnt=01 Dev#=  3 Spd=12  MxCh= 0
D:  Ver= 1.10 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS= 8 #Cfgs=  1
P:  Vendor=06b9 ProdID=4061 Rev= 0.00
S:  Manufacturer=ALCATEL
S:  Product=Speed Touch USB
S:  SerialNumber=0090D00D298D
C:* #Ifs= 3 Cfg#= 1 Atr=80 MxPwr=500mA
I:  If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 1 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=usbdevfs
E:  Ad=81(I) Atr=03(Int.) MxPS=  16 Ivl= 50ms
I:  If#= 1 Alt= 0 #EPs= 0 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=(none)
I:  If#= 1 Alt= 1 #EPs= 3 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=(none)
E:  Ad=06(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  64 Ivl=  0ms
E:  Ad=07(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  64 Ivl=  0ms
E:  Ad=87(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  64 Ivl=  0ms
I:  If#= 1 Alt= 2 #EPs= 3 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=(none)
E:  Ad=06(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  32 Ivl=  0ms
E:  Ad=07(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  32 Ivl=  0ms
E:  Ad=87(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  64 Ivl=  0ms
I:  If#= 1 Alt= 3 #EPs= 3 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=(none)
E:  Ad=06(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  16 Ivl=  0ms
E:  Ad=07(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  16 Ivl=  0ms
E:  Ad=87(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=  64 Ivl=  0ms
I:  If#= 2 Alt= 0 #EPs= 2 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=(none)
E:  Ad=05(O) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=   8 Ivl=  0ms
E:  Ad=85(I) Atr=02(Bulk) MxPS=   8 Ivl=  0ms
[root@localhost jay]#

expect we are missing something very obvious, that I've failed to do, or


jonathan chetwynd

http://www.peepo.com "The first and still the best picture directory
on the web"
http://www.learningdifficulty.org.uk "Our guide to helping people with a
learning difficulty get the most from the web"

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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[speedtouch] Re: driver problem?

2002-03-10 Thread Jonathan Chetwynd

I was referring to http://sourceforge.net/projects/linux-usb/ which appears
to be no longer supported...
anyway, it seems that converting from the one to the other is not as easy as
it might be.

does anyone have anything useful to say about my current problems?


jonathan chetwynd

http://www.peepo.com "The first and still the best picture directory
on the web"
http://www.learningdifficulty.org.uk "Our guide to helping people with a
learning difficulty get the most from the web"

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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[speedtouch] Re: driver problem?

2002-03-10 Thread Jonathan Chetwynd

anyone have anything useful to add?

God what a bore, look I'm not using the deprecated version, its deprecated.
can we drop it.

jonathan chetwynd

http://www.peepo.com "The first and still the best picture directory
on the web"
http://www.learningdifficulty.org.uk "Our guide to helping people with a
learning difficulty get the most from the web"

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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[speedtouch] Re: driver problem?

2002-03-10 Thread Jonathan Chetwynd

edouard wrote: Have you assigned an IRQ to your USB in the BIOS yet ?

windows reports intel 82371ab/eb pci to usb universal host controller irq =

if this is not what you mean, perhaps you could suggest what to do?

jonathan chetwynd

http://www.peepo.com "The first and still the best picture directory
on the web"
http://www.learningdifficulty.org.uk "Our guide to helping people with a
learning difficulty get the most from the web"

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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[speedtouch] lsmod: Re: Re: [Jonathan] driver problem?

2002-03-10 Thread Jonathan Chetwynd

i thought i sent this, perhaps not...

can do /var/log/dmesg if required

[root@localhost jay]# /sbin/lsmod
Module  Size  Used byNot tainted
n_hdlc  6048   0  (unused)
ppp_synctty 4640   0  (unused)
ppp_generic14504   0  [ppp_synctty]
slhc4624   0  [ppp_generic]
usb-uhci   21348   0  (unused)
usbcore50080   1  [usb-uhci]

jonathan chetwynd

http://www.peepo.com "The first and still the best picture directory
on the web"
http://www.learningdifficulty.org.uk "Our guide to helping people with a
learning difficulty get the most from the web"

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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[speedtouch] Re: SpeedTouch ADSL problem on SuSE 7.3

2002-03-10 Thread Jonathan Chetwynd

well I'm a few days ahead of you, and continuing to make a pig's ear of it.
can't fathom what the problem is, but it's there, rh7.2

jonathan chetwynd

http://www.peepo.com "The first and still the best picture directory
on the web"
http://www.learningdifficulty.org.uk "Our guide to helping people with a
learning difficulty get the most from the web"

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
Pour se désinscrire : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe

[speedtouch] Re: driver problem?

2002-03-10 Thread Jonathan Chetwynd

I'm not sure how long we are talking greg but the following was all instant,
I waited about 70 seconds and nothing else happens, i'm using -v (-d is for

Mar 10 17:39:57 localhost su(pam_unix)[1143]: session opened for user root
by jay(uid=500)
Mar 10 17:40:05 localhost kernel: CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of the
University of California
Mar 10 17:40:06 localhost kernel: PPP generic driver version 2.4.1
Mar 10 17:40:17 localhost kernel: HDLC line discipline: version $Revision:
3.3 $, maxframe=4096
Mar 10 17:40:17 localhost kernel: N_HDLC line discipline registered.

plugged USB in

Mar 10 17:41:35 localhost kernel: hub.c: USB new device connect on bus1/1,
assigned device number 2
Mar 10 17:41:35 localhost kernel: usb.c: USB device 2 (vend/prod
0x6b9/0x4061) is not claimed by any active driver.


Mar 10 17:42:16 localhost kernel: usb_control/bulk_msg: timeout
Mar 10 17:42:16 localhost kernel: usbdevfs: USBDEVFS_BULK failed dev 2 ep
0x85 len 512 ret -110
Mar 10 17:42:19 localhost kernel: usb_control/bulk_msg: timeout

any more ideas out there? maybe i'll hold my breath and upgrade to wireless


jonathan chetwynd

http://www.peepo.com "The first and still the best picture directory
on the web"
http://www.learningdifficulty.org.uk "Our guide to helping people with a
learning difficulty get the most from the web"

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[speedtouch] Re-install if you have been using the old deprecated system.

2002-03-16 Thread Jonathan Chetwynd

just wanted to say: how very easy it all went when I re-installed.

I spent over a month, pottering and trying to convert from the old usb howto
to the new one.
what a waste of time.

re-install and just use the new howto.
thanks guys really a great improvement, far easier, and seems very stable.

jonathan chetwynd

http://www.peepo.com "The first and still the best picture directory
on the web"
http://www.learningdifficulty.org.uk "Our guide to helping people with a
learning difficulty get the most from the web"

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[speedtouch] Re: Problems getting Alcatel SpeedTouch USB/ADSL modem working under Red Hat 7.1

2002-03-22 Thread Jonathan Chetwynd

You'll need to uninstall all you've done so far... I wasted many hours
trying not to.
I found it easier to re-install linux, well this machine is for research.

please use http://speedtouch.sourceforge.net/

the one you are currently using is no longer actively supported, and was
very much more time consuming to install, in any case.

you should not have any problems, once you start on a clean machine.

jonathan chetwynd

http://www.peepo.com "The first and still the best picture directory
on the web"
http://www.learningdifficulty.org.uk "Our guide to helping people with a
learning difficulty get the most from the web"

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[speedtouch] problems with getting a connection

2002-03-27 Thread jonathan chetwynd

Is there a good system for tracing where connection problems lie?

I've had 2 occasions in the last week where it was impossible to connect.

Yesterday's was particularly annoying. I could not connect for 6 hours. 
though ie6/ms also had problems and BT my ISP claims there was a 
transient non-serious problem for 2 hours.

ifconfig ppp0 is not enough.


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[speedtouch] networks and usb-adsl, possibly off-topic

2002-04-05 Thread jonathan chetwynd

where should I start to look?

I'd like to be able to connect my laptop alone, or my laptop + ipaq network.

I could not connect my laptop alone via usb-adsl, but now that my laptop 
and ipaq are connected together via ethernet it connects first time.

apologies if this is off topic, but where to start?


Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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[speedtouch] suse 8.0 & BT

2002-07-09 Thread jonathan chetwynd

anyone else had a problem?

modem_run is fine lights perform normal sequence, however, pppd call adsl seems to 

ideas please.

had it all working fine under RedHat, but an upgrade to suse8.0 is not going too well.



Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
Pour se désinscrire : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe

[speedtouch] Re: suse 8.0 & BT

2002-07-09 Thread jonathan chetwynd

no file /var/log/syslog

I get endless scrolling message
sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1  ]



- Original Message -
From: "Duncan Sands" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "jonathan chetwynd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 11:22 AM
Subject: Re: [speedtouch] suse 8.0 & BT

> > modem_run is fine lights perform normal sequence, however, pppd call
> > seems to stick
> "seems to stick" is not very precise!  What turns up in /var/log/syslog?
> give more details.
> Ciao,
> Duncan.

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
Pour se désinscrire : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe

[speedtouch] Re: suse 8.0 & BT

2002-07-09 Thread jonathan chetwynd

what more information can I supply?

ps the only thread in the archives, resulted in the originator trying a
different distribution*, not an ideal outcome...

I had endless problems with the kernel driver (i was an early adopter, about
2 years ago, however it has not been updated in nearly that time)



*my french is fairly basic, but good enough, i think.

- Original Message -
From: "Alex Bennee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 11:51 AM
Subject: [speedtouch] Re: suse 8.0 & BT

> jonathan chetwynd said:
> >
> > anyone else had a problem?
> >
> > modem_run is fine lights perform normal sequence, however, pppd call
> > adsl seems to stick
> >
> > ideas please.
> Apart from a bit more detail one thought occurs. Does SuSE already support
> the kernel mode Speedtouch drivers? I seem to remember seeing it mentioned
> somewhere.
> Alex
> www.bennee.com/~alex/
> Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe

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[speedtouch] Re: suse 8.0 & BT

2002-07-09 Thread jonathan chetwynd

vpi vci is correct 0.38

username password also checked endlessly...

thanks jonathan

- Original Message -
From: "Tom Stockton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 1:25 PM
Subject: [speedtouch] Re: suse 8.0 & BT

> At 12:33 09/07/2002, you wrote:
> >what more information can I supply?
> >
> >ps the only thread in the archives, resulted in the originator trying a
> >different distribution*, not an ideal outcome...
> Are your vpi / vci parameters set correctly to connect to BT's ATM network
> Tom
> Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
> Pour se désinscrire :
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe

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[speedtouch] Re: problems with alcatel modem and suse 8

2002-07-09 Thread jonathan chetwynd

did your friend get suse/adsl working, because i must say I am wasting
plenty of time without any such success...
were there any special instructions?

is he/she using ppp over atm?



- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 9:29 PM
Subject: [speedtouch] Re: problems with alcatel modem and suse 8

> On Sunday 07 Jul 2002 4:20 am, you wrote:
> > On Sunday 07 Jul 2002 1:01 am, you wrote:
> > > On Sat, 6 Jul 2002, v wrote:
> > > > My friend has got suse 8 and a speedtouch modem from alcatel,
> > > >
> > > > He has installed everything and configured it, everything was
> > > > but decided to reinstall after reinstall,
> > > >
> > > > the following happens:
> > > > >after i've added the next lines to the /etc/modules.conf
> > > > >
> > > > >alias char-major-108 ppp_generic
> > > > >alias tty-ldisk-14 ppp_synctty
> > > > >alias tty-ldisk-13 n_hdlc
> > > > >
> > > > >the adsl0 is added to eth0 and lo during rebooting process, but i
> > > > > have the same message
> > > > >
> > > > >modprobe: cannot locate module tty-ldisk-13
> > > > >
> > > > >and don't have access to the Net...
> > > > >
> > > > >thanks,
> > > >
> > > > does any one here have the answer because i cant figure it out,
> > >
> > > I don't know what is wrong - maybe n_hdlc isn't found. Have you tried
> > > depmod -a?
> > >
> > > However, if you add -a to the pppoa3 commandline then you don't need
> > > the n_hdlc module so if the module had got corrupted or won't load
> > > you can at least get onto the net.
> > >
> > > (I get a more reliable connection with the -a option and it doesn't
> > > seem to up the load on the box measurably but I also have a buggy
> > > usb chipset and a patched(hacked) pppoa3 so my results should be
> > > taken with a pinch of salt :-)
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > >
> > > Tim.
> > >
> > > Just spotted the problem - ldisc - not ldisk!
> >
> > that may be a spelling mistake on the part of my friend, when he emailed
> > through to me,  ill confirm with him
> >
> > but thanks ill see if i can get it working using the method u wrote.
> >
> > v
> >
> Yes indeed it was the typo, instead of putting ldisc he had put ldisk,
> Excellent pick up on the mistake,
> Thanks a lot for the help
> v
> Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
> Pour se désinscrire :
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe

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[speedtouch] Re: problems with alcatel modem and suse 8

2002-07-09 Thread jonathan chetwynd

well I'm obviously missing something
I did a full install of the pro version.
I've used the slightly older Benoit drivers on RH7.2 with success.
but somehow get nowhere with pppd and the new version.

did you try this http://sdb.suse.de/en/sdb/html/configSpeedTouch.html ?

anyway thanks, i'll persevere...


- Original Message -
From: "jpearson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 7:15 PM
Subject: [speedtouch] Re: problems with alcatel modem and suse 8

> I am running alcatel modem with SuSe8 using Benoit's drivers with no
> problems.
> My ISP is Wanadoo.
> If you have a standard SuSE PRO installation  then you ***must first***
> install the following packages:
> auto config, build and make from Develop\Tools\Building as well as gcc
> Develop\Languages\C and C++
> so that you can compile Benoit's drivers. The process is fairly straight
> forward after that unless you make a typo!
> Ciao
> James Pearson
> E mail (mai) : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> E mail (bur) : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Web page: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/j.pearson/
> What you make of your life is up to you.
> You have all the tools and resources you need.
> - Original Message -
> From: "jonathan chetwynd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 5:21 PM
> Subject: [speedtouch] Re: problems with alcatel modem and suse 8
> >
> > did your friend get suse/adsl working, because i must say I am wasting
> > plenty of time without any such success...
> > were there any special instructions?
> >
> > is he/she using ppp over atm?
> >
> > thanks
> >
> > jonathan
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "v" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 9:29 PM
> > Subject: [speedtouch] Re: problems with alcatel modem and suse 8
> >
> >
> > >
> > > On Sunday 07 Jul 2002 4:20 am, you wrote:
> > > > On Sunday 07 Jul 2002 1:01 am, you wrote:
> > > > > On Sat, 6 Jul 2002, v wrote:
> > > > > > My friend has got suse 8 and a speedtouch modem from alcatel,
> > > > > >
> > > > > > He has installed everything and configured it, everything was
> > working
> > > > > > but decided to reinstall after reinstall,
> > > > > >
> > > > > > the following happens:
> > > > > > >after i've added the next lines to the /etc/modules.conf
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >alias char-major-108 ppp_generic
> > > > > > >alias tty-ldisk-14 ppp_synctty
> > > > > > >alias tty-ldisk-13 n_hdlc
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >the adsl0 is added to eth0 and lo during rebooting process, but
> > stil
> > > > > > > have the same message
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >modprobe: cannot locate module tty-ldisk-13
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >and don't have access to the Net...
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >thanks,
> > > > > >
> > > > > > does any one here have the answer because i cant figure it out,
> > > > >
> > > > > I don't know what is wrong - maybe n_hdlc isn't found. Have you
> tried
> > > > > depmod -a?
> > > > >
> > > > > However, if you add -a to the pppoa3 commandline then you don't
> > > > > the n_hdlc module so if the module had got corrupted or won't load
> > > > > you can at least get onto the net.
> > > > >
> > > > > (I get a more reliable connection with the -a option and it
> > > > > seem to up the load on the box measurably but I also have a buggy
> > > > > usb chipset and a patched(hacked) pppoa3 so my results should be
> > > > > taken with a pinch of salt :-)
> > > > >
> > > > > Regards,
> > > > >
> > > > > Tim.
> > > > >
> > > > > Just spotted the problem - ldisc - not ldisk!
> > > >
> > > > that may be a spelling mistake on the part of my friend, when he
> emailed
> > it
> > > > through to me,  ill confirm with him
> > > >
> > > > but thanks ill see if i can get it working using the method u wrote.
> > > >
> > > > v
> > > >
> > >
> > > Yes indeed it was the typo, instead of putting ldisc he had put ldisk,
> > lol,
> > >
> > > Excellent pick up on the mistake,
> > >
> > > Thanks a lot for the help
> > >
> > > v
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
> > > Pour se désinscrire :
> > mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
> > Pour se désinscrire :
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe
> >
> >
> >
> Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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[speedtouch] UK - BT (i thought this was a suse problem, but maybe just me??)

2002-07-09 Thread jonathan chetwynd

anyone out there care to tell me what type of thing goes in /etc/ppp/peers/adsl as 
user "your login here"

ie: [EMAIL PROTECTED], or just j.bloggs or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

similarly for /etc/chap-secrets "your login here"

ie: [EMAIL PROTECTED], or just j.bloggs or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

does it also need a pap-secrets?



Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
Pour se désinscrire : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe

[speedtouch] ifconfig ppp0

2002-07-09 Thread jonathan chetwynd

finally almost nearly there?

ifconfig just gives me the table, without the connection.

sorry I forgot what this means, what do I check next?



Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
Pour se désinscrire : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe

[speedtouch] /usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -m 1 -c -vpi 0 -vci 38 multiple versions running at the same time

2002-07-09 Thread jonathan chetwynd

apologies for all these postings, just seem slightly to very lost.

read thru /var/log/messages and noticed multiple versions of 
/usr/local/sbin/pppoa3 -m 1 -c -vpi 0 -vci 38

currently ps ax shows up to 40 versions running, cant see why, or figure how to stop 

rebooting, and going to bed

any ideas welcome 



Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
Pour se désinscrire : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe

[speedtouch] Re: problems with alcatel modem and suse 8

2002-07-10 Thread jonathan chetwynd

yeah I tried that,
its half baked, suse support cant figure it..
got benoit up at last, but now find that ipforwarding is bl*** well hidden

rave reviews all over the shop for yast2, but nothing about setting up a 
gateway,unless you want to pay £10 for a cd that reboots every 8 hours. 
no thanks!

anyway struggling on, may have to return to RH, but  didn't fancy the 
upgrade path, or purchasing the next minor revision...

thanks again


Greg MATTHEWS wrote:

>this link:
>>did you try this http://sdb.suse.de/en/sdb/html/configSpeedTouch.html ?
>is for the kernel drivers which i remember you never got working the first time. this 
>driver is not supported by this list.
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>Pour se désinscrire : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe

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