[sqlalchemy] Integer Array Unique Key

2008-04-05 Thread Madhu Alagu


1. controller_action_id integer[]

2. UNIQUE(order_id, product_id)

How can I create a table.


Madhu Alagu

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Does SQLAlchemy ORM use column indexes to optimize queries?

2008-04-05 Thread GK


Thank you for your response - it was very helpful for me.

It turns out my main problem was that I was importing an order of
magnitude or so more data than I realized, but you were also right
about using flush().

You were also right about the overhead of creating extra indexes.  In
the spirit of putting some data in a public space...

Starting with en empty database, with a test dataset of 1200 values
(about 1150 unique insertions) and flushing after every insertion I
have the following timings:

No extra indexes: 2:00
Three extra indexes: 2:15

This is using SQLite with a flat file on a 1.8GHz laptop.  The records
are each nearly 1Kb.  There's an overhead of about 5 seconds for
reading the data, so most of the above time is loading the database.

I haven't yet had time to judge how the performance varies with larger


On Apr 4, 4:29 pm, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 4, 2008, at 11:09 AM, GK wrote:

  I tried initially without any additional column indexes, and (observed
  by watching debug output) the program started off quickly enough, but
  after a hundred or so records the rate of insertion started to drop
  off dramatically.  I reasoned that this was because the code was being
  forced to perform a linear search for each new entry processed, and
  hypothesized that this would be improved by judicious addition of some
  additional column indexes.  I duly did this, but the performance is
  not observably improved.  Code snippets below.

  I'm using Python 2.5.1, SA 0.4.4 and SQLite 3.5.7

  I'm not looking for blinding performance, just some time today.  I'm
  trying to process about 1300 source records, and so far it's taken a
  couple of hours at 100% CPU utilization.  The sqlite data file is
  still zero length.  I can't tell how far it's got through the source

 1300 rows, even if individually fetched and inserted one by one (which
 it seems is what youre doing), shouldn't take more than a minute.  So
 some questions to ask are, how big is this table you're selecting
 from ?   You are filtering on about ten columns.  What is important to
 note there is that if you did in fact place indexes on all ten columns
 to speed up selecting, you'd also directly impact the speed of
 insertion negatively.  So thats something to consider.

  My questions, then, are:
  1. does the SQLAlchemy ORM/query/filter_by use column indexes to
  optimize queries?

 your database is what would be taking advantage of column indexes.  If
 you tell SQLA to select from a table and filter on these 10 columns,
 theres no particular optimization to be done at the SQL construction

  2. if so, are there any particular steps I need to take to ensure this

 you should experiment with your databases explain plan feature to
 show what indexes are taking effect for the SQL being issued.   With
 SQLA, turn on SQL echoing to see the conversation taking place.

  As a supplementary question, are there any good reference materials
  for SA whose intended audience level lies somewhere between the
  excellent introductory tutorials and concise API reference available
  at the web site?

 There is an oreilly book, which I havent seen yet, coming out in
 June.I cant speak to its accuracy or up-to-dateness since we
 release new features very frequently.

  and the access code like this:

 # Update occurrence count or add new message
 emlq = session.query(Email).filter_by(
 sendadr  = sadr,
 fromadr  = fadr,
 toadr= tadr,
 sendnam  = snam,
 fromnam  = fnam,
 tonam= tnam,
 subject  = msgsubj,
 received = msgrcvd,
 spam = msgspam,
 folderid = folderid)
 eml = emlq.one()
 except Exception, e:
 eml = Email(
 sadr, snam, fadr, fnam, tadr, tnam,
 msgsubj, msgrcvd, msgspam,
 mboxname, folderid)
 eml.occurs += 1

 One thing you definitely want to do here is flush() your session after
 several rows.  The reason for your latency might be just lots of
 pending data building up in the session unflushed.

 Additionally, for a datafile import I'd probably not use the ORM at
 all and use straight SQL constructs, i.e.
 mytable.select().where(sendadr=sadr, fromadr=fadr, ...), and then
 mytable.update() or mytable.insert() depending on the results.  The
 SQL expression tutorial lays it all out how to use those.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Does SQLAlchemy ORM use column indexes to optimize queries?

2008-04-05 Thread jason kirtland

GK wrote:
 Thank you for your response - it was very helpful for me.
 It turns out my main problem was that I was importing an order of
 magnitude or so more data than I realized, but you were also right
 about using flush().
 You were also right about the overhead of creating extra indexes.  In
 the spirit of putting some data in a public space...
 Starting with en empty database, with a test dataset of 1200 values
 (about 1150 unique insertions) and flushing after every insertion I
 have the following timings:
 No extra indexes: 2:00
 Three extra indexes: 2:15
 This is using SQLite with a flat file on a 1.8GHz laptop.  The records
 are each nearly 1Kb.  There's an overhead of about 5 seconds for
 reading the data, so most of the above time is loading the database.
 I haven't yet had time to judge how the performance varies with larger

2:00 seems very high- is that 2 minutes?  Below are two similar bulk 
table loads.  The first uses the same insert-or-update methodology and 
only the relational layer (no ORM)- that clocks in at 1.25 seconds on my 
laptop.  The second is an ORM implementation with a different duplicate 
detection methodology- that clocks in at 2.0 seconds.


## Relational version

import os
import time
import random
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.exceptions import IntegrityError

data_cols = (
 'sendadr', 'fromadr', 'toadr', 'sendnam', 'fromnam',
 'tonam', 'subject', 'received', 'spam', 'folderid' )
chunk = lambda: '%x' % random.getrandbits(400)
dataset = [dict((col, chunk()) for col in data_cols)
for _ in xrange(1200)]
dupes = random.sample(dataset, 50)

db = '1krows.db'
if os.path.exists(db):

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///%s' % db)
metadata = MetaData(engine)
table = Table('t', metadata,
   Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
   Column('occurs', Integer, default=1),
   *(Column(col, Text) for col in data_cols))

assert table.select().count().scalar() == 50

start = time.time()

insert = table.insert()
update = (table.update().
   where(and_(*((table.c[col] == bindparam(col))
for col in data_cols))).
   values({'occurs': table.c.occurs+1}))
conn = engine.connect()
tx = conn.begin()
for row in dataset:
 conn.execute(insert, row)
 except IntegrityError:
 conn.execute(update, row)

end = time.time()

assert table.select().count().scalar() == 1200
assert select([func.count(table.c.id)],
   table.c.occurs==2).scalar() == 50
print elapsed: %04f % (end - start)

## ORM version

import hashlib
import os
import time
import random
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *

data_cols = (
 'sendadr', 'fromadr', 'toadr', 'sendnam', 'fromnam',
 'tonam', 'subject', 'received', 'spam', 'folderid' )
chunk = lambda: '%x' % random.getrandbits(400)
dataset = [dict((col, chunk()) for col in data_cols)
for _ in xrange(1200)]

def hashrow(row):
 return hashlib.sha1(
 ','.join(row[c] for c in data_cols)).hexdigest()

dupes = []
for row in random.sample(dataset, 50):
 dupe = row.copy()
 dupe['hash'] = hashrow(dupe)

db = '1krows.db'
if os.path.exists(db):

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///%s' % db)
metadata = MetaData(engine)
table = Table('t', metadata,
   Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
   Column('occurs', Integer, default=1),
   Column('hash', String(40), unique=True),
   *(Column(col, Text) for col in data_cols))

assert table.select().count().scalar() == 50

class Email(object):
 def __init__(self, **kw):
 for key, value in kw.items():
 setattr(self, key, value)

 def hashval(self):
 return hashrow(dict((col, getattr(self, col))
 for col in data_cols))

mapper(Email, table)

start = time.time()
session = create_session()

data = [Email(**row) for row in dataset]

chunk, remaining = [], [(e.hashval(), e) for e in data]
while remaining:
 chunk, remaining = remaining[:100], remaining[100:]
 by_hash = dict(chunk)
 dupes = (session.query(Email).
 for dupe in dupes:
 dupe.occurs += 1
 for hashval, email in by_hash.items():
 email.hash = hashval

end = time.time()

assert table.select().count().scalar() == 1200
assert select([func.count(table.c.id)],
   table.c.occurs==2).scalar() == 50
print elapsed: %04f % (end - start)

You received 

[sqlalchemy] Re: why something not show the updated items ?

2008-04-05 Thread 张沈鹏(电子科大 毕/就业倒计时...)
thanks for you answer :)

but I still have some problems

It's to say I should clear session manual once I update the database ?

can I set timeout  somewhere to auto do this job ?

On Sat, Apr 5, 2008 at 11:58 PM, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Apr 5, 2008, at 12:19 AM, 张沈鹏(电子科大 毕/就业倒计

 时...) wrote:

   I write a web with pylons 0.97 dev beta3
   use sqlalchemy4.5 with elixir
   and the template system is moko
   when I update the datebase then refresh the page
   the updated items sometimes show and sometimes not
   I think maybe the moko or sqlalchemy or elixir buffered the query
   result .
   but how to solve this problem ?

  clear out your session - session.clear().


 -- 张教主

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[sqlalchemy] Re: why something not show the updated items ?

2008-04-05 Thread Michael Bayer

On Apr 5, 2008, at 1:13 PM, 张沈鹏(电子科大 毕/就业倒计 
时...) wrote:

 thanks for you answer :)

 but I still have some problems

 It's to say I should clear session manual once I update the database ?

 can I set timeout  somewhere to auto do this job ?

for a web application, you usually use a Session for the lifespan of a  
request - at the end of the request, you close it out.

Pylons tutorial has an illustration of this pattern over at 
  . About halfway through, the example illustartes modifying the base  
controller to say:

def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
 return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)

SQLAlchemy 0.4.6 (likely version) will include an auto-expire-on- 
commit() feature which will make this step unnecessary, if you use a  
fully transactional Session.

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