[sqlalchemy] Re: Deleting records in a MapperExtension on after_delete

2008-11-27 Thread David Harrison

Postgres is the intended deployment platform so it really does need to
work on Postgres, that said last time I dug into this I found that
SQLite is less strict on enforcing key constraints where Postgres
isn't, so technically Postgres is right to complain.

2008/11/27  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 and what that shoud do? attached is a changed version... do see if
 that's what u want (it's sqlite, with plain session).
 the only real change is cascade=all,delete-orphan on house.owners...
 but i just unintentionaly guessed it.

 On Thursday 27 November 2008 09:51:38 David Harrison wrote:
 So this is actually a follow on from a question I posed quite a
 while back now:


 So my approach to solving this problem was to use a
 MapperExtension, but it's giving me the error that I originally
 posted in this thread.

 I'm re-posting my previous code here for easy reference and testing
 by others (with one tiny mod to get rid of the optionparser code I


 #!/usr/bin/env python

 import sys
 import sqlalchemy as sa
 import sqlalchemy.orm

 session = sa.orm.scoped_session(
 sa.orm.sessionmaker(autoflush=False, transactional=True)
 mapper = session.mapper
 metadata = sa.MetaData()

 houseTable = sa.Table(
 sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),

 ownerTable = sa.Table(
 sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
 sa.Column('house_id', sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('house.id')),

 dogTable = sa.Table(
 sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
 sa.Column('house_id', sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('house.id')),

 friendshipTable = sa.Table(
 sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
 sa.Column('owner_id', sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('owner.id')),
 sa.Column('dog_id', sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('dog.id')),

 class House(object): pass
 class Owner(object): pass
 class Dog(object): pass
 class Friendship(object): pass

 properties = {
 owners : sa.orm.relation(
 Owner, cascade=delete-orphan
 dogs : sa.orm.relation(
 Dog, cascade=delete-orphan
 properties = {
 friendships : sa.orm.relation(
 Friendship, cascade=delete

 properties = {
 dog : sa.orm.relation(
 Dog, uselist=False, cascade=all, delete-orphan

 mapper(Dog, dogTable)

 if __name__ == __main__:

 engine = sa.create_engine(
 postgres://test:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/test,
 metadata.bind = engine

 print Creating tables

 print Seeding database
 for i in range(10): House()

 for house in sa.orm.Query(House).all():
 for i in range(2):
 owner = Owner()

 for house in sa.orm.Query(House).all():
 for i in range(2):
 dog = Dog()

 for owner in sa.orm.Query(Owner).all():
 for dog in sa.orm.Query(Dog).filter_by(house_id =
 owner.house_id).all(): friendship = Friendship()
 friendship.dog = dog

 owner = sa.orm.Query(Owner).first()
 for f in owner.friendships:
 print FRIENDSHIP: %s  || DOG: %s % (f.id, f.dog.id)

 print Deleting owner

 2008/11/27 David Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Sorry, I should probably have mentioned that C isn't the only
  object that maps A, so a cascade doesn't work.
  2008/11/27  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  i'm not expert on these, but i think u need something like
  cascade='all' on your relation, _instead_ of the mapperExt.
  check the docs about possible settings. the mapperExt fires too
  late and the session flush-plan gets surprised.
  On Thursday 27 November 2008 08:15:04 David Harrison wrote:
  Hey all,
  I've got a situation where I have 2 object A and B, and a third
  object C that has a foreign key reference to both A and B.  I
  can have many C's that map to the same A.
  Now I've implemented a MapperExtension for C that has an
  after_delete function, and that function checks to see if the A
  that the deleted C was mapped to has any other mappings, and if
  there are no other mappings left, deletes the A.
  Now this works fine if I'm just deleting C's directly, however
  as soon as this happens during

[sqlalchemy] Re: Deleting records in a MapperExtension on after_delete

2008-11-27 Thread David Harrison

You've changed the session object though, this is for a web app so the
scoped session is what I need.  That then immediately breaks all the
session.save calls.

2008/11/27  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 so my version does work on postgres too (did u try it?)..
 at least finishes with no errors.
 or should there be other checks? like what's left in each table?

 On Thursday 27 November 2008 10:30:04 David Harrison wrote:
 Postgres is the intended deployment platform so it really does need
 to work on Postgres, that said last time I dug into this I found
 that SQLite is less strict on enforcing key constraints where
 Postgres isn't, so technically Postgres is right to complain.

 2008/11/27  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  and what that shoud do? attached is a changed version... do see
  if that's what u want (it's sqlite, with plain session).
  the only real change is cascade=all,delete-orphan on
  house.owners... but i just unintentionaly guessed it.
  On Thursday 27 November 2008 09:51:38 David Harrison wrote:
  So this is actually a follow on from a question I posed quite a
  while back now:
 b463 8599b02577d
  So my approach to solving this problem was to use a
  MapperExtension, but it's giving me the error that I originally
  posted in this thread.
  I'm re-posting my previous code here for easy reference and
  testing by others (with one tiny mod to get rid of the
  optionparser code I had):
  #!/usr/bin/env python
  import sys
  import sqlalchemy as sa
  import sqlalchemy.orm
  session = sa.orm.scoped_session(
  sa.orm.sessionmaker(autoflush=False, transactional=True)
  mapper = session.mapper
  metadata = sa.MetaData()
  houseTable = sa.Table(
  sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
  ownerTable = sa.Table(
  sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
  sa.Column('house_id', sa.Integer,
  sa.ForeignKey('house.id')), )
  dogTable = sa.Table(
  sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
  sa.Column('house_id', sa.Integer,
  sa.ForeignKey('house.id')), )
  friendshipTable = sa.Table(
  sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
  sa.Column('owner_id', sa.Integer,
  sa.ForeignKey('owner.id')), sa.Column('dog_id', sa.Integer,
  sa.ForeignKey('dog.id')), )
  class House(object): pass
  class Owner(object): pass
  class Dog(object): pass
  class Friendship(object): pass
  properties = {
  owners : sa.orm.relation(
  Owner, cascade=delete-orphan
  dogs : sa.orm.relation(
  Dog, cascade=delete-orphan
  properties = {
  friendships : sa.orm.relation(
  Friendship, cascade=delete
  properties = {
  dog : sa.orm.relation(
  Dog, uselist=False, cascade=all, delete-orphan
  mapper(Dog, dogTable)
  if __name__ == __main__:
  engine = sa.create_engine(
  postgres://test:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/test,
  metadata.bind = engine
  print Creating tables
  print Seeding database
  for i in range(10): House()
  for house in sa.orm.Query(House).all():
  for i in range(2):
  owner = Owner()
  for house in sa.orm.Query(House).all():
  for i in range(2):
  dog = Dog()
  for owner in sa.orm.Query(Owner).all():
  for dog in sa.orm.Query(Dog).filter_by(house_id =
  owner.house_id).all(): friendship = Friendship()
  friendship.dog = dog
  owner = sa.orm.Query(Owner).first()
  for f in owner.friendships:
  print FRIENDSHIP: %s  || DOG: %s % (f.id, f.dog.id)
  print Deleting owner
  2008/11/27 David Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   Sorry, I should probably have mentioned that C isn't the only
   object that maps A, so a cascade doesn't work.
   2008/11/27  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   i'm not expert on these, but i think u need something like
   cascade='all' on your relation, _instead_ of the mapperExt.
   check the docs about possible settings. the mapperExt fires
   too late and the session flush-plan gets surprised.
   On Thursday

[sqlalchemy] Re: Deleting records in a MapperExtension on after_delete

2008-11-27 Thread David Harrison

Which was the error I posted to ask about in the first place ;-)

Writing a session extension for this problem seems like using a very
very very large hammer, since I only need to trigger my 'manual
cascade' in a particular circumstance.

I'm hoping Mike or one of the devs might have advice on how this
situation is meant to be handled ?

2008/11/27  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 i've modified all relations to be all,delete-orphan and now it does
 add them all - as your scoped session does - and then complains:

 Deleting owner
 DELETE FROM friendship WHERE friendship.id = %(id)s
  [{'id': 1L}, {'id': 2L}]
 DELETE FROM owner WHERE owner.id = %(id)s
  {'id': 1L}
 DELETE FROM dog WHERE dog.id = %(id)s
  [{'id': 1}, {'id': 2}]
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File f.py, line 138, in module
raise exc.DBAPIError.instance(statement, parameters, e,
 sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: (IntegrityError) update or delete on
 table dog violates foreign key constraint friendship_dog_id_fkey
 on table friendship
 DETAIL:  Key (id)=(1) is still referenced from table friendship.
  'DELETE FROM dog WHERE dog.id = %(id)s' [{'id': 1}, {'id': 2}]

 well... u have other friendships referencing that same dog/s.

 so i tried this and that and if the friendship.dog has no cascades at
 all (i.e. just default), then all seems ok - owner and friendships
 deleted, dogs not.
 i guess u want when 2nd owner gets deleted to delete the orphan dogs?
 it's not in the src...

 maybe a better testcase would be of help - asserting whats in db and
 what should not be, before and after.

 back on the initial question, mapperExt come to play too late in
 session. u may try sessionExt hooks... or other/earlier mapperExt
 hook... eventualy.


 On Thursday 27 November 2008 10:30:04 David Harrison wrote:
 Postgres is the intended deployment platform so it really does need
 to work on Postgres, that said last time I dug into this I found
 that SQLite is less strict on enforcing key constraints where
 Postgres isn't, so technically Postgres is right to complain.

 2008/11/27  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  and what that shoud do? attached is a changed version... do see
  if that's what u want (it's sqlite, with plain session).
  the only real change is cascade=all,delete-orphan on
  house.owners... but i just unintentionaly guessed it.
  On Thursday 27 November 2008 09:51:38 David Harrison wrote:
  So this is actually a follow on from a question I posed quite a
  while back now:
 b463 8599b02577d
  So my approach to solving this problem was to use a
  MapperExtension, but it's giving me the error that I originally
  posted in this thread.


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[sqlalchemy] Deleting records in a MapperExtension on after_delete

2008-11-26 Thread David Harrison

Hey all,

I've got a situation where I have 2 object A and B, and a third object
C that has a foreign key reference to both A and B.  I can have many
C's that map to the same A.

Now I've implemented a MapperExtension for C that has an after_delete
function, and that function checks to see if the A that the deleted C
was mapped to has any other mappings, and if there are no other
mappings left, deletes the A.

Now this works fine if I'm just deleting C's directly, however as soon
as this happens during a cascade delete from some other object D that
happens to have a mapping to C I get the below error - I'm assuming
this is because sqlalchemy has a test condition that doesn't see my
mapper coming, and freaks out when extra rows get nuked.

ConcurrentModificationError: Deleted rowcount 0 does not match number
of objects deleted 4

Help ?


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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[sqlalchemy] Re: Deleting records in a MapperExtension on after_delete

2008-11-26 Thread David Harrison

Sorry, I should probably have mentioned that C isn't the only object
that maps A, so a cascade doesn't work.

2008/11/27  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 i'm not expert on these, but i think u need something like
 cascade='all' on your relation, _instead_ of the mapperExt. check the
 docs about possible settings. the mapperExt fires too late and the
 session flush-plan gets surprised.

 On Thursday 27 November 2008 08:15:04 David Harrison wrote:
 Hey all,

 I've got a situation where I have 2 object A and B, and a third
 object C that has a foreign key reference to both A and B.  I can
 have many C's that map to the same A.

 Now I've implemented a MapperExtension for C that has an
 after_delete function, and that function checks to see if the A
 that the deleted C was mapped to has any other mappings, and if
 there are no other mappings left, deletes the A.

 Now this works fine if I'm just deleting C's directly, however as
 soon as this happens during a cascade delete from some other object
 D that happens to have a mapping to C I get the below error - I'm
 assuming this is because sqlalchemy has a test condition that
 doesn't see my mapper coming, and freaks out when extra rows get

 ConcurrentModificationError: Deleted rowcount 0 does not match
 number of objects deleted 4

 Help ?



You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
sqlalchemy group.
To post to this group, send email to sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For more options, visit this group at 

[sqlalchemy] Re: Deleting records in a MapperExtension on after_delete

2008-11-26 Thread David Harrison

So this is actually a follow on from a question I posed quite a while back now:


So my approach to solving this problem was to use a MapperExtension,
but it's giving me the error that I originally posted in this thread.

I'm re-posting my previous code here for easy reference and testing by
others (with one tiny mod to get rid of the optionparser code I had):


#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import sqlalchemy as sa
import sqlalchemy.orm

session = sa.orm.scoped_session(
sa.orm.sessionmaker(autoflush=False, transactional=True)
mapper = session.mapper
metadata = sa.MetaData()

houseTable = sa.Table(
sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),

ownerTable = sa.Table(
sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
sa.Column('house_id', sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('house.id')),

dogTable = sa.Table(
sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
sa.Column('house_id', sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('house.id')),

friendshipTable = sa.Table(
sa.Column('id', sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
sa.Column('owner_id', sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('owner.id')),
sa.Column('dog_id', sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('dog.id')),

class House(object): pass
class Owner(object): pass
class Dog(object): pass
class Friendship(object): pass

properties = {
owners : sa.orm.relation(
Owner, cascade=delete-orphan
dogs : sa.orm.relation(
Dog, cascade=delete-orphan
properties = {
friendships : sa.orm.relation(
Friendship, cascade=delete

properties = {
dog : sa.orm.relation(
Dog, uselist=False, cascade=all, delete-orphan

mapper(Dog, dogTable)

if __name__ == __main__:

engine = sa.create_engine(
postgres://test:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/test,
metadata.bind = engine

print Creating tables

print Seeding database
for i in range(10): House()

for house in sa.orm.Query(House).all():
for i in range(2):
owner = Owner()

for house in sa.orm.Query(House).all():
for i in range(2):
dog = Dog()

for owner in sa.orm.Query(Owner).all():
for dog in sa.orm.Query(Dog).filter_by(house_id = owner.house_id).all():
friendship = Friendship()
friendship.dog = dog

owner = sa.orm.Query(Owner).first()
for f in owner.friendships:
print FRIENDSHIP: %s  || DOG: %s % (f.id, f.dog.id)

print Deleting owner

2008/11/27 David Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Sorry, I should probably have mentioned that C isn't the only object
 that maps A, so a cascade doesn't work.

 2008/11/27  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 i'm not expert on these, but i think u need something like
 cascade='all' on your relation, _instead_ of the mapperExt. check the
 docs about possible settings. the mapperExt fires too late and the
 session flush-plan gets surprised.

 On Thursday 27 November 2008 08:15:04 David Harrison wrote:
 Hey all,

 I've got a situation where I have 2 object A and B, and a third
 object C that has a foreign key reference to both A and B.  I can
 have many C's that map to the same A.

 Now I've implemented a MapperExtension for C that has an
 after_delete function, and that function checks to see if the A
 that the deleted C was mapped to has any other mappings, and if
 there are no other mappings left, deletes the A.

 Now this works fine if I'm just deleting C's directly, however as
 soon as this happens during a cascade delete from some other object
 D that happens to have a mapping to C I get the below error - I'm
 assuming this is because sqlalchemy has a test condition that
 doesn't see my mapper coming, and freaks out when extra rows get

 ConcurrentModificationError: Deleted rowcount 0 does not match
 number of objects deleted 4

 Help ?



You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
sqlalchemy group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[sqlalchemy] Re: Postgres cascade error ?

2008-04-16 Thread David Harrison

On 17/04/2008, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Apr 15, 2008, at 10:32 PM, Dave Harrison wrote:

   Hey all,
   The below code establishes 3 tables (house, dog, owner) and a
   mapper table to associate owners and dogs (friendships).
   When I use either MySQL (5.0.51) or SQLite (3.4.2) as the backend,
   this code works correctly.  However when I use Postgres (either 8.2.7
   or 8.3.1) I get the following integrity error:
   sqlalchemy.exceptions.IntegrityError: (IntegrityError) update or
   delete on table dog violates foreign key constraint
   friendship_dog_id_fkey on table friendship DETAIL:  Key (id)=(1)
   is still referenced from table friendship.  'DELETE FROM dog WHERE
   dog.id = %(id)s' [{'id': 1}, {'id': 2}]

  always use delete cascade in conjunction with delete-orphan.   It
  doesnt make much sense to have delete-orphan only and not delete
  cascade. If that doesn't solve your problem here, let me know and Ill
  try running the example script.

If I use delete, delete-orphan I get the same errors

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Postgres cascade error ?

2008-04-16 Thread David Harrison

On 17/04/2008, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Apr 16, 2008, at 9:31 PM, Eric Ongerth wrote:

   On Apr 16, 7:24 am, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   always use delete cascade in conjunction with delete-orphan.   It
   doesnt make much sense to have delete-orphan only and not delete
   Oh wow.  That clears up a few things for me.  I don't remember ever
   seeing this (or at least I don't remember taking this sense of things
   away after reading) in the documentation.  Maybe I developed a blind
   spot back around 3.something and never got past it?  I have simply
   been avoiding delete-orphan although I looked forward to figuring out
   how to use it without errors some day.  I think this was the key fact
   that I missed, even though as you pointed out it's kind of the only
   way that makes sense.

 it *could* make sense as this thing that will scan a whole set of
  referenced entities for a link, but thats just not what we have
  implemented right now (and also im less certain about what the real
  use case there is).

For my part, my-use case is that I want to be able to delete an entry
from my mapper table (the friendshipTable in my example code), and
have it collect any of the mapped entries (dogTable) that are no
longer mapped.  Not sure if it's a common use-case.

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