I have a simple query with a group_by and count(), and I'd like to
pass this to webhelpers.paginate for display:

 def referrers(self):
        s = select([m.hit_table.c.id, m.hit_table.c.referer, func.count
                   from_obj = [m.hit_table],
                   group_by = [m.Hit.referer],
                   order_by = 'count desc')

        query = meta.Session.query(m.Hit).from_statement(s)

        c.paginator = paginate.Page(
            page = int(request.params.get('page', 1)),
            items_per_page = 50,
        return render('/derived/hits/referrer_list.html')

The sql generated by this is fine:

   SELECT hit.id AS hit_id, hit.referer AS hit_referer, count
(hit.referer) AS count
   FROM hit GROUP BY hit.referer ORDER BY count desc

and the results are correct.

When I run this, I get:

Module sqlalchemy.orm.query:1956 in setup_context
<<          context.froms.append(self.selectable)
               if context.order_by is False and self.mapper.order_by:
                   context.order_by = self.mapper.order_by
>>  if context.order_by is False and self.mapper.order_by:
AttributeError: 'QueryContext' object has no attribute 'order_by'

This evidently has nothing to do with the query's order_by clause
since I get the same error if I remove it. If I execute the query and
pass the results to paginate:

results = query.all()

        c.paginator = paginate.Page(
            page = int(request.params.get('page', 1)),
            items_per_page = 50,

I get:

AttributeError: 'Hit' object has no attribute 'count'

Which I guess makes sense, since I don't have that defined in my

What am I doing wrong?
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