[sqlalchemy] Re: Elixir 0.6.1 released!

2008-08-19 Thread Jose Galvez
Thanks for the info, I guess I didn't realize declarative was added so 
recently, its been a while since I actually looked at the SA docs (which 
is where I found it).  But you do make some good points about Elixer, 
I'll have to give it another look, because I do find the way that SA 
defines relationships to be difficult at times

Jorge Vargas wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 11:37 PM, Jose Galvez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm not trying to be an ass, but what are the advantages to using Elixer

 well you did sound like one :)

 the first thing is that declarative is very new to SA (0.4.something,
 and only mainstream in 0.5), while elixir has been around since
 next elixir is more featurefull than declarative, for instance it
 provides you the ability to build custom relationships [1] there was a
 really nice example somewhere but I can't find it, maybe it's on the
 the other nice feature is giving you a more OOP-ish api, with elixir
 you can almost forget you are storing to tables.
 last but not least, you have some nice magic that will take care of your 
 Also I believe there is some subclassing/inheritance goodies

 That said I'm not the best person to answer this because I'm not a
 heavy elixir user, I just wanted to point out it has a purpose, and if
 it seems to overlap with SA is because something new was develop and
 not the other way around. In fact declarative is an extension
 distributed with SA, not a core feature and it was added so people
 (including me) stop complaining about how verbose simple projects
 where [2], on the other hand elixir is an implementation of Active
 Record and beyond.

 [1] http://elixir.ematia.de/apidocs/elixir.relationships.html

 Gaetan de Menten wrote:
 I am very pleased to announce that version 0.6.1 of Elixir
 (http://elixir.ematia.de) is now available. As always, feedback is
 very welcome, preferably on Elixir mailing list.

 This is a minor release featuring some bug fixes (one of them to
 handle a late rename in SQLAlchemy's 0.5 beta cycle), a new, slighty
 nicer, syntax for providing custom arguments to the column(s) needed
 for ManyToOne relationships and some exception messages improvements.

 The full list of changes can be seen at:

 What is Elixir?

 Elixir is a declarative layer on top of the SQLAlchemy library. It is
 a fairly thin wrapper, which provides the ability to create simple
 Python classes that map directly to relational database tables (this
 pattern is often referred to as the Active Record design pattern),
 providing many of the benefits of traditional databases without losing
 the convenience of Python objects.

 Elixir is intended to replace the ActiveMapper SQLAlchemy extension,
 and the TurboEntity project but does not intend to replace
 SQLAlchemy's core features, and instead focuses on providing a simpler
 syntax for defining model objects when you do not need the full
 expressiveness of SQLAlchemy's manual mapper definitions.

 Mailing list





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[sqlalchemy] declarative

2008-08-19 Thread Jose Galvez

What is the proposed stability of declarative functions which I guess 
are pretty new.  From what I've read so far I really like it and was 
thinking of using it, but was just wondering what the long turn outlook 
for it looked like?  After doing some reading on the new release of 
Elixir, Elixir looks like a mich simplier and more feature complete then 
declarative, but It does not look like Elixir works with a legacy 
databse (but I'm still looking into that) so I was wondering about 
declarative's long term stability. 

Thanks Jose

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[sqlalchemy] Re: declarative

2008-08-19 Thread Jose Galvez

I take it back about Elixir and legacy databases, it seems to work with 
them just as easy as sqlalchemy does.  I'll have to look much closer at 

Jose Galvez wrote:
 What is the proposed stability of declarative functions which I guess 
 are pretty new.  From what I've read so far I really like it and was 
 thinking of using it, but was just wondering what the long turn outlook 
 for it looked like?  After doing some reading on the new release of 
 Elixir, Elixir looks like a mich simplier and more feature complete then 
 declarative, but It does not look like Elixir works with a legacy 
 databse (but I'm still looking into that) so I was wondering about 
 declarative's long term stability. 

 Thanks Jose



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[sqlalchemy] Re: Elixir 0.6.1 released!

2008-08-18 Thread Jose Galvez

I'm not trying to be an ass, but what are the advantages to using Elixer 
over using the declarative syntax such as:
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import relation, scoped_session, sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

dbe = create_engine(somedatabaseconnectionstring)

session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=dbe))

mapper = session.mapper
meta = MetaData(bind=dbe)

Base = declarative_base(mapper=mapper)

class People(Base):
__table__ = Table('people', meta, autoload=True)
def __repr__(self):
return 'user: %s %s' % (self.fname, self.lname)

print 'first get everyone in the database'
people = People.query()
for p in people:
print p


Gaetan de Menten wrote:
 I am very pleased to announce that version 0.6.1 of Elixir
 (http://elixir.ematia.de) is now available. As always, feedback is
 very welcome, preferably on Elixir mailing list.

 This is a minor release featuring some bug fixes (one of them to
 handle a late rename in SQLAlchemy's 0.5 beta cycle), a new, slighty
 nicer, syntax for providing custom arguments to the column(s) needed
 for ManyToOne relationships and some exception messages improvements.

 The full list of changes can be seen at:

 What is Elixir?

 Elixir is a declarative layer on top of the SQLAlchemy library. It is
 a fairly thin wrapper, which provides the ability to create simple
 Python classes that map directly to relational database tables (this
 pattern is often referred to as the Active Record design pattern),
 providing many of the benefits of traditional databases without losing
 the convenience of Python objects.

 Elixir is intended to replace the ActiveMapper SQLAlchemy extension,
 and the TurboEntity project but does not intend to replace
 SQLAlchemy's core features, and instead focuses on providing a simpler
 syntax for defining model objects when you do not need the full
 expressiveness of SQLAlchemy's manual mapper definitions.

 Mailing list



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[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLAlchemy 0.4beta6 released !!

2007-09-26 Thread Jose Galvez

Dear Micheal,
Does this mean that with web apps since the session is now weak
referencing that we will no longer have to call Session.remove() to
clear out Sessions?  Specifically I'm referencing what Mike Orr wrote in
the pylonscookbook.

Michael Bayer wrote:
 This should hopefully be the last of the beta releases before 0.4.0  
 is released.  The big change in this one is that the ORM Session is  
 now *weak referencing* by default, with an option to turn on the old  
 strong referencing behavior.  This means that objects in the  
 session get cleared out automatically when they fall out of scope  
 within your application.   Objects which have pending changes on them  
 will not get cleared until the session is flushed.

 Theres also some refinements to how mappers compile, and it should be  
 much less likely that you'd get stuck with an uncompiled mapper.   
 When defining mappers in an inheritance relationship, the superclass  
 mapper needs to be defined before the corresponding subclass mappers  
 (which should be how everyone is doing it anyway...I think).  Other  
 than that you can still define mappers in whatever order regardless  
 of relations to each other.

 Besides those, we have a lot of bug fixes and some more enhancements  
 and speed improvements.  We mainly want to see that this one is  
 stable, works in everyone's environment as well or better than all  
 the other betas, and then we should be ready to go.

 Download 0.4 beta6 at:


 changelog (also at http://www.sqlalchemy.org/CHANGES) :


 - The Session identity map is now *weak referencing* by default, use
weak_identity_map=False to use a regular dict.  The weak dict we  
 are using
is customized to detect instances which are dirty and maintain a
temporary strong reference to those instances until changes are  

 - Mapper compilation has been reorganized such that most compilation  
upon mapper construction.  This allows us to have fewer calls to
mapper.compile() and also to allow class-based properties to force a
compilation (i.e. User.addresses == 7 will compile all mappers;  
 this is
[ticket:758]).  The only caveat here is that an inheriting mapper now
looks for its inherited mapper upon construction; so mappers within
inheritance relationships need to be constructed in inheritance order
(which should be the normal case anyway).

 - added FETCH to the keywords detected by Postgres to indicate a
result-row holding statement (i.e. in addition to SELECT).

 - Added full list of SQLite reserved keywords so that they get escaped

 - Tightened up the relationship between the Query's generation of eager
load aliases, and Query.instances() which actually grabs the eagerly
loaded rows.  If the aliases were not specifically generated for that
statement by EagerLoader, the EagerLoader will not take effect  
 when the
rows are fetched.  This prevents columns from being grabbed  
as being part of an eager load when they were not meant for such,  
can happen with textual SQL as well as some inheritance  
 situations.  It's
particularly important since the anonymous aliasing of columns uses
simple integer counts now to generate labels.

 - Removed parameters argument from clauseelement.compile(),  
 replaced with
column_keys.  The parameters sent to execute() only interact  
 with the
insert/update statement compilation process in terms of the column  
present but not the values for those columns.  Produces more  
execute/executemany behavior, simplifies things a bit internally.
 - Added 'comparator' keyword argument to PickleType.  By default,  
PickleType does a deep compare of objects using their dumps()
representation.  But this doesn't work for dictionaries.  Pickled  
which provide an adequate __eq__() implementation can be set up with
PickleType(comparator=operator.eq) [ticket:560]

 - Added session.is_modified(obj) method; performs the same history
comparison operation as occurs within a flush operation; setting
include_collections=False gives the same result as is used when  
 the flush
determines whether or not to issue an UPDATE for the instance's row.

 - Added schema argument to Sequence; use this with Postgres /Oracle  
the sequence is located in an alternate schema.  Implements part of
[ticket:584], should fix [ticket:761].

 - Fixed reflection of the empty string for mysql enums.

 - Changed MySQL dialect to use the older LIMIT offset, limit syntax
instead of LIMIT l OFFSET o for folks using 3.23. [ticket:794]

 - Added 'passive_deletes=all' flag to relation(), disables all  
of foreign key attributes during a flush where the parent object is

 - Column defaults and onupdates, executing inline, will 

[sqlalchemy] Re: Import problem

2007-09-20 Thread Jose Galvez

what error do you get is you enter import sqlalchemy

Goutham Lakshminarayan wrote:
 This might trivial to most of u but Iam having problems importing
 sqlalchemy on windows. The installation went without a problem but
 when i went to site packages directory there was a
 SQLAlchemy-0.3.10-py2.5.egg folder and no folder called sqlalchemy or
 a .py file. Moreover i cant import sqlalchemy. It gives module not
 found error. Can some one help me out?



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[sqlalchemy] Re: SAContext 0.3.0

2007-07-11 Thread Jose Galvez
Well I would prefer not using None and rather making the user pass the
correct key, so that way default become no different they using any other
key and users could just as simply call their key main or what ever else
turns them on.  Assuming that they use the correct syntax in the ini file
(sqlalchemy.key.uri).  So what I would advocate is eliminating the special
default and just make users specify the correct key, I think that would be
much less ambiguous then None


On 7/11/07, Mike Orr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 7/11/07, Jose Galvez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dear Mike,
  I've read the doc string in the new sacontext and was just wondering why
  add_engine_from_config do you have to explicitly pass None for the
  connection? it would make more sense to pass 'default' or better yet
  all all and assume the default engine.  I understand that you are moving
  away from the the implicit to the explicit which is great, I just
  passing None to mean default is awkward when you could just as easily
  None as the default in the method def. (the same could be said about

 It is awkward but Python has no other built-in value for default.
 Using a string means people may spell it differently, and the
 .metadata and .engine properties require a fixed value.  Making it
 optional means the second positional argument would sometimes move to
 the first (like Pylons  render_response(/template.html) vs
 render_response(mako, /template.html), and I'm absolutely opposed
 to that.  Mike doesn't like positional arguments for SAContext but i
 think they make sense in these cases.  So None was the best compromise
 I could find.

 I'm open to changing it to default if people like that better.  It
 does mean people would have to pass the exact string or
 sacontext.DEFAULT (which used to exist but currently doesn't).



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[sqlalchemy] Re: SAContext 0.3.0

2007-07-11 Thread Jose Galvez
I've just reread the sacontext doc string and realize that what I've said
really does not make any sense.  To go back a step I would advocate using
default rather then None

On 7/11/07, Jose Galvez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well I would prefer not using None and rather making the user pass the
 correct key, so that way default become no different they using any other
 key and users could just as simply call their key main or what ever else
 turns them on.  Assuming that they use the correct syntax in the ini file
 (sqlalchemy.key.uri).  So what I would advocate is eliminating the special
 default and just make users specify the correct key, I think that would be
 much less ambiguous then None


 On 7/11/07, Mike Orr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 7/11/07, Jose Galvez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Dear Mike,
   I've read the doc string in the new sacontext and was just wondering
  why for
   add_engine_from_config do you have to explicitly pass None for the
   connection? it would make more sense to pass 'default' or better yet
   all all and assume the default engine.  I understand that you are
   away from the the implicit to the explicit which is great, I just
   passing None to mean default is awkward when you could just as easily
   None as the default in the method def. (the same could be said about
  It is awkward but Python has no other built-in value for default.
  Using a string means people may spell it differently, and the
  .metadata and .engine properties require a fixed value.  Making it
  optional means the second positional argument would sometimes move to
  the first (like Pylons  render_response(/template.html) vs
  render_response(mako, /template.html), and I'm absolutely opposed
  to that.  Mike doesn't like positional arguments for SAContext but i
  think they make sense in these cases.  So None was the best compromise
  I could find.
  I'm open to changing it to default if people like that better.  It
  does mean people would have to pass the exact string or
  sacontext.DEFAULT (which used to exist but currently doesn't).

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[sqlalchemy] Re: query date field

2007-07-07 Thread Jose Galvez

Thanks, everyone for the pointers.  Since func is not database agnostic,
I think I'll make my own functions in my database module that simply use
func so if I ever do switch form mysql to something else at least I'll
know where to find all the stuff that needs changing

jose wrote:
 I've got a question that I can't find the answer to.  I have a table
 called seminars with a date field in it to hold the seminar dates.  I
 want to query the table to find all the dates for a specific year. I
 tried query(Seminars).filter(Seminars.c.date.year==2007) but this gave
 me an error stating that the col does not have a year property.  So
 how should I do this?



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[sqlalchemy] Re: whats going to break in 0.4

2007-07-05 Thread Jose Galvez

Got it thanks

Michael Bayer wrote:

 On Jul 4, 7:30 pm, Jose Galvez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks Michael,
 I went back and reread the Proposal thread and I finally get what
 scalar() does and how it is different form one().  but how would first()
 differ from scalar() and how would all() differ from list()?   At first
 blush they look like they would return the same type of query object

 list() and scalar() get deprecated and go away in 0.5.



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