
in my app i'm processing rows in a mysql table and i've trying to use
SA in ORM-like manner and got stuck at something presumably totally

i have a class Orders and mapped the oder_table to Order and now i'm
processing each row in order_table. one column in the table is
order_quantity and if quantity > 1, i need to take create a temp table
with num rows = quantity and change the unique id modifier. easy in
bare sql; many ways to do it.  in trying to better understand SA, i've
been trying to generate the temp_order_table from the already existing
object model, Orders ... and totally failed. i got as far as
order_schema = (
and my table structure by row.order_schema() but got stuck in the next
step to get SA to create the temp_table.

is there a OO best practice of doing this? how?


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