[sqlalchemy] joinedload(), contains_eager(), ...

2010-11-30 Thread Julien Cigar


I'm busy to update an application to the last SQLAlchemy version.

I have to following mapped object, with a relation:

orm.mapper(Image, table.images, properties = {
'owner' : orm.relationship(
uselist = False

In previous version of SQLAlchemy I used something like:

#  Image.query.options(orm.joinedload('owner')).\

Now it seems that I have to use contains_eager() too to be able to 
.order_by() on the relationship, is it correct ?

#  Image.query.outerjoin(Participant).\

If I understand well joinedload() always generates an anonymous alias 
for the joined relationship ?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Char encoding..

2010-11-30 Thread Michael Bayer
Simple enough Blob is a binary type, not a character type.   You need to 
put binary data in there, so in python 2x that's str, ie encode it.   Direct 
Unicode support in sqla is via the string/Unicode types.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 29, 2010, at 8:43 PM, Warwick Prince warwi...@mushroomsys.com wrote:

 Hi Michael
 Thanks for your thoughts and comments to date.
 I can replicate the problem with ease, so perhaps this will help;
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 e = 
  encoding='utf8', echo=False)
 m = MetaData(e)
 t = Table('test_table', m, autoload=True)
 #test_table is;
  Column(u'ID', INTEGER(display_width=11), table=test_table, 
 primary_key=True, nullable=False), Column(u'SourceType', VARCHAR(length=10), 
 table=test_table), Column(u'SourceID', VARCHAR(length=128), 
 table=test_table), Column(u'Date', DATE(), table=test_table), 
 Column(u'Time', TIME(timezone=False), table=test_table), Column(u'UserID', 
 VARCHAR(length=10), table=test_table), Column(u'Note', BLOB(length=None), 
 table=test_table), Column(u'Division', VARCHAR(length=3), 
 table=test_table), schema=None)
 # Set some row  data in a dict
 columns = dict(ID=1, SourceType='TEST', SourceID='WAP', Note=u'Aligot\xe9')  
 # The Note column is set to a unicode value for a French word with accents. 
 Column type is BLOB
 # insert it
 get this;
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File interactive input, line 1, in module
  File C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\sql\expression.py, line 
 1217, in execute
return e._execute_clauseelement(self, multiparams, params)
  File C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py, line 1722, 
 in _execute_clauseelement
return connection._execute_clauseelement(elem, multiparams, params)
  File C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py, line 1235, 
 in _execute_clauseelement
  File C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py, line 1343, 
 in __create_execution_context
connection=self, **kwargs)
  File C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\default.py, line 384, 
 in __init__
self.parameters = self.__convert_compiled_params(self.compiled_parameters)
  File C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\default.py, line 513, 
 in __convert_compiled_params
param[key] = processors[key](compiled_params[key])
  File C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\types.py, line 1209, in 
return DBAPIBinary(value)
 UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe9' in position 
 6: ordinal not in range(128)
 It appears to be in the processing of the Binary type that something is going 
 Further testing showed something interesting.  I changed around the data 
 above and set the unicode value to the VARCHAR column SourceID.  That 
 worked..  Therefore, the issue is related to storing a unicode value into a 
 BLOB.  Surely I can store anything in a BLOB, or am I missing something?
 Warwick Prince 
 Managing Director 
 mobile: +61 411 026 992 
 skype: warwickprince  
 phone: +61 7 3102 3730 
 fax:  +61 7 3319 6734 
 web: www.mushroomsys.com 
 On 30/11/2010, at 1:29 AM, Michael Bayer wrote:
 we've got unicode round trips down very well for years now with plenty of 
 tests, so would need a specific series of steps to reproduce what you're 
 doing here.  Note that the recommended connect string for MySQL + Mysqldb 
 looks like mysql://scott:ti...@localhost/test?charset=utf8use_unicode=0 .
 On Nov 29, 2010, at 2:37 AM, Warwick Prince wrote:
 Hi All
 I thought I had Character Encoding licked, but I've hit something I can't 
 work through.  Any help appreciated.
 I have a legacy non SQL database that I read legacy data from (using cool 
 Python code that emulates the old ISDB binary comms) and it reads a str 
 which has Foreign language chars in it.  (French for example).  
 So, firstly, I have   myStr = ''Aligot\xc3\xa9  which when printed is 
 Aligoté.   So far so good.
 I then convert that to unicode by  myUnicode = unicode(myStr, 'utf-8', 
 errors='ignore') and get u'Aligot\xe9'.   This printed is also Aligoté, 
 therefore all is good.
 I have a MySQL database, InnoDB table, charset utf-8.
 I set up my values in a dict called setValues with all the columns and 
 their respective unicode'd values ready to go
 I then do a table.insert(values=setValues).execute() and get this error.
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 File C:\Documents and Settings\wprince\Desktop\PY CODE 
 DEVELOPMENT\CESyncSQL\TEST_Sync.py, line 148, in SYNC_IT
  SyncFunction(ceDB, session, meta)
 File C:\Documents and Settings\wprince\Desktop\PY CODE 
 DEVELOPMENT\CESyncSQL\TEST_Sync.py, line 840, in SYNC_VarietiesOUT

[sqlalchemy] Problem with one to many relationship and composite primary key

2010-11-30 Thread Mariano Mara

I'm trying to relate two tables with a one to many relationship (the
parent table has a composite primary key) but I'm getting a mapper
error. I found a recent message about this same problem but with
declarative base (which I don't use) and not sure why the suggestion
there didn't apply to my problem.

Find below the error and the table creation code.



ArgumentError: Could not locate any equated, locally mapped column pairs 
for primaryjoin condition 'regevent.id =
regevent_who.regevent_id AND regevent.author =
regevent_who.regevent_author' on relationship RegEvent.who. For more
relaxed rules on join conditions, the relationship may be marked as


regevent = Table('regevent', metadata,
 Column('id', Unicode(200), primary_key=True),
 Column('author', Unicode(200), primary_key=True),
 Column('since', DateTime),
 Column('until', DateTime),
 Column('title', Unicode(100)),
 Column('content', Unicode(600)),
 Column('status', Unicode(200)),
 Column('published', DateTime),
Index('regevent_cal_ix', *(regevent.c.calname,))

class RegEvent(object):

regevent_who = Table('regevent_who', metadata,
 Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, 
 Column('regevent_id', Unicode(200)),
 Column('regevent_author', Unicode(200)),
 Column('email', Unicode(200)),
 Column('status', Unicode(200)),
 Column('role', Unicode(200)),
 ForeignKeyConstraint((regevent_id, regevent_author),
  (regevent.id, regevent.author),
Index(regevent_who_fk_ix, *(regevent_who.c.regevent_id,

class RegEventWho(object):

mapper(RegEvent, regevent_who, properties={
'who': relationship(RegEventWho, 
mapper(RegEventWho, regevent_who)

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[sqlalchemy] finding if a table is already join in a query

2010-11-30 Thread James Neethling
Hi all,

We have a small function that helps us create a simple search query by
automatically joining on required relations if needed.

For example, consider an employee ORM that has a 1:M relationship with
addresses (for postal/physical). We can do something like:

query = Employee().search('streetname', [Employee.name,

We have that working, but when we add a second search field on Address:
query = Employee.search('streetname', [Employee.name, Address.street1,
our method fails with: table name address specified more than once

We need to be able to identify if the query already has a join on

I've tried getting details on the query object (it
has ._from, ._from_obj, ._from_alias and .from_statement) that looked
interesting, but they don't appear to give us what we need.

Here is a cut down sample implementation that will hopefully remove any
confusion... Note the TODO: in Employee.search()


from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, ForeignKey, or_
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker, relationship,
from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, Text
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import cast

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True)
Base = declarative_base(bind=engine)
Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine))

class Employee(Base):
__tablename__ = 'employee'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(String)

def search(self, value, columns):
query = Session.query(Employee)
for i, column in enumerate(columns):
model = column.parententity.class_
if Employee is not model:
#TODO: Are we already joined from Employee onto model?
query = query.outerjoin(model)
args = [cast(c, Text).ilike('%%%s%%' % value) for c in columns]
return query.filter(or_(*args))

class Address(Base):
__tablename__ = 'address'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
employee_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(Employee.id))
street1 =  Column(String(50))
street2 =  Column(String(50))
employee = relationship(Employee)


#e = Employee(name='Bob')
#a = Address(employee=e, street1='street1', street2='street2')

q = Employee().search('stree', [Employee.name, Address.street1,
print q

SELECT employee.id AS employee_id, employee.name AS employee_name 
FROM employee LEFT OUTER JOIN address ON employee.id =
address.employee_id LEFT OUTER JOIN address ON employee.id =
WHERE lower(CAST(employee.name AS TEXT)) LIKE lower(?) OR
lower(CAST(address.street1 AS TEXT)) LIKE lower(?) OR
lower(CAST(address.street2 AS TEXT)) LIKE lower(?)



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Re: [sqlalchemy] Problem with one to many relationship and composite primary key

2010-11-30 Thread Michael Bayer
Nothing wrong with the mapping, except the primaryjoin is not needed.   The 
cause is certainly the usage of useexisting, which implies that these tables 
have already been created, and everything you are specifying in the Table() is 
ignored.   I wouldn't use that flag.

On Nov 30, 2010, at 10:22 AM, Mariano Mara wrote:

 I'm trying to relate two tables with a one to many relationship (the
 parent table has a composite primary key) but I'm getting a mapper
 error. I found a recent message about this same problem but with
 declarative base (which I don't use) and not sure why the suggestion
 there didn't apply to my problem.
 Find below the error and the table creation code.
 ArgumentError: Could not locate any equated, locally mapped column pairs 
 for primaryjoin condition 'regevent.id =
 regevent_who.regevent_id AND regevent.author =
 regevent_who.regevent_author' on relationship RegEvent.who. For more
 relaxed rules on join conditions, the relationship may be marked as
 regevent = Table('regevent', metadata,
 Column('id', Unicode(200), primary_key=True),
 Column('author', Unicode(200), primary_key=True),
 Column('since', DateTime),
 Column('until', DateTime),
 Column('title', Unicode(100)),
 Column('content', Unicode(600)),
 Column('status', Unicode(200)),
 Column('published', DateTime),
 Index('regevent_cal_ix', *(regevent.c.calname,))
 class RegEvent(object):
 regevent_who = Table('regevent_who', metadata,
 Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, 
 Column('regevent_id', Unicode(200)),
 Column('regevent_author', Unicode(200)),
 Column('email', Unicode(200)),
 Column('status', Unicode(200)),
 Column('role', Unicode(200)),
 ForeignKeyConstraint((regevent_id, regevent_author),
  (regevent.id, regevent.author),
 Index(regevent_who_fk_ix, *(regevent_who.c.regevent_id,
 class RegEventWho(object):
 mapper(RegEvent, regevent_who, properties={
'who': relationship(RegEventWho, 
 mapper(RegEventWho, regevent_who)
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Re: [sqlalchemy] finding if a table is already join in a query

2010-11-30 Thread Michael Bayer

On Nov 30, 2010, at 11:13 AM, James Neethling wrote:

 Hi all,
 We have a small function that helps us create a simple search query by
 automatically joining on required relations if needed.
 For example, consider an employee ORM that has a 1:M relationship with
 addresses (for postal/physical). We can do something like:
 query = Employee().search('streetname', [Employee.name,
 We have that working, but when we add a second search field on Address:
 query = Employee.search('streetname', [Employee.name, Address.street1,
 our method fails with: table name address specified more than once
 We need to be able to identify if the query already has a join on
 I've tried getting details on the query object (it
 has ._from, ._from_obj, ._from_alias and .from_statement) that looked
 interesting, but they don't appear to give us what we need.

if you would like multiple references to Address to all work from the same 
join, your routine needs to track which entities have already been joined as a 
destination in a separate collection:

def search(columns):
already_joined = set()
if class_ not in already_joined:
  q = q.join(destination)

 Here is a cut down sample implementation that will hopefully remove any
 confusion... Note the TODO: in Employee.search()
 from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, ForeignKey, or_
 from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
 from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker, relationship,
 from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, Text
 from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import cast
 engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True)
 Base = declarative_base(bind=engine)
 Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine))
 class Employee(Base):
__tablename__ = 'employee'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(String)
def search(self, value, columns):
   query = Session.query(Employee)
for i, column in enumerate(columns):
model = column.parententity.class_
if Employee is not model:
   #TODO: Are we already joined from Employee onto model?
query = query.outerjoin(model)
args = [cast(c, Text).ilike('%%%s%%' % value) for c in columns]
return query.filter(or_(*args))
 class Address(Base):
__tablename__ = 'address'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
employee_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(Employee.id))
street1 =  Column(String(50))
street2 =  Column(String(50))
employee = relationship(Employee)
 #e = Employee(name='Bob')
 #a = Address(employee=e, street1='street1', street2='street2')
 q = Employee().search('stree', [Employee.name, Address.street1,
 print q
 SELECT employee.id AS employee_id, employee.name AS employee_name 
 FROM employee LEFT OUTER JOIN address ON employee.id =
 address.employee_id LEFT OUTER JOIN address ON employee.id =
 WHERE lower(CAST(employee.name AS TEXT)) LIKE lower(?) OR
 lower(CAST(address.street1 AS TEXT)) LIKE lower(?) OR
 lower(CAST(address.street2 AS TEXT)) LIKE lower(?)
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Re: [sqlalchemy] Problem with one to many relationship and composite primary key

2010-11-30 Thread Mariano Mara
Excerpts from Michael Bayer's message of Tue Nov 30 13:50:26 -0300 2010:
 Nothing wrong with the mapping, except the primaryjoin is not needed.   The 
 cause is certainly the usage of useexisting, which implies that these 
 tables have already been created, and everything you are specifying in the 
 Table() is ignored.   I wouldn't use that flag.

Thanks Michael as always.

Removing the useexisting=True, if I also remove the primaryjoin I get:

ArgumentError: Could not determine join condition between parent/child
tables on relationship RegEvent.who.  Specify a 'primaryjoin' expression.  If 
'secondary' is
present, 'secondaryjoin' is needed as well.

If I leave the primaryjoin I still get the same error as reported.

TIA for any extra ideas you can suggest to fix this.


 On Nov 30, 2010, at 10:22 AM, Mariano Mara wrote:
  I'm trying to relate two tables with a one to many relationship (the
  parent table has a composite primary key) but I'm getting a mapper
  error. I found a recent message about this same problem but with
  declarative base (which I don't use) and not sure why the suggestion
  there didn't apply to my problem.
  Find below the error and the table creation code.
  ArgumentError: Could not locate any equated, locally mapped column pairs 
  for primaryjoin condition 'regevent.id =
  regevent_who.regevent_id AND regevent.author =
  regevent_who.regevent_author' on relationship RegEvent.who. For more
  relaxed rules on join conditions, the relationship may be marked as
  regevent = Table('regevent', metadata,
  Column('id', Unicode(200), primary_key=True),
  Column('author', Unicode(200), primary_key=True),
  Column('since', DateTime),
  Column('until', DateTime),
  Column('title', Unicode(100)),
  Column('content', Unicode(600)),
  Column('status', Unicode(200)),
  Column('published', DateTime),
  Index('regevent_cal_ix', *(regevent.c.calname,))
  class RegEvent(object):
  regevent_who = Table('regevent_who', metadata,
  Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, 
  Column('regevent_id', Unicode(200)),
  Column('regevent_author', Unicode(200)),
  Column('email', Unicode(200)),
  Column('status', Unicode(200)),
  Column('role', Unicode(200)),
  ForeignKeyConstraint((regevent_id, regevent_author),
   (regevent.id, regevent.author),
  Index(regevent_who_fk_ix, *(regevent_who.c.regevent_id,
  class RegEventWho(object):
  mapper(RegEvent, regevent_who, properties={
 'who': relationship(RegEventWho, 
  mapper(RegEventWho, regevent_who)
  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: [sqlalchemy] Problem with one to many relationship and composite primary key

2010-11-30 Thread Michael Bayer
your RegEvent mapper is against the wrong table, here is the correct code:

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
metadata = MetaData()

regevent = Table('regevent', metadata,
Column('id', Unicode(200), primary_key=True),
Column('author', Unicode(200), primary_key=True),
Column('since', DateTime),
Column('until', DateTime),
Column('title', Unicode(100)),
Column('content', Unicode(600)),
Column('status', Unicode(200)),
Column('published', DateTime))

class RegEvent(object):

regevent_who = Table('regevent_who', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, 
Column('regevent_id', Unicode(200)),
Column('regevent_author', Unicode(200)),
Column('email', Unicode(200)),
Column('status', Unicode(200)),
Column('role', Unicode(200)),
ForeignKeyConstraint((regevent_id, regevent_author),
 (regevent.id, regevent.author),

class RegEventWho(object):

mapper(RegEvent, regevent, properties={
   'who': relationship(RegEventWho)
mapper(RegEventWho, regevent_who)

print Session().query(RegEvent).join(RegEvent.who)

On Nov 30, 2010, at 12:22 PM, Mariano Mara wrote:

 Excerpts from Michael Bayer's message of Tue Nov 30 13:50:26 -0300 2010:
 Nothing wrong with the mapping, except the primaryjoin is not needed.   
 The cause is certainly the usage of useexisting, which implies that these 
 tables have already been created, and everything you are specifying in the 
 Table() is ignored.   I wouldn't use that flag.
 Thanks Michael as always.
 Removing the useexisting=True, if I also remove the primaryjoin I get:
 ArgumentError: Could not determine join condition between parent/child
 tables on relationship RegEvent.who.  Specify a 'primaryjoin' expression.  If 
 'secondary' is
 present, 'secondaryjoin' is needed as well.
 If I leave the primaryjoin I still get the same error as reported.
 TIA for any extra ideas you can suggest to fix this.
 On Nov 30, 2010, at 10:22 AM, Mariano Mara wrote:
 I'm trying to relate two tables with a one to many relationship (the
 parent table has a composite primary key) but I'm getting a mapper
 error. I found a recent message about this same problem but with
 declarative base (which I don't use) and not sure why the suggestion
 there didn't apply to my problem.
 Find below the error and the table creation code.
 ArgumentError: Could not locate any equated, locally mapped column pairs 
 for primaryjoin condition 'regevent.id =
 regevent_who.regevent_id AND regevent.author =
 regevent_who.regevent_author' on relationship RegEvent.who. For more
 relaxed rules on join conditions, the relationship may be marked as
 regevent = Table('regevent', metadata,
Column('id', Unicode(200), primary_key=True),
Column('author', Unicode(200), primary_key=True),
Column('since', DateTime),
Column('until', DateTime),
Column('title', Unicode(100)),
Column('content', Unicode(600)),
Column('status', Unicode(200)),
Column('published', DateTime),
 Index('regevent_cal_ix', *(regevent.c.calname,))
 class RegEvent(object):
 regevent_who = Table('regevent_who', metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, 
Column('regevent_id', Unicode(200)),
Column('regevent_author', Unicode(200)),
Column('email', Unicode(200)),
Column('status', Unicode(200)),
Column('role', Unicode(200)),
ForeignKeyConstraint((regevent_id, regevent_author),
 (regevent.id, regevent.author),
 Index(regevent_who_fk_ix, *(regevent_who.c.regevent_id,
 class RegEventWho(object):
 mapper(RegEvent, regevent_who, properties={
   'who': relationship(RegEventWho, 
 mapper(RegEventWho, regevent_who)
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 sqlalchemy group.
 To post to this group, send email to sqlalch...@googlegroups.com.

Re: [sqlalchemy] Problem with one to many relationship and composite primary key

2010-11-30 Thread Mariano Mara
ohhh, I'm out of words other than thank you for spotting it. I can't
believe how stupid I feel right now.


Excerpts from Michael Bayer's message of Tue Nov 30 14:27:42 -0300 2010:
 your RegEvent mapper is against the wrong table, here is the correct code:
 from sqlalchemy import *
 from sqlalchemy.orm import *
 metadata = MetaData()
 regevent = Table('regevent', metadata,
 Column('id', Unicode(200), primary_key=True),
 Column('author', Unicode(200), primary_key=True),
 Column('since', DateTime),
 Column('until', DateTime),
 Column('title', Unicode(100)),
 Column('content', Unicode(600)),
 Column('status', Unicode(200)),
 Column('published', DateTime))
 class RegEvent(object):
 regevent_who = Table('regevent_who', metadata,
 Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, 
 Column('regevent_id', Unicode(200)),
 Column('regevent_author', Unicode(200)),
 Column('email', Unicode(200)),
 Column('status', Unicode(200)),
 Column('role', Unicode(200)),
 ForeignKeyConstraint((regevent_id, regevent_author),
  (regevent.id, regevent.author),
 class RegEventWho(object):
 mapper(RegEvent, regevent, properties={
'who': relationship(RegEventWho)
 mapper(RegEventWho, regevent_who)
 print Session().query(RegEvent).join(RegEvent.who)
 On Nov 30, 2010, at 12:22 PM, Mariano Mara wrote:
  Excerpts from Michael Bayer's message of Tue Nov 30 13:50:26 -0300 2010:
  Nothing wrong with the mapping, except the primaryjoin is not needed.   
  The cause is certainly the usage of useexisting, which implies that 
  these tables have already been created, and everything you are specifying 
  in the Table() is ignored.   I wouldn't use that flag.
  Thanks Michael as always.
  Removing the useexisting=True, if I also remove the primaryjoin I get:
  ArgumentError: Could not determine join condition between parent/child
  tables on relationship RegEvent.who.  Specify a 'primaryjoin' expression.  
  If 'secondary' is
  present, 'secondaryjoin' is needed as well.
  If I leave the primaryjoin I still get the same error as reported.
  TIA for any extra ideas you can suggest to fix this.
  On Nov 30, 2010, at 10:22 AM, Mariano Mara wrote:
  I'm trying to relate two tables with a one to many relationship (the
  parent table has a composite primary key) but I'm getting a mapper
  error. I found a recent message about this same problem but with
  declarative base (which I don't use) and not sure why the suggestion
  there didn't apply to my problem.
  Find below the error and the table creation code.
  ArgumentError: Could not locate any equated, locally mapped column pairs 
  for primaryjoin condition 'regevent.id =
  regevent_who.regevent_id AND regevent.author =
  regevent_who.regevent_author' on relationship RegEvent.who. For more
  relaxed rules on join conditions, the relationship may be marked as
  regevent = Table('regevent', metadata,
 Column('id', Unicode(200), primary_key=True),
 Column('author', Unicode(200), primary_key=True),
 Column('since', DateTime),
 Column('until', DateTime),
 Column('title', Unicode(100)),
 Column('content', Unicode(600)),
 Column('status', Unicode(200)),
 Column('published', DateTime),
  Index('regevent_cal_ix', *(regevent.c.calname,))
  class RegEvent(object):
  regevent_who = Table('regevent_who', metadata,
 Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, 
 Column('regevent_id', Unicode(200)),
 Column('regevent_author', Unicode(200)),
 Column('email', Unicode(200)),
 Column('status', Unicode(200)),
 Column('role', Unicode(200)),
  Index(regevent_who_fk_ix, *(regevent_who.c.regevent_id,
  class RegEventWho(object):
  mapper(RegEvent, regevent_who, properties={
'who': relationship(RegEventWho, 

[sqlalchemy] How can I do this relation?

2010-11-30 Thread Alvaro Reinoso

I have this table:

class Region(rdb.Model):
Represents one region in the layout

id = Column(id, Integer, primary_key=True)
title = Column(title, String(50))

channelId = Column(channel_id, Integer, ForeignKey(channel.id))

channel = relationship(Channel, uselist=False, backref=regions)

One region can just contain one channel, but one channel could be in
many regions. A region will never be accessed by a channel. However,
Channel could be accessed by a region, so I need that relationship in
region. Is that relationship OK? If not, how can I make it?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] finding if a table is already join in a query

2010-11-30 Thread James Neethling
On Tue, 2010-11-30 at 11:52 -0500, Michael Bayer wrote:
 On Nov 30, 2010, at 11:13 AM, James Neethling wrote:
  Hi all,
  We have a small function that helps us create a simple search query by
  automatically joining on required relations if needed.
  For example, consider an employee ORM that has a 1:M relationship with
  addresses (for postal/physical). We can do something like:
  query = Employee().search('streetname', [Employee.name,
  We have that working, but when we add a second search field on Address:
  query = Employee.search('streetname', [Employee.name, Address.street1,
  our method fails with: table name address specified more than once
  We need to be able to identify if the query already has a join on
  I've tried getting details on the query object (it
  has ._from, ._from_obj, ._from_alias and .from_statement) that looked
  interesting, but they don't appear to give us what we need.
 if you would like multiple references to Address to all work from the same 
 join, your routine needs to track which entities have already been joined as 
 a destination in a separate collection:
 def search(columns):
   already_joined = set()
 if class_ not in already_joined:
   q = q.join(destination)

Hi Michael,

Thank you for the quick response.

Unfortunately we don't always know where this query comes from (my
example was a little contrived :( )

Is there any way to get the tables that are currently in the join for a

  Here is a cut down sample implementation that will hopefully remove any
  confusion... Note the TODO: in Employee.search()
  from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, ForeignKey, or_
  from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
  from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker, relationship,
  from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, Text
  from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import cast
  engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True)
  Base = declarative_base(bind=engine)
  Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine))
  class Employee(Base):
 __tablename__ = 'employee'
 id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
 name = Column(String)
 def search(self, value, columns):
  query = Session.query(Employee)
 for i, column in enumerate(columns):
 model = column.parententity.class_
 if Employee is not model:
  #TODO: Are we already joined from Employee onto model?
 query = query.outerjoin(model)
 args = [cast(c, Text).ilike('%%%s%%' % value) for c in columns]
 return query.filter(or_(*args))
  class Address(Base):
 __tablename__ = 'address'
 id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
 employee_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(Employee.id))
 street1 =  Column(String(50))
 street2 =  Column(String(50))
 employee = relationship(Employee)
  #e = Employee(name='Bob')
  #a = Address(employee=e, street1='street1', street2='street2')
  q = Employee().search('stree', [Employee.name, Address.street1,
  print q
  SELECT employee.id AS employee_id, employee.name AS employee_name 
  FROM employee LEFT OUTER JOIN address ON employee.id =
  address.employee_id LEFT OUTER JOIN address ON employee.id =
  WHERE lower(CAST(employee.name AS TEXT)) LIKE lower(?) OR
  lower(CAST(address.street1 AS TEXT)) LIKE lower(?) OR
  lower(CAST(address.street2 AS TEXT)) LIKE lower(?)
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James Neethling
Development Manager
XO Africa Safari
(t) +27 21 486 2700 (ext. 127)
(e) jam...@xoafrica.com

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Re: [sqlalchemy] session.execute(sql_statement) does not flush the session in a autoflush=True session ?

2010-11-30 Thread James Neethling
On Fri, 2010-11-26 at 15:41 -0500, Michael Bayer wrote:
 I wouldn't say its a bug since its intentional.   But I'll grant the 
 intention is up for debate.   I've always considered usage of execute() to 
 mean, you're going below the level of the ORM and would like to control the 
 SQL interaction directly, not to mention with as minimal overhead as 
 possible, which is why it works that way currently.   It might be just as 
 surprising to many users if execute() issued a whole series of insert/update 
 statements as much as it was apparently surprising to you that it did not.

I agree with the current behaviour. I've never actually thought of
execute as doing anything other than *exactly* what I want it to do -
and only that.

  In a session which has some dirty objects, doing
  session.execute(sql_statement) doesn't not flush the dirty objects to
  the database before executing the sql_statement query.
  The session was initialized with  autoflush=True.
  Is it the expected behaviour ? Is it a bug ?

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