[sqlalchemy] Mixing declarative style with expression language

2013-02-12 Thread Oltmans
Greetings, I trust everyone is doing well.

Our code base uses SQLAlchemy and some of the old code uses expression 
language style code e.g. 

appts = Table(Appointment, META, autoload=True, autoload_with=DB)
statement = select([appts.c.appointmentId], and_(
appts.c.appointmentId == 212

results = select_all(statement)

where as some of our code uses declarative style classes e.g.

class Appointment(Alchemy_Base, QueryMixin):

__tablename__ = Appointment
appointmentId = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

def get_by_id(cls, appointment_id):
query = cls.query.filter_by(appointmentId=appointment_id)
return query.one()

Some of our scripts are going to use both of these files (both expression 
style and declarative style) so my question is, is it (i.e. mixing two 
styles of code) going to cause any sort of problems or we're going to be 

I am asking because some people in our company are suggesting that we 
convert all code into one format (devs want to convert expression style old 
code into declarative style code).

Kindly let me know your suggestions. BTW, we're using MySQL as database and 
Python 2.6.4. Thanks in advance. 

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[sqlalchemy] How to make sure all connections are closed?

2012-07-18 Thread Oltmans
Hi all, 

I've a Django app, structure of which looks something like 
http://codepad.org/Tha7ySNL . This app is serving few hundred customers and 
lately network admin said he's been seeing lot of open connections. What 
can I do to make sure there are no open connections? 

Is there anything that can guarantee there are no more open connections? 

All help will be really appreciated. 

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[sqlalchemy] Please help in completely converting raw sql to SQLAlchemy code(I tried but not there yet)

2012-04-06 Thread Oltmans
Greetings, I hope all are well. First off, all I'm sorry that my SQL
isn't great.

I've a raw SQL that looks like following

select a.appointmentId, a.patientId, r.MaxTime from (
select appointmentid, patientid, max(apptDate) as MaxTime
from appointment
where facilityid=95
group by patientid
) r
inner join

Appointment a on
a.patientid = r.patientid and
a.apptDate = r.MaxTime

I'm using declarative style of SQLAlchemy in my code and here is how
my query looks like

appt_query = alchemy_session.query(Appointment.appointmentId,

Appointment.facilityId == 95,


appointments  = alchemy_session.query(Appointment.appointmentId,
Appointment.patientId, appt_query.c.maxTime).outerjoin(

appt_query, and_(
Appointment.patientId == appt_query.c.patientId,
Appointment.apptDate == appt_query.c.maxTime


but when I do

print appointments

It's unfortunately not producing the SQL that I want. I know there are
lapses in my understanding of SQL so any pointers on this will be
really helpful. Thank you for your time and help.

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[sqlalchemy] How to fix mapped entity is required error?

2012-04-03 Thread Oltmans
Greetings, I'm using SQLAlchemy 0.6 with Python 2.6



So the application I'm working on has directory structure as above.
Program starts when
I run recalls.py (which is under /medical-app/facility). Also,
recalls.py imports common.py
(which is under medical-app/common/common.py). Common.py further
imports settings.py which
has code like following

USERNAME = 'root'
SERVER = 'localhost'
DB_NAME = localdb'
DB = create_engine('mysql://'+USERNAME+':'+PASSWORD+'@'+SERVER
+'/'+DB_NAME, pool_size = 20, pool_recycle=100)
db_session = session.sessionmaker(bind=DB, expire_on_commit=False)
alchemy_session = db_session()
META = MetaData(DB)

In patient.py, I've declarative style classes as below

from common.settings import alchemy_session, DB, META
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy import Table

Base = declarative_base()

class Patient(Base):
__table__ = Table('Patient', Base.metadata,
autoload=True, autoload_with=DB)

Then finally in recalls I do the following

from common import alchemy_session
from common.patient import Patient

patient = alchemy_session.query(Patient).filter(Patient.patientId ==
1).first()#this works
patient = alchemy_session.query(Patient).filter(Patient.patientId ==
2).first()#this fails
#with following error

patient = alchemy_session.query(Patient).filter(
  File c:\python26\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.7.1-py2.6.egg
session.py, line 897, in query
return self._query_cls(entities, self, **kwargs)
  File c:\python26\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.7.1-py2.6.egg
query.py, line 105, in __init__
  File c:\python26\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.7.1-py2.6.egg
query.py, line 112, in _set_entities
entity_wrapper(self, ent)
  File c:\python26\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.7.1-py2.6.egg
query.py, line 2800, in __init__
expected - got '%r' % column
sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: SQL expression, column, or mapped
entity exp
ected - got 'class 'vi_pycommon.patient.Patient''

r(Patient.patientId == 2).first()

so if you notice this line didn't fail
patient = alchemy_session.query(Patient).filter(Patient.patientId ==

but next line did, which was
patient = alchemy_session.query(Patient).filter(Patient.patientId ==
2).first()#this fails

So I'm actually really stumped as to why this second call is failing
with that error. I am absolutely
sure I'm doing something wrong here, so kindly let me know how can I
fix this one.

Thanks in advance for all help.

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[sqlalchemy] (Newbie)About loading a table only once

2011-07-01 Thread Oltmans

First, many thanks for creating such an awesome library. Secondly, I'm
very new to this and I've a basic question. I've a method that looks
like following

def test_table_load(self):
   doctor = Table('TestTable', META, autoload=True, autoload_with=DB)

Now while the software runs, this method is called probably 40--50
times. I'm using MySQL and have following questions

- So if I call test_table_load() 10 times, SQLAlchemy will load the
database table with all records 10 times?
- If I want to call test_table_load() 10 times but I want to make sure
SQLAlchemy loads 'TestTable' only once in memory should I replace this
doctor = Table('Doctor', META, autoload=True, autoload_with=DB)
doctor = Table('Doctor', META, autoload=True, autoload_with=DB,

If this is not the way to do it then please let me know how can I make
sure SQLAlchemy loads my table only once during the complete run of
the program?

Please enlighten me. I will really appreciate all the help.

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[sqlalchemy] (Newbie)About loading a table only once

2011-07-01 Thread Oltmans

First, many thanks for creating such an awesome library. Secondly, I'm
very new to this and I've a basic question. I've a method that looks
like following

def test_table_load(self):
   doctor = Table('TestTable', META, autoload=True, autoload_with=DB)

Now while the software runs, this method is called probably 40--50
times. I'm using MySQL and have following questions

- So if I call test_table_load() 10 times, SQLAlchemy will load the
database table with all records 10 times?
- If I want to call test_table_load() 10 times but I want to make sure
SQLAlchemy loads 'TestTable' only once in memory should I replace this
doctor = Table('Doctor', META, autoload=True, autoload_with=DB)
doctor = Table('Doctor', META, autoload=True, autoload_with=DB,

If this is not the way to do it then please let me know how can I make
sure SQLAlchemy loads my table only once during the complete run of
the program?

Please enlighten me. I will really appreciate all the help.

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