Hello guys,
I am implementing a round robin database for my project in SQLAlchemy and I 
have some problems with TRIGGERS.
Everything works but for each INSERT OR REPLACE, the trigger is not called 
at all so in this case I would have only 25 rows rather than 50.

Any suggestion to debug it?

Here's my code:

        def InitRoundRobin(self):
>             """
>             Creates all the tables necessary one for the network swap 
> events and one for the motion
>             """
>             #print "Creating database "+self.__file_path
>             self.__file_event = Table('network', self.__metadata,
>                 Column('rrd_key', Integer, Sequence('rrd_key_seq'), 
> primary_key=True),
>                 Column('name', String, default="NONE"),
>                 Column('location', String, default="NONE"),
>                 Column('type', String,default="NUM"),
>                 Column('direction', String,default="INP"), 
>                 Column('value', String,default="0"), 
>                 Column('time',  TIMESTAMP(), default=now()), 
>                 UniqueConstraint('name', 'time', name='name_time')
>             )
>             self.__file_event.create()   
>             self.__file_rrd = Table('rrdkey', self.__metadata,
>                 Column('rrd_key', Integer, Sequence('rrd_key_seq'), 
> primary_key=True)
>             )
>             self.__file_rrd.create()    
>             operation = self.__file_rrd.insert()
>             ## attempt an insert
>             result=operation.execute(rrd_key=0);
>             self.rrd_ins = DDL('''\ 
>             DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS rrd_ins;
>             DELIMITER $$
>             CREATE TRIGGER  rrd_ins
>             BEFORE INSERT ON network
>             FOR EACH ROW
>             BEGIN
>               SET @rrd_key = 0;
>               SET @rows = 10;
>               IF NEW.rrd_key = 0 THEN
>                 SELECT rrd_key + 1
>                   FROM rrdkey
>                   INTO @rrd_key;
>                 SET NEW.rrd_key = @rrd_key;
>               END IF;
>               IF (NEW.rrd_key % @rows) THEN
>                 SET NEW.rrd_key = NEW.rrd_key % @rows;
>               ELSE
>                 SET NEW.rrd_key = @rows;
>               END IF;
>               UPDATE network SET rrd_key = NEW.rrd_key;
>             END;
>             $$
>             DELIMITER;''')
>             event.listen(self.__file_event, 'after_create', self.rrd_ins)

And the REPLACE code:

        def addEntryReplace(self, location,name,value,type):
>             #print "Adding entry"
>             #operation = self.__file_event.insert()
>             t = text("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO network 
> (location,name,value,type,time) VALUES 
> (:location,:name,:value,:type,:time)")
>             print t
>             #operation.prefix_with("OR REPLACE");
>             result=self.__connection.execute(t, location=location, 
> name=name, value=value, type=type, time=now())         

This is called like this:

        def loopTest(self):
            self.__connection=connection = self.__db.connect()
            for i in range(0, 50):
                print "Added entry ", i


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