Hi folks!

We released ColanderAlchemy 0.1.0 alpha yesterday.

It is an extensible package for autogeneration of Colander schemas that are based on SQLAlchemy mapped classes. For those who do not know 'Colander': docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/colander/en/latest/

A quick view on how ColanderAlchemy works can be found in the docs: http://readthedocs.org/docs/colanderalchemy/en/latest/examples.html ColanderAlchemy is released under MIT license terms and it can be forked on GitHub: https://github.com/stefanofontanelli/ColanderAlchemy. The ColanderAlchemy's official documentation can be found on Read The Docs: http://readthedocs.org/docs/colanderalchemy/en/latest/
You can simply install ColanderAlchemy using PIP:

   pip install ColanderAlchemy

or using SetupTools/Distribute:

   easy_install ColanderAlchemy

The library is in alpha stage, but it works. We are working on test suite and docs.
We planned to release final version in the next few weeks.
We are open to suggestions and any help is appreciate :)


Stefano Fontanelli
E-mail: s.fontane...@asidev.com
Website: http://www.asidev.com
Skype: stefanofontanelli
Twitter: @stefontanelli
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/stefanofontanelli

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