[sqlalchemy] Re: sessions and transaction

2006-12-02 Thread Manlio Perillo

Michael Bayer ha scritto:
 if the transaction fails, the session goes right back to the same state
 that existed before you called the flush(), as though nothing happened.

With this example:

trans = begin_transaction()
session = ctx.current
a = SomeObject(...)

raise Exception()

The session will have the a object attached to it, so if another 
function calls session.flush (in the same thread), the object is created 
on the database.

This is not what I want.
Maybe the better solution is to not share sessions at all.

Regards  Manlio Perillo

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[sqlalchemy] Re: self-referential table question

2006-12-02 Thread Steve Zatz

Works perfectly.  Your responsiveness and the usefulness of SQLAlchemy
continue to amaze. Thanks.

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[sqlalchemy] SA 0.3.x: performance issues

2006-12-02 Thread Daniel Miller

Michael Bayer wrote:
 you need to forward the *actual test program* which you are running.  i
 have tests for performance which generally show very minute speed
 differences between 0.2 and 0.3.  The logging statements can be sped up
 by making them conditional and maybe removing some. 

I've noticed that SA is doing a lot of string formatting in logging statements 
like this:

log.debug('%s %s' % ('green', 'apples'))
log.debug(( + self.abc + | + self.xyz + )  + msg)

The logging package is designed to allow string formatting to be deferred until 
the log statement is actually written to a log (so it only happens when logging 
is enabled). Here's how you'd take advantage of that:

log.debug('%s %s', 'green', 'apples')
log.debug((%s|%s) %s, self.abc, self.xyz, msg)

Also, you need to stop writing Perl in Python :) The mapper logging is quite 
inefficient. Here's a quick example of how that could be improved:

class MapperLoggingExample(object):

def __init__(self):
# ...

if logging.is_debug_enabled(self.logger):
name = [(, self.class_.__name__, |]
if self.entity_name is not None:
name.extend([/, self.entity_name])
if self.local_table:
if not self._is_primary_mapper():
name.append() %s)
logging_name = .join(name)
self.log_fast = lambda msg: self.logger.debug(logging_name, msg)
self.log_fast = lambda msg: None

def log_slow(self, msg):
self.logger.debug(( + self.class_.__name__ + | + (self.entity_name 
is not None and /%s % self.entity_name or ) + (self.local_table and 
self.local_table.name or str(self.local_table)) + (not 
self._is_primary_mapper() and |non-primary or ) + )  + msg)

# usage example
m = MapperLoggingExample()
m.log_slow(test message)
m.log_fast(test message)

According to my tests, log_fast() is about 50 times faster than log_slow() when 
logging is disabled, and marginally faster when logging is enabled.

~ Daniel

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[sqlalchemy] Re: SA 0.3.x: performance issues

2006-12-02 Thread Michael Bayer

what logging really needs is this:

logging.debug(lambda: %s - %s % (_get_data(x),_get_other_data(y))

and the lambda: doesnt execute if logging is disabled; which accounts
for a lot more than just doing the % operation or not, such as in my
case where i make calls out to _instance_str() to represent an instance
string.   however, theres still overhead to creating those lambdas.

anyway, if you look at what I did, I just set a boolean flag in the
constructor based on is_debug_enabled() and just check the flag
explicitly before every call to debug()so no method calls or log
message construction of any kind happen at all if debug logging is
disabled.  speed looks a lot more like 0.2.8 now (pending further test
cases people want to give me).  (the next thing that might help is if i
speed up the calls to mapper_extension).

also, I challenge your assertion that saying x and y or z is a
perlish thing (its a C and Java thing if anything); python 2.5 has just
added the y if x else z syntax which is essentially an official
version of the same thing.

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[sqlalchemy] pysqlite and time support

2006-12-02 Thread Manlio Perillo


 From the code in qlalchemy.databases.sqlite.py it seems that SQLAlchemy 
does not support things like:


That is: seconds with a fractional part.

Any reasons for doing this?

Manlio Perillo

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[sqlalchemy] Re: self-referential table question

2006-12-02 Thread Steve Zatz

Works. Thanks.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: SA 0.3.x: performance issues

2006-12-02 Thread Daniel Miller

Michael Bayer wrote:
 also, I challenge your assertion that saying x and y or z is a
 perlish thing (its a C and Java thing if anything); python 2.5 has just
 added the y if x else z syntax which is essentially an official
 version of the same thing.

Well, I wasn't really talking about 'x and y or z'. I was actually referring to 
your HUGE incomprehensible one-liner...it wrapped to three lines in my editor.

However, the 'x and y or z' idiom is also discouraged because it is NOT the 
same thing as 'y if x else z'. If it was the same thing then they wouldn't have 
added that new syntax (which is really ugly IMO, but I digress) to 2.5. The 
reason they needed a new syntax is because the 'x and y or z' idiom fails if y 
evaluates to false. Example:

x = True
y = ''
z = 'else'

v = x and y or z

assert v == y # ERROR!

~ Daniel

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[sqlalchemy] Re: SA 0.3.x: performance issues

2006-12-02 Thread Michael Bayer

it is flawed for that reason yes.  fine for non-empty strings though.
the new syntax is meant to do correctly what we *want* the x and y or z
thing to do.

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