all of these approaches i think are easier than making a subclassed

Yes, they are indeed. I'll pick  either of them.

I could also add another mapper flag to be used in conjunction with
column_prefix called "query_prefix" that just allows the "_" to be
stripped during get_by/select_by operations, like the extension would

If my requirements are met by an extension, that will surely suffice. I've seen the  mapper extensions has a complex constructor already, no need to add an additional keyword argument for such a 'niche' task as mine is.

I dont understand why the Mapper needs to know about these
attributes, if they are not related to database columns or other
database-mapped relationships.

I think that it came from a misunderstanding of mine; I probably haven't grasped yet all of sqlalchemy's internals.
I thought it was the mapper who mapped the UOWProperty to the class columns, but after debugging for a while I'm not so sure about that. My problems also arise from the fact that it doesn't seem there's any UOWProperty attached to the class till the first instance of the class is created (or pulled from the db), so I might just have looked into the wrong code.

My idea was that the mapper would just have read that values from the class and used them to properly 'instruct' the ExtProperty I wanted to use.

BTW, the solution you found seems to be the best and has no shortcomings, so I'll take that route.

Thank you for both your help and sqlalchemy itself :-)

Alan Franzoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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