[spi-devel-general] [Industrial I/O] [0/13] RFC: IIO v3 patchset

2008-12-01 Thread Jonathan Cameron
Dear All,

Sorry this has been so long in coming, it has been a busy couple of

Summary of what IIO is about:

The Industrial I/O (name open to suggestions) subsystem is the result
of discussions on LKML about suitable facilities in the kernel for
the handling of Analog to Digital Converters (ADCs) and the huge classes
of sensor that act in similar fashion (digital accelerometers etc). The
intention is that this may also provide a home for DACs as a lot of chips
have both functions. The sort of devices we are talking typically
communicate over I2C or SPI buses though drivers for rs232 devices etc are
definitely on the cards. Basically we are interested in devices where direct
memory mapped access is not possible.

My particular motivation was to produce an adaptable data capture platform
and, seeing as that's what is paying the bills, it has been the initial focus of
my efforts.  The RFCs below include the question of what other facilities should
be included as options in this system.

For discussion of why these don't fit within existing subsystems see 
http://lkml.org/lkml/2008/5/20/135 and the rest of the associated thread.

The design is intended to allow a disparate set of drivers providing whatever
subset of functionality people have uses for. Hence, the intention is that it
is not necessary or even desirable to support as much as the example drivers
provided here. The system is designed to allow everything from simple drivers
providing sysfs based reading of individual channels to the level of complexity
seen in the sca3000 accelerometer driver found in patch 11.
To this end any final submission will include at least one example of a minimal

I'm still fairly new to kernel coding so have doubtlessly made many mistakes
and non optimal decisions within this code. So, whilst this is intended
primarily to feed a discussion of the overall framework, I would be grateful
to receive any more specific comments on the code! Particularly welcome are
any suggestions that will result in reductions in code length without loss of
functionality as this is still rather larger than would be ideal!

As ever, thanks to the numerous people who commented on the last version posted
and those who have been testing the various intermediate versions (Marcelo Pias
in particular.)


[1/13] The Industrial I/O core:
The core registration and event handling functionality of IIO.

[2/13] The Industrial I/O core - ring buffer support:
Adds ring buffer handling to the IIO core.

[3/13] IIO: Software ring buffer implementation.
An example software ring buffer module.

[4/13] The Industrial I/O core - trigger support
Adds trigger support to the IIO core.

[5/13] IIO: Periodic real time clock based trigger.
An example of IIO trigger supplying driver.

[6/13] IIO: Proof of concept GPIO based IIO trigger
A very simple GPIO based trigger suitable for external

[7/13] IIO: Maxim MAX1363 driver
Driver for the the MAX1363 ADC chip (core functionality)

[8/13] IIO: Maxim MAX1363 driver (ring buffer support)
Add triggered software ring buffer support to the driver

[9/13] IIO: ST LIS3L02DQ 3d accelerometer driver via SPI (core)
Driver for the ST LIS3L02DQ accelerometer (SPI only)

[10/13] IIO: ST LIS3L02DQ 3d accelerometer driver via SPI (ring)
Add triggered software ring buffer support and a data
ready based trigger to the device.

[11/13] IIO: VTI SCA3000 3d accelerometer driver.
Driver for the VTI SCA3000 range of accelerometers.

[12/13] IIO: Documentation
Whilst most documentation related to IIO is contained
as kernel doc comments within the source code, a brief
overview of what it does and discussions of elements
of individual drivers are provided in

[13/13] IIO: Example user space ring buffer access.
Simple example program to illustrate how a user space
application can interact with the ring buffer
functionality of IIO (this includes event handling).
The example used uses the datardy trigger of the
lis3l02dq to drive the filling of a software ring buffer
from the lis3l02dq device.

Overview of changes:

* Introduction of trigger drivers to allow more flexible sampling
  strategies and separate out the periodic RTC element (as only
  one example of a trigger driver.) New triggers provided as example
  / proofs of concept are GPIO based for external sync and data ready
  on the lis3l02dq (to act as example of a unified iio:trigger /
  iio:device driver)

* Far more modular design:
  - The core now acts as a registration system providing sysfs class
handling and registration of chrdevs. T

Re: [spi-devel-general] [Industrial I/O] [0/13] RFC: IIO v3 patchset

2008-12-01 Thread Alan Cox
> have both functions. The sort of devices we are talking typically
> communicate over I2C or SPI buses though drivers for rs232 devices etc are
> definitely on the cards. Basically we are interested in devices where direct
> memory mapped access is not possible.

We have I2C and SPI drivers so I assume you will use the lower layers of
the stacks to do this ?

> For discussion of why these don't fit within existing subsystems see 
> http://lkml.org/lkml/2008/5/20/135 and the rest of the associated thread.

I don't see much there which says why you can't unify all this in a user
space library.

For RS232/423/.. devices you can go this path if you want (but I would
keep it all in userspace anyway) as you can use a line discipline to sit
on top of the port and provide another interface (eg the way PPP does)

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Re: [spi-devel-general] [Industrial I/O] [0/13] RFC: IIO v3 patchset

2008-12-02 Thread Jonathan Cameron
Dear Alan,
>> have both functions. The sort of devices we are talking typically
>> communicate over I2C or SPI buses though drivers for rs232 devices etc are
>> definitely on the cards. Basically we are interested in devices where direct
>> memory mapped access is not possible.
> We have I2C and SPI drivers so I assume you will use the lower layers of
> the stacks to do this ?
Yes, in much the same way that for example hwmon is built on top of these
(amongst other interfaces)
>> For discussion of why these don't fit within existing subsystems see 
>> http://lkml.org/lkml/2008/5/20/135 and the rest of the associated thread.
> I don't see much there which says why you can't unify all this in a user
> space library.
Indeed, that was an option considered at the time and the majority of that
discussion focused on how to do things in a similar way to existing similar
kernel subsystems.

Perhaps this question needs further clarification.

Much of the stuff provided in this initial patch set could indeed be provided
by a fairly complex user space library.

I get the feeling this rest of this response is going to look pretty familiar.
Though as I have never attempted to code anything other than simple userspace
drivers I suspect others may have more detailed responses.  These are in no
particular order.

I believe the principle argument in favour of user space drivers is that of
enhanced stability as they are unlikely to be able to bring the kernel down.
This advantage is indeed valid here.

The other advantage is that the number of copies required to get data to and
from hardware are reduced.  For the devices considered here a userspace driver
would have to go via one of the chrdev interfaces and neither i2c-dev or
spidev are able to support mmap ed interfaces.

The problems I can forsee (or have encountered) with user space drivers
for this sort of device:
* In many cases the ADCs form part of more complex devices which already
  have a support within the kernel. (e.g. PMICs such as those supported
  by the DA903x mfd driver) and as such any additional interface will
  require at least some kernel parts.  Other places I've seen ADCs that
  I'd like to have available via a consistent interface, include firewire
  and usb cameras (aux ADC's and DAC's are common for controlling pan
  tilt heads etc).  Some of these could be implemented in userspace (and
  quite possibly should be,) but others would require driver changes that
  will effectively equal those of adding direct support for the subsystem
  described in these patches.

* Spidev and i2cdev are fairly restricted interfaces which I have used
  extensively for initial investigation of sensors. The key thing here
  is that almost no devices use purely these interfaces. They include
  interrupt lines etc requiring relatively complex handlers. Thus any
  driver would probably require at least some kernel space element per
  chip anyway. Also worth noting that this tends to be the most complex
  and hence probably error prone part of these drivers.  The spidev
  documentation talks about the limitations of the driver.

  An example of the problems that would be encountered with the current i2c-dev
  implementation within a full driver would be a control register read
  on a VTI SCA3000 (i2c) accelerometer.  This would require an initial 3 byte
  write followed by a 1 byte read.   In kernel space this whole thing
  can be set up in a dma capable buffer and done in one go with copies out
  to userspace only needed if the value is meant to be read by the user.

* Need to provide kernel space interfaces. This actually fulls under the RFC
  question of what the scope of this subsystem should be. For example,
  things like battery chargers, free fall detectors etc frequently use
  generic components of the types that IIO will include. The systems that
  use these sometimes require kernel level access which a userspace driver
  clearly cannot supply.

* Performance: Thinks like time stamping of data ready signals needs to be
  as near as possible to the source interrupt.  As for the complex question
  of which is optimal for the ring buffering functionality, this would need
  thorough optimization of both approaches before it could be addressed.
  I'm not aware of any similar comparisons but would be grateful if anyone
  could direct me to any they know of.  It is also worth noting here that many
  applications that will use the ring buffered interface will never actually
  read the contents of the buffer as they are interested in only restricted
  regions of data (based on some external trigger).

In conclusion, I'd be interested in the long run in the possibility of
moving all the above functionality into userspace but at the moment don't
believe it to be the sensible option here.
The alternative of would be to provide only those drivers that would
benefit from a kernel space driver within this subsystem.
This would lose the advantages to be gained from a consi