I am trying to connect to MySQL database with sqlalchemy. The connection is 
succesful, but when I query the tables of the database it shows me the 
wrong tables. The tables that the script shows are the ones that I see in 
the MySQL for Excel extension, but not the one that is in database that I 
want to connect to. The schemas showed in the MySQL for Excel extension are 
different that the models that I see in the MySQL workbench, but I don't 
know why.

How can I debug this problem?

DB_USER = 'root' 
DB_HOST = 'localhost' 
DB_MODEL = 'salestax' 
connection_string = 
"mysql+pymysql://{}:{}@{}/{}".format(DB_USER,DB_PASSWORD,DB_‌​HOST, DB_MODEL) 
engine = create_engine(connection_string) 
connection = engine.connect()   print(engine.table_names())

I will appreciate the help. I am a beginner trying to code a simple 
application, but this got me stuck.

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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