Ok, so this looks impossible to me, but it's happening.  I figure
people with more experience debugging SA might be able to help.

I've got a generated query (no ORM).  I was using 0.3.7 with no
problems, but thought I'd give .4 a try to see if I can take advantage
of performance improvements.  From reading the migration documentation
it appeared all I really needed to do was change::

 meta = BoundMetaData(engine)


 meta = MetaData(engine)

So I did that and now when I run my query now it throws an error::


line 867, in _cursor_execute
    raise exceptions.DBAPIError.instance(statement, parameters, e)
sqlalchemy.exceptions.DatabaseError: (DatabaseError) ORA-00932:
inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got CLOB

In my log file, it appears that the statement generated for 0.3.7 and
0.4.0beta5 is the same.  The parameters differ a little.  One key is
somehow converted (incorrectly) to a float instead of a string (like
it was in 0.3.7).  I thought that might be the problem, but that is
the opposite of what the error message is.

So after digging/stepping through SA for a bit (hey, at least I
learned how to use pdb from emacs!), I didn't see anything useful.
Then I tried running the query using only cx_Oracle.  I used the same
statement and parameter from the 0.4.beta5 version and lo and behold,
it worked!?!?!  (I even changed the parameter that was a float to a
string and it still worked...)

So now I'm just confused.  I'm not sure how the same query can work
from straight cx_Oracle, but fails with the _CursorFairy tries to
execute it...  Has something/much changed with Oracle since 0.3.7 (I
know it's ~6 months old)?  The Changelog [0] lists "oracle
improvements" in beta2, "auto_convert_lobs" in 0.3.9....  Could these
be responsible?

Any hints or suggestions would be great!  Thanks much.  I'm just
confused right now, and would like to leave that state ;)


0 - http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/browser/sqlalchemy/trunk/CHANGES

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