On Nov 20, 2012, at 10:02 AM, Theanoula wrote:

> Hello!
> I am trying to connect to a database as follows:
> ENGINECOM  = create_engine('mssql+pyodbc://usr:pass@MyDSN') 
> METACOM    = MetaData(bind=ENGINECOM) 
> COM_TABLE_ORDERHEADER   = Table('table', METACOM, autoload=True) 
> My problem is that the table owner in MsSql database is different than 'dbo' 
> , resulting in getting errors on the Selects I do. As much as I searched for, 
> I couldn't find how/where to declare the owner.
> Could you please help me in some way.

best way is to change the default "owner" on your connection, short of that use 
the schema argument on table:   Table('t', metadata, schema="myschema")

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