[sqlalchemy] Re: patch for mssql odbc

2008-04-08 Thread Florent Aide

On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 7:02 PM, Rick Morrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'll reply here rather than on the ticket as I'm unable to stay logged into
 Trac from here (dual TCP/IP address problem).

I see no objection as long as we can document it somewhere to say it
will impact the AutoTranslate argument on the odbc connection...


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[sqlalchemy] Re: unicode support for MSSQL

2007-11-25 Thread Florent Aide

On Nov 25, 2007 6:24 PM, Paul Johnston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Florent,

 Just realised we'd gone quiet on this thread...

 humm What bothers me is that I already get this comportement when
 running my query program from a Linux host (using pyodbc same version)
 but need the above mentioned patch on a windows host so there is
 definitely a different behavior.
 Is this a difference in PyODBC or SQLAlchemy? I suspect the former, but
 good if you can confirm.

the diff is in SA. Please look at my last patch to see why. This is
because the support unicode flag is controlled by the test:
supports_unicode = sys.maxunicode == 65535

and on Linux (mine at least) is equals to false, but on Windows it
equals to True...

my patch makes this flag always false on Windows and then all works as intended


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[sqlalchemy] spam

2007-11-14 Thread Florent Aide

Hi moderators,

Could we ban this Riaz M. from sending any more emails to this group?
He also tried to send a lot of spam in TurboGears group and I
moderated and banned him again there.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: unicode support for MSSQL

2007-11-10 Thread Florent Aide

On Nov 8, 2007 7:30 PM, Paul Johnston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I have isolated the problem a little bit more: my column is defined in
 the MSSQL server as a user defined type which is based on VARCHAR.
 Ok, so in this case you'd like SA to return a python unicode object when
 a VARCHAR is fetched, by decoding using the database's encoding? While I

yep :)

 understand your requirement, this seems to me to be a special case. I
 think most people would expect a normal string in this case. I wonder if
 you should define a MyString class in your app and use that.

humm What bothers me is that I already get this comportement when
running my query program from a Linux host (using pyodbc same version)
but need the above mentioned patch on a windows host so there is
definitely a different behavior.

 If we do decide to implement this, does anyone know how python can find
 out what database encoding MSSQL is using?

in each mssql db there is a syscolumns table that references each
column by name and has a collation column that give the
corresponding collation name. This is far from perfect but I don't
know better at the moment :-/.

From my point of view I am responsible to give the engine the right
encoding when I instantiate it. At the moment I have a master database
that provides me this info and so I feed it to the constructor at
engine creation time.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: unicode support for MSSQL

2007-11-08 Thread Florent Aide

On Nov 8, 2007 1:36 PM, Florent Aide [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 My patch then works because in fact the object that come back from
 sql server is a binary string encoded using the aforementioned
 'codepage'. I had contact with Christophe de Vienne (see above) who
 has access to the same databases from the same proprietary editor and
 confirmed the issue.

The patch works when the column is defined in the model as String
(because Unicode still returns type str even with my patch).


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[sqlalchemy] Re: unicode support for MSSQL

2007-11-08 Thread Florent Aide

Hi Paul and others,

I attached a new patch to the ticket (#839). It corrects the
comportements I have and I now receive unicode objects in all cases:

either when I declared String or Unicode as the column type
and whatever the type of my columns in MSSQL (varchar based or nvarchar based)

I think this is more correct than the previous patch.

BTW: I use ms sql2000, pyodbc 2.0.38. I have other issues with 2.0.39
and SA that I'll post about later on :)

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[sqlalchemy] Re: unicode support for MSSQL

2007-11-08 Thread Florent Aide

On Nov 5, 2007 6:50 PM, Paul Johnston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Are your strings VARCHAR or NVARCHAR?

 If they're NVARCHAR, all this will just work as-is with SA and MSSQL -
 are you having any specific problems?

 If they're VARCHAR, then we need to think some more. I'm still not sure
 what the semantics should be when trying to save a unicode object in a
 non-unicode storage area.

I have isolated the problem a little bit more: my column is defined in
the MSSQL server as a user defined type which is based on VARCHAR.

I tried to force the user defined type to be based on NVARCHAR and it
works. BUT... I cannot do this in production since I don't own the dbs
and they are used by other applications, I just have a read-only
access on them to do some interrogations.

My patch then works because in fact the object that come back from
sql server is a binary string encoded using the aforementioned
'codepage'. I had contact with Christophe de Vienne (see above) who
has access to the same databases from the same proprietary editor and
confirmed the issue.

Christophe also noted that in Linux since the supports_unicode
resolves to False, we don't encounter problems. But since my code will
run on Windows I am still searching for a way to sort that mess :)

Thanks for the help and time Paul :-)

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[sqlalchemy] unicode support for MSSQL

2007-10-30 Thread Florent Aide

Hi Mike, Hi all,

Our conversation yesterday night on IRC gave me ideas :)

I just added ticket #839 to the trac and attached a patch that enables
unicode conversion for MSSQL dialects.
I tested it with pyodbc but it should work the same with the other dialects.

Best regards,
Florent Aide.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: TurboGears: best practices for SELECTing

2007-10-11 Thread Florent Aide

On 10/11/07, James Brady [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Did you call assign_mapper on Ownership?


 However, I'm using the identity framework (part of TurboGears) which
 unfortunately doesn't play nicely with assign_mapper... shame!

If you use SA 0.3.10 I would advise you to use mapper (from
sqlalchemy.orm import mapper) instead of assign_mapper.
If you could send a post in the TurboGears mailing list about why
identity does not play nice with assign_mapper we would surely find a
solution to your issue :)

I used a lot of assign_mapper myself with TG a few months back, I now
switched to mapper  in order to become 0.4 compliant, but I can tell
you TG 1.0.2/1.0.3.x are assign_mapper friendly... 1.0.4beta1 should
also be usable with assign_mapper.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Problems with Sequence on PostgreSQL.

2007-10-05 Thread Florent Aide

On 10/5/07, Gustavo Schneider [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all SQLAlchemists,



 The code:
 table1 = Table('table1', metadata,
  Column('id', types.Integer, Sequence('table1_id_seq'), primary_key=True)

When using postgresql you can have only this code and it creates the
sequence for you:

table1 = Table('table1', metadata,
Column('id', types.Integer, primary_key=True)

it will auto increment with a step of 1.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: interface error with Decimal(0) in where clause

2007-08-24 Thread Florent Aide


As far as I know, sqlite does not allow you to store decimal objects,
only floats. Which really is not the same. If you really need decimals
(ie: accounting books anyone ?) then you should consider using
firebird which is the only other database engine supported by SA that
is embeddable in a python application without the need of and external

If someone has a way to accurately manipulate floats with the same
precision as decimals I would gladly hear from it because for the
moment I just banned sqlite from my dbengine choices for this
particular reason :(


On 8/22/07, cfriedalek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have two sqlite databases with the same table structure. I want to
 combine them. I want to insert entries from the second into the first
 if they don't already exist in the first. So I wrote this small script
 (probably not the optimal way but I'm on the steep side of the
 learning curve ... going up I hope.) Problem is I get an interface
 error for a where clause when it includes a Decimal(0) entry. Seems
 like a bug but I hesitate to submit a ticket when I'm so green.

 Here's the code and database as sql. Run as combine_databases.py db1
 db2 . If db1 and db2 are the same there should be a bunch of skipped
 entry messages. Note I hacked the code at line 37 to get it to run for
 the case of a Decimal(0) comparison in the where clase.

 line 37 if trloc == 0: trloc = float(trloc) # hack to make
 this work

 So is this s bug or user error?


 import sys
 import sqlalchemy as sa
 import sqlalchemy.orm as orm

 def update_db(table, temp, shape, sidx, nc, br, bi, axloc, trloc):
 keys = ['temp', 'shape', 'sidx','nc', 'br', 'bi',
 vals = [temp, shape, sidx, nc, br, bi, axloc, trloc]
 dic = dict(zip(keys, vals))
 i = table.insert().execute(dic)
 print ERROR: failed to store data , dic, \n, temp, shape,
 sidx, nc,\

 if len(sys.argv) = 2:
 sys.exit(Usage: supply two or more databases: 2nd ... inserted to

 dbs = sys.argv[1:]
 engines = [sa.create_engine(''.join(('sqlite:///', db))) for db in
 metadatas = [sa.MetaData(engine) for engine in engines]
 tables = [sa.Table('temperatures', md, autoload=True) for md in

 import pdb;pdb.set_trace()

 TABLE = tables[0]
 ENGINE = engines[0]
 for table, engine in zip(tables[1:], engines[1:]):
 query = table.select()
 for row in engine.execute(query):
 temp = row[table.c.temp]
 shape = row[table.c.shape]
 sidx = row[table.c.sidx]
 nc = row[table.c.nc]
 br = row[table.c.br]
 bi = row[table.c.bi]
 axloc = row[table.c.axloc]
 trloc = row[table.c.trloc]
 #if trloc == 0: trloc = float(trloc) # hack to make this work
 QUERY = TABLE.select().where(sa.and_(
TABLE.c.shape == shape, TABLE.c.sidx ==
TABLE.c.nc == nc, TABLE.c.br == br,
TABLE.c.bi == bi, TABLE.c.axloc ==
TABLE.c.trloc == trloc))
 for ROW in ENGINE.execute(QUERY):
 if ROW:
 print .Skipped , row
 update_db(TABLE, temp, shape, sidx, nc, br, bi, axloc,
 print Added .. , row

 CREATE TABLE temperatures (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, temp NUMERIC, shape
 INSERT INTO temperatures VALUES(1,-1.73316368036707e-05,'circle',
 INSERT INTO temperatures VALUES(2,4.60309299836984e-06,'circle',
 INSERT INTO temperatures VALUES(3,-2.76801870080499e-06,'circle',
 INSERT INTO temperatures VALUES(4,1.77485003202532e-06,'circle',
 INSERT INTO temperatures VALUES(5,-1.08068601149679e-06,'circle',
 INSERT INTO temperatures VALUES(6,5.37872557002763e-07,'circle',
 INSERT INTO temperatures VALUES(7,-8.82840026334908e-08,'circle',
 INSERT INTO temperatures VALUES(8,-2.95596726045961e-07,'circle',
 INSERT INTO temperatures VALUES(9,6.28273021881235e-07,'circle',
 INSERT INTO temperatures VALUES(10,-9.17917407031199e-07,'circle',
 INSERT INTO temperatures VALUES(11,1.16934196740049e-06,'circle',


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[sqlalchemy] Re: interface error with Decimal(0) in where clause

2007-08-24 Thread Florent Aide

How would you do something like this then:


the between() won't work since sqlite won't be able to compare your
pickled amounts.

Pickling cannot be an option in all cases particularly when you are
storing amounts for accounting books...


On 8/24/07, svilen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 decimals.. u can use pickling? slower, yes.

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