[sqlalchemy] Re: How to get setter-like behaviour universally across a custom type? (with UTC DateTime examples)

2011-07-02 Thread Russ
 because an attribute can be mapped to multiple columns, 

Ahh... thanks.

 as I did this example and thought back upon how often people want to poke 
 around the mapper configuration, i started trying to think of how to turn the 
 mapper hierarchy into a more of a well described DOM-type of system.    In 
 this case one thing I thought of would be to add a first_column accessor to 

 because an attribute can be mapped to multiple columns, 

Ah... thanks.

 as I did this example and thought back upon how often people want to poke 
 around the mapper configuration, i started trying to think of how to turn the 
 mapper hierarchy into a more of a well described DOM-type of system.    In 
 this case one thing I thought of would be to add a first_column accessor to 

Allowing multiple columns does make it more DOM-like.  But once you
know ColumnProperty.columns is a sequence (eg: I didn't), columns[0]
is just as good as first_column.

I know very little about your internal implementation, but I might as
well toss a thought out there on navigating a mapper configuration...
it would be more intuitive/explicit to me if there were a
DbColumnProperty base class, and two derived classes:
SingleDbColumnProperty and MultiDbColumnProperty (and I guess you
would need RelationProperty, and probably more).  The former with a
simple .column attribute, and the latter with your current .columns
sequence attribute.  The current situation of checking for the
existence of a .columns attribute to find real persistent data is
not that intuitive.  It would be nicer to look through the mapper
properties for DbColumn instances.  Also, I would bet that the vast
majority of implementations would be SingleColumnProperty, so the
niggly detail of columns[0] wouldn't exist (although that would
obviously break a lot of existing code, unless SingleColumnProperty
always had single entry .columns... but then that is what you have
now).  Overall it is great right now and my commentary is probably
pointless and/or naive.

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: How to get setter-like behaviour universally across a custom type? (with UTC DateTime examples)

2011-07-02 Thread Michael Bayer

On Jul 2, 2011, at 2:25 PM, Russ wrote:

 I know very little about your internal implementation, but I might as
 well toss a thought out there on navigating a mapper configuration...
 it would be more intuitive/explicit to me if there were a
 DbColumnProperty base class, and two derived classes:
 SingleDbColumnProperty and MultiDbColumnProperty (and I guess you
 would need RelationProperty, and probably more).  The former with a
 simple .column attribute, and the latter with your current .columns
 sequence attribute.  

I try to avoid requiring the use of isinstance() to navigate a hierarchy.
Ideally there'd be just one kind of node (right now, mapper or column(s)) and 
one kind of edge (currently column property, relationship property, as well 
as some others like synonym property).When working with a DOM like 
elementtree, you know what kind of node you're on based on how you got there, 
i.e. did you look at .tail, children, attr.   Hence the idea of 
.columns as well as first_column, i.e. like jquery's :first.

I'm having kind of a big idea on this now.   like an 0.8 kind of thing

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: How to get setter-like behaviour universally across a custom type? (with UTC DateTime examples)

2011-07-01 Thread Michael Bayer

On Jul 1, 2011, at 1:19 AM, Russ wrote:

 The only thing I'm still unsure of in the code is why mapper.columns
 is a collection and it required checking columns[0], but I can either
 just live with that or look into it later.

because an attribute can be mapped to multiple columns, i.e. 

as I did this example and thought back upon how often people want to poke 
around the mapper configuration, i started trying to think of how to turn the 
mapper hierarchy into a more of a well described DOM-type of system.In this 
case one thing I thought of would be to add a first_column accessor to 

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[sqlalchemy] Re: How to get setter-like behaviour universally across a custom type? (with UTC DateTime examples)

2011-06-30 Thread Russ
I discovered the sqlalchemy.orm.validates decorator, which executes
when I want it to (on attribute assignment) so I got out my hacksaw
and tried to make it work in one fell swoop... implementing automatic
UTC assignment for all UTCEnforcedDateTime columns.

I'm not comfortable with it yet... but a mostly-inclusive demo code
snippet is here:

Where I intend to do that last bit of hackery (utcConversionList and
__sa_validators__ work) by introspecting through a large number of
classes (all having the TableDefMixin) and looking for
UTCEnforcedDateTime Column definitions that should be added to the
utcConversionList for the class.  Method tbd there, but not important.

Although it is doing what I want it to do (hands off UTC assignment
where expected), I'm really not comfortable with it.  It seems
*highly* sketchy, quite indirect,  and it seems like there must be a
better way to simply set a default validator for a custom Column
type.  Is there?

It would be much tidier to put the validator into the
UTCEnforcedDateTime class.  If not... can I rely on the direct setting
of __sa_validators__ working in the future?  Using the orm.validates
decorator in each and every class is obviously the better choice for
future compatibility, but if I want one-shot assignment as I do above,
I can't use the orm.validates because it is too late to set
__sa_validators__ directly as orm.validates does, and I needed to be
brutal and go to the __dict__ directly.

I expect there is a simple answer and all my hacking/exploration
related to my posts above was pointless... except it has been highly
educational to root through the SQLAlchemy implementation here.
Tidbits learned include now understanding descriptors (never had cause
to before), and learning about attrgetter and attrsetter.  Stepping
into the attribute assignment (InstrumentedAttribute.__set__) was
highly confusing until reading up on those bits!!  instance_state()
and instance_dict() instantly returning was somewhat mysterious for a


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: How to get setter-like behaviour universally across a custom type? (with UTC DateTime examples)

2011-06-30 Thread Michael Bayer
you're close, I've added a note to the validates documentation at 
http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/orm/mapper_config.html#simple-validators that 
will point a reader on to the more comprehensive solution.

I've added an example for you as well as Jason who asked almost the same 
question earlier, which illustrates the TypeDecorator in conjunction with an 
attribute listener that is applied to all occurrences of the target type, an 
approach also used by the mutable attributes extension, and which we may look 
into adding as more of a built in feature in the future although the recipe 
should be straightforward.


On Jun 30, 2011, at 2:42 AM, Russ wrote:

 I discovered the sqlalchemy.orm.validates decorator, which executes
 when I want it to (on attribute assignment) so I got out my hacksaw
 and tried to make it work in one fell swoop... implementing automatic
 UTC assignment for all UTCEnforcedDateTime columns.
 I'm not comfortable with it yet... but a mostly-inclusive demo code
 snippet is here:
 Where I intend to do that last bit of hackery (utcConversionList and
 __sa_validators__ work) by introspecting through a large number of
 classes (all having the TableDefMixin) and looking for
 UTCEnforcedDateTime Column definitions that should be added to the
 utcConversionList for the class.  Method tbd there, but not important.
 Although it is doing what I want it to do (hands off UTC assignment
 where expected), I'm really not comfortable with it.  It seems
 *highly* sketchy, quite indirect,  and it seems like there must be a
 better way to simply set a default validator for a custom Column
 type.  Is there?
 It would be much tidier to put the validator into the
 UTCEnforcedDateTime class.  If not... can I rely on the direct setting
 of __sa_validators__ working in the future?  Using the orm.validates
 decorator in each and every class is obviously the better choice for
 future compatibility, but if I want one-shot assignment as I do above,
 I can't use the orm.validates because it is too late to set
 __sa_validators__ directly as orm.validates does, and I needed to be
 brutal and go to the __dict__ directly.
 I expect there is a simple answer and all my hacking/exploration
 related to my posts above was pointless... except it has been highly
 educational to root through the SQLAlchemy implementation here.
 Tidbits learned include now understanding descriptors (never had cause
 to before), and learning about attrgetter and attrsetter.  Stepping
 into the attribute assignment (InstrumentedAttribute.__set__) was
 highly confusing until reading up on those bits!!  instance_state()
 and instance_dict() instantly returning was somewhat mysterious for a
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[sqlalchemy] Re: How to get setter-like behaviour universally across a custom type? (with UTC DateTime examples)

2011-06-30 Thread Russ
 I've added an example for you as well as Jason who asked almost the same 
 question earlier, which illustrates the TypeDecorator in conjunction with an 
 attribute listener that is applied to all occurrences of the target type, an 
 approach also used by the mutable attributes extension, and which we may look 
 into adding as more of a built in feature in the future although the recipe 
 should be straightforward.


Thanks!!  I would *never* have associated Jason's question with mine,
but no matter... the end result is perfect.

I had actually gotten it completely working with my messy
__sa_validators__ hackery (and a heck of a lot of questionable
introspection), but I now have it working with the event system as you
have suggested.  It is MUCH cleaner and I like it a lot.

Here is my final implementation:

The only thing I'm still unsure of in the code is why mapper.columns
is a collection and it required checking columns[0], but I can either
just live with that or look into it later.

Also - prior to your suggestion I was still on SQLAlchemy 0.6.6 and
this prompted me to make the leap to 0.7.1 ... all code now working
fine after that transition with only minor hiccups.

That was an excellent introduction to the new event system as well...
thanks again!


Code is reproduced below as well, in case the pastebin ever fails:

from pytz import UTC
import sqlalchemy as sa
import sqlalchemy.orm as orm
import globalenv

class UTCEnforcedDateTime(sa.types.TypeDecorator):
DateTime type that ensures datetime objects are offset-aware
impl = sa.types.DateTime

def process_bind_param(self, value, engine):
if (value is not None) and (value.tzinfo != UTC):
raise Exception(Data MUST be offset-aware UTC!)
return value

def process_result_value(self, value, engine):
if value is not None:
return value.replace(tzinfo = UTC)
return value

def _EnsureUTC(target, value, oldvalue, initiator):
'Set' Event handler for all UTCEnforcedDateTime columns.

This handler simply ensures that the provided 'value' is an offset-
UTC datetime.

SQLAlchemy validator (for @validates) for use with

Use of this validator will convert times to UTC on assignment (so
the UTCEnforcedDateTime implementation doesn't throw an exception

dt = value
if dt == None:
return dt
if dt.tzinfo == UTC:
return dt
tz = globalenv.LocalTZ  #pytz timezone that naive datetimes are in
#Convert naive time to local time...
# - normalize is needed to deal with DST funkiness
dt_tz = tz.normalize(tz.localize(dt))
return dt_tz.astimezone(UTC)

@sa.event.listens_for(orm.mapper, mapper_configured)
def _Configure_UTCEnforcedDateTime_Setter(mapper, class_):
A mapper-configured listener that is triggered every time an
ORM_ class
mapper is registered (once per class).

This event handler makes sure that any defined UTCEnforcedDateTime
always receiving data with properly determined UTC offset-aware
(with the use of the _EnsureUTC handler).

Adapted from sample code here:


for prop in mapper.iterate_properties:
if hasattr(prop, 'columns'):  #it is a column (not a relation)
if isinstance(prop.columns[0].type, UTCEnforcedDateTime):
#Set up a listener for datetime setting events...
classAttr = getattr(class_, prop.key) #the attr of the
mapped class
classAttr, #We want to listen for when
set, #has a set event (like a property
_EnsureUTC,#and use _EnsureUTC as the
retval = True) #and allow _EnsureUTC to change the
attr with it's return

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[sqlalchemy] Re: How to get setter-like behaviour universally across a custom type? (with UTC DateTime examples)

2011-06-29 Thread Russ
 When I realized that process_bind_param only happens on commit, I
 decided to switch my strategy to simply confirming that all incoming
 outgoing datetime values are offset-aware UTC using this simpler code:

Sorry - I messed up that code segment on edit for pastebin.  Here is a
cleaned up version:

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