Yeah I realized I have somewhat nuanced relationships for automap to 
handle, and that in all the time I spent trying to figure out how to get 
automap working for me, I could have written my classes in explicit 
declarative base.  So that's what I ended up doing.  I was hoping to bypass 
that a bit since I have a large number of tables to declare.  Thanks for 
your explanations and help though.  I appreciate it.  

On Sunday, February 14, 2016 at 5:01:19 PM UTC-5, Brian Cherinka wrote:
> What is the proper way to get pluralized shortened names for many-to-many 
> tables when using automap?  I currently have it set to generate pluralized 
> lowercase names for collections instead of the default "_collection".  This 
> is what I want for one-to-many or many-to-one relationships, but not 
> many-to-many.  For example, I have two tables, hdu, and extcol, joined 
> together through a many-to-many table, hdu_to_extcol
> create table hdu (pk serial primary key not null, extname_pk integer, 
> exttype_pk integer, extno integer, file_pk integer);
> create table hdu_to_extcol (pk serial primary key not null, hdu_pk integer
> , extcol_pk integer);
> create table extcol (pk serial primary key not null, name text);
> ALTER TABLE ONLY mangadapdb.hdu_to_extcol
>     ADD CONSTRAINT hdu_fk
>     FOREIGN KEY (hdu_pk) REFERENCES mangadapdb.hdu(pk)
> ALTER TABLE ONLY mangadapdb.hdu_to_extcol
>     ADD CONSTRAINT extcol_fk
>     FOREIGN KEY (extcol_pk) REFERENCES mangadapdb.extcol(pk)
> When I use SQLalchemy to automap the Base classes, the relationship this 
> generates on the Hdu and Extcol classes are *Hdu.hdu_to_extcol, and 
> Extcol.hdu_to_extcols*, using the below pluralize, and relationship, 
> code.  However, ideally what I'd like the names to be are *Hdu.extcols, 
> and Extcol.hdus*, respectively.  What's the best to generate this for 
> these many-to-many tables?   I'm not sure if automap is recognizing these 
> as many-to-many tables.  The direction indicated when I print during the 
> relationship stage don't indicate as such.
> symbol('ONETOMANY') <class 'sqlalchemy.ext.automap.Extcol'> extcol
> symbol('MANYTOONE') <class 'sqlalchemy.ext.automap.HduToExtcol'> 
> hdu_to_extcol
> symbol('ONETOMANY') <class 'sqlalchemy.ext.automap.Hdu'> hdu
> symbol('MANYTOONE') <class 'sqlalchemy.ext.automap.HduToExtcol'> 
> hdu_to_extcol
> Here is my Base class generation code. 
> def _gen_relationship(base, direction, return_fn, attrname, local_cls, 
> referred_cls, **kw):
>     if in onetoones:
>         kw['uselist'] = False
>     # make use of the built-in function to actually return the result.
>     return generate_relationship(base, direction, return_fn, attrname, 
> local_cls, referred_cls, **kw)
> _pluralizer = inflect.engine()
> def pluralize_collection(base, local_cls, referred_cls, constraint):
>     referred_name = referred_cls.__name__
>     uncamelized = re.sub(r'[A-Z]', lambda m: "_%s" %,
> referred_name)[1:]
>     pluralized = _pluralizer.plural(uncamelized)
>     return pluralized
> # Grabs engine
> db = DatabaseConnection()
> engine = db.engine
> # Selects schema and automaps it.
> metadata = MetaData(schema='mangadapdb')
> Base = automap_base(bind=engine, metadata=metadata)
> Base.prepare(engine, reflect=True, classname_for_table=camelizeClassName, 
> name_for_collection_relationship=pluralize_collection, 
> generate_relationship=_gen_relationship)
> # Explicitly declare classes
> for cl in Base.classes.keys():
>     exec('{0} = Base.classes.{0}'.format(cl))

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