[sqlalchemy] Re: Is it possible to define multiple model objects that refer to the same table?

2012-11-21 Thread Rob Crowell
Thanks so much!  Your pointers were exactly what I needed,
specifically the bit which led me to discover exclude_properties.
I'll leave my working code here in case it ever helps anybody else

from sqlalchemy import Column, Date, Enum, Integer, String, Table,
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import ColumnProperty, sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.orm.mapper import class_mapper

engine = create_engine('mysql://user:password@localhost/
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)

Base = declarative_base()

tables = {'issue_type':
  Table('issue_type', Base.metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('type', Enum('Bug', 'Feature',
'Improvement', 'One-Time Task')),
Column('created', Date),
Column('num_visits', Integer)),

  Table('issue_type_label', Base.metadata,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('type', Enum('Bug', 'Feature',
'Improvement', 'One-Time Task')),
Column('label_id', String),
Column('created', Date),
Column('num_visits', Integer))}

def get_columns(model):
return [x.key for x in class_mapper(model).iterate_properties if
isinstance(x, ColumnProperty)]

class IssueType(Base):
__table__ = tables['issue_type']

class IssueLabel(Base):
__table__ = tables['issue_type_label']
__mapper_args__ = {'exclude_properties': ['type']}

class IssueTypeLabel(Base):
__table__ = tables['issue_type_label']

print issue type:, get_columns(IssueType)
print issue label:, get_columns(IssueLabel)
print issue type label:, get_columns(IssueTypeLabel)

This code correctly prints the following:
issue type: ['id', 'type', 'created', 'num_visits']
issue label: ['id', 'label_id', 'created', 'num_visits']
issue type label: ['id', 'type', 'label_id', 'created',

On Nov 16, 8:49 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 On Nov 16, 2012, at 2:59 PM, Rob Crowell wrote:

  Thanks for the help so far Michael!  I can explain a little more about
  what I'm trying to do (I'm using a fictional application here but I
  think it pretty accurately translates into my actual application).


  Let's say I'm writing an issue tracking application.  Each issue that
  we're tracking has a type (an issue must have exactly one type), and
  each issue may have an unlimited number of user-provided labels.

  Each day, people browse our issue tracker and each time they do they
  generate a page view on the issue.  Here's an example of one day's
  worth of data:

     IssueA: Views: 1, Type: Bug, Labels: [login-page (id=1),
  show-stopper (id=2)]
     IssueB: Views: 20, Type: One-Time Task, Labels: [disk-full
  (id=3), show-stopper (id=2)]
     IssueC: Views: 300, Type: Bug, Labels: [login-page (id=1)]

  The BigCo. I'm working for is very interested in knowing which issues
  are read by the most people, and they need the ability to generate
  reports sliced by arbitrary date ranges.  However, we can tolerate a
  day delay, so we are writing summary tables each night.  Two of these
  summary tables are aggregated by either issue type or label, and we
  also write a third table that can be used to drill-down and see page
  visits bucketed by both type and label:

  CREATE TABLE `issue_type` (
   `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
   `created` datetime NOT NULL,
   `type` enum('Bug','Feature','Improvement','One-Time Task') NOT NULL,
   `num_watchers` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

  CREATE TABLE `issue_label` (
   `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
   `created` datetime NOT NULL,
   `label_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
   `num_watchers` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

  CREATE TABLE `issue_type_label` (
   `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
   `created` datetime NOT NULL,
   `type` enum('Bug','Feature','Improvement','One-Time Task') NOT NULL,
   `label_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
   `num_visits` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

  So we'd run these insert statements at midnight:

  INSERT INTO issue_type (created, type, num_visits) VALUES
     (2012-11-15, Bug, 301),
     (2012-11-15, One-Time Task, 20);

  INSERT INTO issue_labels (created, label_id, num_visits) VALUES
     (2012-11-15, 1, 301),
     (2012-11-15, 2, 21),
     (2012-11-15, 3, 20);

  INSERT INTO issue_type_label (created, type, label_id, num_visits)
     (2012-11-15, Bug, 1, 301),
     (2012-11-15, Bug, 2, 1),
     (2012-11-15, One-Time Task, 3, 20),
     (2012-11-15, One-Time Task, 2, 20);

  Now when we want to generate the summary reports, we query one of the
  first two tables (if we're generating a report aggregated by issue
  type we hit issue_type, if we're 

[sqlalchemy] Re: Is it possible to define multiple model objects that refer to the same table?

2012-11-16 Thread Rob Crowell
On Nov 15, 10:48 pm, Michael Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com wrote:
 On Nov 15, 2012, at 7:33 PM, Rob Crowell wrote:

  Sorry, that got cut off at the end.

  class IssueTag(Base):
      __tablename__ = 'issue_user_tag'

  sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: Table 'issue_user_tag' is already 
  defined for this MetaData instance.  Specify 'extend_existing=True' to 
  redefine options and columns on an existing Table object.

  On Thursday, November 15, 2012 7:32:29 PM UTC-5, Rob Crowell wrote:
  I'm working with a denormalized cache schema, and I've run into a situation 
  where it would be helpful to be able to create multiple classes that extend 
  Base but refer to the same __tablename__.  Is this possible to do?  I am 
  getting this Exception:
      sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: Table '[tablename]' is already 
  defined for this MetaData instance.  Specify 'extend_existing=True' to 
  redefine options and columns on an existing Table object.

  For a little more insight, we have some attributes that always have exactly 
  one value (user who created the issue), and other attributes that can have 
  1 or more values (user-defined tags for the issue).  If we were being 
  exhaustive, we would create two cached tables for our issues since 
  sometimes we want to display recent issues sometimes by user and sometimes 
  by tag:
      * issue_user
      * issue_tag

  However, we can get away with writing just one table and querying it with 
  an appropriate group_by(user_id) to achieve the same end as having 2 
  tables.  Since my application should behave as if there were 2 separate 
  cache tables (and I'd like to keep open the option of adding two separate 
  cache tables in the future), I would like to have 2 different Base classes 
  representing the two ways in which we would query the table.  The obvious 
  way of doing this doesn't work:

  class IssueUser(Base):
      __tablename__ = 'issue_user_tag'

  class IssueTag(Base):


 two^H^H^H three ways:

 1. map to a Table:

 mytable = Table(mytable, Base.metadata, Column(...))

 class A(Base):
     __table__ = mytable

 class B(Base):
     __table__ = mytable

 1a: variant of 1, map A as you did but use __table__ on B

 class A(Base):
     __tablename__ = 'mytable'

     x = Column(...)

 class B(Base):
     __table__ = A.__table__

 2. use single table inheritance with no discriminator

 class MyTable(Base):
     __tablename__ = 'mytable'

 class A(MyTable):

 class B(MyTable):
    # ...

 I don't have an understanding of your querying situation yet, discriminating 
 on group_by() seems a little strange as group_by() is only intended to be 
 used to group for aggregates, but #1, #1a or #2 should fit the bill.

Thanks for the help so far Michael!  I can explain a little more about
what I'm trying to do (I'm using a fictional application here but I
think it pretty accurately translates into my actual application).


Let's say I'm writing an issue tracking application.  Each issue that
we're tracking has a type (an issue must have exactly one type), and
each issue may have an unlimited number of user-provided labels.

Each day, people browse our issue tracker and each time they do they
generate a page view on the issue.  Here's an example of one day's
worth of data:

IssueA: Views: 1, Type: Bug, Labels: [login-page (id=1),
show-stopper (id=2)]
IssueB: Views: 20, Type: One-Time Task, Labels: [disk-full
(id=3), show-stopper (id=2)]
IssueC: Views: 300, Type: Bug, Labels: [login-page (id=1)]

The BigCo. I'm working for is very interested in knowing which issues
are read by the most people, and they need the ability to generate
reports sliced by arbitrary date ranges.  However, we can tolerate a
day delay, so we are writing summary tables each night.  Two of these
summary tables are aggregated by either issue type or label, and we
also write a third table that can be used to drill-down and see page
visits bucketed by both type and label:

CREATE TABLE `issue_type` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `created` datetime NOT NULL,
  `type` enum('Bug','Feature','Improvement','One-Time Task') NOT NULL,
  `num_watchers` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

CREATE TABLE `issue_label` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `created` datetime NOT NULL,
  `label_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `num_watchers` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

CREATE TABLE `issue_type_label` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `created` datetime NOT NULL,
  `type` enum('Bug','Feature','Improvement','One-Time Task') NOT NULL,
  `label_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `num_visits` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

So we'd run these insert statements at midnight:

INSERT INTO issue_type (created, type, num_visits) VALUES
(2012-11-15, Bug, 301),
(2012-11-15, One-Time Task, 20);

INSERT INTO issue_labels (created, label_id, 

Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: Is it possible to define multiple model objects that refer to the same table?

2012-11-16 Thread Michael Bayer

On Nov 16, 2012, at 2:59 PM, Rob Crowell wrote:

 Thanks for the help so far Michael!  I can explain a little more about
 what I'm trying to do (I'm using a fictional application here but I
 think it pretty accurately translates into my actual application).
 Let's say I'm writing an issue tracking application.  Each issue that
 we're tracking has a type (an issue must have exactly one type), and
 each issue may have an unlimited number of user-provided labels.
 Each day, people browse our issue tracker and each time they do they
 generate a page view on the issue.  Here's an example of one day's
 worth of data:
IssueA: Views: 1, Type: Bug, Labels: [login-page (id=1),
 show-stopper (id=2)]
IssueB: Views: 20, Type: One-Time Task, Labels: [disk-full
 (id=3), show-stopper (id=2)]
IssueC: Views: 300, Type: Bug, Labels: [login-page (id=1)]
 The BigCo. I'm working for is very interested in knowing which issues
 are read by the most people, and they need the ability to generate
 reports sliced by arbitrary date ranges.  However, we can tolerate a
 day delay, so we are writing summary tables each night.  Two of these
 summary tables are aggregated by either issue type or label, and we
 also write a third table that can be used to drill-down and see page
 visits bucketed by both type and label:
 CREATE TABLE `issue_type` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `created` datetime NOT NULL,
  `type` enum('Bug','Feature','Improvement','One-Time Task') NOT NULL,
  `num_watchers` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
 CREATE TABLE `issue_label` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `created` datetime NOT NULL,
  `label_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `num_watchers` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
 CREATE TABLE `issue_type_label` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `created` datetime NOT NULL,
  `type` enum('Bug','Feature','Improvement','One-Time Task') NOT NULL,
  `label_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `num_visits` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
 So we'd run these insert statements at midnight:
 INSERT INTO issue_type (created, type, num_visits) VALUES
(2012-11-15, Bug, 301),
(2012-11-15, One-Time Task, 20);
 INSERT INTO issue_labels (created, label_id, num_visits) VALUES
(2012-11-15, 1, 301),
(2012-11-15, 2, 21),
(2012-11-15, 3, 20);
 INSERT INTO issue_type_label (created, type, label_id, num_visits)
(2012-11-15, Bug, 1, 301),
(2012-11-15, Bug, 2, 1),
(2012-11-15, One-Time Task, 3, 20),
(2012-11-15, One-Time Task, 2, 20);
 Now when we want to generate the summary reports, we query one of the
 first two tables (if we're generating a report aggregated by issue
 type we hit issue_type, if we're generating a report aggregated by
 label we hit issue_label), and when we want to run a drill-down query
 both both type and label, we hit issue_type_label:
# broken down by type
SELECT type, SUM(num_visits) FROM issue_type WHERE created =
 2012-11-01 AND created = 2012-11-16 GROUP BY type;
# broken down by label
SELECT label_id, SUM(num_visits) FROM issue_label WHERE created =
 2012-11-01 AND created = 2012-11-16 GROUP BY label_id;
# broken down by both type and label
SELECT type, label_id, SUM(num_visits) FROM issue_type_label WHERE
 created = 2012-11-01 AND created = 2012-11-16 GROUP BY type,
 This works fine and is very fast for our application.  However, it's a
 bit redundant since each issue has exactly one issue type, so we can
 safely ignore it when generating the label summary report.  So really,
 we can get away with not having the issue_label table at all, and just
 run this instead (we must continue to have the issue_type table
 however, since a single issue can have many labels or none at all):
# broken down by label
SELECT label_id, SUM(num_visits) FROM issue_type_label WHERE
 created = 2012-11-01 AND created = 2012-11-16 GROUP BY label_id;
 In reality, we have many types of fields that we generate reports on
 (not just type and label), so we have more than a dozen of these
 aggregate tables rolled up by different sets of fields.  While porting
 our data access layer to SQLAlchemy (we have a separate process to
 write these tables which we aren't going to move to SQLAlchemy), I've
 created a bunch of functions that use reflection on the various Model
 objects I've built to figure out what columns we need to select.
 Each column that we don't want to GROUP BY or filter out with a WHERE
 clause gets wrapped by func.sum() and passed to a call to
 session.query().  My columns are very consistently named so I have
 automated almost all of this using object reflection, which lets my
 code populate which columns to select, group by, and sum on
 automatically.  I really don't want to write a custom call to query()
 for each table type that 

Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: Is it possible to define multiple model objects that refer to the same table?

2012-11-15 Thread Michael Bayer

On Nov 15, 2012, at 7:33 PM, Rob Crowell wrote:

 Sorry, that got cut off at the end.
 class IssueTag(Base):
 __tablename__ = 'issue_user_tag'
 sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: Table 'issue_user_tag' is already defined 
 for this MetaData instance.  Specify 'extend_existing=True' to redefine 
 options and columns on an existing Table object.
 On Thursday, November 15, 2012 7:32:29 PM UTC-5, Rob Crowell wrote:
 I'm working with a denormalized cache schema, and I've run into a situation 
 where it would be helpful to be able to create multiple classes that extend 
 Base but refer to the same __tablename__.  Is this possible to do?  I am 
 getting this Exception:
 sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: Table '[tablename]' is already 
 defined for this MetaData instance.  Specify 'extend_existing=True' to 
 redefine options and columns on an existing Table object.
 For a little more insight, we have some attributes that always have exactly 
 one value (user who created the issue), and other attributes that can have 1 
 or more values (user-defined tags for the issue).  If we were being 
 exhaustive, we would create two cached tables for our issues since 
 sometimes we want to display recent issues sometimes by user and sometimes by 
 * issue_user
 * issue_tag
 However, we can get away with writing just one table and querying it with an 
 appropriate group_by(user_id) to achieve the same end as having 2 tables.  
 Since my application should behave as if there were 2 separate cache tables 
 (and I'd like to keep open the option of adding two separate cache tables in 
 the future), I would like to have 2 different Base classes representing the 
 two ways in which we would query the table.  The obvious way of doing this 
 doesn't work:
 class IssueUser(Base):
 __tablename__ = 'issue_user_tag'
 class IssueTag(Base):

two^H^H^H three ways:

1. map to a Table:

mytable = Table(mytable, Base.metadata, Column(...))

class A(Base):
__table__ = mytable

class B(Base):
__table__ = mytable

1a: variant of 1, map A as you did but use __table__ on B

class A(Base):
__tablename__ = 'mytable'

x = Column(...)

class B(Base):
__table__ = A.__table__

2. use single table inheritance with no discriminator

class MyTable(Base):
__tablename__ = 'mytable'

class A(MyTable):

class B(MyTable):
   # ...

I don't have an understanding of your querying situation yet, discriminating on 
group_by() seems a little strange as group_by() is only intended to be used to 
group for aggregates, but #1, #1a or #2 should fit the bill.

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