Re: [sqlalchemy] (Hopefully) simple problem with backrefs not being loaded when eagerloading.

2010-09-14 Thread Jon Siddle

 On 13/09/10 18:21, Michael Bayer wrote:

On Sep 13, 2010, at 12:26 PM, Jon Siddle wrote:

This relationship is satisfied as you request it, and it works by looking in the current 
Session's identity map for the primary key stored by the many-to-one.   The operation 
falls under the realm of lazyloading even though no SQL is emitted.   If you 
consider that Child may have many related many-to-ones, all of which may already be in 
the Session, it would be quite wasteful for the ORM to assume that you're going to be 
working with the object in a detached state and that you need all of them.

I'm not sure I see what you're saying here. I've explicitly asked for all children 
relating to parent and these are correctly queried and loaded. While they are being 
added to the parent.children list, why not also set each child.parent since this is known?

because you didn't specify it, and it takes a palpable amount of additional 
overhead to do so
I don't see why it's more overhead than an assignment child.parent = ... 
at the same time as the list append parent.children.append(...). There's 
obviously something more complex going on behind the scenes.

  as well as a palpable amount of complexity to decide if it should do so based 
on the logic you'd apply here, when in 99% of the cases it is not needed.
I just don't see the complexity of the logic here. I've specified I want 
to join parent to each child, and it's already doing so in one 
direction. I realise this is only a problem

for detached objects, but it leads to quite confusing behaviour, I think.

I don't see how this is wasteful, but I may be missing something.

Child may have parent, foo, bar, bat attached to it, all many-to-ones.   Which 
ones should it assume the user wants to load ?
parent. Because I have explicitly asked it to using joinedload or 

   If you are loading 1 rows, and each Child object has three many-to-ones 
on it, and suppose it takes 120 function calls to look at a relationship, 
determine the values to send to query._get(), look in the identity map, etc., 
that is 3 x 1 x 120 = 3.6 million function calls
But you don't have to look in the identity map at all, since you've just 
set the parent-child association in the other direction and thus have 
both entities to hand, right?

, by default, almost never needed since normally they are all just there in the 
current session, without the user asking to do so.There is nothing special 
about Child.parent just because Parent.children is present up the chain.
While Hibernate may have decided that the complexity and overhead of adding 
this decisionmaking was worth it, they have many millions more function calls 
to burn with the Java VM in any case than we do in Python, and they also have a 
much higher bar to implement lazyloading since their native class 
instrumentation is itself a huge beast.   In our case it is simply unnecessary. 
 Any such automatic decisionmaking you can be sure quickly leads to many 
uncomfortable edge cases and thorny situations, causing needless surprise 
issues for users who don't really need such a behavior in the first place.
I would agree with all of this if I understood why a) it takes an 
appreciable number of function calls or b) automatic decisionmaking is 
necessary. I don't think there's any ambiguity here, but again; perhaps 
I'm missing something fundamental.

As I've mentioned, you will have an option to tell it which many-to-ones you'd like it to 
spend time pre-populating using the upcoming immedateload option.
I still think this can be done with negligible overhead if it's done at 
the same time as the other side of the relation (parent-child). Perhaps 
I'll have to dig around in the code to see why this is such a problem.

The Session's default assumption is that you're going to be leaving it around while you 
work with the objects contained, and in that way you interact with the database for as 
long as you deal with its objects, which represent proxies to the underlying 
transaction.   When objects are detached, for reasons like caching and serialization to 
other places, normally you'd merge() them back when you want to use them again.   So if 
it were me I'd normally be looking to not be closing the session.

I'm closing the session before I forward the objects to the view template in a 
web application. The template has no business doing database operations,

I disagree with this interpretation of abstraction.   That's like saying that 
pushing the button in an elevator means you're now in charge of starting up the elevator 
motors and instructing them how many feet to travel.

Huh? I didn't use the word abstraction.

The template is not doing database operations, it is working with high level 
objects that you've sent it, and knows nothing of a database.   That these objects may be 
doing database calls behind the scenes to lazily fetch additional data is known as the 
proxy pattern.  It is one of the most 

Re: [sqlalchemy] internationalization of content

2010-09-14 Thread Chris Withers

On 13/09/2010 22:37, NiL wrote:

Has anyone tried ti implement this ? a working solution ? willing to
participate in a effort to provide a solution ?

Isn't this something better suited to the application framework rather 
than the database framework (ie: not SQLAlchemy)?



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Re: [sqlalchemy] paranoia - does flush ensure a unique id?

2010-09-14 Thread Chris Withers

On 13/09/2010 18:02, Chris Withers wrote:

What ensures will be unique and will it always be unique, even in
the case of high volumes of parallel writes to the database? Does it
depend on the back end? Are any backends known not to work this way?

In short, the unique constrant of the primary key will make sure the id 
is always unique.



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[sqlalchemy] Re: [elixir] problem with cascade deletes

2010-09-14 Thread alex bodnaru
 hey yacine, friends,

indeed the problem came partly because i haven't followed the traces of elixir
close enough: i've used backref instead of inverse for manytoone relations.

the only drawback of using inverse, is that it requires the inverse relation to
really exist, hence it can't be implied.

here comes to light an elixir extension i've made a time ago (inverse_orphans),
that would create an inverse relation on the onetomany side when it is missing.

for your interest, the plugin is attached. i'd extend this plugin to take kwargs

best regards,

On 09/12/2010 10:37 AM, chaouche yacine wrote:
 Yes, except I wanted the children *not* to be deleted but raise an 
 integrity_error exception instead, because what was done is that they were 
 not deleted but their FK (pointing to the parent) were set to NULL and they 
 were raising a non-null constraint related exception. 

 --- On Sun, 9/12/10, alex bodnaru wrote:

 From: alex bodnaru
 Subject: Re: [elixir] problem with cascade deletes
 Date: Sunday, September 12, 2010, 1:21 AM
  hello yacine,

 elixir isn't known to reinvent sa, but please point me to
 things you would
 change for a pure approach.
 part of the lower level stuff is needed to turn foreign
 keys on in sqlite.

 in the mean time, i did a declarative example which fails
 like elixir.

 btw. this is the same problem you have also previously
 reported on this list.


 On 09/12/2010 09:58 AM, chaouche yacine wrote:
 hello alex,

 In your elixir program, you are mixing some imports
 from sqlalchemy (create_engine from example) with imports
 from elixir. Did you try an elixir only approach ?

 --- On Sat, 9/11/10, alex bodnaru
 From: alex bodnaru
 Subject: [elixir] problem with cascade deletes
 Date: Saturday, September 11, 2010, 6:31 AM

 hello friends,

 there seems to be a flaw in elixir with cascade
 i have a program that does it with sqlalchemy orm,
 and a
 similar one to do it
 with elixir.
 instead of deleting the elixir program only nulls
 the keys
 in the child.

 the programs are attached.

 best regards,

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inverse_orphans Elixir Statement Generator


i am using an identity model module from a third party, 
having, among others, an User class. 
this model file might well be upgraded by it's supplier. 
in another model file, which imports the identity model entities, 
i have a Person class, which has a ManyToOne relationship with the User table. 
However i'd like to also know the Person which references a given User, adding 
OneToMany relationships to User, will need to be maintained everytime the 
supplier upgrades identity model. 
to implement this, i am giving an inverse name on the ManyToOne side, and 
adding an after_mapper action to create the OneToMany relationship.

from elixir.statements import Statement
from elixir import OneToOne, OneToMany, ManyToOne, ManyToMany

__all__ = ['inverse_orphans']
__doc_all__ = __all__

#TODO: inherit from entity builder
class inverse_orphans_entity_builder(object):
An inverse_orphans Elixir Statement object

def __init__(self, entity):
self.entity = entity

def before_table(self):
if we name an inverse relationship which is not already defined on the
target, here we create the inverse relationship on the target.
should run this for each relationship property.
for r in self.entity._descriptor.relationships:
desc =
if r.inverse_name and desc.find_relationship(r.inverse_name) is None:
if type(r) == ManyToOne:
# should probably test uselist
if 'unique' in r.column_kwargs and 

[sqlalchemy] Re: internationalization of content

2010-09-14 Thread NiL
Hi chris,

thanks for your reply.

I guess it is not an application framework oriented question. It seems
to me rather a question of database design/access. I have a pointer to
modify the elixir versioning extension to provide this functionnality.

It would be framework oriented, if we were talking about the
translations of templates, which is not the case.



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Re: [sqlalchemy] passive_deletes/updates with sqlite

2010-09-14 Thread alex bodnaru
 On 09/13/2010 05:49 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

 On Sep 13, 2010, at 11:16 AM, alex bodnaru wrote:

 hope my approach isn't too simplist, but onetomany is usually implemented in
 rdbms by an manytoone column or a few of them, with or without ri clauses: 
 a foreign key or an index.
 conversely, a manytoone relation has an implicit onetomany one (or an 

 if you read what I wrote, I was explaining, that we architecturally choose not
 to generate the implicit reverse direction when it isn't specified by the
 user.  And that this decision is not too controversial since Hibernate made
 the same one.

 the example i've given with elixir (look at the sql echo) shows the onetomany
 updates the foreign key to null, not knowing they wouldn't be found in the
 cascading delete. i'm searching the exact point elixir should give the
 passive_deletes to the sa relation, thus to force it to give it to the right
 side of it.

 right  - Elixir has a more abstracted layer of user configuration, which is
 basically what you're asking SQLAlchemy to build into it.  Id rather make
 things simpler on the inside, not more magical. 
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well i found the problem (it's in my code). i was hilariously dealing with
something more magical in sa then in elixir: i've used backref from sa instead
of inverse from elixir. for this specific case it's simply my error to do this,
since passive_deletes is an argument to be passed to an existing relation, but
the magic i usually wanted to achieve with backref was auto-creating a onetomany
relation to complement a manytoone one, especially when i don't wish to touch
the file of the parent entity.
btw, to achieve this same magic with elixir i've made in the past an elixir
extension, that was rejected by elixir people, that pointed me to backref.

best regards and thanks again,

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from sqlalchemy import (MetaData, Table, Column, Integer, String, ForeignKey,
create_engine, ForeignKeyConstraint)
from sqlalchemy.orm import (mapper, relationship, sessionmaker)

from elixir import *
from sqlalchemy.interfaces import PoolListener

class SQLiteFKListener(PoolListener):
def connect(self, dbapi_con, con_record):
dbapi_con.execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;')

engine = create_engine(sqlite:///:memory:, echo=True, listeners=[SQLiteFKListener()])

metadata.bind = engine

class MyClass(Entity):
id = Field(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
name = Field(String(20))
children = OneToMany('MyOtherClass', passive_deletes=True)

def __repr__(self):
return 'MyClass %s, %s' % (None if is None else str(,

class MyOtherClass(Entity):
id = Field(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
name = Field(String(20))
parent = ManyToOne('MyClass', inverse='children', colname='parent_id', ondelete=cascade)

def __repr__(self):
return 'MyOtherClass %s, %s, %s' % (None if self.parent_id is None else str(self.parent_id), None if is None else str(,


alex = MyClass(name='alex')
pisi = MyClass(name='pisi')

print alex, pisi


print alex, pisi

alexdagan = MyOtherClass(parent=alex, name='dagan')
alexshaked = MyOtherClass(parent=alex, name='shaked')
pisidagan = MyOtherClass(parent=pisi, name='dagan')
pisishaked = MyOtherClass(parent=pisi, name='shaked')


shaked1 = session.query(MyOtherClass).filter_by(parent_id=1, name=u'shaked')



for my in session.query(MyClass).all():
print my
for my in session.query(MyOtherClass).all():
print my

[sqlalchemy] Re: Updating a detached object

2010-09-14 Thread Alvaro Reinoso
Channel is just type of object. I realize what my problem is. I don't
know why my object isn't saved correctly.

for chan in channels:
if ==
 chan = session.merge(channel)

On Sep 13, 2:47 pm, Michael Bayer wrote:
 On Sep 13, 2010, at 2:31 PM, Alvaro Reinoso wrote:

  Yes, I've done that. I doesn't work either.

                     for chan in channels:
                             if ==
                                     chan = session.merge(channel)

 i dont understand the context of that code (what's channel) ?

 This is how a basic merge works:

 def merge_new_data(some_xml):
      my_objects = parse_xml(some_xml)

    # at this point, every object in my_objects should
    # have a primary key, as well as every child of every element,
    # all the way down.   Existing primary keys must be fully populated,
    # that's your job.  This is the intricate part, obviously.  But you don't
    # merge anything here, just get the PKs filled in.

    # then you merge the whole thing.   merge() cascades along all
    # relationships.   The rule is simple - if PK is present and exists in the 
 DB, it
    # updates.  otherwise, it inserts.

    for obj in my_objects:

   # done

  On Sep 13, 2:27 pm, Michael Bayer wrote:
  On Sep 13, 2010, at 2:13 PM, Alvaro Reinoso wrote:

  If I merge the updated channel like you can see in this piece of code
  it's working:

     def insertXML(channels, strXml):
             Insert a new channel given XML string
             channel = Channel()
             session = rdb.Session()

             fillChannelTemplate(channel, channels)
                 for item in channel.items:
                             if == 0:
                            = None

             for chan in channels:
                     if ==

  My problem is I'm using channels, it's a list of channels which I save
  it in HTTP session object. The channels list is a detached object
  which I get using joinload option. So in this case, I update the
  object correctly in database, but It isn't persistent in channels if I
  do this:

                     for chan in channels:
                             if ==

  Do you have any idea how I can solve this problem? or another



  use the return value of merge():

          channel = session.merge(channel)

  the returned channel plus all children is the fully merged result.


  On Sep 10, 5:09 pm, Michael Bayer wrote:
  On Sep 10, 2010, at 2:57 PM, Alvaro Reinoso wrote:

  Hello guys,

  I have this table:

     class Channel(rdb.Model):

             id = Column(id, Integer, primary_key=True)
             title = Column(title, String(100))
             hash = Column(hash, String(50))
             runtime = Column(runtime, Float)

             items = relationship(MediaItem, secondary=channel_items,
  order_by=MediaItem.position, backref=channels)

  I have a list of channels, but they are detached objects. I get them
  using joinedload option because I maniputale those objects sometimes.
  When I do that, I update the object.

  This time, I'm trying to add a new item to a detached channel object.
  This is the code:

     def insertXML(channels, strXml):
             Insert a new channel given XML string
             channel = Channel()
             session = rdb.Session()
             result = 

             fillChannelTemplate(channel, channels)
             if == 0:
                     for chan in channels:
                             if ==
                                     chan.runtime = channel.runtime
                                     chan.modified =

                                     for item in channel.items:
                                             if == 0:


  The item is inserted in the database, but It doesn't create the
  relation in channel_items.

  Besides, I get this error:


Re: [sqlalchemy] on padded character fields again

2010-09-14 Thread Michael Bayer

On Sep 14, 2010, at 11:42 AM, Victor Olex wrote:

 We have discussed one aspect of this before and it was hugely helpful
 This time I wanted to ask not about the WHERE clause but mapped object
 contents, where field is of padded type such as CHAR. Currently
 SQLAlchemy populates such fields consistently with what a raw SQL
 query would return for the database engine. In Oracle it would be with
 padding. I would like to suggest however that this behavior be
 parametrized. The reason being that the same code operating on objects
 retrieved from a mapped database may behave differently depending on
 the underlying engine.
 For example a field defined as follows:
 description = Column(u'desciption', CHAR(length=100), nullable=False)
 would return padded values when run on Oracle but on SQLite it would
 be trimmed to the string length.
 This behavior led to having to duplicate a lot of unit tests (SQLite)
 into functional test (Oracle) to avoid unpleasant surprises such as:
 myobj.description == some vaule
 behaving differently in each environment.
 One of the most important features of the ORM's is abstracting away
 the physical database store. Unless I missed something obvious this
 could be a room for improvement.
 By the way the mapping was reverse engineered from existing database.
 In forward engineering scenario one would probably use a generic type
 String instead, which would map to VARCHAR where the issue is non-

Well the first thing I'd note is that the CHAR type is not part of the ORM, its 
the part of schema definition language.  The schema definition and SQL 
expression languages attempt to strike a balance between backend-agnosticism 
and literal DBAPI/database behavior.

The other thing is I'd ask is have you looked at TypeDecorator  
 ), is that adequate here or otherwise why not  ?   A real world ORM 
application generally has a whole module dedicated to custom types that are 
tailored to the application's needs.

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: (Hopefully) simple problem with backrefs not being loaded when eagerloading.

2010-09-14 Thread Jon Siddle

 Thank you for such a full elaboration. I still think the end result is
something a little unintuitive (albeit only for those using detached
objects, who will come across it); but I can't argue against your
decision here. Based on the information you've given, keeping
things the way they are is undoubtedly the decision that will benefit
most users. I've worked with ORM internals before, and I know only
too well that architectural decisions made for sound reasons can
nevertheless make some things difficult, which feel like they should
be simple. As always, the best you can do is maximise the value to
the most people.

Perhaps just a note in the eagerload docs to say ...will not load
backreferences eagerly. If you are using detached objects, try the
join...contains_eager pattern. or words to that effect?



On 14/09/10 16:27, Michael Bayer wrote:

On Sep 14, 6:03 am, Jon  wrote:

I would agree with all of this if I understood why a) it takes an
appreciable number of function calls or b) automatic decisionmaking is
necessary. I don't think there's any ambiguity here, but again; perhaps
I'm missing something fundamental.

Theres a backref with an attribute handler that receives append
events in userland, and emits a corresponding set event on the other
side. The Collection attribute implementation could receive extra
code that would cause it to do something similar to the backref
handler when the collection is populated.This is what you are
looking for here.

The append of the collection ultimately occurs in line 2298
in the current tip.   The function calling it, a closure called
_instance() that is generated inside of _instance_process(), is always
the top hit on any profiling run against a load of objects.
Removing just three function calls from this method is a win.   Months
of work have gone into the workings of this method so that our load
speeds remain competitive with, and sometimes even faster than, other
ORMs that do not use identity maps or units of work, ORMs that are now
written almost entirely in C (I leave the identification of these
products as an exercise for the reader).

So the implementation here would probably replace the list being
appended onto with one that is additionally instrumented to catch
these events and populate in the other direction.  We already have the
GenericBackrefExtension which does this.  GBE is designed to work in
userland, not during a load but when you populate things manually.
GBE is handy, but is a primary place for bugs to occur, as it is an
event handler that issues more events.  I just fixed one the other day
involving some rare endless loop where the events could not decide
when to stop back-populating in each direction.   I was pretty amazed
that there were still some of those cases left after all these years.

So GBE as it is wouldn't work here, we'd need to write something just
like GBE but tailored towards loads, when there are no events firing
off.  It would be simpler than GBE, maybe ten lines total all
inlined.  But it would be a little bit redundant (now we have two back
populators ! one for loads, one for userland events).If we OTOH
tried to make this new reverse-populator and GBE somehow work on the
same system, that's probably more complicated.   At the very least it
would add method overhead as GBE would now be delegating down a deeper
chain.   So this is already complexity that really would have to be
worth it in order to dig into.

We don't just now have two ways of backref population, we also have
two different ways that Child.parent may be populated.  It might be
populated by the LoaderStrategy associated with Child.parent, or it
might be populated by the one associated with Parent.children.   If
the query spans across both relationships, now both LoaderStrategy
objects are there, and unless we do something about it, *both* will
populate Child.parent - totally redundant effort, sloppy.   Do we want
to prevent that ?  Sure, now we need more messages and flags running
around trying to prevent that case - the internals become that more
intricate.   Why are they loading this attribute in two different ways
when the first way is totally fine ?   Who wrote this crap ?

I know you don't believe me but I've been writing this thing for five
years - everything gets much more hairy than you'd like.  Even the
immediateloader patch I made you the other day, it immediately failed
when i started testing it further.  I had to hack into that same
_instance_process() method I told you about and modify it so that it
could run certain attribute loaders after all the others.   I cannot
recall ever adding any feature, however small and innocuous, that did
not have some unforeseen side effects that required further testing,
further checks and decisions that we didn't realize would be

So with the effort of adding new code and possibly refactoring how
backref events work, all the new tests needed 

Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: (Hopefully) simple problem with backrefs not being loaded when eagerloading.

2010-09-14 Thread Michael Bayer

On Sep 14, 2010, at 12:22 PM, Jon Siddle wrote:

 Thank you for such a full elaboration. I still think the end result is
 something a little unintuitive (albeit only for those using detached
 objects, who will come across it); but I can't argue against your
 decision here. Based on the information you've given, keeping
 things the way they are is undoubtedly the decision that will benefit
 most users. I've worked with ORM internals before, and I know only
 too well that architectural decisions made for sound reasons can
 nevertheless make some things difficult, which feel like they should
 be simple. As always, the best you can do is maximise the value to
 the most people.
 Perhaps just a note in the eagerload docs to say ...will not load
 backreferences eagerly. If you are using detached objects, try the
 join...contains_eager pattern. or words to that effect?

yeah definitely.   I am psyched for the immediateload option, I think this 
option was not so easy to implement originally but the current architecture 
allows it to go in nicely with very little effort.

 On 14/09/10 16:27, Michael Bayer wrote:
 On Sep 14, 6:03 am, Jon  wrote:
 I would agree with all of this if I understood why a) it takes an
 appreciable number of function calls or b) automatic decisionmaking is
 necessary. I don't think there's any ambiguity here, but again; perhaps
 I'm missing something fundamental.
 Theres a backref with an attribute handler that receives append
 events in userland, and emits a corresponding set event on the other
 side. The Collection attribute implementation could receive extra
 code that would cause it to do something similar to the backref
 handler when the collection is populated.This is what you are
 looking for here.
 The append of the collection ultimately occurs in line 2298
 in the current tip.   The function calling it, a closure called
 _instance() that is generated inside of _instance_process(), is always
 the top hit on any profiling run against a load of objects.
 Removing just three function calls from this method is a win.   Months
 of work have gone into the workings of this method so that our load
 speeds remain competitive with, and sometimes even faster than, other
 ORMs that do not use identity maps or units of work, ORMs that are now
 written almost entirely in C (I leave the identification of these
 products as an exercise for the reader).
 So the implementation here would probably replace the list being
 appended onto with one that is additionally instrumented to catch
 these events and populate in the other direction.  We already have the
 GenericBackrefExtension which does this.  GBE is designed to work in
 userland, not during a load but when you populate things manually.
 GBE is handy, but is a primary place for bugs to occur, as it is an
 event handler that issues more events.  I just fixed one the other day
 involving some rare endless loop where the events could not decide
 when to stop back-populating in each direction.   I was pretty amazed
 that there were still some of those cases left after all these years.
 So GBE as it is wouldn't work here, we'd need to write something just
 like GBE but tailored towards loads, when there are no events firing
 off.  It would be simpler than GBE, maybe ten lines total all
 inlined.  But it would be a little bit redundant (now we have two back
 populators ! one for loads, one for userland events).If we OTOH
 tried to make this new reverse-populator and GBE somehow work on the
 same system, that's probably more complicated.   At the very least it
 would add method overhead as GBE would now be delegating down a deeper
 chain.   So this is already complexity that really would have to be
 worth it in order to dig into.
 We don't just now have two ways of backref population, we also have
 two different ways that Child.parent may be populated.  It might be
 populated by the LoaderStrategy associated with Child.parent, or it
 might be populated by the one associated with Parent.children.   If
 the query spans across both relationships, now both LoaderStrategy
 objects are there, and unless we do something about it, *both* will
 populate Child.parent - totally redundant effort, sloppy.   Do we want
 to prevent that ?  Sure, now we need more messages and flags running
 around trying to prevent that case - the internals become that more
 intricate.   Why are they loading this attribute in two different ways
 when the first way is totally fine ?   Who wrote this crap ?
 I know you don't believe me but I've been writing this thing for five
 years - everything gets much more hairy than you'd like.  Even the
 immediateloader patch I made you the other day, it immediately failed
 when i started testing it further.  I had to hack into that same
 _instance_process() method I told you about and modify it so that it
 could run certain attribute loaders after all the 

Re: [sqlalchemy] internationalization of content

2010-09-14 Thread werner

 Hi Nil,

On 13/09/2010 23:37, NiL wrote:

Hi all,

I'm lookin for a good solution to internationalize the content of my
application. that is provide many translations for the database
content (as opposed to the translation of the application itself with
babel/gettext for template and code messages).

Has anyone tried ti implement this ? a working solution ? willing to
participate in a effort to provide a solution ?

Very interested in this too.

Some time ago I looked into this too.

At the time I came across the following:

- a gettext type solution implemented in SQL stored procedures - done by 
Karsten Hilbert for gnumed

I also had a go at it using SA's dynamic_loader and/or query enabled 
properties.  see the thread in January 2010 on this list with a subject 
of dynamic_loader

Got some test code on this using Firebird SQL, but never really 
finalized anything as I got a bit side tracked, and the code is probably 
pretty ugly as I am not that good a programmer.

Just lately I also saw the following, which sounded interesting but it 
uses PostgreSQL - which is not an option for me at the moment.


Hope some of this is useful to you

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[sqlalchemy] Use regexp in like

2010-09-14 Thread Michael Hipp
Is it possible to use a regexp in a like() clause? Or some other way to achieve 
something similar?


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[sqlalchemy] Re: internationalization of content

2010-09-14 Thread NiL
Hi Werner,

many thanks for your rich reply.

I'm going to try an elixir implementation for now. If you want follow
the thread of the same title in the elixir mailing list.

I'll stay tuned to any sqla development



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