Hi Aad,

Aad Rijnberg wrote:

>I have been trying to get the SpeedTouch 330 operational under Fedora
>Core 3. In the end I succeeded, and want to give some feedback on
>problems I encountered so that others can benefit from it.
>Some time ago I read in this list that it was needed to copy the atm
>header files that belong to the used kernel from
>/usr/src/linux-some-version/include/linux to /usr/include/linux.
>Therefore I downloaded the source code of the kernel that came with FC3,
>and installed it. It appeared to end up in /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES. I
>untarred linux-2.6.9.tar.bz2 such that the kernel source tree ended up
>in /usr/src/linux-2.6.9. 
>Then I copied the /usr/src/linux-2.6.9/include/linux/atm*.h files to
Concerning the headers problem, I found later that the includes of the 
current kernel are located in the directory 
/lib/modules/<kernel-version>/build/include/linux/  in the fedora 
distribs. So you just have to make your ATM makefile point to the folder 
instead of the default one (/usr/include/linux).
Following a Linus Torvald's directive, the header present in the 
/usr/include/linux are those used to compile the glibc present in the 
system, IIRC.

More info here : http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/1997/02/msg00686.html



Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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