
I'm trying to use automap a schema, and let it generate all classes and 
relationships between my tables.  It seems to work well for all 
relationships except for one-to-one.  I know to set a one-to-one 
relationship, you must apply the uselist=True keyword in relationship(). 
 What's the best way to do that when I'm letting automap generate them? 
 Without having to manually do it myself by removing the automap generated 
ones, and setting them explicitly.  Here is what I'm trying so far, but 
it's not working. 

onetoones = ['file']

def _gen_relationship(base, direction, return_fn, attrname, local_cls, 
referred_cls, **kw):
    if local_cls.__table__.name in onetoones:
        kw['uselist'] = False
    # make use of the built-in function to actually return the result.
    return generate_relationship(base, direction, return_fn, attrname, 
local_cls, referred_cls, **kw)

def camelizeClassName(base, tablename, table):
    return str(tablename[0].upper() + re.sub(r'_([a-z])', lambda m: 
m.group(1).upper(), tablename[1:]))

_pluralizer = inflect.engine()
def pluralize_collection(base, local_cls, referred_cls, constraint):
    referred_name = referred_cls.__name__
    uncamelized = re.sub(r'[A-Z]', lambda m: "_%s" % m.group(0).lower(), 
    pluralized = _pluralizer.plural(uncamelized)
    return pluralized

# Grabs engine
db = DatabaseConnection()
engine = db.engine

# Selects schema and automaps it.
metadata = MetaData(schema='mangadapdb')
Base = automap_base(bind=engine, metadata=metadata)

# Pre-define Dap class.  Necessary so automap knows to join this table to a 
declarative base class from another schema
class Dap(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'dap'

    cube_pk = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(datadb.Cube.pk))
    cube = relationship(datadb.Cube, backref='dap', uselist=False)

# Prepare the base
Base.prepare(engine, reflect=True, classname_for_table=camelizeClassName, 

# Explicitly declare classes
for cl in Base.classes.keys():
    exec('{0} = Base.classes.{0}'.format(cl))

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