Do you guys know what would give me column definition of table?

I have a table that I autoload and I would like to get this:

address_table = sqlalchemy.Table('address', metadata,
    sqlalchemy.Column('Address_Sid', sqlalchemy.Integer, primary_key=True),
    sqlalchemy.Column('FirstName', sqlalchemy.Unicode(40),nullable=False),
    sqlalchemy.Column('LastName', sqlalchemy.Unicode(40),nullable=False),
    sqlalchemy.Column('MaidenLastName', sqlalchemy.Unicode(40)),
    sqlalchemy.Column('Email', sqlalchemy.Unicode(80),nullable=False),

I can get a list of tables:
for i in metadata.tables:
...     print i

list of columns:
 for i in metadata.tables['WMI'].original_columns:
...     print i

How do I get column type, indexes and primary keys?


On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 7:44 PM, Lukasz Szybalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there maybe a feature in sqlalchemy that would allow me to autoload
> table from one database, and move it over to another database?
> 1. I would like to print data structure from autoload table. (then
> copy and paste it into new file  and use it to create new
> table)(without typing every data structure)
> 2. And/or autoload via one engine and autoupload via different engine
> and create_all()
> 3. Analyze csv files and create sqlalchemy definition like structure.
> Ideas?
> Lucas

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