Re: [sqlalchemy] Efficient dev workflow for keeping test database in sync with dev database?

2015-01-08 Thread AM
We usually run most of our our tests with sqlite:///memory and recreate 
the db every run. The only additional things we have to do is to seed 
the db with data as needed. That way we do not need to run alembic stuff 
on it at all.

To test alembic migrations we will usually snapshot our staging db and 
run migrations against it.


On 1/8/15 2:50 PM, alchemy1 wrote:
On Postgres, I run tests against a database which require that the 
tables already exist. The table definitions in the test db need to be 
identical to the table definitions in the dev db (in the test db they 
should be empty though).

My development workflow is that I change model classes in my code, 
then run 'alembic revision --autogenerate' and 'alembic upgrade head' 
to update my dev db. But is there a way to configure alembic to keep 
my test db (running on my development machine on the same Postgres 
server as the dev db) in sync with my dev db? For example when 
'alembic upgrade head' runs the latest revisions of schema changes 
against dev db then it could do it against the test db as well?

Right now I don't have a good solution in place, is there an efficient 
workflow I could use to keep the test db in sync with the dev db? 
Ideally without requiring me to remember to run an extra command 
against the test db when I make a change to the dev db (e.g. if 
alembic could make changes to both databases at the same time there'd 
be no need to remember to do it in both places).

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: can someone tell me how to reset Alembic back to the state of my DB

2014-12-30 Thread AM
Blow away the alembic versions table from the database and the folder 
with the versions file and patches files on disk and you should be good 
to go.


On 12/30/2014 06:01 PM, dewey wrote:

Ok, I went ahead and just copied all the data into the clean new schema.
So now my actual DB is in sync with my SA declarative models.

How do I get Alembic to start tracking fresh from this point  (ie 
delete any old revisions or old history)??


On Tuesday, December 30, 2014 7:49:03 PM UTC-6, dewey wrote:

I first installed Alembic and while practicing, I created a first

I made some changes in my Declarative models in code
And then I used SA to blow away my DB and recreate the whole
schema new again

And then I made a few more changes to my models  (oops)  AND
loaded a bunch of data

Now, I can't figure out how to get Alembic back into parity

Can I point it at the DB to get it's base and then point it at
my models to create a brand-new, first revision??

I'm kind of stumped.

As a worst case, I've used SA to create a new parallel schema (in
sync with current models) and I can select all the old data into
it but I still need to know how to tell Alembic to forget (delete)
all prior revisions and start over.

Thanks for any tips!!

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Is my DB schema optimal?

2014-12-24 Thread AM

My general suggestion for 'optimality' questions is to not worry about it.

Start with a schema that seems natural and maps well to the problem you 
are trying to solve. Once you have it setup and working, then and only 
then focus on whether it needs to be optimized/denormalized etc etc. In 
a large percentage of the cases, for the loads that are demanded of db 
backed applications, IME one almost never needs to change the original 

What would help more is to focus on the 'kind' of queries you are going 
to have and make sure you index the appropriate fields.


On 12/24/14 12:33 PM, msikma wrote:

Hi there,

I've got the following 

Am I doing things right? To explain what I'm trying to do: right now, 
I'm trying to parse a dictionary file (edict2). It consists of 
dictionary 'entries', each of which have some basic information, then 
multiple 'readings', and multiple 'tags'. (And definitions, but those 
will come later.) Each reading item itself can also contain multiple 
There will not be too many connections per entry, but there will be 
many (170,000+) entries.

So I've made two relationship tables. I think this should work. But 
I'm not sure if it is optimal. In pure SQL I'd probably do a (id, id) 
primary key. Right now it generates this 

I'd just like to set this up as properly as possible from the start, 
so maybe you have suggestions on what I could improve?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Handling big Python objects

2014-12-03 Thread AM
I would recommend just storing them on disk and let the OS VMM deal with 
caching for speed. If you are not constrained for space I would 
recommend not zlib-ing it either.


On 12/3/14 1:18 PM, Andrea Gavana wrote:

Hello list,

sorry for the possibly noob question, I've googled around without 
much success looking for an answer. Basically, I am given a series of 
this huge Python class (a Simulation object), which contains an 
enormous amount of information - when I cPickle it (with highest 
protocol), it can result to files 200-250 MB in size, although rarely 
it can get up to 2 GB. I am looking for intelligent ways to store 
these objects into a database. I have to say that I don't have that 
much control on this Simulation class, so I can't change its internal 
structure - I'm just looking for a better alternative to what I am doing.

So, what I am doing now is basically storing this huge object as a 
string. I have these two methods:

import cPickle
import zlib
import base64

def serialize(my_simulation):
my_db_object = base64.b64encode(zlib.compress(cPickle.dumps(obj, 

return my_db_object

def deserialize(my_db_object):
my_simulation = 

return simulation

I can use them to store/retrieve this big Python classes to/from the 
database, but I feel it's not a particularly effective way to handle 
this problem. I've tried to get my head around BLOBs and LargeBinary 
stuff, but I'm not sure I'm on the right path here. I appreciate any 
suggestion on how to approach the problem, to make the 
storing/retrieving of these objects a bit less time/memory consuming 
(especially time).

On a related note, I am now using MySQL as a backend - but I am open 
to suggestions about possible alternatives that may make this problem 
more tractable: I have some difficulties in installing other backends 
(like PostgreSQL or psycopg2), but I know I can use Access and Oracle 
backends. I know that Access is not particularly famous in the 
SQLAlchemy world. Of course, if any other backend has advantages over 
MySQL in dealing with this issue, I may try to convince IT to get it 
installed on our machines.

All suggestions and comments are most welcome.

Thank you in advance for your help.

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Handling big Python objects

2014-12-03 Thread AM

On 12/3/14 2:23 PM, Andrea Gavana wrote:

On Wednesday, December 3, 2014 10:42:27 PM UTC+1, Jonathan Vanasco wrote:

On Wednesday, December 3, 2014 4:23:31 PM UTC-5, Ams Fwd wrote:

I would recommend just storing them on disk and let the OS VMM
deal with
caching for speed. If you are not constrained for space I would
recommend not zlib-ing it either. 

I'll second storing them to disk.  Large object support in all the
databases is a pain and not very optimal.  Just pickle/unpickle a
file and use the db to manage that file.

Thanks to all of you who replied. A couple of issues that I'm sure I 
will encounter by letting the files on disk:

1. Other users can easily delete/overwrite/rename the files on disk, 
which is something we really, really do not want;

If this is windows group policies are your friends :). If this is linux, 
permissions with a secondary service to access the files are a decent 

2. The whole point of a database was to have everything centralized in 
one place, not leaving the simulation files scattered around like a 
mess in the whole network drive;

The last time I did it a post processing step in my data pipeline 
organized the files based on a multi-level folder structure based on the 
first x-characters of their sha1.

3. As an aside, not zlib-ing the files saves about 5 
seconds/simulation (over a 20 seconds save) but increases the database 
size by 4 times. I'll have to check if this is OK.

To use compression or not depends on your needs. If the difference in 
time consumed is so stark, I would highly recommend compression.


Thank you again for your interest.


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[sqlalchemy] hybrid_properties and literals

2014-06-19 Thread AM


I am having some trouble understanding how to use native python data 
types with hybrid properties. I have the following model. I am using 
flask-sqlalchemy however I run into the same issue in straight 
sqlalchemy too.

class SystemModel(BaseModel):
__tablename__ = 'system'

class_number = DB.Column(DB.Integer, DB.ForeignKey(
ClassModel.get_fk('number')), primary_key=True)
name = DB.Column(DB.String, nullable=False)
_ports = DB.Column('ports', DB.String)

# ports is stringified [(port, proto, mapped_port), ... ]
def ports(self):
if self._ports:
return ast.literal_eval(self._ports)  -- problem here
return None   -- also here

def ports(self, value):
self._ports = str(value)

I run into trouble when using this in a query:
results = SystemModel.query.with_entities(SystemModel.ports).filter(
SystemModel.ports != None).all()

So the problem of course is that self._ports is not really a string so 
literal_eval fails. I think I can use sqlalchemy.literal here but am not 
sure if that will help in this case or how exactly to use it.

I realize that the right way would be to have a separate ports table 
with the system pk being the fk+pk and then using it and I will probably 
go down that road, however I would still like to understand what exactly 
is going on here.

I did read: 
and can certainly go down that road too, however it seems a bit of 
overkill for what I really want.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] hybrid_properties and literals

2014-06-19 Thread AM

On 06/19/2014 06:13 AM, Mike Bayer wrote:

On 6/19/14, 2:05 AM, AM wrote:


I am having some trouble understanding how to use native python data
types with hybrid properties. I have the following model. I am using
flask-sqlalchemy however I run into the same issue in straight
sqlalchemy too.

class SystemModel(BaseModel):
 __tablename__ = 'system'

 class_number = DB.Column(DB.Integer, DB.ForeignKey(
 ClassModel.get_fk('number')), primary_key=True)
 name = DB.Column(DB.String, nullable=False)
 _ports = DB.Column('ports', DB.String)

 # ports is stringified [(port, proto, mapped_port), ... ]
 def ports(self):
 if self._ports:
 return ast.literal_eval(self._ports)  -- problem here
 return None   -- also here

 def ports(self, value):
 self._ports = str(value)

I run into trouble when using this in a query:
results = SystemModel.query.with_entities(SystemModel.ports).filter(
 SystemModel.ports != None).all()

So the problem of course is that self._ports is not really a string so
literal_eval fails. I think I can use sqlalchemy.literal here but am
not sure if that will help in this case or how exactly to use it.

I realize that the right way would be to have a separate ports table
with the system pk being the fk+pk and then using it and I will
probably go down that road, however I would still like to understand
what exactly is going on here.

I did read: and
can certainly go down that road too, however it seems a bit of
overkill for what I really want.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

what SQL would you like to see when you do your query?   My vague
recollection is that ast.literal_eval() returns a Python code object?
That doesn't seem likely to be something you could run on the database
side unless you want to run Python functions in Postgresql (which would
be kind of nuts IMHO).

What I am storing is things like string versions of lists, tuples and 
dicts, for e.g.:

str([1, 2, 3])

and so on. ast.literal_eval will only parse those and return those, it 
does not evaluate expressions and statements so no real code at all.

I got around this issue by creating a PythonASTLiteralColumn based on 
the example in the docs and that worked perfectly.

Having said that I would still like to understand how to approach a 
situation where I want a hybrid property that is a normal python data 
type, if that's possible at all?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] hybrid_properties and literals

2014-06-19 Thread AM

On 06/19/2014 10:24 AM, Mike Bayer wrote:

On 6/19/14, 1:05 PM, AM wrote:

What I am storing is things like string versions of lists, tuples and
dicts, for e.g.:

str([1, 2, 3])

and so on. ast.literal_eval will only parse those and return those, it
does not evaluate expressions and statements so no real code at all.

I got around this issue by creating a PythonASTLiteralColumn based on
the example in the docs and that worked perfectly.

Having said that I would still like to understand how to approach a
situation where I want a hybrid property that is a normal python data
type, if that's possible at all?

SQLAlchemy is a bridge between Python and SQL but there is no magic in
creating the thing on each side of that bridge.   If you want a SQL
query that interrogates a column of data in a way that is meaningful
regarding some kind of in-Python behavior, you need to decide how that
behavior will be expressed in your SQL query.   The hybrid will work
fine at the instance level but if you want it to behave meaningfully in
a SQL query you'd first need to know what the SELECT statement you want
will actually look like in terms of raw SQL.

Ah ok, I see what you mean. In my particular case I really don't want 
anything special. Basically if I have a table like I mentioned before:

class SystemModel(BaseModel):
__tablename__ = 'system'

class_number = DB.Column(DB.Integer, DB.ForeignKey(
ClassModel.get_fk('number')), primary_key=True)
name = DB.Column(DB.String, nullable=False)
_ports = DB.Column('ports', DB.String)

The only queries I am going to be running at the SQL level are of the form:

select _ports from system where _ports is not null;
select _ports from system where class_number = 1
update system set _ports=[(1, 2, 3), ...] where class_number = 1
inserts and deletes.

What I wanted at the python end was that if I ran this query

select _ports from system where class_number = 1

I would get
result.ports = [(1, 2, 3), ...]  # python list

instead of
result.ports = [(1, 2, 3), ...]  # python string

As I mentioned I can do that via the custom column type, but wanted to 
find out if there was an easier way that I was missing.

Thanks for all your help.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] metadata.create_all with postgres 9.3.3 on AWS RDS

2014-06-09 Thread AM

On 06/09/2014 03:30 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

On Jun 9, 2014, at 4:32 PM, AM wrote:

Hi all.

In my app I have a bootstrap method that calls:


against a postgres RDS instance.

The tables already exist however the query emitted seems to be:

CREATE TABLE user_roles (
PRIMARY KEY (user_id, role_id),
FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES user (id),
FOREIGN KEY(role_id) REFERENCES role (id)

Per my understanding this query should not even be emitted or if it is there 
should be a 'IF NOT EXISTS' somewhere in there.

I was wondering if someone could point out what I am doing wrong?

it doesn't use IF NOT EXISTS.  it runs a query against pg_namespace.  Turn on 
echo=True on your engine and you'll see something like:

select relname from pg_class c join pg_namespace n on n.oid=c.relnamespace 
where n.nspname=current_schema() and relname=%(name)s
{'name': u'a'}


if this query isn't succeeding, perhaps you have a schema mismatch of some 
kind.  if the CREATE TABLE does succeed then the default schema is probably not 
what you expect.

So I do get the pg_namespace query with one row in the result. What I am 
a it confused about is why the CREATE is emitted since the table exists?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Advice for Method to consistently import XML into SQLAlchemy

2014-05-15 Thread AM

On 05/14/2014 04:23 AM, Sayth Renshaw wrote:


Looking for some guidance and advice on using xml as an update source 
for my to be data web project. If I am consistently going to be 
updating data into the database from XML files what is a good method?

Should I be creating a Sax parser as in this example 
To be clear the XML I am importing from is not basic, using from that 
example my xml would like more like. So i would need to filter the 
values out that I want which I have acheived using xmltodict.

|!-- books.xml --|
|book| |isbn||=||1-880985-26-8||binding=paperback 
ebook=mobi altformat=pdf etc=ManyMore|

|title||The Consumer/||title|||
|author||M. Gira/||author|||
|book| |isbn||=||0-679775-43-9|||binding=paperback 
ebook=mobi altformat=pdf etc=ManyMore||

|title||The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle/||title|||
|author||Haruki Murakami/||author|||
|||!-- imagine more entries here... --|
Copies are available here

Or should I be attempting to filter and convert the XML to json format 
and import into SQLAlchemy.

Or other, searching around I cannot, strangely find one and only one 
way to do it. It seems to be a mish mosh of good luck, well from 
perspective of someone looking to implement this for the first time. 
Probably painfully obvious to those who have done it before.

Anyway thank you for your time.

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The last time I had to domething like this, I converted all xml 
attributes to tags using an XSLT sheet and then used lxml to populate a 
sqla object.

You can also do it manually as in the link but use lxml etree which 
might make the code a bit easier to read. IMO sax is a bit more 
performant than etree but can get a bit confusing.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] a [probably] stupid query question

2014-03-19 Thread AM

On 03/19/2014 02:07 PM, Richard Gerd Kuesters wrote:
hi, i have a simple stupid query question, which i didn't found any 
examples. let's say i have table A and B, and would like to reproduce 
in SA the following SQL:

SELECT A.*, B.* FROM A, B WHERE A.b_id =

i would probably need a new fuse, too ...

best regards,
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Re: [sqlalchemy] a [probably] stupid query question

2014-03-19 Thread AM

On 03/19/2014 04:44 PM, Richard Gerd Kuesters wrote:

thanks AM!

i know that a join have the same effect (that's why i already told 
it's probably stupid question), but i was wondering if the select ... 
from tbl1, tbl2 is possible using SA. that's all :)



Em 2014-03-19 20:11, AM escreveu:

On 03/19/2014 02:07 PM, Richard Gerd Kuesters wrote:
hi, i have a simple stupid query question, which i didn't found any 
examples. let's say i have table A and B, and would like to 
reproduce in SA the following SQL: SELECT A.*, B.* FROM A, B WHERE 
A.b_id = i would probably need a new fuse, too ... best 
regards, richard. -- You received this message because you are 
subscribed to the Google Groups sqlalchemy group. To unsubscribe 
from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To post to this group, 
send email to 
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more options, visit


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Not at my desk so I cannot test this, but IIRC in the select you can 
specify both tables to get all the columns in all tables so something like:

session.query(A, B).join(B)...

This might not be exactly correct though and I would probably check the 
docs. IIRC the return value would be a list of tuples (rowA, rowB) 
unless you do a fetchone.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Database locker error with sqlite in multi-process environment

2013-12-19 Thread AM

On 12/19/2013 01:39 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

SQLite doesn’t work great for concurrent access.  Or is the database file just 
stuck in a locked state?   try copying it to a different file.

On Dec 19, 2013, at 12:51 AM, AM wrote:


The only thing I can think of that is not quite usual is that I have a save 
method on my models and that calls flush() on the session object.

and the session is created using:

DB = scoped_session(sessionmaker(extension=ZopeTransactionExtension()))


On 12/18/2013 09:35 PM, AM wrote:

Hi All.

I have a pyramid app, that uses sqlite via sqlalchemy when run in

The configuration used:

sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:///%(here)s/pyp.sqlite?pool_size=1
sqlalchemy.isolation_level = SERIALIZABLE

The application initializes the engine using:

 settings = config.get_settings()
 engine = sa.engine_from_config(settings, 'sqlalchemy.')
 BASE.metadata.bind = engine

Another part of the application that runs as a daemon also uses the same
setup. This daemon always starts after the app. The daemon initializes
the engine using the same piece of code.

When the application tries to insert a record in the database I get the
following error:

OperationalError: (OperationalError) database is locked

I am fairly certain I had this working previously quite some time back
but for the life of me cannot remember how.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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I have tried copying and moving the file around, yet still run into 
this. Oh well I guess its time to get postgres up and running.


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[sqlalchemy] Database locker error with sqlite in multi-process environment

2013-12-18 Thread AM

Hi All.

I have a pyramid app, that uses sqlite via sqlalchemy when run in 

The configuration used:

sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:///%(here)s/pyp.sqlite?pool_size=1
sqlalchemy.isolation_level = SERIALIZABLE

The application initializes the engine using:

settings = config.get_settings()
engine = sa.engine_from_config(settings, 'sqlalchemy.')
BASE.metadata.bind = engine

Another part of the application that runs as a daemon also uses the same 
setup. This daemon always starts after the app. The daemon initializes 
the engine using the same piece of code.

When the application tries to insert a record in the database I get the 
following error:

OperationalError: (OperationalError) database is locked

I am fairly certain I had this working previously quite some time back 
but for the life of me cannot remember how.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Database locker error with sqlite in multi-process environment

2013-12-18 Thread AM


The only thing I can think of that is not quite usual is that I have a 
save method on my models and that calls flush() on the session object.

and the session is created using:

DB = scoped_session(sessionmaker(extension=ZopeTransactionExtension()))


On 12/18/2013 09:35 PM, AM wrote:

Hi All.

I have a pyramid app, that uses sqlite via sqlalchemy when run in

The configuration used:

sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:///%(here)s/pyp.sqlite?pool_size=1
sqlalchemy.isolation_level = SERIALIZABLE

The application initializes the engine using:

 settings = config.get_settings()
 engine = sa.engine_from_config(settings, 'sqlalchemy.')
 BASE.metadata.bind = engine

Another part of the application that runs as a daemon also uses the same
setup. This daemon always starts after the app. The daemon initializes
the engine using the same piece of code.

When the application tries to insert a record in the database I get the
following error:

OperationalError: (OperationalError) database is locked

I am fairly certain I had this working previously quite some time back
but for the life of me cannot remember how.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: keyword search

2013-12-17 Thread AM
I think trying to solve this using the ORM will be slow no matter what 
you do. Moreover I feel that it's not really an ORMs concern to provide 
you the ability to do this over multiple columns.

I would recommend using something like whoosh to create an index over 
the columns you want and look up the index.

Take a look at whoosh-alchemy 
which might make things easier.


On 12/17/2013 02:03 AM, lars van gemerden wrote:

PS: a search over all fields would be great too!

On Tuesday, December 17, 2013 11:01:51 AM UTC+1, lars van gemerden wrote:

Hi all,

I want to implement a keyword search over multiple fields and/or
even related tables. Tables/orm classes are not designed by me but
by users of my software, so i will probably let them indicate
whether a field/relationship should be included (or I'll base it
on type, e.g. String and Text fields only).

I was thinking of using a hybrid property, but they seem a bit to
magical for this purpose (might be really slow). Is there a best
practice/standard way to do this in SQLA?

Cheers, Lars

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Re: [sqlalchemy] [wishlist] ORM/engine Feature Request - comment()

2013-11-18 Thread AM

On 11/18/2013 04:06 PM, Jonathan Vanasco wrote:

Something that I realized would be very useful, is to enable comments 
on query compilation.  That would make it SO much easier to understand 

Yes this sounds slightly silly.

Yes I am 100% serious.

I've been working all day on optimizing a web page.  It originally had 
200 queries, I'm down to 60, I think we can get to 15.

Combing through 200 queries and associating the SQL to code is a pain.

Consider this statement / syntax :

results =  dbSession.query( Foo ).filter_by( 1,2,3) 
).comment(initial foo select).all()

generating this sql ( which would propagate into all the various logs )

SELECT * FROM foo WHERE IN (1,2,3); -- initial foo select

I think this would be ridiculously useful for troubleshooting.  It 
could even (potentially) be controlled by a setting in the engine or 
connect string.  Show comments on DEV, not PRODUCTION; turn on 
Production comments only during a test timeframe, etc.

Most Sql dialects support comments in queries.

The following works in postgres, mysql, sqlite:


SELECT foo FROM bar /* comment here , can span multiple lines */;

until EOL  - postgres and mysql
SELECT foo FROM bar ; -- comment

After combing through many different docs, I also found this little 
(outdated) chart 

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Wouldn't selecting the sql logger and logging the comment provide you 
the same information?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Code organization with declarative models

2013-08-12 Thread AM

On 08/12/2013 02:50 PM, George Sakkis wrote:

Hello everyone,

this is more of a code architecture and design question but I'm 
wondering what the best practices are regarding declarative models. On 
the one extreme, models are pretty barebone, with little more than the 
columns, relationships and possibly a few declared attributes and 
properties (python and/or hybrid). On the other extreme, models are 
much heavier, encapsulating pretty much the business logic of the 
application in methods (and classmethods or staticmethods for querying 
the database). Between these two extremes are models with some common 
or important business logic kept inside the class and the rest defined 
elsewhere (where this elsewhere might be the controllers or the 
resource layer or the Data Access Objects or whatever the 
nomenclature happens to be).

So where should the line be drawn between what belongs in a 
declarative class and what not? For example, I suspect that models 
should be completely decoupled from the Session; any Session-related 
code (for querying/updating/deleting objects) should not live inside 
the declarative class. Still I haven't seen this being mentioned 
explicitly in the docs and can't put my finger on it.

Any insight would be appreciated.


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My 2cents:

Usually I keep the models absolutely barebones (as you suggested). As 
far as I am concerned they are not aware of any 'business' logic and 
only deal with CRUD operations and perhaps complex CRUD if the need arises.

I usually have another abstraction which is generally a factory that 
delegates db tasks to the model and deals with all business logicky 
stuff, sessions, complex relationships etc. (a bit like Django's 
managers but not quite as coupled to the model i.e. the model does not 
know about it).

This has worked quite well for me in the past and although it is a bit 
more work is quite flexible.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Adding properties of wrapped object to association proxy

2013-08-05 Thread AM
Exactly what I was looking for! Thanks a ton, I did not realize I could 
actually do that and went spelunking down hybrid properties.

Thanks again.

On 08/04/2013 07:34 AM, Michael Bayer wrote:

you want to flatten the scalar attributes to combine the namespace of OrgModel and 
OrgMemberModel into one.there's no magic there you just have to proxy them all, 
here's name:

class OrgMemberModel(Base):
 __tablename__ = 'org_member'

 user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True)
 org_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True)
 active = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=True)
 role = Column(String(64), nullable=False, default='member')

 user = relationship('UserModel',
 backref=backref('org_membership', cascade='all, 

 org = relationship('OrgModel')

 name = association_proxy(org, name)

u1 = UserModel()
u1.org_membership.append(OrgMemberModel(role='r1', org=OrgModel(name='o1')))

assert u1.org_membership[0].role == 'r1'
assert u1.org_membership[0].name == 'o1'

u1.org_membership[0].name = 'o2'
assert u1.org_membership[0].name == 'o2'

On Aug 4, 2013, at 4:03 AM, AM wrote:

On 08/03/2013 09:38 AM, Michael Bayer wrote:

On Aug 2, 2013, at 2:32 PM, Ams Fwd wrote:

Hi All.

Is there any way to transparently add the properties of the associated object 
to the association proxy?

For e.g. if I have the following setup

class UserModel(Base):
 name = sa.Column(sa.String(512))
 orgs = association_proxy('org_member', 'org')

class OrgModel(Base):
 name = sa.Column(sa.String(256), unique=True)

class OrgMemberModel(Base):
 __tablename__ = 'org_member'

 user_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey(''),
 org_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey(''),
 active = sa.Column(sa.Boolean, nullable=False, default=True)
 role = sa.Column(sa.String(64), nullable=False, default='member')

 user = relationship('UserModel', backref=backref('org_membership',
 cascade='all, delete-orphan'))
 org = relationship('OrgModel')

What I would like to be able to do is access the properties of the OrgModel  
OrgMemberModel via the org_membership[i] object.

Currently I have to do the following:


Ideally I would like to be able to do:


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

on UserModel you'd have an association proxy from org_membership to org.  Not sure 
what org_member is.

Hi Michael.

I think that is what I have. org_member is the many-to-many relation table 
between User and Org.  org_membership in this case is the backref from the 
relation into the user table.

My problem is that the backref (as expected) provides the relation property and 
another property that points to the org at the other end of the relation 
between user and org.

What I want is a technique that does not require that extra level of 


and instead simply be able to do:




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Re: [sqlalchemy] Adding properties of wrapped object to association proxy

2013-08-04 Thread AM

On 08/03/2013 09:38 AM, Michael Bayer wrote:

On Aug 2, 2013, at 2:32 PM, Ams Fwd wrote:

Hi All.

Is there any way to transparently add the properties of the associated object 
to the association proxy?

For e.g. if I have the following setup

class UserModel(Base):
 name = sa.Column(sa.String(512))
 orgs = association_proxy('org_member', 'org')

class OrgModel(Base):
 name = sa.Column(sa.String(256), unique=True)

class OrgMemberModel(Base):
 __tablename__ = 'org_member'

 user_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey(''),
 org_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey(''),
 active = sa.Column(sa.Boolean, nullable=False, default=True)
 role = sa.Column(sa.String(64), nullable=False, default='member')

 user = relationship('UserModel', backref=backref('org_membership',
 cascade='all, delete-orphan'))
 org = relationship('OrgModel')

What I would like to be able to do is access the properties of the OrgModel  
OrgMemberModel via the org_membership[i] object.

Currently I have to do the following:


Ideally I would like to be able to do:


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

on UserModel you'd have an association proxy from org_membership to org.  Not sure 
what org_member is.

Hi Michael.

I think that is what I have. org_member is the many-to-many relation 
table between User and Org.  org_membership in this case is the backref 
from the relation into the user table.

My problem is that the backref (as expected) provides the relation 
property and another property that points to the org at the other end of 
the relation between user and org.

What I want is a technique that does not require that extra level of 


and instead simply be able to do:




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Re: [sqlalchemy] Bulk creation of columns

2011-09-21 Thread AM

On Sep 21, 2011, at 6:30 AM, pravin battula wrote:

 How can i create columns in bulk?
 I tried as below but doesn't work.
migrate_engine = create_engine('mysql://root:root@localhost/
 payroll', echo=False)
metadata = MetaData(bind = migrate_engine)
metadata.reflect(bind = migrate_engine, schema = 'payroll')
tableObj = metadata.tables.get('test.salary')
colList =

You need to create new Column objects for each table because the table objects 
take ownership of the passed in columns.


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