[sqlalchemy] sqlamp - an implementation of Materialized Path for SQLAlchemy

2009-05-23 Thread General

 I hope it will be interesting for somebody: http://sqlamp.angri.ru/

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Can't determine join between 'engines' and 'versions'. Please specify the 'onclause' of this join explicitly ?

2009-05-23 Thread sniipe

I wrote in my first post, that I am expecting result in SQL - close to
this one select
e.id, e.type_id, tv.version as min_version, tv2.version as
from engines e join versions tv on(e.min_version_id=tv.id) join
versions tv2 on(e.max_version_id=tv2.id) where '' between
tv.version and tv2.version;. I don't know how to call tables to check
condition in between clause.

On 22 Maj, 22:30, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 that means min_version and max_version aren't columns.    I guess you're
 looking for Version.version, in which case you probably need to JOIN to
 that table twice on both the min_version and max_version.  write (and
 test) the query you want in SQL first to get an idea for what you're

 sniipe wrote:

  After change (delete 'version' attribute):

  ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) (1064, You have an error in your
  SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server
  version for the right syntax to use near 'AND' at line 3) u'SELECT
  engines.id AS engines_id, engines.min_version_id AS
  engines_min_version_id, engines.max_version_id AS
  engines_max_version_id, engines.type_id AS engines_type_id \nFROM
  engines LEFT OUTER JOIN versions ON engines.min_version_id =
  versions.id \nWHERE %s BETWEEN AND ' ['']

  On 22 Maj, 21:40, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
  Engine.min_version and max_version are instrumented column attributes.
  they don't have an attribute called version.  i think you want
  between(x, Engine.min_version, Engine.max_version).

  sniipe wrote:

   Ok It's working but I can't use 'between':

   engine = meta.Session.query(Engine).outerjoin((Version,
   ['version'], Engine.min_version.version,

   and I've got error:

   AttributeError: Neither 'InstrumentedAttribute' object nor
   'Comparator' object has an attribute 'version'

   What am I doing wrong?

   On 22 Maj, 17:59, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
   sniipe wrote:

Hi :)

I have three tables:

t_version = sa.Table(versions, meta.metadata,
    sa.Column(id, sa.types.Integer(), primary_key=True,
    sa.Column(version, mysql.MSChar(length=100,
collation='utf8_polish_ci'), nullable=False, unique=True)

class Version(object):

orm.mapper(Version, t_version)

t_type = sa.Table(types,
    sa.Column(id, sa.types.Integer(), primary_key=True,
    sa.Column(name, mysql.MSChar(length=100,
collation='utf8_polish_ci'), nullable=False, unique=True),

class Type(object):

orm.mapper(Type, t_type, properties = {
    'engine' : orm.relation(Engine, uselist=False,

t_engine = sa.Table(engines, meta.metadata,
    sa.Column(id, sa.types.Integer(), primary_key=True,
    sa.Column(min_version_id, sa.types.Integer(), sa.ForeignKey
(versions.id), nullable=False),
    sa.Column(max_version_id, sa.types.Integer(), sa.ForeignKey
(versions.id), nullable=False),
    sa.Column(type_id, sa.types.Integer(), sa.ForeignKey
(types.id), nullable=False),

class Engine(object):

orm.mapper(Engine, t_engine, properties = {
    'type' : orm.relation(Type, uselist=False,
    'min_version' : orm.relation(Version,
    'max_version' : orm.relation(Version,

My problem is how to make query equal this SQL instruction select
e.id, e.type_id, tv.version as min_version, tv2.version as
from engines e join versions tv on(e.min_version_id=tv.id) join
versions tv2 on(e.max_version_id=tv2.id) where '' between
tv.version and tv2.version;

I've tried to do something like that:

engine =
(request.POST['version'], Engine.min_version.version,

   when you do the outerjoin, pass it the relation you're joining on or
   onclause, such as



   query.outerjoin((Version, Engine.some_col==Version.some_other_col))
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[sqlalchemy] Re: Q: fetch value of autoincrement column

2009-05-23 Thread Adrian von Bidder
On Friday 22 May 2009 23.00:05 Werner F. Bruhin wrote:
 What do you want to do with the autoincrement column?  Often these are
 used for primary keys, which in turn get used as foreign keys.

I want to use the id as filename; the table will cache some info that comes 
from the file.  Using it as a filename directly has several advantages:
 * I don't have to care about a unique filename, since the db already takes 
care of that.
 * I don't have to create an additional column with the filename.

Obviously, I can just first create the file with a temp filename, but I'd 
like to avoid this additional step if it's possible.  Less code == fewer 
bugs.  And I hoped that using the id from the beginning would be easily 

Right now, I'm undecided if I should just drop portability and fetch the 
next value from the mytable_id_seq that postgres has generated for me with 
the autoincrement columns (from what I understand, even if I declare the 
column autoincrement, if I set the id manually it will Just Work(tm) like it 
should or if I should go the temporary filename route.  I'm leaning towards 
the former because I probably will drop portability at some point in any 
case, since PostgreSQL just has too many cool features waiting to be used 

(And no, I'm not going to use blobs and store the file as a large object in 
the db.  Relational databases are not made for this, and besides it makes 
the db harder to maintain because db dumps get huge or the blobs have to be 
backed up separately, and debugging is harder because I can't use shell 
tools to get at the file data.)

(So you see, I'm not trying to build foreign keys by hand or any such thing.  
I actually know relational databases quite well, it's just my knowledge of 
SQLAlchemy and Python which is lacking.)

-- vbi

Alle Wirksamkeit ist stärker am Mittelpunkt als gegen die
Peripherie zu. Raum zwischen Mars und Jupiter.
-- Goethe, Maximen und Reflektionen, Nr. 1336

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[sqlalchemy] Self Reference within Joined Inheritance

2009-05-23 Thread sven-eric

Dear Group,

I have a problem with setting up self referential relations within a
joined table inheritance scheme and declarative mapping. Let's say I
have a base class B with a derived class S. S has a self-referential
many-to-one relationship to B (and with that also to all of B's
derived classes). The declarative definition seems to compile fine if
a database system without native support for foreign keys is used
(like sqlite), but breaks down with systems like InnoDB on mysql where
foreign keys are supported natively (in the latter case I get a
tables have more than one foreign key constraint relationship between
them. Please specify the 'onclause' of this join explicitly error).

So, the following testcase works on sqlite but fails if I move to SQL
and InnoDB (after setting SQL server in the engine declaration and the
InnoDB table in the __table_args__ of each class). Could anyone give
me advice for setting up this kind of relation on InnoDB? Thanks a


import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy import String, Column, Integer, ForeignKey,
from sqlalchemy.orm import relation, backref
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=False)
Base = declarative_base()

# B is the superclas of S
class B(Base):
__tablename__   = 'b'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
type = Column(String(1))
__mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_on': type, 'polymorphic_identity':

# S is a subclass of B and also references an object of the B
hierarchy via a foreign key
class S(B):
__tablename__   = 's'
__table_args__  = (ForeignKeyConstraint(['b_id'], ['b.id']))
__mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 's'}
id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('b.id'), primary_key=True)
b_id = Column(Integer)
b = relation('B', backref='s_collection', primaryjoin='S.b_id==B.id')


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[sqlalchemy] session.autocommit, session.begin double SessionExtension call

2009-05-23 Thread Alessandro Dentella


  when from my pygtk application i commit, I really do::

if self.session.autocommit:


  I'm normally using session.autocommit = True as a mean to prevent all
  those 'idle in transaction' processes (that prevent me from changing the
  structure of the database - I use PostgreSQL). moreover I use
  autoflush=False to prevent flushing objects when I just need to ge more
  info from the database via normal 'select'.

  Everything seems to work nicely apart the fact that using this along with
  after_commit hook in SessionExtension, turns out in a double call of the
  hook. The first when I run session.begin() and the second when I run

  Is there a way to prevent the double call of the hook, i.e. double call
  of session.commit()?

  I tried issuing just self.begin() but that leaves the session with an
  open transaction (as long as I understand) and the second time I try it
  SA complains a transaction has already begun.

  Any hints on how to cope with this?


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[sqlalchemy] Possible bug in orm/state.py

2009-05-23 Thread Bob Farrell

Hi, using scoped_session(sessionmaker()) to create my sessions, if I
hammer a
request (using Pylons) by repeatedly clicking on a link that uses the
somewhat extensively for the relevant request, it seems that another
thread is
getting involved with SQLAlchemy internals and pulling the rug out
from under
its feet. Here's the change I made to stop the exception from
happening, but
we're just wondering if I've done something else wrong or if this is
an actual
bug in SQLAlchemy:

Index: state.py
--- state.py(revision 5974)
+++ state.py(working copy)
@@ -170,9 +170,14 @@
 attr.impl.key in self.expired_attributes and
 attr.impl.key in unmodified
-for k in self.expired_attributes:
-self.callables.pop(k, None)
-del self.expired_attributes
+for k in self.expired_attributes:
+self.callables.pop(k, None)
+del self.expired_attributes
+except AttributeError:
+# XXX: self.expired_attributes can be del'ed by another
+# which raises an AttributeError here
 return ATTR_WAS_SET


Here's the original traceback before the change:

File '/home/bob/src/prospectspace/branches/sqlalchemy-eon-merge/
prospectspace/controllers/company.py', line 206 in index
  return self.render_response('company.mako', t_pars)
File '/home/bob/src/prospectspace/branches/sqlalchemy-eon-merge/
prospectspace/lib/base.py', line 372 in render_response
  page = tmpl.render(**kargs)
File '/home/bob/src/prospectspace/branches/sqlalchemy-eon-merge/lib/
python2.5/site-packages/Mako-0.1.8-py2.5.egg/mako/template.py', line
114 in render
  return runtime._render(self, self.callable_, args, data)
File '/home/bob/src/prospectspace/branches/sqlalchemy-eon-merge/lib/
python2.5/site-packages/Mako-0.1.8-py2.5.egg/mako/runtime.py', line
287 in _render
  _render_context(template, callable_, context, *args,
**_kwargs_for_callable(callable_, data))
File '/home/bob/src/prospectspace/branches/sqlalchemy-eon-merge/lib/
python2.5/site-packages/Mako-0.1.8-py2.5.egg/mako/runtime.py', line
304 in _render_context
  _exec_template(inherit, lclcontext, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
File '/home/bob/src/prospectspace/branches/sqlalchemy-eon-merge/lib/
python2.5/site-packages/Mako-0.1.8-py2.5.egg/mako/runtime.py', line
337 in _exec_template
  callable_(context, *args, **kwargs)
File 'prospectmaster_mako', line 61 in render_body
File '/home/bob/src/prospectspace/branches/sqlalchemy-eon-merge/lib/
attributes.py', line 158 in __get__
  return self.impl.get(instance_state(instance), instance_dict
File '/home/bob/src/prospectspace/branches/sqlalchemy-eon-merge/lib/
attributes.py', line 374 in get
  value = callable_()
File '/home/bob/src/prospectspace/branches/sqlalchemy-eon-merge/lib/
state.py', line 175 in __call__
  del self.expired_attributes
AttributeError: expired_attributes

And here's how I'm dealing with creating the sessions:

threadlocal = threading.local()

Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autocommit=True))
Session.metadata = None

def setup_db():
if hasattr(threadlocal, 'engine'):
uri = config['main.engine.dburi']
threadlocal.engine = create_engine(uri)
if Session.metadata is None:
Session.metadata = MetaData(threadlocal.engine)

And then each request does this:

environ['dbsession'] = Session()

The reason for including this bit is because I'm not convinced I'm
doing it
correctly, so I want to make sure that, if I am doing it wrong, this
what's causing the problem in SQLAlchemy, i.e. it may not be a bug at

Please let me know if you need any more code/info - thanks a lot for
any help.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Can't determine join between 'engines' and 'versions'. Please specify the 'onclause' of this join explicitly ?

2009-05-23 Thread Michael Bayer

On May 23, 2009, at 5:58 AM, sniipe wrote:

 I wrote in my first post, that I am expecting result in SQL - close to
 this one select
 e.id, e.type_id, tv.version as min_version, tv2.version as
 from engines e join versions tv on(e.min_version_id=tv.id) join
 versions tv2 on(e.max_version_id=tv2.id) where '' between
 tv.version and tv2.version;. I don't know how to call tables to check
 condition in between clause.

do it just like SQL:

tv = aliased(Version)
tv2 = aliased(Version)
query(Engine.id, Engine.type_id, tv.version.label('min_version'),  
  join((tv, Engine.min_version_id==tv.id)).\
  join((tv2, Engine.max_version_id==tv2.id)).\
  filter(literal(, tv2.version))

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Q: fetch value of autoincrement column

2009-05-23 Thread Michael Bayer

if its of any value, databases like MySQL and SQLIte do not give you  
any way to get at an auto-generated ID without actually INSERTing a  
row.  Only databases that support sequences, i.e. postgres, firebird,  
and oracle, give you a built in way to get IDs without using INSERT.

On May 23, 2009, at 8:25 AM, Adrian von Bidder wrote:

 On Friday 22 May 2009 23.00:05 Werner F. Bruhin wrote:
 What do you want to do with the autoincrement column?  Often these  
 used for primary keys, which in turn get used as foreign keys.

 I want to use the id as filename; the table will cache some info  
 that comes
 from the file.  Using it as a filename directly has several  
 * I don't have to care about a unique filename, since the db already  
 care of that.
 * I don't have to create an additional column with the filename.

 Obviously, I can just first create the file with a temp filename,  
 but I'd
 like to avoid this additional step if it's possible.  Less code ==  
 bugs.  And I hoped that using the id from the beginning would be  

 Right now, I'm undecided if I should just drop portability and fetch  
 next value from the mytable_id_seq that postgres has generated for  
 me with
 the autoincrement columns (from what I understand, even if I declare  
 column autoincrement, if I set the id manually it will Just Work(tm)  
 like it
 should or if I should go the temporary filename route.  I'm leaning  
 the former because I probably will drop portability at some point in  
 case, since PostgreSQL just has too many cool features waiting to be  

 (And no, I'm not going to use blobs and store the file as a large  
 object in
 the db.  Relational databases are not made for this, and besides it  
 the db harder to maintain because db dumps get huge or the blobs  
 have to be
 backed up separately, and debugging is harder because I can't use  
 tools to get at the file data.)

 (So you see, I'm not trying to build foreign keys by hand or any  
 such thing.
 I actually know relational databases quite well, it's just my  
 knowledge of
 SQLAlchemy and Python which is lacking.)

 -- vbi

 Alle Wirksamkeit ist stärker am Mittelpunkt als gegen die
 Peripherie zu. Raum zwischen Mars und Jupiter.
   -- Goethe, Maximen und Reflektionen, Nr. 1336

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Self Reference within Joined Inheritance

2009-05-23 Thread Michael Bayer

use inherit_condition:

import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy import String, Column, Integer, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.orm import relation, backref
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

engine = create_engine('mysql://scott:ti...@localhost/test', echo=True)
Base = declarative_base()

# B is the superclas of S
class B(Base):
 __tablename__   = 'b'
 id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
 type = Column(String(1))

 __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_on': type,  
 __table_args__ = {'mysql_engine':'InnoDB'}

# S is a subclass of B and also references an object of the B  
hierarchy via a foreign key
class S(B):
 __tablename__   = 's'

 id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('b.id'), primary_key=True)
 b_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('b.id'))
 b = relation('B', backref='s_collection',  

 __table_args__ = {'mysql_engine':'InnoDB'}
 __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 's',  


On May 23, 2009, at 9:51 AM, sven-eric wrote:

 Dear Group,

 I have a problem with setting up self referential relations within a
 joined table inheritance scheme and declarative mapping. Let's say I
 have a base class B with a derived class S. S has a self-referential
 many-to-one relationship to B (and with that also to all of B's
 derived classes). The declarative definition seems to compile fine if
 a database system without native support for foreign keys is used
 (like sqlite), but breaks down with systems like InnoDB on mysql where
 foreign keys are supported natively (in the latter case I get a
 tables have more than one foreign key constraint relationship between
 them. Please specify the 'onclause' of this join explicitly error).

 So, the following testcase works on sqlite but fails if I move to SQL
 and InnoDB (after setting SQL server in the engine declaration and the
 InnoDB table in the __table_args__ of each class). Could anyone give
 me advice for setting up this kind of relation on InnoDB? Thanks a



 import sqlalchemy
 from sqlalchemy import create_engine
 from sqlalchemy import String, Column, Integer, ForeignKey,
 from sqlalchemy.orm import relation, backref
 from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

 engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=False)
 Base = declarative_base()

 # B is the superclas of S
 class B(Base):
   __tablename__   = 'b'
   id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
   type = Column(String(1))
   __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_on': type, 'polymorphic_identity':

 # S is a subclass of B and also references an object of the B
 hierarchy via a foreign key
 class S(B):
   __tablename__   = 's'
   __table_args__  = (ForeignKeyConstraint(['b_id'], ['b.id']))
   __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 's'}
   id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('b.id'), primary_key=True)
   b_id = Column(Integer)
   b = relation('B', backref='s_collection', primaryjoin='S.b_id==B.id')



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[sqlalchemy] Re: session.autocommit, session.begin double SessionExtension call

2009-05-23 Thread Michael Bayer

On May 23, 2009, at 10:15 AM, Alessandro Dentella wrote:


  when from my pygtk application i commit, I really do::

if self.session.autocommit:


  I'm normally using session.autocommit = True as a mean to prevent all
  those 'idle in transaction' processes (that prevent me from  
 changing the
  structure of the database - I use PostgreSQL).
 moreover I use
  autoflush=False to prevent flushing objects when I just need to ge  
  info from the database via normal 'select'.

  Everything seems to work nicely apart the fact that using this  
 along with
  after_commit hook in SessionExtension, turns out in a double call  
 of the
  hook. The first when I run session.begin() and the second when I run

I can't see how that occurs.  Can you please post a stack trace ? 

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Possible bug in orm/state.py

2009-05-23 Thread Michael Bayer

On May 23, 2009, at 1:47 PM, Bob Farrell wrote:

 Hi, using scoped_session(sessionmaker()) to create my sessions, if I
 hammer a
 request (using Pylons) by repeatedly clicking on a link that uses the
 somewhat extensively for the relevant request, it seems that another
 thread is
 getting involved with SQLAlchemy internals and pulling the rug out
 from under
 its feet.

that means you are sharing a mapped instance between threads.A  
mapped instance, when associated with a Session (i.e. not detatched),  
should be considered as an extension of that Session's internal  
state.  The Session isn't threadsafe so you can't share a persistent  
instance between threads.  If you are using some kind of persistent/ 
cached instances, make sure they are detatched from their original  
Session first, or merge() the instances in to the Session local to the  
request before using them (you can send the dont_load=True flag to  
merge() if you want to cut down on potentially needless SELECT  

 And here's how I'm dealing with creating the sessions:

 threadlocal = threading.local()

 Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autocommit=True))
 Session.metadata = None

 def setup_db():
if hasattr(threadlocal, 'engine'):
uri = config['main.engine.dburi']
threadlocal.engine = create_engine(uri)
if Session.metadata is None:
Session.metadata = MetaData(threadlocal.engine)

the threading.local() is unnecessary...unless you are planning for the  
same application to be run with different .ini files in each thread  
which would be extremely unusual.scoped_session() already handles  
the thread local part for you as far as Sessions are concerned, and  
Engine objects are threadsafe.

Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autocommit=True))
metadata = None

def setup_db():
 global metadata
 if metadata is not None:
uri = config['main.engine.dburi']
engine = create_engine(uri)
metadata = MetaData(engine)

if OTOH you had some reason for the threadlocal engines, then you dont  
want to use Session.configure, which configures the whole  
scoped_session().  You'd want to say  

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