[speedtouch] Re: Problems with speedtouch and redhat

2002-07-04 Thread Tom Stockton

On Wed, 2002-07-03 at 23:11, Matthew Pocock wrote:

> On the occasions that this stage works, I see log messages about 
> timeouts, then modem_run says that the ADSL has synchronized and gives a 
> download and upload speed. When running pppd (by the way, my ppp 
> binaries got put in /usr/sbin, not /usr/local/sbin), things go through, 
> IPs for DNS and local/remote are obtained. However, it says "not 
> replaced existing default route to eth0 []" and this has 
> caused me all sorts of problems. When I tracked this down (with help 
> from the #linuxhelp chat), I was able to work around this by using route 
> to change the default gateway to the remote IP. I then modify the 
> /etc/resolv.conf file to include the new DNS entries, either by hand or 
> using neat. At this point, I can ping things by IP, but can't resolve 
> names.
> I'm running kernel 2.4.18-5smp, and the latest drivers downloaded from 
> your sourceforge site. I got the latest mgmt.o file from alcatel. I 
> accepted the default secure firewall options from the redhat install.

2 Things

1.  Does your /etc/nsswitch.conf have a dns option in the hosts line ?


hosts:  files dns

I imagine it will do, but worth checking.

2.  Is your firewall allowing dns traffic in from BT's name servers?? 
You could try rerunning the firewall script and it may create entries in
line with your /etc/resolv.conf.  Alternatively put them in by hand

-A input -s 53 -d -i ppp0 -p 17 -j ACCEPT
-A input -s 53 -d -i ppp0 -p 17 -j ACCEPT

Hope this helps


Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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[speedtouch] Re: Problems with speedtouch and redhat

2002-07-04 Thread Tim Woodall

On Wed, 3 Jul 2002, Matthew Pocock wrote:

> Hi.
> I use a speedtouch adsl modem, BT broadband and redhat 7.3, and have 
> been trying your drivers. I have read the howto and been on a couple of 
> chat rooms trying to get things going. However, I'm still having problems.

> On the occasions that this stage works, I see log messages about 
> timeouts, then modem_run says that the ADSL has synchronized and gives a 
> download and upload speed. When running pppd (by the way, my ppp 
> binaries got put in /usr/sbin, not /usr/local/sbin), things go through, 
> IPs for DNS and local/remote are obtained. However, it says "not 
> replaced existing default route to eth0 []" and this has 
> caused me all sorts of problems. When I tracked this down (with help 
> from the #linuxhelp chat), I was able to work around this by using route 
> to change the default gateway to the remote IP. I then modify the 
> /etc/resolv.conf file to include the new DNS entries, either by hand or 
> using neat. At this point, I can ping things by IP, but can't resolve 
> names.
You (probably) shouldn't have a default route on the box that connects
to the internet. Remove/comment the "GATEWAY=" line from

DNS check /etc/resolv.conf. I don't think that pppd replaces it, it
creates its own copy. You have several solutions possible. 1. symlink
/etc/resolv.conf to /etc/ppp/resolv.conf (I think). 2. Hard code the
dns servers into /etc/resolv.conf (I use and
or 3. Set up a DNS server locally. (I do this and use the BT servers
as forwarders to reduce the load on the root servers but means that I
don't suffer from their unreliability)

Also check if you installed a firewall. Maybe DNS traffic is firewalled.
Does RH7.3 install iptables or ipchains. If ipchains then DNS is probably
firewalled as UDP is hard/impossible to filter properly using a packet

> I'm running kernel 2.4.18-5smp, and the latest drivers downloaded from 
> your sourceforge site. I got the latest mgmt.o file from alcatel. I 
> accepted the default secure firewall options from the redhat install.

I should read before I write :-) Probably a firewall problem.

Try /etc/init.d/ipchains stop


/etc/init.d/iptables stop and see if that fixes things.

(If it does then you need to sort out the firewall as the above disable
it completely which you really don't want on adsl.)

Finally, are you running apache or openssh. If so please upgrade them
before you get hacked. AFAICT apache on linux and openssh on RH (default 
install) have, as yet no known way to exploit them but apache on *bsd was
believed safe as well until a (brilliant but annoying) piece of work
by gobbles.

upgrades can be got from ftp://updates.redhat.com - or
ftp:://ftp.mirror.ac.uk/sites/ftp.mirror.ac.uk which tends to be faster
but 1/2 to 1 day behind updates.redhat.com.

I think RH now has an automatic upgrader as well but I like to do these
things manually so that I know what has changed.



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Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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[speedtouch] Re: Problems with speedtouch and redhat

2002-07-04 Thread Matthew Pocock

Thanks Tom & Tim. My gateway was wrong. The firwall was blocking all dns 
traffic. Other nasty things where going on.

With a lot of fiddling, I have it working now. I'm using iptables to 
masquerade traffic from eth0 out to the big wide world. Cool. Now to set 
up a DHCP server for all these windows boxes in the house.

Outstanding issues (not showstoppers)

1) modem_run is still taking random amounts of time to run (sometimes 15 

2) the ppp scripts aren't automaticaly updating my gateway

3) how do I load up the adsl connectin on boot automaticaly?

Thanks for all your help,


Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
Pour se désinscrire : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe

[speedtouch] Re: Problems with speedtouch and redhat

2002-07-04 Thread Tom Stockton

On Thu, 2002-07-04 at 16:17, Matthew Pocock wrote:

> 1) modem_run is still taking random amounts of time to run (sometimes 15 
> minutes)

No idea sorry, I use the alcaudsl.sys file though that came with the bt
cd, you might want to try that.  If you want it then mail me.  I'll give
it a go with the .o file as well.
> 2) the ppp scripts aren't automaticaly updating my gateway

Do you still get the 'cant override default route' message ?

Remove the gateway line in your
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, mine looks like this


> 3) how do I load up the adsl connectin on boot automaticaly?

Within the source directory there are 2 files in doc-linux

[root@trevor doc-linux]# pwd
[root@trevor doc-linux]# ls -l speedtouch.*
-rw-r--r--1 1000 1000  741 Jun  1 00:34 speedtouch.conf
-rwxr-xr-x1 1000 1000 9129 Jun  1 00:34 speedtouch.sh

copy the first one into /etc and make the appropriate modifications,
copy the second into /etc/init.d and then 

# chkconfig --add speedtouch.sh

You can then use this script to stop / start the connection.


Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
Pour se désinscrire : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe

[speedtouch] Re: Problems with speedtouch and redhat

2002-07-04 Thread Matthew Pocock

Tom Stockton wrote:

> Do you still get the 'cant override default route' message ?


> Remove the gateway line in your
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, mine looks like this
> DEVICE=eth0
> BOOTPROTO=static

AH - mine says:


So I guess it has been grabbing gateway info from my laptop that used to 
provide internet access. I should realy set up DNS and DHCP services on 
my linux box. More stuff to read.

>>3) how do I load up the adsl connectin on boot automaticaly?
> Within the source directory there are 2 files in doc-linux
> [root@trevor doc-linux]# pwd
> /usr/local/src/speedtouch-1.1/doc-linux
> [root@trevor doc-linux]# ls -l speedtouch.*
> -rw-r--r--1 1000 1000  741 Jun  1 00:34 speedtouch.conf
> -rwxr-xr-x1 1000 1000 9129 Jun  1 00:34 speedtouch.sh
> copy the first one into /etc and make the appropriate modifications,
> copy the second into /etc/init.d and then 
> # chkconfig --add speedtouch.sh
> You can then use this script to stop / start the connection.

Thanks Tom, I'll try this. I had downloaded the rpm release. Now I've 
got the source one and all these docs to read.

> Tom

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
Pour se désinscrire : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe

[speedtouch] Re: Problems with speedtouch and redhat

2002-07-06 Thread Matthew Pocock

Tom Stockton wrote:
> On Thu, 2002-07-04 at 16:17, Matthew Pocock wrote:

> No idea sorry, I use the alcaudsl.sys file though that came with the bt
> cd, you might want to try that. 

The .sys file initializes almost immediately. Perhaps there's a problem 
with run_modem and the .o file. So, for new users I recomend the .sys 

>>2) the ppp scripts aren't automaticaly updating my gateway
> Do you still get the 'cant override default route' message ?

OK - this works now. Thanks.

>>3) how do I load up the adsl connectin on boot automaticaly?
> -rw-r--r--1 1000 1000  741 Jun  1 00:34 speedtouch.conf
> -rwxr-xr-x1 1000 1000 9129 Jun  1 00:34 speedtouch.sh
> # chkconfig --add speedtouch.sh

Great. Once I had very carefuly filled out all the options in the config 
file, I got it to work. I am now dialed in on boot, and ppp-up.local 
symlinks the DNS info automatically. How cool is that! I've been playing 
with iptables, also got dhcpd and named to work (after a fassion), and 
all the PCs in the house seem to just work.

Thanks to everyone who helped.


> Tom

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
Pour se désinscrire : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe