Hi list,

Is there really no easier/nicer way to get a count of items alongside
object results than the one described at:

>>> from sqlalchemy.sql import func
>>> stmt = session.query(Address.user_id, 
>>> func.count('*').label('address_count')).group_by(Address.user_id).subquery()

>>> for u, count in session.query(User, stmt.c.address_count).\
...     outerjoin((stmt, User.id==stmt.c.user_id)).order_by(User.id):
...     print u, count


I thought something simpler using a subquery instead of a outer join
on a subquery would work... But I couldn't make it work. [I'm no
expert at SQL optimization but I'd believe the speed should be

session.query(User, select([func.count('*')], User.id ==

It doesn't seem to correlate correctly: no from clause... I think
similar queries work (or at least used to) in column_properties?!?. I
had to add the manual correlate clause:

session.query(User, select([func.count('*')], User.id ==

but even then it doesn't yield any result through the ORM. The
generated query yields the correct results in the DB command-line
interface though. So I guess it's the ORM part which cannot load it
back correctly.

It might be related to the fact that the generated query is:

SELECT user.[...], (SELECT count(?) AS count_1 FROM backend_blogpost
WHERE backend_blog.user = backend_blogpost.blog_user) AS anon_1
FROM backend_blog, backend_blogpost

Notice the unnecessary "backend_blogpost" at the end.

Is it a bug, or am I doing something wrong/missing something to get
the query right?

On a related note, I'm dreaming that something like this would be supported:

>>> for u, count in session.query(User, User.addresses.count()):
...     print u, count

Gaƫtan de Menten

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