Is Firebird supported?

2015-03-17 Thread Steve

I am testing out Firebird b/c I want to use Alembic to set up my unit 
tests. Is Firebird supported by Alembic? I am getting the error message 
below. I am running Alembic 0.6.0 and SqlAlchemy 0.8.2

File .../.virtualenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/alembic/ddl/
, line 50, in get_by_dialect
return _impls[]
KeyError: 'firebird'


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[sqlalchemy] ORM general concept question (how to combine all stuff together?)

2015-03-17 Thread Ivan Evstegneev

First of all I'm new to DBs so please don't hang me on a tree )))

I have basic and simple questions(at least it simple for me ^_^ ).

While googling and reading some tutorials about ORM DBs at whole, I still 
cannot build up a logical picture of how it works. 

Here  is the brief example (I will use pony orm syntax cause it is readable 
and simple  )

Lets begin.

First of all we need ti initialize a DB, like this:

 db = Database('sqlite', '/path/to/the/test_db.sqlite', create_db=True)

This command says that we've created a DB file named test_db.sqlite and 
it based on sqlite.

Then, let's say  I'll create two classes(connected via cars attribute):

class Person (db.Entity):
  name = Required(str)
  age = Required(int)
  cars = Set(Car)

class Car(db.Entity):
 make = Required(str)
 model = Required(str)
 owner = Required(Person)

Finally I make a mapping between these classses and test_db.sqlite


So, at this moment I have some classes stored in the memory (cause I worked 
in python interactive shell) and physical test_db.sqlite placed on my 
hard drive.
This file is actually contains an empty tables, am I right? Because I 
didn't initialized any entities yet.
I can keep working via interactive console in order to accomplish this task 
and then just write commit() command in order to update test_db.sqlite 

Till this point everything looks fine.(I hope)

The question arises when I ask my self how all this stuff should work with 
my code?

I mean that I need to write some functions that will update my_db data. 

Suppose  I have which, among the other things, imports 
some data from xls files. But how do I actually put these xls values in my 
data base?

Should it look like that:  which will consist of all the classes I've created 
before.(i.e. Person and Car)
test_db.sqlite  supose I've already mapped my classes to this file. 

How do I handle all my these db-classes inside of main_routine?

Does it look like that(generally):


import my_db_classes

# db binding commands:
db.bind('sqlite', '/path/to/the/test_db.sqlite', create_db=True)

. my_code_ for_importing_xls_values...
..my_code_ for_importing_xls_values...
..my_code_ for_importing_xls_values...
..my_code_ for_importing_xls_values...

# now I need to pass these xls values to my db
# so should it be written like that? --

p1 = Person(name = 'John', age = 20)
p2 = Person(name = 'Mary' , age = 23)
c1 = Car(make='Toyota', model = 'Prius', owner=p2)
c2 = Car(make='Ford', model='Exploler', owner=p1)

#and then just


#is that all? I just work directly with classes (in SQLAlchemy for 
particularly) or I need some decorators/ other stuff?


Furthermore, as I can barely understand, in order to work with db inside 
my_routine file I need (preferably) create a separate files i.e.:
# in this file my db_mapping functions should be placed
# as a result the my_db.sqlite will be created.

and then my main code should look like this:

import my_db_classes
import my_db_initial_mapper

#binding functions may be placed in main_routine file(right?)

.. binding code.. 

..some xls related code.

..entities assignment code.



Is this right? 

I think my problem appeared because of a lot of examples about databases 
are using interactive prompt so, it's kinda tricky to combine all of it 
when talking about python modules.

Hope my question is clear enough, in case it doesn't I'll may best to write 
it more clearly next time 

Any help will be highly appreciated. 


P.S. What about raw SQL code? Should I write it directly in  or there some special ways of implementation? 

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[sqlalchemy] Loading of dependent objects performance issue

2015-03-17 Thread Cyril Scetbon

After having 
read I 
understand there is one case where SQL is not emitted and I was expecting 
that my case was this one.

I use polymorphism to store different objects in the same table (only one 
type displayed here) as follows :

class BatchRecord(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'batch_record'

id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
batch_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), 
type = db.Column(db.String(15))
created = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow)
modified = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow, 

class Batch(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'batch'

id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
source = db.Column(db.String(10))
created = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow)
modified = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow, 

batch_records = db.relationship('BatchRecord', 

accounts = db.relationship('Account',
primaryjoin=and_( == BatchRecord.batch_id, 
BatchRecord.type == 'account'),

class Account(BatchRecord):
__tablename__ = 'account'

id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), 
primary_key=True, nullable=False)
uuid = db.Column(UUID, nullable=False)
role = db.Column(db.String(15), nullable=False)
first_name = db.Column(db.String(40))
last_name = db.Column(db.String(40))
email = db.Column(db.String(80))
phone = db.Column(db.String(40))
cohort = db.Column(db.String(255))

The code I use is similar to the following :
(1) batch = Batch.query.filter( == 50048).first()
(2) a0 = batch.accounts[0]
(3) a0.batch.source
(4) a1 = batch.accounts[1]
(5) a1.batch.source

at (1) SqlAlchemy requests the database (PostgreSQL) to get the batch 
object using the query

SELECT AS batch_id, batch.source AS batch_source, batch.created AS 
batch_created, batch.modified AS batch_modified
FROM batch
WHERE = 50048

at (2)  it does the following query to get account objects :

SELECT AS account_id, AS batch_record_id, 
batch_record.batch_id AS batch_record_batch_id, batch_record.type AS 
batch_record_type, batch_record.created AS batch_record_created, 
batch_record.modified AS batch_record_modified, account.uuid AS 
account_uuid, account.role AS account_role, account.first_name AS 
account_first_name, account.last_name AS account_last_name, 
AS account_email, AS account_phone, account.cohort AS 
FROM batch_record JOIN account ON =
WHERE 50048 = batch_record.batch_id AND batch_record.type = 'account'

and the issue is at (3). It does a the new following query :

SELECT AS batch_id, batch.source AS batch_source, batch.created AS 
batch_created, batch.modified AS batch_modified
FROM batch
WHERE = 50048 AND 'account' = 'account'

 SqlAlchemy should know using account.batch_id (which was stored in the 
object at (2)) that it references the batch object requested at (1) and 
should not request the database again to get information it already has (at 

at (4) it does not request the database but at (5) it requests again the 
database for the same object :

SELECT AS batch_id, batch.source AS batch_source, batch.created AS 
batch_created, batch.modified AS batch_modified
FROM batch
WHERE = 50048 AND 'account' = 'account'

The matter is that we have thousand of objects and SqlAlchemy requests the 
database 1 time per object :( 

FYI we're using the stable release (0.9.8), but I've tested the last 
pre-released version (1.0.0b1) and the behavior is exactly the same. 

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Re: [sqlalchemy] unhandled data type cx_Oracle.LOB

2015-03-17 Thread GP
Ah! I will keep track of it - for now, I will just ignore AttributeError 

I am loving sqlalchemy, thanks for creating and maintaining it!


On Monday, March 16, 2015 at 11:37:36 PM UTC-4, Michael Bayer wrote:

 GP javascript: wrote: 

  That's what I thought, and it works, but there seems to be a difference 
 in how resultset is handled when you select LOB column. 
  Here is a basic script, that selects record from a source table which 
 has 36 rows. It fetches 10 records at a time. 
  from sqlalchemy import Table, select, create_engine, MetaData 
  engine = create_engine('oracle+cx_oracle://xxx:yyy@zzz') 
  conn = engine.connect() 
  metadata = MetaData() 
  metadata.bind = conn 
  source_table = Table('contract_cancellation_test', metadata, 
  target_table = Table('contract_cancellation_test_s', metadata, 
  # Query 1 : without selecting LOB  : Works fine 
  #select_query = select([source_table.c.contract_id, 
  # Query 2 : selecting canellation_quote LOB column : Fails in last 
 fetchmany because query_rs is closed 
  select_query = select([source_table.c.contract_id, 
 source_table.c.cancel_dt, source_table.c.cancellation_obj]) 
  query_rs = conn.execute(select_query) 
  print(executing select) 
  loop_count = 1 
  while True: 
  rows = query_rs.fetchmany(size=10) 
  if not rows:  # we are done if result set list is empty 
  row_dict = [dict(l_row) for l_row in rows] 
  insert_target_stmt = target_table.insert() 
  print(inserting for loop = {}.format(str(loop_count))) 
  loop_count += 1 
  Query 1 does not have LOB type column, and it works fine. Query 2 has 
 LOB type column in and it fails in fetchmany() call after last set is 
  Here is the output: 
  - results query 1 - 
  executing select 
  inserting for loop = 1 
  inserting for loop = 2 
  inserting for loop = 3 
  inserting for loop = 4 
  - results query 1 - 
  executing select 
  inserting for loop = 1 
  inserting for loop = 2 
  inserting for loop = 3 
  inserting for loop = 4 
  Traceback (most recent call last): 
 line 733, in _fetchone_impl 
  return self.cursor.fetchone() 
  AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'fetchone' 
  During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: 
  Traceback (most recent call last): 
File /home/xxx/myprojects/python/sync/, line 23, in 
  rows = query_rs.fetchmany(size=10) 
 line 759, in _non_result 
  raise exc.ResourceClosedError(This result object is closed.) 
  sqlalchemy.exc.ResourceClosedError: This result object is closed. 
  As long as I can check that resultset is empty and break from the loop, 
 I am fine. Any better way of handling this? 

 That’s a bug in the oracle-specific result proxy.   I’ve created
 for that. 

  On Monday, March 16, 2015 at 10:08:47 PM UTC-4, Michael Bayer wrote: 
  GP wrote: 
   OK, is “cancellation_obj” a column object with CLOB as the datatype ? 
   Yes, that's how it's defined in the database. 
   Because of dynamic nature of the code, I was using append_column 
 without specifying column type. I made changes to define column in 
 table.c.column_name format rather than just using Column('column name'). 
 This way, I can make sure column data types are included with column 
 definitions, without me having to specify the data type explicitly with 
 each column. 
   It's interesting that I used that one way (out of three possible ways) 
 that wasn't 'right', but it's all good now :) 
   Now onto changing from fetchmany() to fetchone() - since LOBs are 
 pretty much forcing me to use fetchone(). 
  OK, if you were to get the CLOB types working correctly, SQLAlchemy’s 
 result proxy works around that issue also, by fetching rows in chunks and 
 converting the LOB objects to strings while they are still readable, so you 
 could keep with the fetchmany() calls. 
   Thank you for your help! 
   On Monday, March 16, 2015 at 5:54:54 PM UTC-4, Michael Bayer wrote: 
   GP wrote: 
So that's what was happening: 

This select construct fails: 
select_query = select() 

Re: [sqlalchemy] Loading of dependent objects performance issue

2015-03-17 Thread Michael Bayer

Cyril Scetbon wrote:

 After having read I 
 understand there is one case where SQL is not emitted and I was expecting 
 that my case was this one.
 I use polymorphism to store different objects in the same table (only one 
 type displayed here) as follows :
 class BatchRecord(db.Model):
 __tablename__ = 'batch_record'
 id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
 batch_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), 
 type = db.Column(db.String(15))
 created = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow)
 modified = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow, 
 class Batch(db.Model):
 __tablename__ = 'batch'
 id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
 source = db.Column(db.String(10))
 created = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow)
 modified = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow, 
 batch_records = db.relationship('BatchRecord', 
 accounts = db.relationship('Account',
 primaryjoin=and_( == BatchRecord.batch_id, BatchRecord.type 
 == 'account'),

this primaryjoin is not necessary. Because you are creating a relationship
to “Account”, it will query out to a JOIN of the batch_record and account
tables automatically which will limit the rows to those with a type of
“account”. Only if you’re trying to exclude rows from some other class that
is a subclass of “Account” would this be at all necessary but that would be

 class Account(BatchRecord):
 __tablename__ = 'account'
 id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), 
 primary_key=True, nullable=False)
 uuid = db.Column(UUID, nullable=False)
 role = db.Column(db.String(15), nullable=False)
 first_name = db.Column(db.String(40))
 last_name = db.Column(db.String(40))
 email = db.Column(db.String(80))
 phone = db.Column(db.String(40))
 cohort = db.Column(db.String(255))
 The code I use is similar to the following :
 (1) batch = Batch.query.filter( == 50048).first()
 (2) a0 = batch.accounts[0]
 (3) a0.batch.source
 (4) a1 = batch.accounts[1]
 (5) a1.batch.source
 at (1) SqlAlchemy requests the database (PostgreSQL) to get the batch object 
 using the query
 SELECT AS batch_id, batch.source AS batch_source, batch.created AS 
 batch_created, batch.modified AS batch_modified
   FROM batch
   WHERE = 50048
 at (2)  it does the following query to get account objects :
 SELECT AS account_id, AS batch_record_id, 
 batch_record.batch_id AS batch_record_batch_id, batch_record.type AS 
 batch_record_type, batch_record.created AS batch_record_created, 
 batch_record.modified AS batch_record_modified, account.uuid AS account_uuid, 
 account.role AS account_role, account.first_name AS account_first_name, 
 account.last_name AS account_last_name, AS account_email, AS account_phone, account.cohort AS account_cohort
   FROM batch_record JOIN account ON =
   WHERE 50048 = batch_record.batch_id AND batch_record.type = 'account'
 and the issue is at (3). It does a the new following query :
 SELECT AS batch_id, batch.source AS batch_source, batch.created AS 
 batch_created, batch.modified AS batch_modified
   FROM batch
   WHERE = 50048 AND 'account' = ‘account'

this is occurring because the relationship is not aware that this is a
so-called “simple many-to-one”, for which is can do a straight primary key
lookup in the identity map. Because your custom “primaryjoin” condition is
also shared on the many-to-one side, it assumes there is special SQL that must 
emitted to ensure the correct results, and a simple identity lookup is not

the two configurations that will solve this issue are:

accounts = db.relationship('Account', backref='batch’)

or alternatively, if you really wanted to keep that primaryjoin:

accounts = db.relationship('Account',
primaryjoin=and_( == BatchRecord.batch_id, BatchRecord.type == 
backref=backref(‘batch’, primaryjoin=None))

  SqlAlchemy should know using account.batch_id (which was stored in the 
 object at (2)) that it references the batch object requested at (1) and 
 should not request the database again to get information it already has (at 
 at (4) it does not request the database but at (5) it requests again the 
 database for the same object :
 SELECT AS batch_id, batch.source AS batch_source, batch.created AS 
 batch_created, batch.modified AS batch_modified
   FROM batch
   WHERE = 50048 AND 'account' = 'account'
 The matter is that we