
I updated sqlalchemy from 0.7.8 to 0.8.2 and one of my queries started 
failing. I had a CTE expression with capital letters in it's name, and in 
0.8 it wasn't getting consistently quoted, but it worked in 0.7.

I narrowed it down, and it only seems to happen in a query containing 
multiple subqueries referring to the same CTE. 

Here's an example that reproduces it. If I remove the second subquery from 
this example, there's no issues:

import sys
import sqlalchemy as sa
import sqlalchemy.orm
import psycopg2

engine = sa.create_engine('postgresql://', creator=lambda: 
psycopg2.connect(dbname=sys.argv[1]), echo=True)
Session = sa.orm.scoped_session(sa.orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine))
session = Session()

cte = session.query(sa.literal(1).label("id")).cte(name='CTE')

firstSubquery = session.query(cte.c.id).subquery()
secondSubquery = session.query(cte.c.id).subquery()

query = session.query(firstSubquery, secondSubquery)

print query.all()

The resulting query looks like this. Note that the last reference to "CTE" 
is not quoted like the others, causing a ProgrammingError when it can't be 

(SELECT :param_1 AS id)
 SELECT anon_1.id AS anon_1_id, anon_2.id AS anon_2_id
FROM "CTE") AS anon_1, (SELECT "CTE".id AS id
FROM CTE) AS anon_2


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