[sqlalchemy] Re: threadlocal sessions and transactions

2008-07-19 Thread Michael Bayer

On Jul 19, 2008, at 10:32 AM, huy do wrote:

>>   If
>> you continue to use the threadlocal engine strategy, then implicit
>> executions (i.e. somestatement.execute()) should participate in the
>> same transaction as the Session.
> Is there a warning in that "If" ? Is the threadlocal strategy not the
> most popular for web programs ?

Theres nothing wrong with using the threadlocal strategy, but I think  
scoped_session() is more widely used just because its  a little more  
transparent in its usage.

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[sqlalchemy] integration of SQLAlchemy in a WSI environ

2008-07-19 Thread Manlio Perillo

I have completed my idea of integration of SQLALchemy in a WSGI environ, 
in my wsgix framework.

wsgix (http://hg.mperillo.ath.cx/wsgix) is a WSGI framework whose main 
design goal it to provide a low level but flexible layer over WSGI.
Since WSGI is mainly a functional API, wsgix is the same: a collection 
of functions that explicitly use the WSGI environ to keep state (and 
also configuration options).

The integration with SQLALchemy is in wsgix.dbapi 

The integration consist only of two pair of functions:
contextual_connect(environ, engine)
close_contextual_connection(environ, engine)
scoped_session(environ, session_factory)

These functions use the WSGI environ dictionary to keep the state, and a 
reference count is used to make sure resources are closed when no more 

There are also some high level wrappers around contextual_connect.
An example of high level wrapper around scoped_session can be found 
instead in the test suite (since I'm not sure about the best patterns 
for advanced session usage):

I would really appreciate comments about the code.

Thanks   Manlio Perillo

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Boolean, Declerative, MySQL 5.2

2008-07-19 Thread Heston James - Cold Beans

> I am using Column(Boolean) with declarative and MySQL and it is
> working fine. In MySQL itself the type is 'tinyint(1)' but they
> provide 'bool' and 'boolean' as synonyms if you prefer.


Thank you for this, I went with the tinyint(1) and it seems to be working



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[sqlalchemy] Re: threadlocal sessions and transactions

2008-07-19 Thread huy do

On Jul 20, 12:13 am, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jul 19, 2008, at 9:10 AM, Contact 42 wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am using sa 0.5b2 under python 2.5.
> > Should the following code commit myobj.
> > engine = create_engine(appconfig.dburi, strategy='threadlocal')
> > Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine, autoflush=True,
> > autocommit=True))
> > sess = Session()
> > engine.begin()
> > sess.add(myobj)
> > engine.commit()
> > I am noticing that it does not. However, if I do
> > sess = Session()
> > sess.begin()
> > sess.add(myobj)
> > sess.commit()
> > it works.
> > Am I missing something ?
> The "commit()" method on Session has the additional functionality of  
> flushing itself when called.  If you want to use Session within a  
> threadlocal transaction at the engine level, you'd have to ensure that  
> you flush() the session manually before commit.

I thought autoflush=True  would do that for me. This is not a problem,
I'll just use the session transaction interface.

> These days the Session has become more prominent as the center of  
> transactional control, however, so you might find it easier to just go  
> through scoped_session() for transaction control entirely.   Session  
> has an execute() and connection() method for issuing raw SQL too.

Yeah this is great. I will move all my engine stuff to use the session

>  If  
> you continue to use the threadlocal engine strategy, then implicit  
> executions (i.e. somestatement.execute()) should participate in the  
> same transaction as the Session.

Is there a warning in that "If" ? Is the threadlocal strategy not the
most popular for web programs ?



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[sqlalchemy] Re: Custom Table

2008-07-19 Thread Michael Bayer

On Jul 19, 2008, at 5:54 AM, HellRaiser wrote:

> Hello
> I like to implement a custom Table object, which automatically add
> some custome rows to the Table the User create.
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> from addressmanager.model import DBSession
> from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer, ForeignKey, and_
> class MandateTable(Table):
>def __init__(self, name, metadata, *args, **kwargs):
>Table.__init__(self, name, metadata, *args,
>   **kwargs)
>self.append_column(Column("mandate_id", Integer,
> ForeignKey("mandates.mandate_id"), nullable=False))
>def query(self, query, mandate):
>return DBSession.query(self).filter(and_(query, "idmand=%i" %
> mandate.mandate_id))
> Something llike that.
> But now, when i start the application I got an error, that there is no
> Table object (ähh? but it inherit from Table).
> Is there a best practise to extend the table object? or to
> automatically add custom rows to a Table?

Table is not easy to subclass due to the metaclass which controls its  
creational pattern.   Since all you need here is a creational pattern,  
use a def instead:

def MandateTable(*args, **kwargs):
 args = args + (Column("mandate_id", Integer, ...),)
 return Table(*args, **kwargs)

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[sqlalchemy] threadlocal sessions and transactions

2008-07-19 Thread Contact 42


I am using sa 0.5b2 under python 2.5.

Should the following code commit myobj.

engine = create_engine(appconfig.dburi, strategy='threadlocal')
Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine, autoflush=True, 

sess = Session()

I am noticing that it does not. However, if I do

sess = Session()

it works.

Am I missing something ?



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[sqlalchemy] Custom Table

2008-07-19 Thread HellRaiser


I like to implement a custom Table object, which automatically add
some custome rows to the Table the User create.

#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from addressmanager.model import DBSession
from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer, ForeignKey, and_

class MandateTable(Table):
def __init__(self, name, metadata, *args, **kwargs):
Table.__init__(self, name, metadata, *args,
self.append_column(Column("mandate_id", Integer,
ForeignKey("mandates.mandate_id"), nullable=False))

def query(self, query, mandate):
return DBSession.query(self).filter(and_(query, "idmand=%i" %

Something llike that.
But now, when i start the application I got an error, that there is no
Table object (ähh? but it inherit from Table).

Is there a best practise to extend the table object? or to
automatically add custom rows to a Table?

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[sqlalchemy] Boolean, Declerative, MySQL 5.2

2008-07-19 Thread Heston James - Cold Beans
Hello Guys,


I'm looking to store a Boolean value in a MySQL 5.2 database. I'm then going
to describe a class for the table using declarative and have a couple of
questions on this:


What Datatype should my table column be set to in MySQL? And likewise, when
declaring the column using declarative, which data type should I use?




Cheers guys,



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[sqlalchemy] Re: Overriding table columns with Python-property

2008-07-19 Thread Malthe Borch

Michael Bayer wrote:
> works for me:

I tried adapting your example, which admittedly works :-), to a scenario 
that better resembles mine, but now the property is overriden simply, 
even when I use ``exclude_properties``.

Note that the setup is overly complex, but this should be seen in the 
light of a larger setup (as you've previously guided me towards, 

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *

e = create_engine('sqlite://')
m = MetaData(e)

t1= Table(
 't1', m,
 Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
 Column('col', String(50)),

t2= Table(
 't2', m,
 Column('id', Integer, ForeignKey("t1.id"), primary_key=True),
 Column('data', String(50)),

class T1(object):

class T2(T1):
 def col(self):
 return u"Some read-only value."

polymorphic = (
 [T2], t1.join(t2))

mapper(T1, t1)
 T2, t2,

sess = sessionmaker()()
x = T2()

assert type(T2.col) is property

x.data = "some data"

assert sess.query(T2).one().data == "some data"
assert sess.query(T2).one().col == u"Some read-only value."

x = sess.query(T2).one()
x.data = "some new data"
assert sess.query(T2).one().data == "some new data"


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