Ah. To answer my own question, what I was actually after was an adjacency
list, of which there are examples to be found here, which I missed:


I believe this will do what I was after.

Sorry for the noise, and thanks anyway.

- Peter

On 5 October 2010 14:39, Peter Waller <peter.wal...@cern.ch> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have also created a post for this question on StackOverflow:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3863508/joinedload-eager-loading-whole-sub-graphs-in-sqlalchemy
> Let's say I have a Task object which can be dependent on other Tasks. Is
> there a way to sensibly eager/joinedload all of a given set of task's
> subtasks?
> Example code:
> class Task(DeclarativeBase):
>     __tablename__ = 'task'
>     task_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>     name = Column(String, unique=True)
>     def add_dependencies(self, *tasks):
>         for task in tasks:
>             TaskDependency(dependent=self, dependency=task)
>         return self
>     @property
>     def dependencies(self):
>         return [x.dependency for x in self.dependency_edges]
>     @dependencies.setter
>     def dependencies(self, what):
>         "Note: adds dependencies, doesn't remove them"
>         self.add_dependencies(*what)
>     @property
>     def dependents(self):
>         return [x.dependent for x in self.dependent_edges]
> class TaskDependency(DeclarativeBase):
>     __tablename__ = 'task_dependency'
>     dependent_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(Task.task_id),
> primary_key=True)
>     dependency_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(Task.task_id),
> primary_key=True)
>     dependent = relationship(Task, primaryjoin=dependent_id ==
> Task.task_id,
>                              backref='dependent_edges')
>     dependency = relationship(Task, primaryjoin=dependency_id ==
> Task.task_id,
>                               backref='dependency_edges')
> def example_task_maker():
>     make_cheese = Task(
>         name="MAKE_CHEESE",
>         dependencies=[
>             Task(name="MILK_COWS",
>                 dependencies=[
>                     Task(name="BUY_COWS")
>                 ]),
>         ]
>     )
> def load_task()
>     # How to eagerly load the whole task tree here?
>     DBSession.query(Task).filter(name="MAKE_CHEESE").all()
> Thanks in advance,
> - Peter

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