[sqlalchemy] update using query - joint table inheritance

2013-08-09 Thread Mark Eastwood
Hi all,

I am getting some unexpected behaviour when trying to update selected rows 
from a query when using joint table inheritance. Using MySQL, a query that 
is filtered based on items in the parent table, does not honour this filter 
when updating items in the child table (all children are updated, not only 
those matching the filter). It is easier to describe in code than in words. 
The code is attached.

In an attempt to make it easier to run, I did try and make the script use 
sqlite instead of MySQL, however in this case an entirely different error 
resulted. I have therefore included both (MySQL enabled, sqlite disabled by 

Can anyone please tell me if there is something that I am doing wrong? is 
this a bug with sqlalchemy?


Mark Eastwood

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Demonstrate a (bug?) in updating records via a query

I am getting some unexpected behaviour when trying to update selected rows from
a query when using joint table inheritance. Using MySQL, a query that is
filtered based on items in the parent table, does not honour this filter when
updating items in the child table (all children are updated, not only those
matching the filter).

In an attempt to make it easier to run, I did try and make the script use
sqlite instead of MySQL, however in this case an entirely different error
resulted. I have therefore included both (MySQL enabled, sqlite disabled by

With MySQL

All records within the Child table get updated. What should happen is just the
one record that matches the query gets updated

With SQLite

The query raises an OperationalError

Other Debug Info

I have tried this on two different systems with the same result. There are:

System 1:

Operating system: Windows 7 64 bit
Python version = 3.3.1
SQLAlchemy version = 0.8.0
MySQL version = 5.6.13
- included mysqlconnector from windows installer (v1.0.11)

System 2:

Operating system: Windows 7 32 bit
Python v3.3.1
SQLAlchemy v0.8.2
Mariadb version = 5.5.32
MySQLConnector version = 1.0.11
To run this script, MySQL (or Mariadb) needs to be installed and a user by the
name of 'tester' with password 'test_password' needs to have access to the
database 'test'@'localhost'. Of course, you can change these.


from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.exc import DatabaseError
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

# Uncomment one of the following engines

#engine = create_engine('sqlite://')

engine = create_engine('mysql+mysqlconnector://%s:%s@%s:%s/%s' % \
  ('tester', 'test_password', '', '3306', 'test'))


Base = declarative_base()
Base.metadata.bind = engine
session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)()

class Parent(Base):
__tablename__ = 'parent'

id = Column(INTEGER(), primary_key=True)
name = Column(VARCHAR(255), unique=True)
type = Column(VARCHAR(255))

__mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'Parent',
   'polymorphic_on': type}

class Child(Parent):
__tablename__ = 'child'
__mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'Child'}

id = Column(INTEGER(), ForeignKey(Parent.id), primary_key=True)
value = Column(INTEGER(255))

def __repr__(self):
return '%s %s' % (self.name, self.value)

# Start with a clean database

# MySQL warns if these tables don't exist, despite using IF EXISTS
# SQLAlchemy interprets these as errors, just ignore
session.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS child, parent;')
except DatabaseError:

# Build a simple table

session.add_all([Child(name='Steven', value=1), 
 Child(name='Mark', value=2), 
 Child(name='Daniel', value=3)])
print('We have three records in the database')

query = session.query(Child).filter(C

[sqlalchemy] Creating one-to-many relationship: child class returns empty list after trying to enter data

2013-08-09 Thread csdrane
This is driving me a little crazy so hopefully someone here can help. This 
is my first time working with sqlalchemy (v0.8). Python is v2.7.2 and MySQL 
is v14.14. 

The (heavily) summarized code is as follows: 

class Price(Base):
__tablename__ = "prices"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)
company_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('companies.id'))
date = Column(DateTime)
close = Column(Float)
volume = Column(Integer)

def __init__(self, date, close, volume):
self.date = date
self.close = close
self.volume = volume

class Company(Base):
__tablename__ = "companies"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)
ticker = Column(String(10))
company = Column(String(100))
prices = relationship("Price")
def __init__(self, ticker, company):
self.ticker = ticker
self.company = company
def get_prices(self):
csv_data = get_csv()
for row in csv_data:
date = row[0].strip()
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d')
close = float(row[4])
volume = int(row[5])
prices = Price(date = date, close = close, volume = volume)

So, what the code* *should do is have a table of companies and a table of 
daily pricing data on all companies. I want to be able to access the prices 
via company.prices. Instead, when I try to do this, Python returns an empty 
list []. I know that the data is getting picked up somewhere because I see 
the SQL activity when I do session.commit(). I've also tried modifying the 
get_prices() function by changing the prices variable to a list + append() and 
then at the end of the for loop doing a session.add_all(prices), but that 
didn't work either. What am I doing incorrectly?



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Re: [sqlalchemy] Boolean Mapper property from exists subquery

2013-08-09 Thread Michael Bayer

On Aug 8, 2013, at 7:47 PM, askel  wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I've been using SQLAlchemy for a while and it's been a pleasure. But 
> sometimes I feel I can get a little more from it or do something more 
> properly. For instance, imagine two tables with one-to-one relationship bosth 
> sharing the same primary key and second table containing primary key only 
> (please don't ask me why it wasn't made just a nullable boolean column to the 
> first table).
> Base = declarative_base()
> class Item(Base):
> __table_name__ = 'items'
> i_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
> # other columns omitted
> special_items = Table('special_items', Base.metadata,
> Column('i_id', Integer, ForeignKey('items.i_id'), primary_key=True),
> # no any other columns
> )
> Item.is_special = exists([1]).where(Item.i_id == special_items.c.i_id)
> And sometimes I need to use that is_special property in query filter as the 
> following:
> query(Item).filter(and_(Item.is_special, ...))
> which works well in queries -- exists sub-query is added if/whenever 
> is_special is mentioned in filter.
> What I would also like to see is is_special becoming a boolean property of 
> Items instance. And it would be awesome to be able to assign to it so that it 
> fires correct insert statement when session is flushed.
> To make first thing happen it sounds like I need to use hybrid_property but I 
> couldn't figure out what is_special method should return when it's accessed 
> as instance property. More over that property should be lazy, i. e. I don't 
> want every query have that exists sub-query UNLESS it's explicitly used in 
> filter or any other way.
> class Item(Base):
> ...
> @hybrid_property
> def is_special(self):
> return ???
> @is_special.statement
> def is_special(cls):
> return exists([1]).where(cls.i_id == special_items.c.i_id)
> I'd greatly appreciate if anybody gives me tip on how to make above happen 
> (may be partially). It's not like I cannot live without it though.

seems like you'd create Item.special_items as a relationship() to the 
special_items table (using some class), then the python is_special() just says 
return bool(self.special_items).   If you create the relationship() with 
lazy=dynamic you could just say bool(self.special_items.count()).

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Mapping views as Table/ORM

2013-08-09 Thread Werner

On 09/08/2013 10:55, temp4...@gmail.com wrote:
It seems that SQLAlchemy has no support for creating views by a "View" 
construct or something like that but you can map them as a "Table" or 
even an ORM class when applicable, and query from them, the problem is 
that SQLAlchemy will than try to create them as a new table when you 
issue metadata.create_all(), is there a convenient way around this, 
without having to pass a list of tables to create_all?

Maybe this recipe will help.



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[sqlalchemy] Mapping views as Table/ORM

2013-08-09 Thread temp4746
It seems that SQLAlchemy has no support for creating views by a "View" 
construct or something like that but you can map them as a "Table" or even 
an ORM class when applicable, and query from them, the problem is that 
SQLAlchemy will than try to create them as a new table when you issue 
metadata.create_all(), is there a convenient way around this, without 
having to pass a list of tables to create_all?

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