your eagerload doesnt stretch into the "user" attribute of Address.   
wouldnt it work if you said options(eagerload_all('address', 'user')) ?

bascically whatever is in the SQL query, thats what will get refreshed.

On Aug 3, 2007, at 1:02 AM, non-alex wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm using queries with populate_existing modifier, and found this
> problem:
> I issue a query with populate_existing and some eagerload chain,
> ending with class C.
> C is refreshed, and have some foreign key attribute changed correctly.
> But relation based on that key, if already loaded, will not lazy load
> again, and still points to WRONG (old) instance.
> This is test:
>     def test_populate_existing_with_eager(self):
>         s = create_session()
>         addr = s.query(Address).get(1)
>         order = s.query(Order).get(1)
>         old_user = s.query(User).get(7)
>         assert addr.user == old_user #lazy loading user attribute
>         #Now change the address
>         addresses.update( == 1).execute(user_id=9)
>         new_user = s.query(User).get(9)
>         #Refreshing Odrder and Address instances
>         order =
> s.query(Order).populate_existing().options(eagerload 
> ('address')).filter_by(id=1).one()
>         #Important! addr.user was already loaded!
>         assert addr.user_id == 9# refreshed ok
>         assert addr.user == new_user , 'Fail! still == old_user, need
> to lazy load it again...    '
> Same problem with many_to_many relations, but it's more complex to
> solve.
> >

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