Re: [sqlalchemy] Merge support with ConcreteInheritedProperty

2010-08-02 Thread Kent Bower

Excellent.  The 'pass' ConcreteInheritedProperty.merge() method works fine.

Thanks again.

On 8/1/2010 2:24 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

On Jul 31, 2010, at 7:41 AM, Kent wrote:


When I call merge() on an ArTran object, the merge() method of a
ConcreteInheritedProperty 'artransarchiveid'
that *exists only on ArTranArchive* is being called.

The attribute artransarchiveid also exists on your base mapper, since the base mapper is mapped 
to a polymorphic union of all the subclasses.   The ConcreteInheritedProperty is placed on 
subclasses which don't have any way to map this attribute, i.e. all your subclasses that are on tables which 
don't have that column.   This is one of the awkwardnesses to the current system of a concrete map with no 
real superclass.

If the polymorphic union were generated only against columns that were common 
to all subclasses, you wouldn't have such attributes in the end result, but 
then each subclass would invoke a second SELECT to load its remaining 
attributes (I just tried this to confirm it is the case).If the mapper knew 
that only a subset of columns are common to subclasses, and that another bunch 
of attributes were only for loading, that could make this cleaner still by not 
mapping those extra attributes on the base, but it hasn't been worked out how 
that would function or be configured.


As an aside, instead of getting a 'NotImplementedError' when
ConcreteInheritedProperty.merge() is called, I am getting TypeError:
merge() takes exactly 6 arguments (8 given)

anyway a do-nothing merge() has been added to ConcreteInheritedProperty in 
r3b1895a3b736 which allows merge() to work with a concrete mapping.


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[sqlalchemy] Declarative syntax with column_property (v0.6.3)

2010-08-02 Thread Robert Sudwarts

I'm having trouble understanding the correct syntax to be used with
Declarative and a column property.
The select statement I'm using is:
 select([func.substr(my_table.c.my_string, 2, 3)]).label(my_substr'),
And (as per the docs using the expanded syntax, this works as expected.

With the Declarative syntax, I've tried:

from sqlalchemy.util import classproperty
from sqlalchemy.orm..., column_property

class MySubstr(object):
def my_substr(cls):
return column_property(
   select([func.substr(cls.my_str, 2, 3)]).label('my_substr')

class MyTable(Base, MySubstr):

and then expect to be able to call a record in MyTable and return its
my_substr, however, all I'm getting is a representation of the object ...
eg object at 0xa4951cc  and no
apparent way of seeing its value.

Should the @classproperty sit within the MyTable(Base) itself (ie is there
a need for the separate object -- and have I been confused by the section on
'mixins' )?

I'd be really grateful for any clues!
Many thanks,

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[sqlalchemy] Returning an attribute from an object when using query_property()?

2010-08-02 Thread Zippy P
Hi all:

I have the following code:

class EventQuery(Query):
  def histogram(self):
''' return a histogram of source / count(source) given an eventquery''

class Event(Base):
  __tablename__ = 'events'
  query = Session.query_property(query_cls = EventQuery)
  name = Column(Unicode(128))
  source = Column(BigInteger)

Now, Event has 54 additional attributes, some of which are quite large. In
EventQuery.histogram(), all I really need is the Event.source attribute.
'events' has over 150 million rows, and it's likely that
EventQuery.histogram() will be called for all events.

So - is there any way to 'modify' the query (self) in histogram() so that it
only returns (Event.source, func.count(Event.source)), or, for the general
case, to modify the query to return an attribute of the object? I've tried
from_self, but that seems highly inefficient (at least 20x slower than
Session.query(...) ). I'd also really like to keep histogram() as a method
of EventQuery.

I can see reasons why this would be impossible, but perhaps there's a way to
do it.



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Re: [sqlalchemy] Returning an attribute from an object when using query_property()?

2010-08-02 Thread Michael Bayer

On Aug 2, 2010, at 12:41 PM, Zippy P wrote:

 Hi all:
 I have the following code:
 class EventQuery(Query):
   def histogram(self):
 ''' return a histogram of source / count(source) given an eventquery''
 class Event(Base):
   __tablename__ = 'events'
   query = Session.query_property(query_cls = EventQuery)
   name = Column(Unicode(128))
   source = Column(BigInteger)
 Now, Event has 54 additional attributes, some of which are quite large. In 
 EventQuery.histogram(), all I really need is the Event.source attribute. 
 'events' has over 150 million rows, and it's likely that 
 EventQuery.histogram() will be called for all events.
 So - is there any way to 'modify' the query (self) in histogram() so that it 
 only returns (Event.source, func.count(Event.source)), or, for the general 
 case, to modify the query to return an attribute of the object? I've tried 
 from_self, but that seems highly inefficient (at least 20x slower than 
 Session.query(...) ). I'd also really like to keep histogram() as a method of 
 I can see reasons why this would be impossible, but perhaps there's a way to 
 do it.

you can use values(Event.source, func.count(...)), or just put a method on 
Event called histogram that uses the standard object_session(self).query(...) 
approach, I'm not really sure what the using the old query_property accessor 
gets you here

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Declarative syntax with column_property (v0.6.3)

2010-08-02 Thread Michael Bayer

On Aug 2, 2010, at 12:19 PM, Robert Sudwarts wrote:

 I'm having trouble understanding the correct syntax to be used with 
 Declarative and a column property.
 The select statement I'm using is:  select([func.substr(my_table.c.my_string, 
 2, 3)]).label(my_substr'), deferred=True
 And (as per the docs using the expanded syntax, this works as expected. 
 With the Declarative syntax, I've tried: 
 from sqlalchemy.util import classproperty
 from sqlalchemy.orm..., column_property
 class MySubstr(object):
   def my_substr(cls):
   return column_property(
 select([func.substr(cls.my_str, 2, 3)]).label('my_substr')
 class MyTable(Base, MySubstr):
 and then expect to be able to call a record in MyTable and return its 
 my_substr, however, all I'm getting is a representation of the object ...
 eg object at 0xa4951cc  and no 
 apparent way of seeing its value.

I see nothing wrong with the example, the only potential glitch is that 
my_str needs to have a name assigned up front.  You didn't illustrate that 
part here, so FYI it would be extremely helpful if you could attach fully 
working examples.  In this case the example is:

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.util import classproperty
from sqlalchemy.orm import column_property, sessionmaker

Base = declarative_base()

engine = create_engine('sqlite://', echo=True)

class MySubstr(object):
def my_substr(cls):
return column_property(
   select([func.substr(cls.my_str, 2, 

class MyTable(Base, MySubstr):
__tablename__ = 'foo'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
my_str = Column('my_str', String)


sess = sessionmaker(engine)()
m1 = MyTable(my_str='some string')

print m1.my_substr

and it works fine.

 Should the @classproperty sit within the MyTable(Base) itself (ie is there 
 a need for the separate object --

@classproperty is typically specific to the mixin use case, which is why its 
only discussed in the mixins section of the declarative documentation.  It's 
a useful construct in other situations but you certainly don't need it if you 
aren't using mixins.

 and have I been confused by the section on 'mixins' )?  

I'm not sure why you're choosing to use a mixin here, as your column_property 
appears to be pretty specific to the MyTable class.   if the documentation led 
you to believe that you needed one, I am extremely curious why that is the case 
as mixins are absolutely optional and that would be a serious documentation 
bug. Without the mixin, it is:

class MyTable(Base):
__tablename__ = 'foo'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
my_str = Column('my_str', String)
my_substr = column_property(
   select([func.substr(my_str, 2, 

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Returning an attribute from an object when using query_property()?

2010-08-02 Thread SQLAlchemy User
  I have the following code:

  class EventQuery(Query):
    def histogram(self):
      ''' return a histogram of source / count(source) given an eventquery''

  class Event(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'events'
    query = Session.query_property(query_cls = EventQuery)
    name = Column(Unicode(128))
    source = Column(BigInteger)

  Now, Event has 54 additional attributes, some of which are quite large. In 
  EventQuery.histogram(), all I really need is the Event.source attribute. 
  'events' has over 150 million rows, and it's likely that 
  EventQuery.histogram() will be called for all events.

  So - is there any way to 'modify' the query (self) in histogram() so that 
  it only returns (Event.source, func.count(Event.source)), or, for the 
  general case, to modify the query to return an attribute of the object? 
  I've tried from_self, but that seems highly inefficient (at least 20x 
  slower than Session.query(...) ). I'd also really like to keep histogram() 
  as a method of EventQuery.

  I can see reasons why this would be impossible, but perhaps there's a way 
  to do it.

 you can use values(Event.source, func.count(...)), or just put a method on 
 Event called histogram that uses the standard 
 object_session(self).query(...) approach, I'm not really sure what the using 
 the old query_property accessor gets you here

Thanks, Michael. Two followup questions:

1) The histogram() method is designed to provide statistics on a set
of Events (defined by a query), so it made sense (to me) to make it a
method of EventQuery. I don't know how I'd do this as a method of
Event. Could you clarify?

2) When you say 'old query property' accessor, are you implying that
query_property is deprecated? Is there an alternative? I really like
the idea of subclassing Query and adding custom methods. Is this a
misguided approach?

BTW: the values() generator takes at least as long as the from_self()
does, and uses a huge amount of memory since all().values() still
passes the entire object list to python. from_self() took 1920 seconds
to run against the entire 'events' table, where
Session.query(func.distinct(Event.source)).all() took 0.02 seconds.
I'll try experimenting with joins next.



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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: Returning an attribute from an object when using query_property()?

2010-08-02 Thread Michael Bayer

On Aug 2, 2010, at 1:58 PM, SQLAlchemy User wrote:

 I ha
 Thanks, Michael. Two followup questions:
 1) The histogram() method is designed to provide statistics on a set
 of Events (defined by a query), so it made sense (to me) to make it a
 method of EventQuery. I don't know how I'd do this as a method of
 Event. Could you clarify?

Well if you need to say Event.generate query.generate query.histogram(), 
then yeah I see what you are going for, though you might say 
Event.histogram.generate query.generate query, that's probably not as 

 2) When you say 'old query property' accessor, are you implying that
 query_property is deprecated? Is there an alternative? I really like
 the idea of subclassing Query and adding custom methods. Is this a
 misguided approach?

subclassing Query and using query_property aren't necessarily connected things. 
  The idea of MyClass.query(foo) isn't deprecated, though it is kind of an old 
pattern back when we were trying to hide the Session as much as possible (or 
when there wasn't really even a Session).   I tend towards a more coarse 
grained interface, I guess, i.e. I'd just have a coarse grained 
Event.histogram(x, y, z) type of method that works only for the necessary use 
cases.  I don't have a strong case for that approach (I have a weak one which 
is, hide complexity, sort of).

 BTW: the values() generator takes at least as long as the from_self()
 does, and uses a huge amount of memory since all().values() still
 passes the entire object list to python. from_self() took 1920 seconds
 to run against the entire 'events' table, where
 Session.query(func.distinct(Event.source)).all() took 0.02 seconds.
 I'll try experimenting with joins next.

values() should be using the least amount of memory of any approach - it only 
buffers 10 rows in memory at a time, and doesn't deal with session or object 
accounting at all so is also much more performant than all().  I dont know what 
all().values() is or if that's a typo.
Session.query(Event).values(func.distinct(Event.source)) should emit a brief 
SELECT DISTINCT query and whip through a single column for the result.

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Declarative syntax with column_property (v0.6.3)

2010-08-02 Thread Michael Bayer

On Aug 2, 2010, at 1:40 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

 On Aug 2, 2010, at 12:19 PM, Robert Sudwarts wrote:
 I'm having trouble understanding the correct syntax to be used with 
 Declarative and a column property.
 The select statement I'm using is:  
 select([func.substr(my_table.c.my_string, 2, 3)]).label(my_substr'), 
 And (as per the docs using the expanded syntax, this works as expected. 
 With the Declarative syntax, I've tried: 
 from sqlalchemy.util import classproperty
 from sqlalchemy.orm..., column_property
 class MySubstr(object):
  def my_substr(cls):
  return column_property(
 select([func.substr(cls.my_str, 2, 3)]).label('my_substr')
 class MyTable(Base, MySubstr):
 and then expect to be able to call a record in MyTable and return its 
 my_substr, however, all I'm getting is a representation of the object ...
 eg object at 0xa4951cc  and no 
 apparent way of seeing its value.

oh and also, you don't need the select() here either:

class MyTable(Base):
   __tablename__ = 'foo'
   id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
   my_str = Column('my_str', String)
   my_substr = column_property(func.substr(cls.my_str, 2, 3))

 I see nothing wrong with the example, the only potential glitch is that 
 my_str needs to have a name assigned up front.  You didn't illustrate that 
 part here, so FYI it would be extremely helpful if you could attach fully 
 working examples.  In this case the example is:
 from sqlalchemy import *
 from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
 from sqlalchemy.util import classproperty
 from sqlalchemy.orm import column_property, sessionmaker
 Base = declarative_base()
 engine = create_engine('sqlite://', echo=True)
 class MySubstr(object):
def my_substr(cls):
return column_property(
   select([func.substr(cls.my_str, 2, 
 class MyTable(Base, MySubstr):
__tablename__ = 'foo'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
my_str = Column('my_str', String)
 sess = sessionmaker(engine)()
 m1 = MyTable(my_str='some string')
 print m1.my_substr
 and it works fine.
 Should the @classproperty sit within the MyTable(Base) itself (ie is there 
 a need for the separate object --
 @classproperty is typically specific to the mixin use case, which is why its 
 only discussed in the mixins section of the declarative documentation.  
 It's a useful construct in other situations but you certainly don't need it 
 if you aren't using mixins.
 and have I been confused by the section on 'mixins' )?  
 I'm not sure why you're choosing to use a mixin here, as your column_property 
 appears to be pretty specific to the MyTable class.   if the documentation 
 led you to believe that you needed one, I am extremely curious why that is 
 the case as mixins are absolutely optional and that would be a serious 
 documentation bug. Without the mixin, it is:
 class MyTable(Base):
__tablename__ = 'foo'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
my_str = Column('my_str', String)
my_substr = column_property(
   select([func.substr(my_str, 2, 
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[sqlalchemy] Re: Returning an attribute from an object when using query_property()?

2010-08-02 Thread SQLAlchemy User

On Aug 2, 11:34 am, Michael Bayer wrote:

 values() should be using the least amount of memory of any approach - it only 
 buffers 10 rows in memory at a time, and doesn't deal with session or object 
 accounting at all so is also much more performant than all().  I dont know 
 what all().values() is or if that's a typo.    
 Session.query(Event).values(func.distinct(Event.source)) should emit a brief 
 SELECT DISTINCT query and whip through a single column for the result.

It wasn't a typo; it was silliness on my part. The iterator approach
is blazingly fast. Thanks.

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[sqlalchemy] To select only some columns from some tables using session object, relation many-to-many

2010-08-02 Thread Alvaro Reinoso

I have these classes where items (class Item) is related to channel
object. Channel can contain many items:

channel_items = Table(
Column(channel_id, Integer,
Column(item_id, Integer,

class Channel(rdb.Model):

id = Column(id, Integer, primary_key=True)
title = Column(title, String(100))

items = relation(Item, secondary=channel_items,

class Item(rdb.Model):

id = Column(id, Integer, primary_key=True)
title = Column(title, String(100))

I know how to get all the columns using something like:

session = rdb.Session() channels =

However, I'd like to select some columns from both tables with some
conditions in Item. For example, select all the channels where
item.type = 'jpg'. I'd like to get a channel object with items
attributes with that condition for example. How can I do that?

I've tried something like (no one worked out):

result = session.query(Channel).filter(Item.typeItem != 'zeppelin/
result = session.query(Channel, Item).filter(Item.typeItem !=

Thanks in advance!

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[sqlalchemy] Re: To select only some columns from some tables using session object, relation many-to-many

2010-08-02 Thread Kalium

On Aug 3, 8:43 am, Alvaro Reinoso wrote:

 I have these classes where items (class Item) is related to channel
 object. Channel can contain many items:

 channel_items = Table(
         Column(channel_id, Integer,
         Column(item_id, Integer,

 class Channel(rdb.Model):

     id = Column(id, Integer, primary_key=True)
     title = Column(title, String(100))

     items = relation(Item, secondary=channel_items,

 class Item(rdb.Model):

     id = Column(id, Integer, primary_key=True)
     title = Column(title, String(100))

 I know how to get all the columns using something like:

 session = rdb.Session() channels =

 However, I'd like to select some columns from both tables with some
 conditions in Item. For example, select all the channels where
 item.type = 'jpg'. I'd like to get a channel object with items
 attributes with that condition for example. How can I do that?

 I've tried something like (no one worked out):

 result = session.query(Channel).filter(Item.typeItem != 'zeppelin/
 result = session.query(Channel, Item).filter(Item.typeItem !=

 Thanks in advance!

Try something like

session.query(Channel).join('items').filter(Item.typeItem !=

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