And here's the objects

for key, unique_new_location in unique_locations_hash.iteritems():
        trial_location_inserts.append(TrialLocations(trial_id =, location_id = unique_new_location['location_id'], active 
= True, status = unique_new_location['status']))

On Friday, December 23, 2016 at 12:25:40 AM UTC-8, Brian Clark wrote:
> So I'm having an issue with a very slow insert, I'm inserting 223 items 
> and it takes 20+ seconds to execute. Any advice on what I'm doing wrong and 
> why it would be so slow? Using Postgresql 9.4.8
> The line of code
>     LOG_OUTPUT('==========PRE BULK==========', True)
>     db_session.bulk_save_objects(trial_location_inserts)
>     LOG_OUTPUT('==========POST BULK==========', True)
> And here's the log from sqlalchemy echo
>     2016-12-23 07:37:52.570: ==========PRE BULK==========
>     2016-12-22 23:37:52,572 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INSERT INTO 
> trial_locations (status, trial_id, location_id, active) VALUES (%(status)s, 
> %(trial_id)s, %(location_id)s, %(active)s)
>     2016-12-22 23:37:52,572 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine ({'status': 
> u'Completed', 'active': True, 'location_id': 733, 'trial_id': 126625}, 
> {'status': u'Completed', 'active': True, 'location_id': 716, 'trial_id': 
> 126625}, {'status': u'Completed', 'active': True, 'location_id': 1033, 
> 'trial_id': 126625}, {'status': u'Completed', 'active': True, 
> 'location_id': 1548, 'trial_id': 126625}, {'status': u'Completed', 
> 'active': True, 'location_id': 1283, 'trial_id': 126625}, {'status': 
> u'Completed', 'active': True, 'location_id': 1556, 'trial_id': 126625}, 
> {'status': u'Completed', 'active': True, 'location_id': 4271, 'trial_id': 
> 126625}, {'status': u'Completed', 'active': True, 'location_id': 1567, 
> 'trial_id': 126625}  ... displaying 10 of 223 total bound parameter sets 
> ...  {'status': u'Completed', 'active': True, 'location_id': 1528, 
> 'trial_id': 126625}, {'status': u'Completed', 'active': True, 
> 'location_id': 1529, 'trial_id': 126625})
>     2016-12-23 07:38:14.270: ==========POST BULK==========
> Also for comparison I rewrote it in Sqlalchemy core 
>     LOG_OUTPUT('==========PRE BULK==========', True)
>     engine.execute(
>       TrialLocations.__table__.insert().values(
>         trial_location_core_inserts
>       )
>     )
>     # db_session.bulk_save_objects(trial_location_inserts)
>     LOG_OUTPUT('==========POST BULK==========', True)
> and it ran in 0.028 seconds
>     2016-12-23 08:11:26.097: ==========PRE BULK==========
>     ...
>     2016-12-23 08:11:27.025: ==========POST BULK==========
> I'd like to keep it in session for the sake of this being the end part of 
> a transaction and if the whole thing fails I want it all to rollback. Am I 
> doing something wrong? I don't need the data afterwards it just needs to be 
> saved
> Help appreciated!

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