[sqlalchemy] Many-to-Many Adjacency Relationships

2007-12-07 Thread Bert Wesarg

Hello all,

I need a little help, guidance to get a Many-to-Many Adjacency
Relationships, a.k.a. a dependency graph working.

Here is the short code:

metadata = MetaData('sqlite:///')

tasks_table = Table('tasks', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key = True),
Column('name', String()),

task_depends_on_tasks_table = Table('task_depends_on_tasks', metadata,
Column('task_id', Integer, ForeignKey('tasks.id')),
Column('dependent_id', Integer, ForeignKey('tasks.id')),


class Task(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name

The problem is off cause the mapping configuration, some blindly
copy'n'pasting ended up in this:

m = mapper(Task, tasks_table,
properties = {
'dependsOn' : relation(Task,
secondary   = task_depends_on_tasks_table,
remote_side = [tasks_table.c.id],
primaryjoin =
tasks_table.c.id == \
secondaryjoin =
tasks_table.c.id == \

But expectantly this doesn't work. So how would I do this?

Thank you very much.

Bert Wesarg

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Slow relation based assignment.

2007-12-07 Thread Martin Pengelly-Phillips

Hello again Michael,

Have read the documentation you referenced, but am still unsure how to
now delete a Tag without generating the following error: (Note - using
Postgres in production)

(IntegrityError) update or delete on tags violates foreign key
constraint employeesTags_tag_id_fkey on employeesTags
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(3) is still referenced from table employeesTags.
 'DELETE FROM tags WHERE tags.id = %(id)s' {'id': 3}

Without the lazy='dynamic' it works fine (correctly deletes entries
from employeesTags first).

The delete operation I am performing is:

entry = session.query(Tag).filter_by(id=3).first()
except Exception, error:
print error
print 'Deleted successfully'

Thanks again for all your help so far,


On Dec 5, 5:27 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi martin -

 the issue is that each Tag object contains a collection of 1000
 employees on it, and when you make an assignment in the forwards
 direction (i.e. employee.tag.append(sometag)), the corresponding
 reverse relation needs to be fully loaded and then updated according
 to backref semantics.  since you're using eager loading by default
 between employees and tags, there is a load of 20,000 rows each time
 an uninitialized tags.employees collection is touched.

 To prevent the backref from being unnecessarily loaded, and since it
 is a large collection, you should use a dynamic collection for the

 mapper(Employee, employees, properties={
 'tags': relation(Tag,
 secondary=employeesTags,backref=backref('employees', lazy='dynamic'),


 mapper(Tag, tags)

 the employees collection on Tag is now a filterable Query object
 which only queries when read from, and you'll see that the time goes
 down to nothing.  you can also append and delete from a dynamic
 collection like a regular list.

 large collection techniques are discussed 

 we do have a ticket in trac to try improving upon backrefs to not load
 unloaded collections in any case, this is ticket #871.

 On Dec 5, 12:07 pm, Martin Pengelly-Phillips

  Hello again,

  I have recently noticed that a particular assignment seems to be
  taking a relatively long time.
  Not being a database expert I am confused as to whether the last
  assignment 'person.tags = tags' should be so slow when referencing
  existing tags that are used by other entities - it seems to try and
  get a list of all employees that use the given tag and then spends the
  time doing something with the resulting set, but why?

  Test case below.

  If the slow assignment is expected do you have any advice on how to
  speed up such a statement?

  Thank you in advance,



  import os, datetime, time
  from sqlalchemy import *
  from sqlalchemy.orm import *

  file = '/tmp/test.db'
  if os.path.isfile(file): os.remove(file)
  engine = create_engine('sqlite:///%s' % file, echo=True)
  metadata = MetaData()
  Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autoflush=True,
  transactional=False, bind=engine))
  mapper = Session.mapper

  # Classes
  class Employee(object):
  def __init__(self, name=None):
  self.name = name

  def __repr__(self):
  return '%s:%s' % (self.id, self.name)

  class Tag(object):
  def __init__(self, label):
  self.label = label

  # Setup tables
  employees = Table('employees', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('name', String, nullable=False,
Column('dob', DateTime, nullable=False,

  tags = Table('tags', metadata,
  Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
  Column('label', String, nullable=False),

  employeesTags = Table('employeesTags', metadata,
  Column('employee_id', Integer,
  Column('tag_id', Integer,

  # Mappers
  mapper(Employee, employees, properties={
  'tags': relation(Tag, secondary=employeesTags,
  backref='employees', lazy=False)})

  mapper(Tag, tags)

  # Test
  session = Session()

  tags = []
  for i in xrange(20):
  tag = Tag(str(datetime.datetime.now()))

  for i in xrange(1000):
  p = Employee('john%d' % i)
  p.tags = tags



[sqlalchemy] Re: Question about an ORM query with an aggregate function

2007-12-07 Thread Allen Bierbaum

I forgot to mention, I am using SA 0.3.10.


On Dec 7, 2007 7:49 AM, Allen Bierbaum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to create two queries with some of my SA ORM objects that
 will use the sum of a field found through a relationship.  To be a bit
 more concrete, here is a simple setup similar to mine.

 # table object
 users_table = Table('users', meta,
 Column('user_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
 Column('user_name', String(16)),
 Column('state', String(2))

 order_table = Table('orders', metadata,
 Column('user_id', Integer, ForeignKey(users.user_id)),
 Column('total', Integer),

 mapper(Order, order_table)
 mapper(User, users_table, properties = {
 'orders' : relation(Order)})

 What I want to do is two different queries.

 1. Return a list of all User objects meeting a given criteria along
 with a field that is a sum of all their order totals.

 For example:

 users = session.query(User).filter(User.c.state == 'IA').X.all()

 for u in users:
   print u.rolled_up_order_total

 2. Find all users in a given state (User.c.state == NY) with their
 sum of all order totals being greater then some number X.

 Very similar to above, but I don't need the total to come out as an
 attribute on the object.

 Is there some way to do this with SA and the ORM?  I know that with
 straight up SQL I could create a query for this information and store
 the results of an aggregate sum function in a column alias, but how do
 I do this with the ORM?  Is there a way to create a query that
 dynamically injects additional attributes into the loaded object on
 demand?  (if not, that sounds like a pretty nice feature to me :)


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[sqlalchemy] Question about an ORM query with an aggregate function

2007-12-07 Thread Allen Bierbaum

I am trying to create two queries with some of my SA ORM objects that
will use the sum of a field found through a relationship.  To be a bit
more concrete, here is a simple setup similar to mine.

# table object
users_table = Table('users', meta,
Column('user_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('user_name', String(16)),
Column('state', String(2))

order_table = Table('orders', metadata,
Column('user_id', Integer, ForeignKey(users.user_id)),
Column('total', Integer),

mapper(Order, order_table)
mapper(User, users_table, properties = {
'orders' : relation(Order)})

What I want to do is two different queries.

1. Return a list of all User objects meeting a given criteria along
with a field that is a sum of all their order totals.

For example:

users = session.query(User).filter(User.c.state == 'IA').X.all()

for u in users:
  print u.rolled_up_order_total

2. Find all users in a given state (User.c.state == NY) with their
sum of all order totals being greater then some number X.

Very similar to above, but I don't need the total to come out as an
attribute on the object.

Is there some way to do this with SA and the ORM?  I know that with
straight up SQL I could create a query for this information and store
the results of an aggregate sum function in a column alias, but how do
I do this with the ORM?  Is there a way to create a query that
dynamically injects additional attributes into the loaded object on
demand?  (if not, that sounds like a pretty nice feature to me :)


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[sqlalchemy] Query problem with chars acute or grave

2007-12-07 Thread Expo

I'am using SA 0.3.11 with MySql 5.0 through MySQLdb latest stable
version and I don't get results when searching string with chars acute
or grave like è, é, à.
I haven't found flags on SA or MySQLdb for support exotic chars, I
have miss something ?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: IMPORTANT: Does SA caches objects in memory forever?

2007-12-07 Thread Michael Bayer

On Dec 7, 2007, at 1:17 AM, Arun Kumar PG wrote:

 I used weak ref dict and doing a session.clear() post every request.  
 But when I do a len(gc.get_objects()) post every request I can see  
 that the number of objects keeps on increasing. Do we have a  
 background thread that frees up the unused objects in SA after a  

theres no threading code in sqlalchemy.   the session lets go of  
things that are no longer referenced and especially if youre saying  
session.clear() it unconditionally clears everything.

if youd like to ensure that your session is empty, just call  

make sure youre not doing anything like new creating classes and  
mappers on the fly, mappers are stored in a registry (this registry  
should be self-cleaning also on the next release).   Also, if your  
application uses multiple threads,  and you are using a thread local  
storage object such as the scoped_session(), if the threading model is  
such that brand new threads are spawned for every request instead of  
reusing existing threads from a thread pool, that you call  
Session.remove() at the end of the thread's lifecycle.  Otherwise that  
Session object will hang around in the thread local dict keyed to a  
thread id that doesn't exist anymore.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Key error when mapping against arbitrary select

2007-12-07 Thread Michael Bayer

fixed in r3867.  your code below will still raise an exception, just a  
more decriptive one.

On Dec 7, 2007, at 6:35 AM, Andrew Stromnov wrote:

 persons_table = Table(u'persons', dbconfig.metadata,
Column(u'person_id', Integer(20), primary_key=True,
 autoincrement=True, nullable=False, default=0),
Column(u'level', Integer(11), nullable=False, default=1),
autoload = False)

 class Person(object):

 mapper(Person, persons_table)

 stat_by_level = select([Person.level,

 class StatByLevel(object):

 mapper(StatByLevel, stat_by_level)

 desktop:~/Projects/test$ python model.py
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File model.py, line 58, in module
mapper(StatByLevel, stat_by_level)
  File /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.2dev_r3866-
 py2.5.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/__init__.py, line 518, in mapper
return Mapper(class_, local_table, *args, **params)
  File /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.2dev_r3866-
 py2.5.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py, line 153, in __init__
  File /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.2dev_r3866-
 py2.5.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py, line 421, in _compile_pks
if len(self._pks_by_table[self.mapped_table]) == 0:
 KeyError: sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Alias object at 0x842c98c


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[sqlalchemy] Design: mapped objects everywhere?

2007-12-07 Thread Paul-Michael Agapow

More of a design question, complicated by the fact that I'm a  
database neophyte (although I've used SA a fair bit).

I have a web application that with periodically connect to a  
database. I've written a wrapper for the db using SQLalchemy, but I'm  
unsure about the best way to use the mapped classes. In some cases  
the client will fetch records (mapped classes) from the database and  
immediately use and then dispose of them. No problems. In other  
cases, it will keep those fetched objects around indefinitely,  
perhaps late changing them and sending them back. In even other  
cases, it might create instances of those objects independently of  
the db, and use them, maybe checking them in. Put as a use case:

A Sample may be created by the web application or fetched from the  
database. Later on, it may be disposed of, edited or checked back  
into the db.

So, the design question is should the mapped (database) object  
classes be the same as the extra-db classes? On one hand, it's a lot  
simpler to have a single class Sample, rather than SampleRow (the  
mapped class) and SampleData (an unmapped, extra-db class). On the  
other hand, the requirements and coding of both classes are kinda  
different, and I find myself changing the properties of the mapped  
class for better mapping and making the use of the class in non-Db  
contexts more awkward. Also, the SA magic has made debugging of some  
non-Db issues quite difficult. Opinions or issues to consider.

Dr Paul-Michael Agapow: VieDigitale / Inst. for Animal Health

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[sqlalchemy] dynamic relations

2007-12-07 Thread Vladimir Iliev
hi, what's wrong with the attached example?

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from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *

metadata = MetaData('sqlite://')
#~ metadata.bind.echo = 'debug'

companies = Table('companies', metadata, 
   Column('company_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
   Column('name', String(50)))

employees_table = Table('employees', metadata, 
Column('employee_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('company_id', Integer, ForeignKey('companies.company_id')),
Column('name', String(50)),


class Person(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
setattr(self, key, value)
def __repr__(self):
return Ordinary person %s % self.name
class Company(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
setattr(self, key, value)
def __repr__(self):
return Company %s % self.name

company_mapper = mapper(Company, companies)

person_mapper = mapper(Person, employees_table, properties={
'company': relation(Company, backref=backref('employees', lazy='dynamic'))

session = create_session()

c = Company(name='company1')


c = session.query(Company).get(1)

print c.employees
print list(c.employees)
print c.employees.count()


[sqlalchemy] Re: Stats implementation question.

2007-12-07 Thread Andrew Stromnov

I think it shoud be done throught mapping against arbitrary select


On 7 дек, 13:23, Andrew Stromnov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How to implement this stat behaviour (RPG-like stats):

 players_table = Table('player',
   Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
   Column('name', String),
   Column('level', Integer),

 # SELECT 'level', count('level') as 'count' FROM player ORDER BY
 'level' GROUP BY 'level'

 class Stats(object): pass

 mapper(Stats, players_table, include_properties=['level'], properties
 = {
   'count': column_property(  func.count('level).label('count') )


 this fails with error...

 And where 'ORDER BY' and 'GROUP BY' must be placed?
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[sqlalchemy] Key error when mapping against arbitrary select

2007-12-07 Thread Andrew Stromnov

persons_table = Table(u'persons', dbconfig.metadata,
Column(u'person_id', Integer(20), primary_key=True,
autoincrement=True, nullable=False, default=0),
Column(u'level', Integer(11), nullable=False, default=1),
autoload = False)

class Person(object):

mapper(Person, persons_table)

stat_by_level = select([Person.level,

class StatByLevel(object):

mapper(StatByLevel, stat_by_level)

desktop:~/Projects/test$ python model.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File model.py, line 58, in module
mapper(StatByLevel, stat_by_level)
  File /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.2dev_r3866-
py2.5.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/__init__.py, line 518, in mapper
return Mapper(class_, local_table, *args, **params)
  File /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.2dev_r3866-
py2.5.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py, line 153, in __init__
  File /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.2dev_r3866-
py2.5.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/mapper.py, line 421, in _compile_pks
if len(self._pks_by_table[self.mapped_table]) == 0:
KeyError: sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Alias object at 0x842c98c

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[sqlalchemy] Stats implementation question.

2007-12-07 Thread Andrew Stromnov

How to implement this stat behaviour (RPG-like stats):

players_table = Table('player',
  Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
  Column('name', String),
  Column('level', Integer),

# SELECT 'level', count('level') as 'count' FROM player ORDER BY
'level' GROUP BY 'level'

class Stats(object): pass

mapper(Stats, players_table, include_properties=['level'], properties
= {
  'count': column_property(  func.count('level).label('count') )

this fails with error...

And where 'ORDER BY' and 'GROUP BY' must be placed?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: IMPORTANT: Does SA caches objects in memory forever?

2007-12-07 Thread King Simon-NFHD78

Felix Schwarz wrote:

 I have a question which I think is similar enough to be asked 
 in the same 
 thread: I have a set of quite simple migration scripts which 
 us SQLAlchemy 0.4 
 and Elixir 0.4. I do extract data from the old legacy (MySQL) 
 database with 
 SQLAlchemy and put this data into new Elixir objects.
 Currently, these scripts use up to 600 MB RAM. This is no 
 real problem as we 
 probably could devote a machine with 4 GB ram solely for the 
 migration. But it would be nice to use lower-powered machines 
 for our migration 
 What wonders me is that I do not (knowingly) keep references 
 neither to the old 
 data items nor the new elixir objects. Nevertheless memory 
 usage increases 
 during the migration. Is there any way to debug this easily 
 to see why Python 
 does need so much memory/which references prevent the objects 
 from being garbage 
 collected? Running the garbage collector manually did not 
 help much (saving only 
 about 5 MB).

Here is a snippet that I've used before when trying to track down
objects that aren't getting cleaned up properly. I don't think it'll
find leaks of built-in types, but it should help with instances of
user-defined classes. Just call 'report_objects' every now and then.

import gc

_previous = {}
def report_objects(threshold=500):
objects = gc.get_objects()
print Number of objects in memory: %d % len(objects)
modules = {}
for obj in gc.get_objects():
if getattr(obj, '__module__', None) is not None:
module_parts = obj.__module__.split('.')
module = '.'.join(module_parts[:3])
modules.setdefault(module, 0)
modules[module] += 1

print Modules with  %d objects: % threshold
dump_modules(modules, threshold)

if _previous:
changes = {}
for module, value in modules.items():
changes[module] = value - _previous.get(module, 0)

print Changes since last time:
dump_modules(changes, 10)


def dump_modules(modules, threshold):
maxlen = max(len(m) for m in modules)
l = [(value, module) for module, value in modules.items()
 if value  threshold]
if l:
for value, module in l:
print %*s %5d % (maxlen+1, module, value)


The first time you call report_objects, you should get something like

Number of objects in memory: 100794
Modules with  500 objects:
sqlalchemy.ext.assignmapper  1935
sqlalchemy.util  1362
   sqlalchemy.types  1250
  sqlalchemy.schema  1170
 sqlalchemy.sql  1124
  sqlalchemy.orm.unitofwork  1003
  sqlalchemy.orm.strategies   956
  sqlalchemy.orm.properties   750
  sqlalchemy.orm.attributes   699
  sqlalchemy.orm.mapper   681
  testresults.define_schema   665

And then when you call it again some time later:

Number of objects in memory: 102349
Modules with  500 objects:
sqlalchemy.ext.assignmapper  1935
sqlalchemy.util  1418
   sqlalchemy.types  1250
  sqlalchemy.schema  1204
 sqlalchemy.sql  1177
  sqlalchemy.orm.unitofwork  1004
  sqlalchemy.orm.strategies   993
  sqlalchemy.orm.properties   750
  sqlalchemy.orm.attributes   708
  sqlalchemy.orm.mapper   681
  testresults.define_schema   665
Changes since last time:

Note that the module names are where the classes are defined, not where
they are used, but it may be enough to give you a clue.

Hope that helps,


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Slow relation based assignment.

2007-12-07 Thread Michael Bayer

On Dec 7, 2007, at 5:21 AM, Martin Pengelly-Phillips wrote:

 Hello again Michael,

 Have read the documentation you referenced, but am still unsure how to
 now delete a Tag without generating the following error: (Note - using
 Postgres in production)

 (IntegrityError) update or delete on tags violates foreign key
 constraint employeesTags_tag_id_fkey on employeesTags
 DETAIL:  Key (id)=(3) is still referenced from table employeesTags.
 'DELETE FROM tags WHERE tags.id = %(id)s' {'id': 3}

 Without the lazy='dynamic' it works fine (correctly deletes entries
 from employeesTags first).

 The delete operation I am performing is:

 entry = session.query(Tag).filter_by(id=3).first()
 except Exception, error:
print error
print 'Deleted successfully'

hey Martin -

I think this is actually a bug in sqlalchemy regarding the dynamic  
relation; ive added ticket #895.

Ive recently enhanced regular relations to also not unnecessarily load  
backrefs, that code is in trunk if youd like to try it, and i dont  
think it has this particular issue.

Otherwise, for now, when you load the Tag, you have two (well, three)  
choices:  you can load the colleciton of Employees attached to the  
Tag, and explicitly remove the tag from each employee;  or, you can  
implement ON DELETE CASCADE in your database on the foreign key in  
question so that it automatically updates itself; finally, you can,  
within the transaction, issue a DELETE FROM employees_tags where  
tag_id=3 before you call session.commit(), although this might  
conflict with existing Employee records.

implementing ON DELETE CASCADE is definitely the most legit way to  
go here since it lets the database do most of the work.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Query problem with chars acute or grave

2007-12-07 Thread jason kirtland

Expo wrote:
 I'am using SA 0.3.11 with MySql 5.0 through MySQLdb latest stable
 version and I don't get results when searching string with chars acute
 or grave like è, é, à.
 I haven't found flags on SA or MySQLdb for support exotic chars, I
 have miss something ?

There is an option to MySQLdb to set the connection encoding but it's 
only needed when the server configuration isn't correct.

For this database, are the characters valid in the server's configured 
connection encoding?  Are they valid in the column's character set?  A 
mismatch in either of those may leave you with incorrectly encoded data 
in the column, which would cause equality comparisons to fail.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Question about an ORM query with an aggregate function

2007-12-07 Thread Allen Bierbaum

Thanks for the feedback.  I hadn't thought of doing it this way.

I did comb through the documentation a 2nd and 3rd time today though
and found the add_column() method for queries.  It looks like that
may be another way to get what I want.  I am thinking about even
creating a little builder function that takes the results from a query
with add_column and adds them back to the primary object as custom

Now that I have a couple options, I think I can get at least one of
them to work. :)


On Dec 7, 2007 3:11 PM, Paul Johnston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 1. Return a list of all User objects meeting a given criteria along
 with a field that is a sum of all their order totals.
 You want to create another class and mapper, UserWithSum (or a
 friendlier name) that maps to an arbitrary select.

 2. Find all users in a given state (User.c.state == NY) with their
 sum of all order totals being greater then some number X.
 Once you've achieved 1, this is pretty straightforward.



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[sqlalchemy] Re: Design: mapped objects everywhere?

2007-12-07 Thread Paul Johnston


 A Sample may be created by the web application or fetched from the 
 database. Later on, it may be disposed of, edited or checked back into 
 the db.

 On the other hand, the requirements and coding of both classes are 
 kinda different, and I find myself changing the properties of the 
 mapped class for better mapping and making the use of the class in 
 non-Db contexts more awkward.

Sounds like you want your app to be mostly unaware of whether a class is 
saved in the db or not (i.e. persistent)? If so, I'd use a single class, 
design the properties so they work in non-persistent mode, and then 
they'll work in persistent mode as well.


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[sqlalchemy] From arbitrary SELECT to Query

2007-12-07 Thread Artur Siekielski

I have a compound SELECT statement (of class CompoundSelect) that is
composed of a few normal SELECTs combined by UNION. from_obj of this
SELECT contains all columns of a table that is mapped to a class. I
would like to get objects created using defined mapper, but selected
using my compound SELECT statement.

I have found a solution: mappers have method 'instances' that can be
used like that:

instancesList =
someMapper.instances(dbSession.execute(compoundSelect), dbSession)

The problem is that I get normal Python list, which eats much
resources when database is big. Much better would be Query object
which supports lazy loading. Note that I cannot use
Query.filter(compoundSelect._whereclause) because CompundSelect
doesn't have _whereclause.

Another solution is to use a new, non_primary mapper defined on
compundSelect, but then I wouldn't have relations.

I hope some simple solution exists :).


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[sqlalchemy] Re: dynamic relations

2007-12-07 Thread Michael Bayer

im glad people are finally using dynamic relationstry out rev 3869.

On Dec 7, 2007, at 10:25 AM, Vladimir Iliev wrote:

 from sqlalchemy import *
 from sqlalchemy.orm import *

 metadata = MetaData('sqlite://')
 #~ metadata.bind.echo = 'debug'

 companies = Table('companies', metadata,
   Column('company_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
   Column('name', String(50)))

 employees_table = Table('employees', metadata,
Column('employee_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('company_id', Integer, ForeignKey('companies.company_id')),
Column('name', String(50)),


 class Person(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
setattr(self, key, value)
def __repr__(self):
return Ordinary person %s % self.name
 class Company(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
setattr(self, key, value)
def __repr__(self):
return Company %s % self.name

 company_mapper = mapper(Company, companies)

 person_mapper = mapper(Person, employees_table, properties={
'company': relation(Company, backref=backref('employees',  

 session = create_session()

 c = Company(name='company1')


 c = session.query(Company).get(1)

 print c.employees
 print list(c.employees)
 print c.employees.count()


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Design: mapped objects everywhere?

2007-12-07 Thread sdobrev

Paul Johnston wrote:
 A Sample may be created by the web application or fetched from the 
 database. Later on, it may be disposed of, edited or checked back into 
 the db.
 On the other hand, the requirements and coding of both classes are 
 kinda different, and I find myself changing the properties of the 
 mapped class for better mapping and making the use of the class in 
 non-Db contexts more awkward.
 Sounds like you want your app to be mostly unaware of whether a class is 
 saved in the db or not (i.e. persistent)? If so, I'd use a single class, 
 design the properties so they work in non-persistent mode, and then 
 they'll work in persistent mode as well.

or like a single class that does the what and why, and an interchangeable 
layer/context that does load/saving (and the relations!).
in such situations declarative programming helps a lot, so u dont bind your 
self to (the) db (or whatever persistency). Check dbcook.sf.net. My own 
latest experience is about turning a project that was thought for db/using 
dbcook into non-db simple-file-based persistency. The change was relatively 
  small, like 5-10 lines per class - as long as there are Collections etc 
similar notions so Obj side of ORM looks same.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: dynamic relations

2007-12-07 Thread Vladimir Iliev

i'm glad you're always so responsive ;-)

Michael Bayer написа:
 im glad people are finally using dynamic relationstry out rev 3869.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: From arbitrary SELECT to Query

2007-12-07 Thread Michael Bayer

On Dec 7, 2007, at 2:39 PM, Artur Siekielski wrote:

 I have a compound SELECT statement (of class CompoundSelect) that is
 composed of a few normal SELECTs combined by UNION. from_obj of this
 SELECT contains all columns of a table that is mapped to a class. I
 would like to get objects created using defined mapper, but selected
 using my compound SELECT statement.

 I have found a solution: mappers have method 'instances' that can be
 used like that:

 instancesList =
 someMapper.instances(dbSession.execute(compoundSelect), dbSession)

use instances on Query.   instances on mapper is long ago  
deprecated, added a warning in 3874.

 The problem is that I get normal Python list, which eats much
 resources when database is big. Much better would be Query object
 which supports lazy loading. Note that I cannot use
 Query.filter(compoundSelect._whereclause) because CompundSelect
 doesn't have _whereclause.

apply the appropriate LIMIT/OFFSET criterion to the select in order to  
limit rows.  The Query object doesnt have the option to fetch only  
part of a result sets since single instances may be comprised of many  
rows, the same object can appear many times in the same result set,  
and dependencies may exist between objects present in multiple rows;  
everything has to be held as unique against its identity across the  
full result set.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Slow relation based assignment.

2007-12-07 Thread Martin Pengelly-Phillips

hey Mike,

Thanks for the update - I'll try it out tomorrow.


p.s. Have I mentioned you guys provide the best support I have
encountered in a long time (including commercial products).

On Dec 7, 4:14 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hey martin -

 this bug is fixed in trunk r3868, so if you use the svn trunk you can
 either keep using the dynamic or go back to the regular relation, you
 should be good in both cases.

 - mike

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