[sqlalchemy] ForeignKey and onupdate/ondelete

2006-12-07 Thread Manlio Perillo

Why ForeignKey does not allow the onupdate/ondelete keywords arguments?

Thanks and regards  Manlio Perillo

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[sqlalchemy] Re: MySQL Has Gone Away

2006-12-07 Thread Lee McFadden

I'm still having this problem with MySQL (both 4.1 and 5.0), SA
(tested with both 0.2.8 and 0.3.1) and TurboGears 1.0b1.

I've gone over the TG connection code a number of times and I can't
see anything wrong with it.  This isn't after a long idle time either.
 Sometimes I can start the app and have the MySQL server has gone
away exception after 2 or 3 requests.

To reproduce this is simple.  Quickstart a new turbogears project with
SA and identity:

tg-admin quickstart -i --sqlalchemy

Change the dburi in dev.cfg to a mysql db.  Then use ab to pound on
the server.  The magic numbers that *always* causes the app to fail at
some point during the process is as follows:

ab -n 500 -c 10 http://localhost:8080/

I'm pretty sure that this isn't a TG problem (although I don't have an
issue with being proven wrong :) so is this an SA issue or a MySQLdb



Lee McFadden

blog: http://www.splee.co.uk
work: http://fireflisystems.com
skype: fireflisystems

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[sqlalchemy] Re: MySQL Has Gone Away

2006-12-07 Thread Sébastien LELONG

 I'm still having this problem with MySQL (both 4.1 and 5.0), SA
 (tested with both 0.2.8 and 0.3.1) and TurboGears 1.0b1.

Almost the same for me (MySQL 5.0.22, SA 0.2.8 and 0.3.1, using CherryPy). 
Using pool_recycle works nice on a non-high load environments. But while I 
benchmark my app (using siege or ab), this always produces Lost connection 
during MySQL query..., and sometimes MySQL server has gone away 

Note the version of MySQLdb is important: using 1.2.2b1 (didn't tested the 
last 1.2.2b2) can reduce those errors, but not completely though. Also, 
MySQLdb is not thread-safe, so using it in a multithreaded environment can be 
painful... (but I'm sure that's transparent using TG).

Since SA 0.2.4 (pool_recycle did not exist at this time), I use a specific 
pool, derived from the QueuePool class, which *always* check the current 
checked-out connection is valid, using connection.ping() (MySQL specific, I 
think not all DBs support this). I'm still using my pool as of 0.3.1, to 
prevent those kind of errors.

I didn't find out why this occurs: having a test-case is very difficult. I'd 
also investigated the way the app access MySQL. IIRC, while using a socket, 
if a connection is timed-out, reaccessing the server 
automatically regenerate the connection (well, actually, I've not observed 
this behavior for all the mysql servers I use), without producing those 
errors. I have this kind of lines in MySQL logs when this occurs:

Connect [EMAIL PROTECTED] on dev

Well, that's a lot of obscure observations... without a clean solution ! But 
maybe someone will have some ideas...


Sébastien LELONG

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[sqlalchemy] table relationship with direct attributes access

2006-12-07 Thread Manlio Perillo


Consider this example:

articles = Table('articles',
 Column('article_id', Integer, primary_key=True),

comments = Table('comments',
 Column('comment_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
 Column('user_id', Integer, ForeignKey('articles.article_id'),
 Column('comment', String)

class Article(object):

class Comment(object):
def __init__(self, comment):
   self.comment = comment

With these definitions I can build a mapper that attach a comments 
attribute to the Article class.

However the comments attribute is a list of Comment instance.
Is it possible to have it as a list of strings (that is, mapped to 
Comment.comment instead that Comment)?

Thanks and regards   Manlio Perillo

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[sqlalchemy] problem with mapper relationship

2006-12-07 Thread Manlio Perillo

Hi again.

I have the following definitions:

tests = Table('tests',
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),

tests_state = Table('tests_state',
Column('id', Integer, ForeignKey('tests.id'), primary_key=True).
Column('count', Integer, default=0)

class TestState(object):

class Test(object):

testStateMapper = mapper(TestState, tests_state)
testMapper = mapper(
Test, tests,
properties={'state': relation(TestState, uselist=False)}

The problem is that when I do:

test = sess.get(Test, 1)
test.state.count = test.state.count + 1

the tests_state table is not updated.

Thanks   Manlio Perillo

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[sqlalchemy] Re: remote nondirect access to DB

2006-12-07 Thread Michael Bayer

um, web interface ?  SQL console ?  it would help to know what kind of
client youre talking about.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: loosing selected database with mysql

2006-12-07 Thread Michael Bayer

some commands that you type into your SQL console are specific to the
console application, and dont work as SQL statements sent over DBAPI.
 the \d command in the Postgres client console is such an example, or
.show in sqlite.  use might fall into this category in some
circumstances as well.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: table relationship with direct attributes access

2006-12-07 Thread Michael Bayer

SA doesnt have this feature built in at the moment.  you can use a
property to acheive the desired effect:

class MyClass(object):
someprop = property(lamba self:[x.someattribute for x in

it also might  be possible to use the AssociationProxy extension (see
sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy) to achieve the same result with
reading/writing capability.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: problem with mapper relationship

2006-12-07 Thread Michael Bayer

cant reproduce.  heres a test case of the above which passes:

from sqlalchemy import *
meta = BoundMetaData('sqlite://', echo=True)
tests = Table('tests',meta,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('foo', String(30))

tests_state = Table('tests_state',meta,
Column('id', Integer, ForeignKey('tests.id'), primary_key=True),
Column('count', Integer, default=0)

class TestState(object):

class Test(object):

testStateMapper = mapper(TestState, tests_state)
testMapper = mapper(
Test, tests,
properties={'state': relation(TestState, uselist=False)}

sess = create_session()
test = Test()
test.state = TestState()
assert test.state.count == 0

test = sess.get(Test, 1)
test.state.count = test.state.count + 1


test = sess.get(Test,1)
assert test.state.count == 1

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[sqlalchemy] Re: MySQL Has Gone Away

2006-12-07 Thread Michael Bayer

yes it appears that MySQLDB, among its many limitations, is also
completely not threadsafe.  Running a barebones web test to a MySQL
produces the same error.  its a little amazing SA has made it for over
a year and nobody has really had this problem before.

So, for non-threadsafe DBAPIs we use the SingletonThreadPool, like

meta = BoundMetaData('mysql://scott:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/test',

It appears that I will have to make SingletonThreadPool the defualt
pool for the mysql module the same way it is for sqlite although Im
going to check MySQLDB now to see if thread-safety has been worked into
newer versions.

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[sqlalchemy] rebind method for BoundMetaData

2006-12-07 Thread Rick Morrison
Hey Mike, any objection to me adding a 'rebind' method to BoundMetaData
which would allow a swap of the engine at runtime?


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[sqlalchemy] func.max()

2006-12-07 Thread jo

Hi all,

How would I build the following query using SA?

select max(numero) from bolletta where anno=2006;

this is my table

tbl[name] = Table(name, database.metadata, autoload=True)
class Bolletta(DomainObject):
def __str__(self):
return self.numero or repr(self)
assign_mapper(context, Bolletta, tbl['bolletta'])


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[sqlalchemy] Re: func.max()

2006-12-07 Thread John Lavoie


Can you explain why this is the preferred method?  Wouldn't it just be 
simpler and cleaner to do the following?

conn.execute(select max(numero) from bolletta where anno=:anno,anno=2006)


Michael Bayer wrote:



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[sqlalchemy] PickleType with custom pickler

2006-12-07 Thread Daniel Miller

I just looked at SA's PickleType and came up with a couple of issues.

1. dumps/loads

It looks like you can provide a custom pickler to PickleType, but the Python 
Pickler class does not have dumps()/loads() methods. Those methods are only 
available at the module level. This is a minor issue since it's not that hard 
to implement a wrapper for pickler/unpickler that supports dumps/loads. 
However, it may be a good idea to note this issue in the documentation.

2. persistent_id/persistent_load

I need to supply a custom pickler that will use persistent_id() and 
persistent_load(). These pickle extensions are natural requirements in a 
database environment. They allow objects that will be pickled to hold 
references to persistent objects and have those links automatically preserved 
across pickle/unpickle without actually pickling the persistent objects. 
However, there is no easy way to use these methods with SQLAlchemy--I'm 
referring specifically to the orm package here.

Here's a bit of (untested) code to illustrate:

from cStringIO import StringIO
from cPickle import Pickle, Unpickle

class MyPickler(object):

  def __init__(self, session, typeMap):
self.session = session
self.typeMap = typeMap # map class names to types

  def persistent_id(self, obj):
if hasattr(obj, id):
  # only mapped objects have an id
  return %s:%s % (type(obj).__name__, obj.id)
return None

  def persistent_load(self, key):
name, ident = key.split(:)
class_ = self.typeMap[name]
return self.session.query(class_).get(ident)

  def dumps(self, graph):
src = StringIO()
pickler = Pickler(src)
pickler.persistent_id = self.persistent_id
return src.getvalue()

  def loads(self, data):
dst = StringIO(data)
unpickler = Unpickler(dst)
unpickler.persistent_load = self.persistent_load
return unpickler.load()

t = Table(...
  Column(pdata, PickleType(pickler=MyPickler(.?.)))

Now the obvious flaw here is that MyPickler needs a session at instantiation 
time, and it uses the same session for every unpickle throughout the entire 
application. From what I can tell PickleType has no way of getting at the 
session of the current load/save taking place when the data is selected 
from/written to the database. I'm not using thread-local sessions, so that 
won't work, however there are multiple concurrent sessions within my 

My other thought was to use a mapper extension to unpickle on populate_instance 
and pickle on before_insert/before_update. The session is easier to get there, 
and I might have been able to hack it somehow, but I had no way to tell the 
mapper to perform an update if the only thing that changed was the pickle data.

Am I missing something? Is there any way to do what I'm trying to do?

~ Daniel

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[sqlalchemy] Re: loosing selected database with mysql

2006-12-07 Thread robert rottermann
what I meant is that I use use XYZ from python code ..


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[sqlalchemy] Re: func.max()

2006-12-07 Thread Paul K

I have wondered this myself several times.  I've tried to build an SA
query for a few of my database views but have always fallen back to
just a straight SQL query.

Is the SA method used to be database agnostic?

I think that an area on the wiki set up for these sorts of examples
would be valuable.  The examples in the documentation were not
complicated enough to figure out some of my SA translated queries.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: func.max()

2006-12-07 Thread jose

John Lavoie wrote:


Can you explain why this is the preferred method?  Wouldn't it just be 
simpler and cleaner to do the following?

conn.execute(select max(numero) from bolletta where anno=:anno,anno=2006)

This is a good question, Michael. I hope somebody can answer this question.

I'm trying to write my queries using only the mappers but sometimes I 
have difficult to do that.
I have many queries in my programs written in pure sql but I feel 
myself  guilt :-[ 
and I'm trying to convert  all of them.
SQLAlchemy allows you to do the same thing in too many ways. 
At this point I would like to know, what is the best way (or the right 
way to do things).



Michael Bayer wrote:




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[sqlalchemy] Re: func.max()

2006-12-07 Thread jose

jose wrote:

John Lavoie wrote:



Can you explain why this is the preferred method?  Wouldn't it just be 
simpler and cleaner to do the following?

conn.execute(select max(numero) from bolletta where anno=:anno,anno=2006)

This is a good question, Michael. I hope somebody can answer this question.

I'm trying to write my queries using only the mappers but sometimes I 
have difficult to do that.
I have many queries in my programs written in pure sql but I feel 
myself  guilt :-[ 
and I'm trying to convert  all of them.
SQLAlchemy allows you to do the same thing in too many ways. 
At this point I would like to know, what is the best way (or the right 
way to do things).



sometimes i merged sql pure with mappers like this:

sql=select([count(*)], from_obj=[azienda])  -- because func.count(*) 
doesn't work

sql=select([azienda.id as pk], from_obj=[azienda]) --  alias...

I confess, I'm new to SA, thus I beleave these things can be done in a 
best way :-\
Sometimes, I have to do mortal jumps to write sample sql commands.



Michael Bayer wrote:







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