i have a subselect that may yield null (nothing found), and i want to 
treat that as value of 0. i've read about coalesce() that would 
return first non-null of its args.

plain query looks like:

expr = and_( trans.c.account.startswith( balance.c.account),
          trans.c.date) <= balance.c.finaldate,
          trans.c.date > select( [ func.max( b.c.finaldate)],
                               b.c.finaldate < balance.c.finaldate
                             ).correlate( balance)

this gives something like:
$print expr
 trans.account LIKE balance.account+'%' \
 AND trans.date <= balance.finaldate \
 AND trans.date > coalesce((SELECT max(b.finaldate)
 FROM balance AS b
 WHERE b.finaldate < balance.finaldate)

adding coalesce breaks the subselect:

expr = and_( trans.c.account.startswith( balance.c.account),
          trans.c.date) <= balance.c.finaldate,
          trans.c.date > func.coalesce(
                           select( [ func.max( b.c.finaldate)],
                               b.c.finaldate < balance.c.finaldate
                             ).correlate( balance),
                           0 )
$print expr
 trans.account LIKE balance.account + '%' \
 AND trans.date <= balance.finaldate \
 AND trans.date > coalesce(NULL,0)

removing the correlate() restores proper subselect, but now its not 
correlated, and has 'FROM balance as b, balance' in it...

or should i use CASE instead?
i'm sure i've misunderstood all this sql thing...
(The subselect is just trying to find the date of previous row in 
table balance before current balance.finaldate, OR 0.)


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