It appears that Sphinx does not work with headings that have a underbar at 
the end ? It this is the case, a better warning message would be helpful.

On Friday, September 16, 2022 at 12:08:01 PM UTC-7 

> Suppose that the file index.rst contains the text below. This results (for 
> me) in the error message above. In addition the local table off contents 
> has variable_name for the link to the heading variable_name_. Is this 
> expected  and if so, how should one document a case like this ?
> Test Headings
> #############
> .. contents::
> :local:
> Arguments to Constructor
> ************************
> variable_name
> =============
> Discussion of this argument
> Memember Variables
> ******************
> variable_name_
> ==============
> Discussion of this member variable

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